34 | A New Alliance
34 | A New Alliance
Maglor Fëanorion | The Wanderer of Worlds
Location: Remnant of Ormal, Middle Earth, Arda
Time: May 2981 T.A
-Years of The Trees-
Makalaurë's jaw tightened.
He had sung the same recalling song the fourth time and yet he could not achieve what Lady Nienna had taught him. How he should project not only his heart but his fëa through the music. Allow his spirit to pour into the sounds like bringing everything he was to it. The Vala often described it as letting his emotions let the song dictate it, rather than his mind dictating the movements.
However, no matter how much he brought every passion and determination upon his mouth, or the strumming of his fingers on the string – it was the same result. A sense of depletion and frustration as he stared in front of him.
About a dozen elves were apprenticing Lady Nienna, all of who circled the rotunda. Each of them with their preferred method, albeit singing, playing an instrument or even both. They had sat for hours, with some achieving their goal whilst others – like him – had barely seen anything sprout in front of them.
He frowned in dismay, staring down at the dirt pot which contained a seed.
For one being the Vala of Grief, Sorrow and Mourning: there was a lot of sitting trying to grow a plant.
'Remember what Lady Nienna said: pour not project.'
If Tyelko was here, he would be laughing about this whilst Moryo would snap at him to shut him up.
Makalaurë's head lifted, only to meet Lady Nienna's gaze.
Already, he imagined the room locking eyes with him.
'You have stopped, young one.'
Her voice, deep and mellow, echoed like a stream.
'Is there something wrong?'
His fingers regripped the spine of his harp as he swallowed.
'No, my lady.' Makalaurë answered whilst his fingers tried not to fiddle on the harp strings. 'I...It appears I am having trouble growing my flower. Perhaps the seed cannot grow.'
By the corner of his gaze, he watched the Vala stare down at him.
'All seeds, no matter the circumstances, grow...if you put the nurture and material—'
'But I am trying!'
He snapped his mouth physically shut as he realised what he did. With his head flicking upwards, he was about to apologise but he noticed that Lady Nienna did not seem shocked nor disappointed by his outburst. In truth he almost wanted to curl up, awaiting to attest what she might comment.
However, he merely lowered his voice.
'I-I mean...I have sung and played the song you wished of me to do.' Makalaurë awkwardly stammered out, adding on: 'My lady.'
It was then Lady Nienna pondered.
When he first began his apprenticeship, he heard stories of those who were once taught by her. Of how her teachings had altered the perspectives of those of the Eldar, though not the in the ways of not simply practice, but the alteration of methods to practice as well. There was one ner who spoke how it was quite unlike how the rest of the Vala would speak of but it is not something to be discouraged of.
Perhaps it was this. Of how Lady Nienna did not simply tell him to continue or to stop.
What she told him next was what caused his mind to stall.
'You cannot beat a river into submission; you have to surrender to its current and use its power as your own.' Lady Nienna projected, continuing: 'Just as you cannot force your teachings and pour your emotions to one that does not want it. All living beings have a choice. To choose to share, to give and to take.'
Her words were absorbed into his mind.
'You must focus not on what you want it to do, but what it needs from you.' She emphasized, 'May it be to provide joy, sadness, anger, bliss. Emotions are how we show the truth of our fëa, but it may also be a key to unlock or grow.'
Once she finished, Makalaurë glanced down at his harp and paused. Had he been simply forcing out the emotions he thought it wanted and not simply listening to its needs and wants instead? Even so, how was it possible to connect with one such as that? He could not exactly talk to the seed.
Then he thought of what she referred to. To let his fëa out and see the truth of the plant itself, create a bond with it.
He needed to not only trust them but trust himself with the process.
So with a deep and controlled breath, he played. He poured the emotions he had deep within him ring out in a fulfilling and sonorous tune, letting his voice entwine with the gently soft strums of his harp. With his eyes closed, he allowed his fëa to reach out to the seedling and welcomed it.
It was unlike anything he had thought of. The sensation was perhaps almost seeing his siblings once more, watching Carnistir run around, tugging him along to play outside their house. Or the Ambarussa giggling at something they shared in their heads, cradled by their Amil. Or perhaps even seeing little Atarincë following Atar whilst Tyelkormo would be sparring with Maedhros whenever he was back from princely duties.
A created vision he yearned deeply in his heart and spirit. And a sudden realization of how much he missed his family despite it being merely years since he saw them.
As his song finished, he opened his eyes and let his shoulders relax and his breath even out.
In front of him was an Elanor: fully blossomed and glowing under the light of Telperion.
However, it was not just his own that grew.
Every pot had a fully bloomed Elanor.
Makalaurë could not believe it, or likely himself, with what just occurred. All eyes were on him, a mix of emotions ranging from awe to inner envy...even cautiousness.
But what he focused on was the figure in front of him, now gazing down at him with none of those.
But of intrigue...and pride.
"Well done, Kanafinwë."
That was all Lady Nienna spoke before she nodded and turned around, referring to the class to continue with the task. All whilst Makalaurë sat looking at the Elanor flower in disbelief, wondering again how much he had done just to do that.
What Makalaurë did not know then was the ounce of concern that the Vala before he felt...and how she cautiously sought to keep an eye on him in the future.
He stood rather far out, observing with pursed lips.
Levitating on the centre of the open area was Illyria Strange. Her legs were crossed, shoulders back as she sat up straight with shut eyes and chin raised. Though despite appearing serene, he knew there was tension in every urge of her body. Her ability to always be constantly in-flight mode had always hindered her patience, thus she struggled in meditating or doing anything remotely calm at its expected pace.
Unfortunately, he could not do anything but trust her and those who had taught her for the past several years. He knew she did not claim the title of Master without earning it righteously. For one so impatient and reckless: she had the wariness and awareness of most warriors he'd met. Though, in a way, she was just like that.
A warrior. A soldier who had been nurtured and trained to know the danger in every corner of the multiverse and reality. He did not lie to her that he chose Stephen Strange as her father figure, knowing the man would sympathize with the child and give her a proper childhood to look back to.
Because after that: she would have to throw herself into a war that none of them predicted.
A war which he knew would have more uncertainty than his search through the multiverse.
Something inside of him wanted to stop this, that this was simply a pattern repeating itself. He knew what he was doing, and what steps he had taken to reach this point in time. Yet he could not stop himself, nor did the willingness in his goal.
Maglor let out a ragged sigh and turned to gaze up at the remnant of Ormal, its grandeur as beautiful as the crossroads of the multiverse.
Just as beautiful as the flowers that grew here. Elanori. One in which Elemmírë once bore as her Sindarin name.
Suppressing the tightness and the churning in his stomach: he cleared his throat whilst noticing Haero, one of the peredhil, had formed an alarming expression. The peredhel was not one to react so easily in such situations, always keeping his emotions to himself. Though to sense his apprehension physically from his narrowed eyes made Maglor turn his head.
Thankfully he was not the only one, sensing one of the Arfanyaras: Istadis, to walk over to the peredhil, whose eyes were strained ahead in the density of the forest.
He heard her ask as she approached him, "What is wrong?"
Maglor looked for a second at Illyria before he then turned towards Istadis and Haero's attention. At this time, the rest of the company have already stopped what they were doing and looked around the clearing, remaining spread out.
As he was walking over to the edge of the clearing, he noticed in the corner of his eyes the hobbit. Bilbo Baggins, who had been resting just outside the protective shields which he placed around Illyria, had walked over and bent down.
Bilbo let out a gasp as he questioned, "What is happening to them?"
Maglor finally reached the edge and finally acknowledged the withering of flowers and grass crawling towards them. It was as if all colour was draining in their surroundings, closing in as he sensed coldness seeping through.
Bending down, Maglor touched one of the Elanori.
In one moment it wilted and shrivelled...only to end up in ashes upon his gloved fingertips.
His words could barely be heard under his breath.
"I have not seen this since that day..."
Maglor felt his heart stop.
He knew exactly what was coming.
Bolting upwards though remaining his composure, he turned to where Aphadriel had appeared. The stern elleth was always vigilant, her weapon already conjured upon her hand as she marched over to him from where she stood guard.
With a cautious tone, Maglor instructed her what they shall do: "Aphadriel, let the others know. We must protect the Eternal and Ormal."
As the Avari elf curtly nodded, ordering the Silvan elf for the rest to take up arms and prepare to defend the clearing. She urged Bilbo in Sindarin to get close to Ormal, noticing how he took out a short sword for his size before bolting with a small, surprised noise.
Maglor's heart was racing. He knew that the chances of them detecting them were higher because of the Half-Aini but he did not expect it to be this soon.
'But perhaps...'
He would not resort to this. Even when he knew that there may come a time that he needed to do it.
Just not now.
He had to trust Illyria that she would get through to the cosmic plane.
As he stared out at the emptiness in front of him, the forest remained quiet despite the draining colours. Maglor took an inhale and waited, letting the silence seep through.
Until he heard that ringing sound of shrieks.
They were here.
Sucking in a breath, Maglor stretched his hands out – palms out wide as blue translucent dust formed in front of him. It hissed as the particles formed, the shield growing in a layer of patterns and runes.
There was then a sudden screech.
A large mass that could only be described to him as a ball of black chaos, hit the eldritch shield, letting out bursts of white and blue sparks. Black wisps disintegrated into the shield whilst others remained to push forwards, causing Maglor to hold his stance.
They were far from the Nazgul that roamed in the north. Stronger and greater in numbers as nothing but manifestations of the darkness and evil itself. In a way, it was evident that they did not get rid of them and more like caused them to grow more confident to go up against them.
And now with the Eternal near, it meant they wanted nothing more but her light.
Just as their master wanted her as well.
Maglor began to grind his teeth together, his concentration draining as the numbers surrounding him began to grow.
Soon the shield began to crack. Sparks ignited as he tried to mend them at the same time. Others flew past and he had no choice but to take his other hand to grasp the other demon with an eldritch whip and tug it away from one of the Arfanyaras.
As he noticed that both Haero and Istadis were still at the edge of the forest just like him, Maglor shot them a look before ordering them.
"Go!" He shouted, growling as he brought another demon down with a blast of magic. "We must not let them get close!"
They did not ask any more questions, only to leap off to defend the rest of the company before Maglor finally found his breath again.
He felt the surge of power, allowing his inner magic to mingle and uprise the cosmic power he wielded surrounding him. And in a sudden push, he widened his hands out and watched as the shield expanded.
The runic shields enhanced, expanding outwards as others mended and curled within. Sparks ignited as the demons were pushed back further as the wind picked up and scattered across the clearing.
With one last internal growl, Maglor locked the shield in and stopped to look at his work.
The ward, despite being strong, would not be enough compared to the ones before. It did not help that he was still focusing on another matter at hand, which was keeping an eye on the Half-Aini who was far from her physical body at the moment.
'This will do for now,' He told himself whilst bringing his hands down. They were shaking, but he still sensed something within them.
As he stalked over in great strides to wear the rest were defending, Elurín Limroval appeared: leaping down from the branches.
What he noticed immediately was how pained his face was.
"Lokachari," Elurín croaked out, haggard breaths as he continued: "They've got Feirion."
He felt his heart crack as the name echoed through the area, sensing others' fëar to cry out in pain.
Already there was one who he had lost.
With a sharp inhale, Elurín's eyes narrowed before he hurriedly told, "If we don't use the gem—"
"The Gem is the last resort," Maglor continued to walk as the peredhil followed. "It would distract Illyria if she were to cross to the higher plane."
Or worse...cause a rupture in this plane.
Vishanti knows what happened when he tried to summon a rift when Liliana lost control of her chaos magic.
Elurín shared the same knowing glance.
There was then a deafening crackle.
With their heads flicking towards that direction, Maglor's eyes widened as he noticed the eruption of magic.
Torn apart, there was a gap within the translucent shields as more of the wisps of demons barged through and entered.
At that moment he acted, racing towards the screams and screeches as the peredhil he spoke to leapt into the air. It did not take long for the elf to transform, morphing into a hawk-like bird before swooping into the air.
Elurín dove straight towards the demon, crying out a noise before splitting the crowd of demons expelling from the dam.
Meanwhile, he had positioned himself right below them, letting his hands coordinate into a gesture. Soon, a cocoon of runes formed around the demons as he began to tense his fingers, forcing them back out from the shields whilst he barked for the rest to join him. They had to keep the shield intact for Eru knows how long it would take.
He hadn't realised he had held his breath, his hopes arising as the demons were being pushed back through until he heard a familiar scream.
On the other side of the clearing, opposite where he stood, were three Arfanyarossë. One was Aphadriel: who was being dragged through the shield by one of them.
The other two elves were doing their best to pull Aphadriel out – with one tugging her back whilst the other was maintaining to push the demon back.
However, it was not enough.
"'Chari!" She cried out, "'Chari!"
Maglor turned his head at once, letting out a gasp as she saw the demon beginning to pierce through her very skin, black coils wrappings around her lower body.
He looked up at the work he was still doing, noticing that the rest of the company was still focusing to patch the gap. As he sent an order to Istadis to keep it controlled before letting go of his hold. With a quick turn, Maglor sprinted across the clearing before conjuring a golden portal before him.
Falling through the air, he leapt upon the demon as he conjured an eldritch sword. The demon howled, flailing in its chaotic mass before he swung underneath and changed his weapon. As a runic cocoon formed around the creature, Maglor gritted his teeth and concentrated. He allowed his ingolë to fuse within the energy, watching as the ball began to glow.
With one large shriek, the demon exploded in a shred of darkness and light, leaving nothing left but blue dust falling down the air.
Maglor let go, exhaling heavily after what he did.
However, as much as he was glad one of them was dead: his priority was the elf before him. Maglor rushed to her side, kneeling to find the elleth to be groaning in pain. Her face was scrunched, and tears lingered upon her cheeks as he tried to cradle her in his arms.
"I...can't...I cannot feel my legs!" Aphadriel hitched as she cried out.
Ignoring the pain in his chest, he brought his hand to soothe her head, muttering carefully. "Mellon, it will be alright." Maglor told her importantly, "You must keep your concentration in your fëa."
He did not dare to look down. Not when he knew what he would see.
Instead, he kept assuring her, letting her fëa wrap around his for a few moments as he allowed the event to unfold around them.
The horrors of his past were coming back again. And he would be losing so many more before of what he had done.
As Aphadriel remained to cling onto him, there was another rupture. He looked out to the edge, seeing the shield glitch and fracture before the dam burst again. Istadis along with the rest of the Arfanyarossë looked up in shock whilst Elurín transformed back to his elf form and commanded them ahead for him.
"We must fall back!"
The peredhil knew he had to take control now, especially when Maglor was busy trying to keep Aphadriel alive.
Murmuring to her that he would lift her, Maglor stood up and grunted. Destroying that demon was harder than he thought for his own body, but he could not stop now. Aphadriel clung to him as he strode as quickly as he could towards where Illyria sat, upon the stone platform just up by the remnant of Ormal.
Maglor did not dare to look back.
Because he knew behind him would be a growing army of creatures bounding to surround them.
His legs finally buckled in as he arrived with the rest, thanking Haero before transferring Aphadriel into his arms. As Maglor brought his breath back, he turned to inspect the rest of them. That was when he noticed who had been lost.
Feirion...and Istadis.
Maglor looked over to Elurín, who was standing beside Bilbo Baggins: now standing fearfully as they now watched what was around them. When he finally turned, he realised what they had been shocked to see.
"Why are they not approaching us?" Elurín asked.
Surrounding the small circular platform on which they all stood was a barrier. Translucent with golden and silver colours swirling around it. It was mesmerizing, to say the least, though what he wondered was how it came to be.
And more of who made it instead.
Then he turned to the Half-Aini...who remained hovering in the air.
His eyes then loomed over to the large remnant above them.
The epiphany did not come very long as awe and wonder reached his voice.
"Because: Illyria is protecting us," Maglor answered breathlessly, staring at the glowing wards over them. "Ormal is protecting her against them."
All of their eyes turned to Illyria, whilst others began to murmur at the wonder of Ormal.
Elurín turned to him, questioning back: "How long do you think it will take?"
"I do not know." He admitted, inhaling sharply before he gazed towards the undisturbed Half-Aini. "But we must give the Oialëa enough time...or else we will never be able to find the rift."
Aragorn | The Heir of Gondor
Location: Edoras, Rohan, Middle Earth, Arda
Time: April 2981 T.A
The great hall in Meduseld was almost filled, many consisting of generals, lieutenants and every leader and ruler situated.
Théoden King stood at one end of the long table, flanked by Lord Eomer and his second-in-command, Hama.
Across the other end stood Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth alongside Aragorn and Legolas. There was another who stood across, though unaware of his name besides hearing that he was one of the other leaders who led those of Minas Tirith to Snowbourn.
Halbarad remained in the middle, with the Peredhil twins standing clear whilst Kili, Gimli and Tauriel stood across them. Aragorn could only spot Gandalf lurking far from the conversation, ears still peeled but merely watching as well. He knew the wizard would not be involved unless needed be, and why the White Wizard didn't seem fazed by the growing stress and tension the hall was coming to be.
"Even with the Dunedain, Gondor and all of the Rohirrim. Every man and woman fighting it will not be enough," One of Théoden King's commanders proclaimed loudly as they gestured down at the figurines on the board.
There was a large map laid across the grand table, figurines consisting of the numbers and the predictions of the number of orcs, trolls and wargs the enemy would pose: it was evident there was a great disparity between them.
And unfortunately, they were at the small end of the two.
"Not even with the weapons you have brought from Rivendell and the north will counter the possible number Sauron has." Lord Eomer reported, his low tone sending murmurs of agreement from others around them. "And if we have done by claiming the weapons from Saruman's army, there are little who wish to use them or for any to teach the others. It is a high risk in using new weaponry that may pose our own."
In truth, Aragorn knew of this, as he planned that he suggested to Halbarad, Eomer and the twins. Once the battle had ended, he and Boromir thought of using what was remaining of Saruman's work to be of use instead of being tossed aside as redundancy. Though once they had the smiths as well as Kili and Gimli check them, they realised how complicated they were.
Whatever Saruman had done, the Peredhil twins confirmed to them that the weaponry that was created was unlike the guns Lady Illyria showed them. He could recall Elladan cursing in Sindarin, only to then explain that Saruman used limited knowledge to get them to work and the rest of it to be magic.
Without the magical knowledge despite Elladan and Elrohir knowing the most, nothing seemed to bring them to life.
The former twin half-elf told them that it would take more time to get discover its solution than arriving at Gondor's borders and they could only thank him for informing them of this news.
This then meant that in this meeting, it was slowly becoming certain that they were very outnumbered.
"Then all we could do is push them back." Prince Kili suggested, shared by a knowing grunt by Gimli whilst Tauriel nodded alongside Legolas. "Make them run towards a dead end. Trap them."
However, it was Halbarad who was looking down at the map, shook his head and answered. "Guerilla tactics will not help." His second in command explained thoroughly, "They have been waiting for months. They have planned this, enough as the sun is gone and we are depleted of resources. Even if we try to head them straight on, it will be a bloodbath."
Aragorn and Halbarad shared a knowing look. Because despite being away from home for years, Aragorn had not remembered life as one of the Dunedain. For them, their numbers had always been small and they had no choice but to use small forces to defend the lands of The Shire and the villages of Eriador.
This – on the other hand – was a scale larger than they had. And knowing that Sauron had already foreseen this, this plan would end them faster than the sun falling.
There was an air of frustration around them, and Aragorn could not help but glance up at his friend. Legolas looked at him silently, almost understanding how he was feeling down to the very pits of his stomach.
Aragorn had little love of this growing internal conflict around him, and he knew it was beginning to show in the agitation of their voices and the air growing tenser than ever.
"If only we have Minas Tirith we may have a chance."
A voice called out, one of the Gondorian captains he had yet to know their name, and spoke: "Trying to reclaim Minas Tirith will be a large manoeuvre."
"Well if we know for a fact that that is where Lord Boromir has gone along with Lady Elenníca, Lady Tazhin and Master Pippin: then perhaps it is possible."
Aragorn's head shot up, his head turning to where Lord Eomer stood.
The mention of Arwen's pseudo name almost brought the past few hours he last wept back up to the surface.
And he could not help then but glance sideways to where Gandalf stood.
However, it was not long until he then caught again at someone else's words.
"Or absolute failure." Théoden agreed before he paused and quickly added, "I apologise for being blunt to you, my lord. But what they did was irrational. They would not stand if Sauron's forces have already overtaken the city."
As he finished, Aragorn could not comprehend what was just said.
He could not move even a mere finger.
Too astonished at the harsh words, it was only another who stood at the end of the table that had snapped Aragorn back to reality.
"Are you doubting my nephew's skill?" Prince Imrahil's voice brought the entire room into dead silence.
His first instinct was to nod, but he refrained as quickly as he could the moment he sensed the frown that was slowly growing upon not only Elladan's...but also Elrohir's face.
Aragorn knew the mention of their sister's name.
However, that seemed to not faze the Rohirric king as he spoke.
"No. I simply put the fact that what he did was unrealistic." Théoden defended, "If he believes his father is still alive, he would have stayed here—"
"Lord Boromir put trust in Lord Aragorn and Prince Imrahil to guide the Gondorian forces. He trusted both of them because he believed it was the right thing to do." To their shock – and mainly his – Legolas had spoken out loud, his head up high as he continued, "What he did was choose to protect Lady Elenníca and the other two and join them to divert the enemy."
One side of the room seemed to follow, but those who did not know Legolas enough or were still hesitant in the presence of elves remained silent.
"Then is it a trap they have run towards." Théoden held his hand in a gesture of conformity. "I share no offence, but surely it would have been more ideal for Lady Elenníca to remain here. She is by any chance the only hope for us to defeat the enemy!"
It was there Aragorn turned as Elladan's word echoed from across the table.
"Sauron wants to head us straight on. He wants to destroy Gondor and Rohan before he could take the others." He firmly spoke, eyes staring dead upon Théoden's own. "But he also wants to kill every being who may be a threat to him. Our sister is one of them. If she remained in Edoras or anywhere near Rohan, Sauron will do all it takes to eliminate the most crucial soldier of our armies."
With a raised chin, Théoden responded: "You speak as if your sister is equivalent to an army."
"And is she not? That is what I believe you describe my sister to be when it comes to these meetings." Elladan gestured to them all, his voice remaining calm but he could tell the anger was radiating off him. "And in truth, she is perhaps twice the power than we could muster. But she is also a person with a mind, one who understands the art of war as much as everyone in this room."
Once Elladan finished, Aragorn was no doubt staring up at his adopted brother in a mix of worry and almost adoration.
Elladan, with all doubts, had always been too protective, especially when it came to Arwen. His anger was always mustered or relieved in training, hunting, or fighting. Ever since he was a child, he would defend him when their pranks went wrong or too far. Always defending and taking the mark of doing everything to have the attack at him.
And here he was, a blaze of burning light as his eyes flashed in an eerily and unhuman-like glow to which none dared to point nor retaliate.
How such little time has happened and yet there was a change since he last saw him. Aragorn did not know whether to feel comforted by this or to be concerned for him.
Though he did feel slight sympathy as there was a slight hesitation and even fear on Théoden's face.
With a quick composing breath, the king of Rohan cleared his throat and began, "I apologise, Lord Elladan." He then peered before he insinuated, "We only care for the concern on what this will do. If they do succeed, you have not specified if they are to send confirmation that Minas Tirith shall be once in Gondor's hands."
"That we shall know." Aragorn had to interfere now, already feeling the headache once causing him to wince once more. "But for now we must do all we could. Allow for the rest of Rohan to ride here. We will do all we can at what we have."
He could tell that everyone wanted to change the subject of the conversation. Mostly away from the uncomfortable tension that remained between Elladan Mahtaro and Théoden King.
"Lord Thorongil is correct." Lord Eomer, gladly supportive of the idea, nodded and spoke, "We cannot change our plans nor delay. We must continue onwards with the preparations and hope the coming days there shall be answers."
However, as much as he still felt the lingering feeling of how Elladan felt about this...all Aragorn could remember now was the very situation he had been sent in the form of a letter.
And he had to confront them as soon as possible.
He didn't give any time at all.
Soon as everyone was dismissed and the great hall was left with Théoden King, Lord Eomer and his advisors: Aragorn trailed behind the twins as they briskly walked out of the grounds.
Once he caught them at the final corridor which led to one of the exits, he called out their names with a demanding tone.
Both of them turned, with Elrohir almost daring not to look back whilst Elladan stared back with a neutral expression.
Oh, they knew what he was about to say.
"You allowed her to leave?" Aragorn's voice was filled with pure outrage and disbelief despite how quiet he was as they stood in the corridor.
As Elladan and Elrohir shared a look, the former breathed in deeply before he spoke.
"Estel, I thought you read her letter—"
Aragorn could not help but gape with even more disbelief.
They knew Arwen had written to them.
"You knew," He could not believe this. Every word and expression they wore as the realization hit him. A noise of blustering scoff left his mouth as he then questioned back, "Both of you knew and you didn't stop her? Your sister—"
"Our sister can handle herself, Estel!"
It was the first time Elrohir had sternly spoken back in a while. Between the two of them, Aragorn knew that his brother was calmer and more mediated that the other. To not only hear but sense the chiding in his voice, only caused Aragorn to step back and peer with surprise.
Once Elrohir knew what he had done, he sighed and composed himself.
His words softened but there was still a snap within the letters; "You do not understand what I have seen from her," He told him, "Her future...bless Eru she may be the most powerful of us. Perhaps even more than our mother."
Aragorn could only gape.
Is this what it was? For a vision in which their brother had seen?
He was not sure whether to laugh or scoff back. Or maybe simply stare at them again to see if this was all but a joke. But they didn't. There was no underlining mischief or teasing in the emotions they held, only seriousness and fear in their words as he soon noticed how terrified they were as well.
And yet they had allowed this to unfold. For their younger sister to head east...
Aragorn seethed through his teeth and rubbed his forehead. Out of everything that has happened which consisted of wars against dark Ainur, being raised by elves and then discovering his heritage as the long-lost king of Gondor, why had this been the one which caused his walls to come apart?
Because there was only one reason.
And that was that he had truly given his heart away to the one person who will risk everything to save a world they live in. An elleth with a heart as equally as big as his when it came to protecting Arda.
"It doesn't mean that she can go out there and risk her life against him!" He hissed back, shutting his eyes as he breathed in and sighed. Aragorn then swallowed back, quietly speaking to them in return, "I promised your parents. I promised them that I would always protect her."
His head then hung low, the feeling of deflation and weariness finally catching up to him. After days of constant preparation and meetings and now it had finally taken him.
It was then he felt a hand touch his shoulder.
As he glanced upwards, he found Elrohir's eyes trying to search his. Trying to ease him with comfort.
"And you are." He murmured, his lips curling to a sad smile as he continued: "All she asks now is to let her protect you. Protect us and Frodo. She's the only one who can tackle him in the case of us. Mithrandir would go but he says that this may be larger than what we all believe it to be."
Mithrandir knew.
Clamping his mouth, Aragorn tried to recall the last time he assumed they had talked. There was only one other time he had seen both the once Grey Wizard and a Lady of Rivendell that would have spoken secretly.
Just before the wizard's supposed death.
"The mountains..." He turned to both of them, "He and Arwen knew."
Elladan nodded, "We aren't too certain how far back the plan was." He explained, pursing his lips as he paused. "All we knew was from Elrohir's vision before you all left. We didn't want to say something about it, not until we would see each other again."
Aragorn searched his gaze and was relieved that there was no anger within the grey eyes of his brother. He must have calmed down enough after the conversation regarding Arwen.
That was when he then realised what they said.
"What did Mithrandir mean when he said this may be larger than we believe it to be?" He asked.
Though as Elrohir was about to answer, there was then a flock of sounds entering the corridor. All three pairs looked at one another until they had no choice but to follow the servants and guards rushing outside of the Meduseld.
Elladan and Elrohir stood beside him atop the edge of the platform looking out of Edoras as everyone seemed to flood out from every tent or building they were in. It was not long before Legolas appeared next to him, sharing a questionable glance and asking silently if they knew what was happening.
Instead, all Legolas did was shake his head, not before telling him that he had been with Gimli, Kili and Tauriel preparing to head down to the training yards to spar.
From his periphery, Aragorn spotted Éowyn, who in turn was confused as everyone was as she stood idly next to her brother and uncle. By the time he noticed that most of Meduseld has come out to see what was happening, Aragorn caught her gaze.
Her eyes lit up, and she smiled secretly which in turn brought Aragorn to nod his chin slightly. However, he did twitch his lips as he saw Merry appearing at her side. When the moment had passed and Merry had been distraught that Pippin had left. Aragorn knew that the two youngest hobbits were much like brothers; they could never be parted no matter whatever weather or situation. And unfortunately, it was the choice of one of them that finally broke the wheel.
Thankfully the lady of Rohan beside him had almost become another friend to him, making Merry more welcomed and eager to continue his escapades of becoming a soldier. And as much as Aragorn wish the young hobbit would never go to war: at least he was doing something he believed in.
As Halbarad then turned up beside Legolas, it was then someone who cried out from down the steps.
"Look! Something is coming from the western field!"
All of their heads turned, and Aragorn could not believe what he saw.
Large golden rings began to appear in the air in the dead of night almost illuminating the horizon.
They grew larger and larger until something came out slowly.
He squinted his eyes more, trying to concentrate on what the figure was.
Until he recognized it as a person atop a horse.
More and more people began to exit, walking into the fields as more whispers and voices grew.
But all Aragorn could hear was those next to him.
"It would seem Adar did do it." He heard Elladan's words echo in the wind, almost sensing the grin upon his lips as he said, "He did it."
Aragorn turned to him.
All he saw was the smirk plastered on Elladan's face.
Whilst Elrohir on the other hand had an expression of awe upon his – as if he knew this was going to happen at exactly the moment he predicted.
However, that did not answer his question to himself.
What had Lord Elrond done?
It was there Elrohir cleared it up as he answered, "...That he, our mother and Maedhros planned since the beginning."
Back when he was but a child he remembered the stories he learnt. Lord Erestor was the loremaster and head advisor of Lord Elrond, but within the family, he was known to be their tutor. He would make him read through everything, from the history of the Quendi to the present tales of Hobbits and Men. Stretching as far from the Years of the Trees up to when Lady Illyria arrived.
He had to admit he was not as studious in the ways of history as he wanted. Aragorn had always been one to learn by hand, learning through trial and error instead of reading facts and letters. It was difficult to concentrate, especially when his attention span was short compared to an elf. He wanted to climb trees, ride horses or explore the valley with his brothers.
As he grew older he come to understand the importance of history. His adopted father always reminded him that, despite not knowing a few years who he truly was. Eventually, he would need to use the rights and wrongs of what the past had done. More specifically the achievements and disasters his family lineage had done. From the creation of Númenor to its downfall...then the creation of Gondor and Arnor and then the line of Stewards and loss of their kings.
In the beginning, he used them in a way to understand his actions, using almost like advice when he became chieftain and he had to come to know the people he had not grown up with. There were times when it had not worked and some others which had taught him more lessons.
However, history was supposed to be this. Tales upon pages and pages on a book that would only be a reminder and staple of the world.
He was not expecting actual history to arrive right in front of them.
An age he had only known in tales from the elves living in Rivendell...this was beyond belief to what he would expect in his lifetime.
Aragorn held Brego's reigns, soothing the horse as he then hopped off as they arrive several metres at what seemed to be an elven army.
An Army which comprised faces he would not imagine living right now.
How many were there? Perhaps two thousand? Three thousand?
Nevertheless, despite the number, there were similar and yet unlike those of the Galadhrim. Their armour was far simpler than the ornate designs. However, if he looked closely, they almost appeared to shimmer under the moonlight, a hue of white and blue. Their weapons varied, with most equipped with bows, swords, and spears. Some held none, merely holding the banner of what seemed to be a new sigil he had yet seen.
The sigil of the sun in orange, red and yellow behind a blue background with silver stars. Three to be exact.
Aragorn had brought Elladan, Elrohir and Legolas, advising Halbarad to remain behind to defend those inside the city. That was why he had only seen Théoden King along with Hama riding beside him, knowing that Eomer and Éowyn remained behind for their safety. Whereas Prince Imrahil rode out on his own, only flanked by a few of his captains as he still wore the Gondorian armour.
There was a large gap between them, the winds howling as Hama introduced them to the elves.
"You are stepping into the lands of the Rohirrim. In the presence of Théoden King, ruler of Rohan!" He shouted back, "Please declare your reason for your presence!"
It was then one of them who stood at the front hopped off from their horse and strode with their head up high followed by another who had sat nearby.
The first elf Aragorn could vaguely recall. Though not because of their features but the weapon they held in their hand.
With his voice echoing out loud, the elf spoke: "I am Ereinion Gil-Galad of the Noldor!"
His eyes must have widened so much that Elrohir had mentally nudged him. Aragorn quickly adjusted himself, hiding the internal shock and utter awe of this.
He could not believe who was standing before them.
And not just him...but the next ellon who stood beside him. Though slightly shorter, the elven man remained regal no less than the former High King of Lindon.
"And I am Celebrimbor Curufinwion." The ellon introduced, placing his hand atop his chest before he continued, "We are here on behalf of all the Quendi of Aman and Middle Earth, sent by Lord Elrond Peredhel and Lady Illyria Ettelëa of Rivendell."
Aragorn turned to Legolas, who was also in shock but also in a conflict of anger. Though considering what happened at the Council of Elrond, his friend learnt after that not to point his weapon directed at a Fëanorian.
Especially when there were thousands of elves in front of them.
But more importantly, he turned to the twins who were grinning ear to ear. Elladan had his hands folded across his chest, smirking. Compared to Elrohir who merely grinned and simply was living the moment.
"Almost three thousand years ago, your ancestors once allied with us. In the lands of Gondor and Arnor, the kings of once the Edain and our people agreed to bind our forces together to destroy what was the dark lord: Sauron." Lord Gil-Galad spoke, his voice carrying a pristine tone. "Once your kind, King Elendil and his sons: Prince Isildur and Prince Anárion."
Lord Celebrimbor then continued, "We wish to rekindle that alliance and reforge it, in the promise that we shall aid in defeating the evil that comes to Middle Earth. And in doing so will prevent the spread of influence when the true darkness arrives from the West."
Aragorn knew there was a plan in bringing aid from the Noldor...though he had little hope for them to do this. To bring thousands of them here to fight with them against Sauron.
"The West?" It was Théoden King who questioned loudly, "In what evil lays beyond the shores?"
Celebrimbor answered calmly, "A dark l in which had lain dormant since our people's birth." He elaborated, "For our people, we call him Morgoth, whom he calls himself the Lord of Fates. He was the one who enslaved your people, manipulated, and seduced Sauron to the darkness and nearly killed an entire continent. He has returned."
A chill went through Aragorn's spine.
It had been months since Rivendell and the news of Dagor Dagorath had merely brushed across his mind.
Until now.
"He is not our issue," Théoden responded and he could not help but sense the awaited frown from the Noldorin lords.
Though instead Lord Gil-Galad calmly answered.
"Morgoth seeks Arda as his own. With the aid of Sauron, he wants to destroy this world and have Sauron rule it for him. He does not care to keep those alive and laboured. He will do anything for any speck of life to be killed. He, like others of the Ainur, can raise mountains and destroy them with a simple push. He will not hesitate to spare you other than to let us suffer as the world is plunged into desecration." His voice cut the wind off, his tone getting sharper as he added: "Take what you will of what we speak, but we tell you: that this is only the first wave we must push back. Sauron wants to deplete our numbers. Make us divided before Dagor Dagorath comes."
"Dagor Dagorath?" One of Théoden King's commanders asked.
Lord Gil-Galad nodded, "The war of all wars."
"It is a prophecy those of the Quendi know." Lord Celebrimbor followed on, "And it is real...And it is coming."
"Look at the sky." The former High King gestured upwards as he asked them, "Do you not see that neither sun nor the northern star is present?"
"Morgoth waits. But he waits because he does not think we are strong enough to get through his shield." Lord Celebrimbor proclaimed, "But he does not know...that together: we shall overcome them. That we are stronger together."
Aragorn watched this all unfold, sensing the words resonating in his heart as he looked upon both of their faces. They had chosen to be here for a reason, not just for the sake of what they had planned but a belief in themselves. That they had to continue what they had done since the last age.
There was nothing but respect for these two, knowing how horrible their lives had ended. The stories of their death, albeit heroic, was inevitably devastating to everyone and especially those of the Eldar.
But instead of watching them go to war: they were heading back in despite it all.
"...I remember your name."
Head rotating, Aragorn spotted Prince Imrahil walk towards them as he then spoke directly towards the two elves.
"Once High King of the Noldor. Elves of what was Lindon. And you as well, my lord. You fact the Lord of Eregion and one of the most renowned smiths and creators of the elves." Prince Imrahil then nodded his head, a courtesy as he then declared, "The Princes of Dol Amroth, despite it being long years for us, do not forget the tales of the great allies our leaders once had. And as a representative of Gondor, we shall accept your aid and cooperation."
When Lord Gil-Galad reached the centre, the elven lord reached his hand out and firmly shook Prince Imrahil's hand.
Aragorn's own heart skipped a beat as he held his breath.
"We thank you, my lord." The Noldo elf bowed his head.
Then another figure walked towards them.
As he reached them, Théoden King cleared his throat before he began, "Our people's history is young, but we have known in tales of the Eldar." He firmly spoke, "And I shall trust the allies Rohan has with Gondor to accept yours."
With another grasp of his hand, Lord Gil-Galad smiled: "Perhaps we shall discuss further of how we should undertake this...a possibility of bringing all of our forces together again."
Past meeting present.
History coming to life.
An alliance was reborn.
And Aragorn was one to witness it firsthand in the many lines of his family.
A/N: I'm sorry it's been so long since I uploaded. I've been so busy all summer with work that I completely forgot about this. But don't worry. Since I'm back at university., I've got some spare time in sorting out things and writing as well.
We finally are at the last hurdle of Part 3 which has been such a long journey. We've got one more chapter to go through and then it should be done. I'm hoping to upload it next week so please look out for it. :)
Edited: 19/09/2023
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