Fighting Metal with Steel
When Y/N opened his eyes, he felt as if he was sweating buckets. He never sweat, at least not on Earth. His shoulder ached, like a thousand daggers were continually stabbing into it. There was this burning sensation added in, it hurt, but also soothed his pain at the same time. Y/N slowly opens his eyes, his head throbbing in pain. He looks around and sees he's lying on a bed in an unfamiliar room. He tries to sit up, but his body aches all over, and he collapses back onto the bed. He looked down, seeing that his upper body was completely undressed. There was what appeared to be, seaweed wrapped his body, pressing down on his wound.
Suddenly, he hears a voice from beside him, "Don't move too much. You're injured" it was the voice of a woman, smoothing and sweet.
He turns his head and sees a woman with long red hair and green scales on her skin. She's wearing a blue bodysuit, and a golden crown rests on her forehead. Y/N blinks, trying to remember who she is. Y/N remembers seeing her during the battle, remembers the vibrants colours of her outfit and hair, but doesn't even know her name.
"Who are you?" he asks, his voice weak and frail. Y/N coughed lightly, two drops of blood mixed in with the spit and saliva.
The woman smiles warmly, "My name is Mera, I'm a friend" this woman tried to assure the Kryptonian. Mera went to Y/N's side, lifting a small glass filled with water to his mouth with him gratefully drinking it up.
Y/N still looked confused. He could recall the events of the fight, but everything after her showing up was a bit of a blur. He could see flashes, her at his side, some weird blue reflecting light swerving around her, water? "I don't remember" Y/N tried to say as he blinked hard, his body still feeling weak from being exposed to the Kryptonite.
Mera nods sympathetically, "That's okay. You were injured during a battle with that automaton, I brought you to a hidden location, where you could rest" she explained.
Y/N groans, "Corben" he coughed out, forcing his body to sit up even while under great pain. "He escaped, didn't he?" he asked with wince.
Mera nods, "That he did. However thanks to you, he used up a lot of power from that crystal of his. He'll need to recharge" she went to explain, Y/N thought it over for a second. Everything was starting to make sense, but all still a bit fuzzy. Y/N tries to sit up again, but Mera gently pushes him back down, "You need to rest and let your body heal. I've been taking care of you for the past few days. You're lucky to be alive."
Y/N looks around the room, taking in his surroundings. He sees medical equipment, books, and some Atlantean artifacts. "Where am I?"
"I couldn't take you back to one of the cities, so I brought you here. To one of my personal outposts" Mera explained, Y/N looked out to see this chamber he was in. It was some sort of underground cave, in the centre was a great pool of water that when dove into would lead one into the ocean. The blue of the water illuminated the whole cave, around the bed Y/N was laying on. Was a collection of possessions from the world of humans, what was most notable, was all of them were either weapons, or waist that could be harmful to the environment.
Y/N nods, feeling grateful for Mera's kindness. "Thank you, for your kindness and everything you've done" Y/N pushed himself up, swinging his legs around the bed ready to push himself up. "But Corben's still out there, and I've got to-" as Y/N tried to stand, his legs almost gave way underneath him. Mera had to place her arms on Y/N to stop him from collapsing.
"Until that poison is out of your system, you're not going anywhere" Mera clarified as she helped Y/N back into bed. Y/N grunted as he felt his side. "Let's check on that" the Atlantean woman whispered, peeling back the seaweed on the wound, there was quite a bit of blood stained on the marine plant. But the wound was mostly healed up, the massive gash was now little more than a small cut. "There we go" Mera mused as she waved her hand in front of the cut. "I'm going to need to stay as still as possible okay?" she asked Y/N who nodded in response.
Pain immediately shot through Y/N's whole body, Mera was draining blood from his body. The blood that was Kryptonite contaminated as the red liquid had a hint of jade mixed in.
Metallo watched from atop a hill, crouched down. He was wounded from his fight with Superman the Mermaid, he needed more weapons to even the odds. Metallo watched a military convoy, a truck hauling LexCorp weapons. He knew that they were transporting some of the most advanced weapons and technology in the world, and he had his sights set on them.
As the convoy approached, Metallo stepped out from behind a nearby boulder and raised his hand, an explosion triggering in front of the truck causing it stop and several soldiers exited the military truck.
"Who the hell is that?" one of the soldiers shouted, as Metallo's metallic form came into view.
"I am Metallo," the villain replied, his voice echoing through the air. "And I am here to claim what is rightfully mine."
The soldiers opened fire on Metallo, their bullets ricocheting harmlessly off his impenetrable metal exterior. With a flick of his wrist, Metallo sent a wave of energy at the soldiers, knocking them off their feet and sending them flying.
As the soldiers struggled to regain their footing, Metallo moved in to claim his prize. With a surge of energy, he absorbed the weapons into his body, their power and technology merging with his own. Guns and rockets melting into his skin, Corben breathed out, satisfied. His frail body bulking, he was running out of power. This Kryptonite would only get him so far, first deal with Superman, after that bust out Luthor. He'll know what to do.
The soldiers watched in awe and horror as Metallo rose to his feet, his body now crackling with energy and power. He turned to face them, his eyes glowing with a fierce intensity.
"You should have never come here," he said, his voice low and menacing. "Now, I will leave with my spoils, and you will be left to pick up the pieces" he stated with glee, a light on his spine springing ti life indicating that the weapons were now assimilated into Metallo's body. There was a small, cube like area that connected Metallo's neck to his spine and the rest of his body. This part controlled of Corben's body, and his weapon systems. "That's more like it" Metallo smiled, cracking his metal neck, his mind feeling like he had just gotten the best high of his life.
Metallo looked over, seeing an M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank pulling up on the road just as he began to walk away. The other soldiers wounded from the truck, pulled back to a safe distance taking the dead and wounded with them. Metallo planted his feet in the mud, glaring over at the tank as it aimed its turret at the mechanical menace.
"FIRE!" someone yelled from within the tank, with it slamming back as it fired off a shell. Metallo smiled, raising his right fist with a panel flipping open, one of the missiles he had assimilated into himself firing off. Both the shell and missile rocketed at each other, but Metallo had calculated this perfectly. The missile was fired precisely, with it barley skimming the shell but the contact between the two explosives was enough.
The shell was knocked off course, it colliding with the truck Metallo had just robbed and exploding. The missile however, was still heading directly for the tank. It lodged itself into the tank, and before any of the soldiers could react or try to abandon the tank, BOOOM. The entire vehicle was destroyed, torn a cinder and turned into a smocking wreckage. Metallo smiled, simply walking past the destroyed vehicle and ready to engage Superman in another brawl.
And with that, Metallo turned and strode away, his metallic form disappearing into the distance as the soldiers looked on in stunned silence. It was clear that this was just the beginning of Metallo's reign of terror, and there was no telling what he would do with the weapons he had just absorbed into his body.
(Back with Y/N and Mera)
Mera sat cross-legged on a rock, looking out at the water in front of her. Y/N, the man she had saved from the cyborg menace, sat opposite her, watching her with curious eyes. All of the Kryptonite had been extracted from Y/N's blood, but he still felt weak from being exposed to the jade rock
"Don't know how many times I'll say this" Y/N said with an embarrassed grin holding his shoulder. "But thank you for saving me," he said, breaking the silence. "Forgive me, I'm still a little confused about, all this" he motioned to the cave around him. With the collection of human weapons and what seemed to be advanced technology, rivalling that of Krypton.
Mera smiled at him. "It was no problem" she then giggled. "I'm not surprised, hardly any surface dwellers are aware of Atlantis' existence".
Y/N looked out at the water as well. "You know, I've always been fascinated by Atlantis. It's a place of myth and legend. From what I've seen, humans have been theorising about the kingdom for centuries, and it turns out it really exists?"
Mera nodded. "Atlantis is very real. In fact, and I come from there."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. "You're from Atlantis?" he asked, clearly shocked. It was obvious to him, but having this actually confirmed was a whole other story. "Any chance you can tell me more about it?"
"I'm not from Atlantis itself, but one of the neighbouring kingdoms". Mera took a deep breath, considering where to begin. "Atlantis is a kingdom, ruled by the royal family. It is but one, of seven kingdoms throughout the seas that rule the underwater world. Atlantis, Xebel, the Kingdom of the Trench, the Kingdom of the Brine, the Kingdom of the Fishermen, the Kingdom of the Deserters, and the seventh kingdoms had been lost" she went on. Mera went into some of the history of these kingdoms, how only four are currently flourishing, the Trench devolved, the deserters died off. "I come from the Kingdom of Xebel," Mera continued. "It's a smaller kingdom, but it's known for its skilled warriors and powerful magic".
Y/N looked impressed. "You're a warrior and a magic user? That's quite a combination." Y/N was going to question about the use of magic, but he decided that was a talk for another day. Besides, any advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Mera smiled. "I've had to be both to survive in Xebel. But I'm not the only one with unusual abilities. There are many people in Atlantis who have powers that are beyond human."
Y/N looked thoughtful. "It sounds like Atlantis is a truly unique place. I can see why you're so passionate about it."
Mera nodded. "That man" she said, looking up at the ceiling of the cave. "That robot, he attacked an outpost that was safeguarding sea life from any potential oil spills the humans might cause" this sentence caused Y/N to look down slightly. While he could save people and the world from physical threats, he could not save it from the damage humans would do to the Earth. "He did this weird move with his body, he grabbed hold of one rifle and he seemed to absorb it into his body, the whole weapon turning into a liquid which he thrived on" Mera then looked down, to the pool of the cave. "My men didn't stand a chance" she said closing her eyes, in anguish. "If only I had-"
"We'll get him" Y/N said, placing a hand on Mera's shoulder, doing his best to ground her and make sure she didn't fall into the pit of despair. "There's no use wandering about what could've be done, what might have happened. All that matters is what you do right now, it's about the action you take" he assured the Atlantean, making sure no tears would flow down her cheeks.
"You're a really could at that hope thing you know?" Mera said, standing to her feet and dusting herself off.
"That's what the S means" both he and Mera went over to a nearby computer, tracking the Atlantean technology within Corben. "Let's get the bastard" he swore, moving over to put the Superman suit on.
Author's Note
And there we go, another MoT chapter down. Apologies for how short it was, didn't know how to properly write this chapter. It's more filler until the next chapter which will be the final chapter of this mini arc. I have a few more original arcs planned for this story, some will also be 3 chapters long and others will be a bit longer.
I recently made a little questionnaire, it's mainly to gauge what people are interested in from my account in the future. It's not gonna influence this, or any other story. Just a way for me to see what people want to see in the future. Takes less than a minute to fill in, so if you could it would be very much appreciated.
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Hope You Enjoyed
See You Next Time
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