All the King's Horses
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The team of now six regrouped at Bruce's hanger on the Gotham waterfront. Due to everyone not being able to fit in Bruce's car and the Knightcrawler being heavily damaged, they had decided to take a van to the location. Arthur and Victor hoped at first, and the half man, half machine was instantly captivated by the giant flying machine Bruce had been working on prior.
"It wants to fly" he said, almost hypnotised by the giant Flying Fox.
"You speak to machines?" Arthur asked, slightly confused by what the man said.
"I speak to intelligence" Victor responded as hen continued to look upon the machine. "This one's saying she can't fly because of a software issue, but I can fix it with a little time" Victor finished, as he and Arthur walked towards the centre of the hanger where there group would meet.
Diana and Y/N were next, with Y/N rolling his shoulder slightly trying to shack off the pain. The Amazon Princess took notice of her teammates pain and pulled him aside. "Is everything okay?" she asked, seeing the pain on his face clear as day.
"Yeah, just struggling is all" Y/N said as he finished rolling his shoulder.
Diana looks at the man, and her eyes examined the spot where he was hurt. "Here let me take a look" she tried to say, but Y/N pulled back, almost like he was ashamed of what she might see. "Y/N" she spoke softly, her hands grazing his in a soft, caring way. "Please" she whispered as the other men all convened.
Y/N sighed out, lowering his shirt, showcasing a scar that was spread across his shoulder. It looked like an explosion rippled through his shoulder, and a crater like scar was left. "Jor-El gave it to me, Clark's father, his Kryptonian father" he stumbled over his words, as Diana's index finger gently touched the centre of the scar. "It was back on Krypton, centuries ago, only a few years for me. I....." he looked down before looking back up at Diana. "I was on the wrong side, I thought that, following my fath-" Y/N corrected himself before he could speak. "By following Zod, that I was making the right choice for Krypton, and I paid the price for it".
"And this scar has-"
"It has always been a hinderance, a weakness, hell Doomsday, Metallo and now Steppenwolf have hit it and taken me down. I've always wondered why it hasn't healed. But a part of doesn't want it to" he said sternly as pulled his shirt up and covered the scar. "It serves as a reminder, a reminder".
"Of what?" Diana questioned.
"To never be on the wrong side of history" he said, causing Diana to smile at his resilience. "Sorry I was hesitant, I was just a little scared of looking weak or something I don't know" the heroes cheeks flared up as he looked down out of embarrassment.
"Y/N" Diana spoke, gently placing a hand on his cheek causing him to look at her and Diana smiled.
"You shouldn't be scarred to show weakness around me" she assured the Superman. The two stood there for a second, smiling at one another. Before anything could occur between the two, Barry zoomed over to the side of the two causing them to jump on the spot and separate slightly.
"Yeah we're waiting for you two" he said rather awkwardly, he then noticed how close the two were and blurted out "Sorry" he said before zooming back over to Bruce, Victor and Arthur.
Y/N awkwardly pointed over to the table "We should probably"
"Yes let's" Diana agreed before awkwardly walking over to the table to join the others.
Victor slammed the encase Mother Box onto the table and looked to each person as he spoke, "There's a dark spot in my data stream. I can feel the other two boxes. I know they're awake. But I can't see where they are".
"Well, we can't attack unless we know where the vase is" Arthur said as he uncrossed his arms.
"Even if we did know, none of us can stand up to Steppenwolf. I've never seen someone as strong or as ruthless as him before" Y/N said as he tried to come up with a plan, no one, not even Clark in his prime could stand up to Steppenwolf.
"As long as the third box is asleep, they can't see it. Only sense it. We need to keep moving so they can't catch up" Victor said.
"No that's just a strategy to lose more slowly" Bruce replied as he looked down at the Mother Box with crossed arms. "Not to win".
"Remind me, are flamethrowers not a thing?" Barry cut in motioning to the box with both hands. "Why don't we just destroy it?" he asked further.
"Fire doesn't destroy the boxes. They're an unknown form of matter. Now, they love heat. They absorb it. Hold it in their cores" Victor replied rather coldly.
"You know a lot about these boxes. Makes you think" Arthur said as he walked around to Bruce's side.
"Where'd you find the box, Victor?" Bruce asked sternly.
"Hold on, are you trying to say something?" Victor responded getting defensive.
"Oh I'm saying it. How do we know you're not working for them?" Arthur asked, pointing his finger.
"Arthur please" Y/N scoffed, coming to the defence of Victor.
"It's a long story" Victor responded to Arthur's accusation.
"You got somewhere to be?"
"Arthur now is not the time to be accusing each other" Y/N said, straightening his back to try and look as intimidating as possible.
"Why are you defending him?"
"Because if he was gonna betray us he would've done it when we fighting Steppenwolf" Y/N said, raising his voice slightly causing Bruce and Diana to look at each other confused as they couldn't remember the last time Y/N had been angry at someone like this if ever. "And we are all stands between Steppenwolf and annihilation, so we shouldn't be-".
"No, it's okay Superman" Victor said causing said Kryptonian to look at him. "If they wanna know, they're gonna know" Victor stated, as he seemed to steady himself and then from the centre blue light on his head, Victor projected what seemed to be old factory, recapping the tale, of the Third Mother Box of Man.
"The Nazis found the Box at the end of the Second World War, buried under an Italian monastery. The Allies intercepted it on its way to Hitler. They brought it back to the States in '44. Unknown Object 61982. It collected dust in the Pentagon Archives for 70 years. Till DOD began to study the Superman ship. The head researcher at S.T.A.R. Labs made a connection between the ship and 61982. He understood they were both alien technologies. Different civilizations, similar properties. And though the box had slept for thousands of years, the researcher formulated a theory on how to awaken it, and so did. Then... I had an accident that should've killed me. But in an act of desperation and madness, the researcher harnessed the power of the Motherbox. He unleashed an alien technology he didn't fully understand. He used that power to keep me alive. Alive... But turned into this. The Box went back to sleep, and he never returned it. That researcher was Silas Stone. My father."
It was then that the situation of Victor Stone finally dawned on each member of this ragtag team. Victor Stone was altered at the cellular level by the Mother Box, all by a father who simply wanted to save his son. A man fuelled by raw emotion and dread, who only wanted to do the right thing.
"Wait. Your father saved your life with one of these things? A-Aren't they psycho murder machines?" Barry asked, shocked at this revelation.
"They're Change Machines" Victor clarified. "The Boxes don't think in terms of healing or killing, alive or dead. They rearrange matter at the will of their masters. Regenerate. Reinstate".
"Reinstate?" Diana asked, wanting more information and clarification by what Victor meant by this.
"The Box has the power to reinstate anterior particle relationships" Victor replied looking to the Amazon.
"So you mean in the way that particles can't be created or destroyed, their relationships just transform?" Barry asked.
"Burn down the house, the particles still exist. Particles of house becomes particles of smoke".
"Anyone who has a match, can turn the house into smoke" Y/N said thinking of a plan that would almost seem insane.
"But a Motherbox......" Arthur said as he also began to have the same train of thought.
"Turns smoke back into a house" Bruce finished.
Barry Allen looked around at each member of this team and also caught on. "I know we're all thinking the same thing right now" he said. "Who's gonna say it? I'm not gonna say it".
Suddenly Victor Stone projected a new hologram, one of Clark Kent, Kal-El, the first Superman. Steppenwolf could hold on his own with some trouble against Diana and Y/N, so a second Kryptonian? That would even the odds significantly, perhaps even the energy from the Mother Box would supercharge Clark somewhat, giving him that extra boost.
Kal-El, the hope, a spark that would ignite a flame that would bring an end to this alien invasion. And with the return of Clark, hope would also return to the world.
"The dead are dead" Arthur declared, trying to dissuade the group from undertaking this action.
"The box brought Victor back" Diana defended.
"Victor wasn't dead. Life is either one or zero, it's "to be" or "not to be". Not both."
"Can you operate this box, Victor?" Bruce asked his cybernetic comrade.
"Of course. But we don't know enough about Kryptonian biology. There's no telling what's gonna happen" Victor responded trying to think of every possible outcome.
"I can tell you, mutation experiments were committed on Krypton" Y/N spoke up, wanting to go through with this but even he was unsure of what would come next. "Nothing on this scale".
"Okay, but... I mean, we have to try! Don't we? We- We have to try! What do we have to lose?" Barry asked, although he sounded naive.
"We cannot try unless we activate the box, as soon as it wakes up....." Diana began, thinking of the possible dread and terror that could arise from this.
"....Steppenwolf senses it, takes it, combines the Unity and we lose" Y/N finished, crossing his arms and taking in a sharp breath.
"So, what we have to lose is the entire planet to a bunch of genocidal aliens. That's good to know" Barry awkwardly let out as he swallowed hard.
"Even if Superman could return, who's to say that he could defeat them?" Arthur asked as he sighed out.
"The Motherbox did. Victor's father activated a Motherbox more than a year ago, when Superman was still alive. Didn't call out to Steppenwolf. None of the Motherboxes did. Not until S-" Bruce said but he was cut off by Diana.
"Not until Superman died" she said.
"Not until Superman died" Bruce repeated to himself as the looked at the box.
"It's like they were afraid of him" Barry summarised as he looked at the box also.
"Yes. They were afraid of him. This is the only way. There are seven , not six. There is no "us" without him" Bruce expressed sternly as the team came to an agreement. In order to turn the tide of this war, the original Superman must return to life. Hope must return to this world.
And so this team set off, to dig up the body of Clark Kent. Diana, Y/N and Arthur waited by the van while Barry and Victor dig the casket up. Bruce had remained back, to work on his tech and do repairs where he could. Y/N would've done it himself, but he couldn't bring himself to do it, his hands shacked when he even thought about it. To dig up someone he considered his brother, it seemed disrespectful.
"An Amazon working with an Atlantean" Diana spoke up, trying to break the silence, smiling to herself. remembering the stories her mother had told her.
"Half Atlantean" Arthur corrected.
"How many thousands of years since our people spoke?"
"I don't know know. I'm not exactly close to mine. I hate Atlanteans as much as you Amazons do" he replied, smiling to himself.
"Hate is useless"
"Yep" Arthur spoke, he offered the hip flask he had been drinking from to the two superheroes.
"No, thank you" Diana responded.
"I'm good" Y/N said.
"You know, my father told me there's a saying in Atlantis that my mother told him: "None are taken back from the darkness. Not without..."
""Not without giving one up in return." We say the same thing" Diana finished, both smiling at one another.
"Looks like you two have more common than you first thought" Y/N said smiling as he sat on the edge of the bumper. "So there was a war?" he asked, trying not to descend into silence.
"Long ago, thousands of wars. What it was about, has been lost to time" Diana explained as she and Arthur looked at one another, wanting to put the sins of their Mothers and Fathers behind.
"What about Krypton?" Arthur asked. "I'm sure there must be some tales of war you can tell us" he tried to get info out of his new alien friend, giving him a small nudge.
"There are a few" Y/N said, looking up at the night sky, taking in the darkness that was alit by many stars. "Hundreds of years before my time, there was a Civil War. City states, warring for resources, technology, all selfish and hateful towards one another" he told the duo.
"Looks like Kryptonians and Humans have a lot more in common than people think" Arthur laughed to himself.
"It ended when House El, and House Zod united the city states, stating that too many lives had been lost, and so a ceasefire, turned into peace" he explained, he then looked at the ground. "But we lost something, the planet lost something, our moon".
"You lost a whole moon?" Dian asked, quite confused to how it happened.
"The creature Luthor created, Doomsday. There is a reason why such experiments were outlawed on Krypton. A scientists, Bertron, created one before. And to destroy this creature, this Doomsday on Krypton. House Zod detonated a Black Hole generator, that tore Doomsday apart, and destroyed our moon Wegthor" his mind flashed back to the Doomsday he had fought before, how the one on Krypton might have been stronger. "And so a saying was born. 'We remember those who fell during the Last War. Beware Bertron's curse, for he is named Doomsday'" Y/N spoke as he let out a sigh.
"On Krypton, our culture was one of science. There were old Gods such as Rao, remembered from times of Yore. But they were barley worshipped, they were remembered as myths and fairy tales. Krypton had no heaven, it had no hell....."
"And yet we still had a devil"
"Pretty heavy handed stuff" Arthur let put with a huff as he took another drink from his flask. Minutes later, the casket of Clark Kent was loaded into the back of the van, Y/N dragged his hand along the dark brown wood, sensing dread and despair. The doors were closed, and the team made their way towards Metropolis.
They were now a few miles away from the downed Scout Ship, where it would be used with the Mother Box to return Clark to life. Clark's casket was being loaded onto the back of a military truck, where Barry would drive it into the ship's parking lot. While the rest of the team hid in the back.
"Arthur, Y/N yes, your opinion. Less preposterous: Option A?" Barry asked as he swapped between cap styles.
"Definitely not A" Arthur responded.
"Yeah, I'd go with B" Y/N agreed, teasing the young man smiling at Arthur.
"You haven't even seen B though?" Barry said as Arthur and Y/N walked away smiling.
"Right, we should get dressed" Diana said as she finished loading the casket.
"I'm always dressed" Victor responded, unzipping his hoodie to reveal his cybernetic body.
A few minutes later, and after a close call with Barry's identification as Victor had to hack into the system to trick the guard. But, the plan went off without a hitch. The team were now inside, the casket being wheeled inside, as Superman, Wonder Woman, Barry, Victor and Arthur were all suited up as Batman grappled down to the ground meeting with them.
"Victor, clear this place out" he ordered his new ally.
"Done" Victor stated, as he looked down in thought and instantly an alarm began to sound in the facility;
'Code Red. Containment breach. All personnel, evacuate immediately'
The team made their way through the facility, navigating the empty hallways as the guards and scientists evacuated. The team passed Silas Stone, who instantly recognised his son and looked shocked to see him. Silas who was about to call a false alarm to his team over radio, saw the rest of the team, he saw Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, all gathered, and he knew the importance that must be at play here and so called off the false alarm. Earning a nod, and love, of his son.
They journeyed deeper into the Scout Ship, being directed by Victor and Y/N who knew their way around the ship. As they passed the armoury, many suits, adorned with sigil of El revealed themselves to the group, sensing the presence of two Kryptonians and re-acting accordingly. Y/N looked at the human technology present, and almost looked sad in a way. Civilisations should advance on their own, this ship being here, was more of a danger to humanity than anything else. Soon they came across what remained of the Genesis Chamber, which was nothing more than a pool now, the same pool where Luthor learned of this invasion, the same pool that birthed the very creature that killed Clark. Still maintained by several drones.
"This is amazing" Victor stated, looking upon on the chamber itself.
"This is crazy" Arthur remarked.
"You think this is crazy" Y/N said looking around the chamber smiling, not realising Arthuru meant the situation not the ship. Almost feeling a sense of home, the last piece of active Kryptonian technology in the known universe. "We created hundreds of these ships, thousands" he corrected himself. "All for expansion" he finished, caught up in his own world.
"Ooooooookay" Barry awkwardly stated as he looked from Superman to the rest of the group. "What now, is this crazy?" he asked/
"You two lunatics better know what you're doing" Arthur stated to Victor And Bruce and the former went to work.
Y/N was the one to do it, to open the casket of Clark Kent and place his body into the chamber. His body had not changed, he still looked the same as the day he died. The solar radiation in his body retained him, and stopped any rot or mould. Y/N picked up Clark's body, shedding a single tear knowing he would soon see his brother again live and well. As Clark was placed in the chamber, a picture was dropped from his body, a picture of Clark and his father Johnathon Kent. He had a piece of his humanity with him all times, even in death.
Y/N floated upwards, rejoining the team as Victor pulled up a panel and Y/N looked at Clark's body soaking in the orange liquid.
"Systems coming online" the female voice of the ships AI spoke as Victor plugged himself in. "Welcome Y/N Zodddddddddd, Weclome Victor" the ai corrected itself. "Would you like to assume command?"
"I'm in" Victor said as his mind scanned the ship and began to power up all the necessary systems and connect them with the Box. "The ship says the Motherbox is hostile. I can override the security protocols, but there's no time to repair all the electrical damage that Luthor's power surges caused to the primary capacitors" he explained, with only Bruce understanding what he was saying.
"English" Arthur stated wanting a clear answer.
"There's not enough charge to wake the Box" Victory clarified.
"I might be able to do it" Barry spoke up as he looked around at each team mate. "I mean, I- I might be able to jumpstart it. I- I don't like to break this rule, but when I approach the speed of light, I-- look, crazy things happen to time, but if I do it, I create massive electrical power. I can backtrack. If I can get enough distance, I can conduct a significant enough electrical current, I- I might be able to wake the box, if that's...s-still what we want?" he stuttered over himself, but he managed to get his statement out.
"It is, do it" Bruce said, and Barry zoomed out the room to get a running start as a drone flew in to gently pick up the box and drop it when ready.
"The Motherbox is ready" Victor said to everyone present and Barry over coms. Although then the Cyborg got some pushback. "The ship's begging me not to wake the box. It's afraid. It knows Steppenwolf will come for it" he stated.
"We know that already continue" Bruce pressed.
"I strongly advice against activation" the voice of the AI came out.
"Barry, I'm initiating the countdown"
"This action is irreversible" the AI said.
"Five" Victor stated.
"Apokoliptian technology is hostile" the AI stated.
"This is a bad idea" Arthur stated, gripping his quindent tightly.
"No, it isn't keep going" Bruce said, wanting, needing to do this. To reverse the mistake he had made.
"Four" Victor spoke.
"I strongly advise against activation"
"We need to abort, now!" Arthur spoke up, this louder.
"Just do it!"
"This course is irreversible" it said again.
And then, something happened in the mind of Victor Stone. The combination of Kryptonian technology, the Motherbox, and the intense energy from the Chamber with the unknown energy of Barry lingering in the air, created a spark that whirled his mind through the cosmos itself. His mind exceeding that of the Source Wall itself. For a fraction of a second, a fraction that Victor could barley understand he saw them. He saw the possibilities that would be birthed from this action, from the Return of Superman.
In one timeline, a tyrant, a conquerer, a New God saw an opportunity on Earth.
Darkseid would let loose his invasion force on Earth, creating an alliance with Lex Luthor, who in turn would create his own alliance. His own Legion;
This timeline, would then lead to a battle between the team of heroes, a Justice League and this, Legion of Doom. In the resulting conflict, Lois Lane would perish. Leaving the resurrected Clark Kent susceptible to an equation, an equation that would strip away all of ones free will, the Anti Life Equation. Clark Kent, under the control of Darkseid, would then tear Y/N Zod apart, limb by limb, helpless, but alive.
With no one to stop him, Darkseid would murder and destroy anyone who stood in his path. Amazons, Atlanteans, Humans, each fought and fell, before only a select few could stand against him, Superman was the Herald of Darkseid.
Darkseid Is
But Victor's mind saw more than that, this was just one possible future in a sea of many. In another future, Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad failed to stop the alien known as Starro the Conquerer from escaping Corto Maltese, and the League were caught unaware and were one by one absorbed into the hive mind of Starro. Who ruled over the planet like a God.
In another timeline, the Clown Prince of Crime the Joker wanted to play on easy mode for once. The Joker would kill a pregnant Lois Lane, causing the deaths of millions in Metropolis. Clark Kent, in his rage and mourning, would kill the Joker.
Which lead to a Superhuman War, Bruce and Clark would once again come to blows. And a War Between Supermen would erupt.
In another possible timeline, Victor saw the return of the devil. Somehow, someway, Doomsday had returned, and broke free of whatever confinement he was held in. A Doomsday more powerful than ever before, one who was ready to lay waste to the pitiful planet that he was created on.
"No" Victor whispered to himself managing to ground himself in reality, his mind losing all grasp on the visions he saw, the images and glimpses turning into fog in his mind, and he was only left with a haunting feeling.
"Go?!?" Barry called out, and the, the Mother Box was released. Barry raced forwards, gathering up charge as he ran down the many corridors, the Box hurdling towards the liquid as he did so. Y/N could barley make out Barry as he was going so fast, but Barry for a moment, was too slow, the Mother Box collided with the liquid. But just as he said, time began to slip, Barry for a spilt second, was able to rewind the very fabric of reality. And Barry was its master. He timed it right, and time rewinded so his could connect with the Mother Box just as it connected with the Chamber's liquid. The power generated by Barry, surged through the Box, and he was sent tumbling away, phasing through a wall and landing in a corridor.
"The Future Has Taken Root in the Present" the AI spoke out.
"GET DOWN!" Victor ordered, as the liquid shot into the air. The Scout Ship roared to life as power surged through it, shooting the Mother Box upwards and through the roof of the Scout Ship itself.
Then, in a moment that felt like an eternity, Superman's body twitched. His chest heaved as if drawing breath for the first time in an eternity. The celestial light intensified, casting an ethereal glow upon one of the Last Sons of Krypton. A collective gasp escaped the lips of the onlookers as Superman's eyes flickered open, the vibrant blue orbs reflecting the enormity of his return as he flew upwards through the roof of the Scout Ship and into the air, soaking up the solar rays of the Metropolis skies.
Clark Kent Had Returned
Author's Note
And there we go, I managed to squeeze out the Superman Resurrection scene I hope you enjoyed. Know this took a while, other stories and University get in the way, but this story will always get an update. Even if I decide to quit writing, I will finish this story before quitting, because I love the DCEU and everything it involved, the good, and the bad.
So yeah, that vision scene huh? Since I'm not sticking to the planned Snyderverse, thought I'd breach out a bit, involve different possible futures. I'll try and write an explanation for the Barry Allen who visited Bruce part, I've got an idea. So, yeah those timelines scene aren't exactly the future of this story. I just thought I'd have a bit of fun, or are they?
I ain't gonna be doing the Knightmare timeline, I'll make that clear. I love it, I love a lot of what Zack Snyder was gonna do, I love what his vision was gonna be and hate WB for shafting him like that. But I will not be doing the Knightmare timeline, there's a lot do it, lots of moving parts which I will not put myself through. But I still wanted to respect what he was gonna do and that's why I brought up like the Legion of Doom.
Other than that, I had fun with this chapter, especially the alternate timelines. Yeah, the Starro one was a little lame, but it's a timeline I'm surprised DC themselves has never done what if he won and controlled the Justice League.
Please check out my other stories
Hope You Enjoyed
Have a Nice Morning/Day/Evening/Night
See You Next Time
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