23 | Joys of Youth
23 | Joys of Youth
Illyria Strange | The Eternal
Location: Arthorien, Far Harad, Middle Earth, Arda
Time: April 2981 T.A
Illyria learnt one thing before returning to Middle Earth; that was to never listen to the voices in your head whilst you're dreaming.
Those voices in your head could be anything. Maybe Nightmare or Chthon or perhaps even Mephisto. She had seen others follow voices, and turn against those they love until they realise how much death and destruction they caused by their actions. How much manipulation would be caused by wanting to have what you couldn't obtain?
And yet a week ago she followed it.
Now...she was here.
Wherever this place was.
But those dreams didn't talk about this place. No, it mentioned something completely different. Further. Older even. Between the known and the unknown.
Surprise: her 'Strange' streak hasn't gotten her killed. (or worse: expelled.) Thank the presence of a rational not-so-rational hobbit and a practically walking elven-sorcerer-mummy for keeping her alive for the past two days straight. [1]
Which now in turn came into question about the elephant in the room...or girl in the room. Technically.
Okay, okay... Perhaps she should rewind a little before she could continue on. And that is: what actually happened in Bozisha-Dar from her point of view.
It happened just as they were on the way through the city, maybe just as they were about to cross the main avenue that halved the city districts. She wasn't certain what it was, but there was a very disturbing feeling deep inside her (not that deep; don't think like that) that made her spin and shiver and her throat choke up whilst she was forced to inhale the spicy humid air around her.
She knew it wasn't just the sweatiness of her clothes or the fact that she felt full after eating the breakfast Dalolthar prepared them. If she felt any sickness it would be because of anything else than food (and no! Not that sort of morning sickness goddammit). Almost as if her magic and her soul were reacting to something that was happening somewhere in the city.
Then she heard the people on the street talk. Something about an event just outside the Katedrala caused a lot of them to ditch their daily jobs and head towards the place. What happened down there? Have they announced something about them? Did they know about Maglor and whoever he was with?
The more they walked, there was a growing sensation weighed down on her, dragging and pulling until she was forced to see what was happening in the crowd.
And when she did, all she could sense was her heart pounding inside her chest. Her entire body almost quaked at the sight of the pyre that was about to be lit.
Tied inside was a girl.
The same girl she met on the street the day they entered the city.
Not even disgust or horror or even anger filled her as something within her acted – causing her chest to burn as she barged through the crowd and headed up to the altar.
Then hell broke loose.
Which hell meant blinding over a dozen of people as she swooped in to grab the girl before she could get burnt and raced off with her, dozens more soldiers racing with their pointed spears and swords.
Then yes: that was hell.
For god's sake, what was she supposed to do?
Watch the girl get burnt to death because these people thought sacrificing children would bring the sun back? Fuck no.
And if it meant risking her life to save that child then so be it.
The girl's soul had burned so brightly. Filled with purity and kindness and it just made her even more disappointed as they travelled that none of Maglor's people even considered how terrible these people were. How desperation now led them to cruel practices.
But for a moment, whilst they were fighting the soldiers on the streets of The Dar, Illyria almost hesitated. She was controlling them with whatever the heck her ability of soul manipulation was. How was she so chill about it when in fact it was practically a violation of someone's life?
After Mithrellas (the Silvan elleth who really had a big grudge against any elf from the north in her opinion) and her group took out the rest of the attackers, Illyria had a moment to herself to realise what she had done. The feeling of disgust tore her, making her stare at the bodies strewn all over the dusty ground until Bilbo and the girl managed to tear her focus back to reality.
The sacrifice and the fight had tested her. Tested her morals and her choices.
Everything that Illyria was taught was in a chokehold.
That was why she didn't even fight when the elves (wait, no. Not all of them were elves in fact) demanded weapons and she was shocked at how proficient they were in sorcery. Not just elves. Avari with sorcery...now that's something no one would hear about in this day and age.
Illyria tethered her mind instead of to the soul she saved.
The girl Sashana – or Shana for short – was barely even the right height for her age. She was thin, wearing the same clothes she last saw her yesterday as she clung to Illyria tightly upon their horse. Her face was dirty, hair in tattered braids that she knew could only be tended by simply cutting it.
Though inside, she felt Shana's light. Even with the language barrier, Illyria understood her enough that she was still scared, confused, and exhausted. Thankfully they managed to dress her into more appropriate clothes before entering the Fireplains or else she would burn despite how her skin was more suited for the place.
Even with the sun gone, the place was surprisingly hot.
Wherever they were, this place could be considered some planet from Star Wars. Maybe even the same planet Luke Skywalker and his dad used to live in. It was rocky and dusty, sand getting in literally everywhere before they managed to arrive at the massive, fortified mesa that was Maglor's sanctuary.
And by Vishanti...Illyria might be pissed off right now at Maglor but she couldn't deny how beautiful it was here.
Arthorien was just...no words could describe it. The minute they passed into the subtle barrier which surrounded the mesa, it felt like entering Rivendell or Lothlorien again. As if she had waded into deep waters and felt the coldness brush against her skin. Instead, she felt it in her soul, a deep comfort that felt like eating something that she hadn't eaten since childhood.
Like having cereal after six months.
Why cereal? Well, probably because Illyria was hungry considering the moment they returned from the rather majestic looking building straight off from Barbie and the Diamond Castle, she had gone to bed along with Shana and Bilbo in the other rooms. [2]
They had a house.
Wait, more like a bungalow really.
But a house. Of their own. How many houses were there here? Did they simply just have guest homes all over the place for guests or were they for people who were away at the moment. But then again the bungalow they were in, which was only a five-minute walk from the grand building, it appeared so bare to what they saw in the Khōn. It was designed in a mixture of architecture, a blend of Kamar-Taj's design, as well as almost Moroccan and Elven, imbued into one.
There were geometric designs and patterns everywhere, reminding her somewhat of the beautiful Mosques she once saw in Kathmandu or the places she visited whilst she was on missions. There was an open living room and kitchen alongside a dining table. To her surprise there was a garden which spanned across other small huts and houses, consisting of flowers she has never seen in her life along with palm trees and shrubs.
Though it wasn't the weird-vacation-resort-vibes that made her question if she was either in Middle Earth or the Bahamas – it was how technologically advanced it was. There were holograms all over the place. Switches on the walls to turn lights on as well as a working hob. Not to mention that the shower (a shower) was inside the bathroom alongside a sink and bathtub.
Why would Maglor choose a life being a hermit in a rundown shack over this?
Excluding the fact that Maglor seemed to have been on the same mission for thousands of years, Illyria understood as well that it wasn't the necessities and luxuries that pulled him and the rest of the people residing in this place. Yes, it was amazing to see so much technology in this world...but it also was a risk.
She slept enough hours mentally, deciding to meditate the rest of the hours before she knew it would be a new day. By the time she finished, Illyria found Shana already awake – clean and newly dressed thankfully but her hair remained a bit of a nest. With some slight remembrance from her memories with her children, Illyria urged her to get ready before they would go meet with Maglor and Bilbo.
Illyria was surprised but thankful for the clothes sent to her, provided by the same ellon called Oerion who had knocked on their door just as Shana left to dress. She noticed the similar clothes he gave her, loose linen-like fabric that was cut into a sort of toga dress. It covered her arms, coming in pair with some bell-shaped trousers.
In a way, if she had her staff on her she might as well look like a Jedi.
When Shana returned to the living room, the girl quietly sat on the sofa as Illyria finished the small braids tied on either side of her hair, letting the rest of her hair flow down – a line between her natural blonde and silver-dyed hair obvious under the light.
Next thing she knew she was standing behind the girl on one of the dining chairs – focused on the tiny strand of braid she was doing. Illyria really had to thank Monica Rambeau for the lessons, even Maedhros as well. Shana's hair was thick but surprisingly healthy, long enough for the braids to fall just above the girl's shoulders.
As she was on her last braid, Illyria felt a voice enter her mind.
'Is it...magic? You can talk in my head.' Shana thought openly.
Illyria was glad and honoured that the girl trusted her to communicate this way. Even at such a young age, she was careful to not pry with such a young mind. But after meeting and rescuing the girl, she could sense the trust in Shana. Her soul almost welcomed her to talk.
'I can read minds, and since I can't talk to you and understand what you're saying, this might be a good temporary solution for the moment. Maybe I'll be able to ask Maglor to update my translation enchantment.' Once Illyria finished explaining, she was able to tie the last braid. Her lips quirked upwards as she moved and gestured for the girl to look at the mirror. 'Now, there you go. You look beautiful.'
Shana stood up, walking towards where a mirror was hung on the wall. Her dainty fingers brushed over the braids; eyes wide as she looked at herself.
After a breath, her gaze looked up to Illyria as she thought, 'I do?' Shana gulped as she continued, 'No one's ever said. The children I play with say I look ugly.'
A pang hit against her ribcage as Illyria looked down at her.
The memory buried deep in her mind slipped forward as she sensed herself holding her breath.
Remembering all those years in school, talked, and bullied because of how she looked and acted had been something Illyria tried her best to hide. She hated knowing she endured it, but not much as how she felt for the childhood Shana was brought up in such dangerous places. How long had she been orphaned? How long had she been forced on the streets, living alone?
Illyria could sense her eyes began to sting whilst she knelt down, bringing her larger hand to brush a lock of braid behind her ear. Looking directly into the girl's face, she felt herself smile sincerely. 'You look beautiful, Shana.' She rose her other hand, folding only by one finger. Illyria spoke, 'See this? This is a pinky promise. It means that it's no lie and that it would be a promise lasting forever.'
That was what her dad always said. Every time she came home, telling him what the kid said to her at school. Stephen Strange would always tell her that they were wrong about her, pinky promising her that everything would be alright and he wouldn't tell anyone.
She remembered promising the same things to her children as well. Not with the pinky promise but something along the lines of keeping them safe. Illyria remembered always making sure her children were alright and that they knew that wasn't alone when it came to those talking badly of them.
The same went to the girl before her as well.
With her own pinky finger out, Shana curled it around hers as a small smile rose from her lips. 'Pinky promise.'
Her heart warmed, wanting to hug the kid. But as she heard several knocks from the front door, she heard a voice.
'That must be Bilbo,' Illyria stood up, her knees slightly wobbling at kneeling before she reached her hand with a gentle smile. 'Now, are you brave enough to go on a little adventure again?'
Shana nodded before gently taking her hand and leading them both out into the open air.
When they found Bilbo at the front door, surprised to see him in hobbit-sized clothing that was similar to theirs, the three of them headed down the road towards the Khōn.
Lampposts lit the majority of the place, lining the sides of the street with various flowers and hedges. The road was cobbled yet leveled well, tinted in a colour of sandstone. A few houses were placed every so part of the way, but the majority were filled in with as many plants, trees, and waterways that she forgot for a second that they were in the middle of the desert. If she thought the interior design of the house they were put in was any weirder, the rest of the place was very much a mix of what she suspected to be Elven, Babylonian to even Moroccan.
Let's just say there were too many things to describe it that she might have to form some sort of excel spreadsheet.
Though it wasn't the architecture nor the fact that technology was embedded in a subtle place, it was what sort of made sense in the back of her mind. How the water glimmered just a little too much. Or how the wind blew the branches and leaves in a way it didn't rustle or let the leaves fall. Or how the air around them was humid – yes – but not suffocating and filled with the soaked soil, sand, and floral mixture from various plants.
Some sort of itchy twitchy feeling, that made Illyria's face contort into confusion and almost frustration.
"I don't trust this place. It seems too..." She trailed off, unsure of how to really describe it.
On her right, Bilbo looked up as they walked. "Perfect?"
Don't get her wrong. She knew this was very much real and not some illusion Maglor somehow fashioned. It wasn't some alternative reality as well, the one she felt back when she travelled the Multiverse and began to go through various realities of Arda. Each one may have been the same, but they all resonated even the tiniest difference that made the hair on the back of her neck stick up.
But Arthorien: it was like stepping into a place that felt it wasn't there at all but felt real at the same time. Though there was nothing forcing her head to say it was real, more like it was assuring her that it was safe and that it was okay to relax.
"Well, when we first arrived in Imladris, I thought of the same as well," Bilbo began, making her realise exactly what she sensed.
She listened to him as they walked.
"My mother first believed as if she had stepped into another world for the first time. I had always dreamed as a child to venture to the place, not realizing in time I would actually do so. Though when I understood what she said. It felt as if everything inside felt too pure."
Right, so Bilbo felt the same as her which made it relieving that she wasn't alone. Illyria could only partially agree, though, as there was something even more different between Rivendell and Arthorien.
"But the energy here: it's older. Dimensional in some way," Illyria pursed her lips and muttered, "Like it's as if it's existed but it feels as if it shouldn't, you know?"
How the heck was she supposed to describe it? They were only fourth-dimensional beings; how would they know whatever is beyond the other planes of existence mirroring to this one?
Not to mention that Shana next to her was looking up at her, worried and confused at their conversation.
"Illyria, perhaps you are just overwhelmed by this," Ever the empath, Bilbo Baggins. The hobbit beside her calmly resolved, "Enjoy the peace as you can. I know there will be more dangers lurking once we continue on."
When they continue on that is, and even then she didn't entirely know for certain. How long did Maglor intend them to stay here? A week? A month? He said nothing clear last night about how long they were going to be here and the entire night she was trying her hardest not to worry.
And how could she not worry? Her family and the entirety of North Middle Earth were waiting for her to come back and she was stuck here, finding whatever this place was that seemed so important. Not to mention how dangerous it's been already.
She tried not to think too hard, but even then when she glanced over at Bilbo the emotions and thoughts flooded in.
Thorin's words echoed in her mind, swearing back that she would keep his husband safe.
Inhaling sharply, Illyria recalled one more time of her fears. "I wish I can read that map so I don't have to bring you along. Thorin is really going to have my head even when he said yes." She quickly added back with quite a little too much snappiness, even if she didn't mean it much. "And don't say but. I know it and you know it too Baggins."
Bilbo hummed before he humbly answered in return. "I assure you, Illyria Ettelëa, that I am quite difficult to kill."
Yeah... 'Humble' indeed.
With a snort, she couldn't help but crack up a smile – shaking her head afterwards. Honestly, where would she be without Bilbo Baggins? Probably still stuck in Middle Earth hadn't she ever agreed to go on the Quest with him.
As her chuckling died down, she sighed with a straight reply, "True that, sister."
Meeting up with Maglor consisted of meeting Nimrodel once more. And despite how much suspicious and concerned vibe the elleth was giving her and Bilbo, Illyria couldn't deny that she respected her for that. God, how long had Nimrodel had to deal with Maglor's eccentric shit? Hopefully not too much that it would make her stab a bitch, but enough to send a glaring look at the elven sorcerer's way with such a tight smile.
She couldn't hate her for it. Not to also mention how well she dressed. She wore a light blue dress this time, sleeveless and adorned lightly with silver embroidery. Her hair was braided at the top but loose at the ends – her glowing blue eyes matching Maglor's under the chandeliers and wall lights.
Whilst she made sure Shana was eating, she listened to Maglor and Nimrodel discussing plans on what they were going to bring south. Illyria's ears were now attentive, realizing that the Silvan elleth knew about their plan and was listening in. Was that why Maglor went to talk to her after dinner last night?
Looked like it. But there was almost some hesitation in her tone, making Illyria peer back and forth between the two until Maglor inputted Illyria into the conversation.
Apparently, they needed to stay for a few days, giving time to prepare a coordinated plan across the known regions Maglor and Nimrodel knew. They weren't sure who else was coming with them, only hinted by Nimrodel that she wished to make it a small mission that won't endanger their presence. Maglor assured that he would only bring a few more south, openly referring to that there would be more concerns over the rest of Harad when Sauron unleashes most of his forces in every part of Endor.
This meant that whilst they were waiting and resting, Maglor insisted that Illyria needed to finally train with him.
Truthfully, she hadn't had a teacher since three years ago. Master Hamir and Wong were her last mentors, stopping abruptly when she decided to split her duties between getting a doctorate and her master's title. Then the incident with Mordo happened and she returned, forced to care for Maedhros whilst tackling witches, dimensional beings, and alternative universes.
Being taught by an alternative Wanderer of Worlds didn't count on the lines of teaching when some cross-dimensional being was after him and a dark-twisted version of her best friend was after her arse at the same time.
But Illyria, three times she tried, couldn't trust him. Even if she said yes openly, she immediately tasted the regret on her tongue as Maglor smiled softly and insisted they would begin later that afternoon. Apparently coming back here, he was quite a popular name to toss about so openly. Mainly Lokachari was his name, but from time to time she heard others call him Maglor. Notably Nimrodel, Mithrellas and those who she sensed to be older.
After their meal, Nimrodel noted that they are free to walk about the city, though insisting to bring one of the sanctuary guards about to not get too lost.
(Eh, Illyria knew it was because the elleth still was wary of her but who wouldn't? She couldn't trust herself from accidentally blasting a hole somewhere so it's kind of reasonable.)
Shana remained quiet at her side, always holding her hand when they wandered northeast of the large sanctuary. It was much more open in this part compared to where they lived, noting how each quadrant of the place was designed according to its uses. Here: it was open with many waterways, ponds, and fountains. And one couldn't ignore the large lake which overlooked the rest with the Khōn in the background.
But it wasn't the picturesque scenery that caught her eye.
More like the Entwives and Ent children mingling about. There were large plots of gardens, the tall figures of bark with golden leaves of Entwives tending to their plants and flowers on the far side of the lake. There were several human-like figures as well helping, carrying baskets with the water hiked up to their calves whilst to her shock, ent children playing along with children. Elven children are more like.
To say they've been standing here: staring by the side of the road they came through for a long time was quite an overstatement.
Her mind was just blown away again. She remembered in her past life always wishing for this to come true. To finally see such an amazing ancient race that one of the Valar created. They were here: blissfully content in their prime.
"Have you ever met an Ent before?" Bilbo asked, his voice soft and full of awe.
Of course, the very person who was a child of Yavanna would certainly be amazed at the sight.
Well, Pippin and Merry got along with Treebeard so she wasn't surprised Bilbo Baggins would also eventually like them as well.
Shaking her head, Illyria answered, "Never." Though a grin grew on her lips as she side-eyed Bilbo and winked, "There's always a first for everything, right?"
Illyria was careful not to scare the group of ent and elven children playing by the lake, running about, and spouting various words that still didn't translate.
As Bilbo walked towards them, she stopped to find Shana hadn't moved from where they stood – her eyes filled with nerves and fear. If this was overwhelming for her, this was perhaps terrifying for Shana to see such freedom and happiness.
Her gut wrenched and she could sense some anger and sadness filling her, but Illyria pushed it aside and walked back to the girl. She wasn't going to force Shana to play but she knew hanging out with those similar to her age would benefit her to come out of her shell. Shana stared back at her, her voice barely a whisper in her head that she wanted to just watch and stay here on the side.
Illyria reached out her arm, a smile of encouragement towards her.
Eventually, the Apysani girl took it carefully, curling her small fingers over her palm before they headed down to the lakeside where there was a patch of grass and reeds growing, along with several pebbles, rocks and even sand by the shoreline. Laughter filled the air but it dwindled slightly, with some curious faces looking back at her.
When they made it, Illyria searched for her hobbit friend, her eyes widened before she bit back a chuckle.
Two elflings and an ent were surrounding Bilbo, tugging his tunic whilst another was eyeing his feet with wonder. After a few seconds and some unknown conversation between them all (whilst Bilbo looked ever so confused), they began to tug his sleeve and urged him.
They wanted him to play with them.
"Oh my, erm. I'm not. I'm not a child!" Bilbo stammered out, trying to be the ever so polite and proper person there was. Even if they were children as he said, "I am a hobbit!"
The elven child tilted their head and slowly spoke, "Hobbit?"
Never did Bilbo look so offended.
Illyria was covering her mouth, chuckling at the sight. Oh, the innocence of children and just seeing them wanting him to play.
She had been so occupied with spectating that she only felt someone else's presence get close to her. Turning her head to her right, she found herself looking at a rather tall figure. Even taller than Maglor though perhaps shorter than her brother and Maedhros, stood an ellon dressed in grey-toned robes. His dark hair was only pulled back by a single braid, a brooch attached atop his collar.
Though what came next wasn't what she suspected.
"They cannot understand Sindarin unfortunately, but they believe that you're like an elfling child, though quite odd due to your big feet." The ellon's voice was smooth and baritone. With an amused lilted tone, he turned slightly to eye Bilbo with curiosity. "Unfortunately I do not know what a hobbit is, entirely."
Illyria raised a brow internally. What was it with these elves whenever she met one they only seemed to get more mysterious?
Not to mention how his voice just seemed to well-tuned and right...
"Well, certainly not an elf. We are gentle folk; we enjoy good food and drink and peaceful life," Bilbo proudly spoke, causing only Illyria to twitch her lips.
The first time she had met hobbits in real life, never would she see a group of people who enjoyed such peace and joy – unaware of the dangers of the outside world.
The ellon then grew a fond smile. "And yet you are here, in a sanctuary drawn out from wars and disasters." Placing his hand atop his chest, he curtly nodded and introduced himself: "Mae govannen, I am Daeron."
She couldn't help but feel scrutinized by the name.
"Daeron, I feel like I've heard of your name somewhere..." She pondered but shook her head afterwards. Where were her manners? Giving him an elven greeting, she gave him a sincere response, "Illyria Strange, by the way. It's nice to meet you. And this is Sashana but you may call her Shana."
Smiling down at her, Illyria placed a hand atop Shana's shoulder for assurance. The seemingly much older ellon had relaxed, lowering himself slightly before he introduced himself to her in a string of Apysaic. Shana opened more, surprised but almost relieved to hear someone speak her language.
When Illyria watched Daeron rose, he sent her a knowing kind smile. A smile that genuinely reached his blue eyes.
"Well met, Lady Illyria and Young Shana," Daeron nodded and looked back to where Bilbo was still being pulled to play with the elflings and ent children. "And you must be Bilbo Baggins. Word does get around quite quickly around here so do care for words."
At that moment, Illyria glanced down to find an elfling (surprisingly smaller than her human friend) tugging Shana.
'Shana, I think they want to play with you.' Illyria thought to her.
The girl looked up to her, the fear already growing in her heart. 'They won't hurt me?'
She removed her hand from her shoulder, squeezing her hand instead as she replied, 'No, but if something happens and you feel uncomfortable, you come back to me and tell me alright?'
'Alright.' With a slow nod, Shana was ushered towards the group of children along with Bilbo.
Illyria watched carefully, an eye trained as she noticed Shana awkwardly mingling as two older elflings began to speak and almost instructing them about the game.
She forgot for a moment who was still standing beside her. "You are good with children. It has been years since we had human children in Arthorien." His voice had relaxed, though remaining composed as he looked in front of them and added, "Most of our children are elven or Peredhil. Some dwarrow as well."
Her eyebrows shot up as she gave him a look, "I haven't seen any dwarrow."
Daeron quirked his lips as he noted, "They like to stick within their quarters in Arthorien. Though the children tend to join together for their teachings and training."
"Why don't you have humans?" She asked. Not in a harsh tone but almost in curiosity. Because honestly, she hadn't sensed any mortal soul in the place other than some elves who must have been Peredhil.
It was there she sensed the change of tone in the conversation. She didn't mean to puncture a memory in Daeron's mind. Like a sheer cover glassed over his eyes, dimming the light that made a halo around his face.
"It is mainly due to attachment. Many humans who do reside here are courting or married to those already living here or are mainly visiting. Many years ago our walls and our people were allowed to bring merchants and other people who wish to settle here," His explanation was thorough, but she noticed the sadness in his voice as he continued, "Then...he returned, and Arthorien was closed for the past few centuries once more."
Illyria swallowed and breathed in. To sense the age in his words made her wonder how much he had seen. What this place meant to each person as life passed by and the world constantly changed before them. Elves always seemed to feel this way even if they didn't want to or tried to remove the idea of it. Though at least Arthorien accepted the idea of death and mortality more than others, there was still that bittersweet feeling she felt washed over every knowing soul she passed by.
Her gaze turned back to the older ellon, studying his features before she could sense herself feeling the tendrils of his fëa.
Was he actually him?
"You're Loremaster Daeron."
It came out as a question but she was just even more shocked by her own answer whilst he looked back at her.
Illyria said, "I have heard of you. Word has it that you disappeared into the east before the Sacking of Doriath." [3]
The old Sindarin Loremaster bowed his head, the light returning in his gaze as he replied: "You are correct somewhat."
Who was she kidding? This was the famous loremaster she used to constantly read and hear about! Back when she was some stupid naïve loremistress and wanted to literally know so much. Gondolin had so many known scholars as well as the known ones back in Eldamar and the rest of the elven realms in Beleriand. But one name she always wished to visit - back when Aredhel promised to bring her to Doriath.
Now she was standing next to him, watching a bunch of kids play with ent children in the middle of some desert inside some weird hidden realm.
Huh, Voronwë would genuinely be impressed she made it this far.
"Can't believe Maglor found you wandering about," She commented but the giddiness inside her couldn't help but fully grin. Illyria paused before she babbled on, "Sorry that I have so many questions. I...you have no idea how much I used to love your notes on the Cirth alphabet and its evolution of it."
Daeron had formed an equally amused expression as he asked in return, "You are a loremistress?"
"A long time ago," She answered before questioning him, "Do you still do research?"
"Just like you, my time before was once my enthusiasm in finding things and collecting them," Daeron explained, his tone lightening as he watched one of the ent children decide to give a peredhel a piggyback ride. "Now I am here as one of the guardians of this place though I do tend to help with the categorizing of such knowledge at the library."
The children were getting noisier, the lakeside filling with laughter and babbling as she watched Shana shyly move with the same elfling that brought her to join them.
Illyria thought about what he said, pondering for a moment what else this elf had been doing. Why didn't he choose to follow the other Sindar? The likeliest candidate would have been Celeborn, considering he was a Prince of the Sindar. Oropher would have been the next possible choice and heck he could have followed Elrond for the sake of Lúthien's descendants.
Why Maglor and Arthorien? Had something happened between them?
"Is it...don't you miss the people you had before? Your king?" She was careful in her words, examining his reaction for any intense changes.
For a flicker Daeron did. How his mind somehow reeled back in before he sighed deeply. "My life is difficult to describe for you, Illyria Ettelëa." Daeron spoke, the light in his voice now dimmed as he continued, "But I think I am not the one to explain such complications."
She looked at him apologetically. Illyria treaded as much as she could but it was obvious she couldn't get away from hurting him slightly. And he understood why she asked, seeing the confirmation on his face that he wasn't offended by what she said as she then heard Bilbo shout from several metres away.
"Illyria! Come here!"
Turning to the direction of his voice, she was astonished to see Bilbo – his hair now adorned in various flowers and leaves assorted into a crown. She felt her lips curl up to a smile, her heart warming even at the sight of Shana helping make a flower crown for her elven friend.
Nex to her, Daeron spoke, "You seemed to have made some close companions, Master Baggins and Young Shana!" He chuckled, finding an ent child run up to him with a ring of flowers. "The joys of youth and life..."
Then to her surprise, the same ent child approached her with a flower crown as well.
Bending down, Illyria kindly thanked the ent child and allowed for them to put it atop her head. They were a mixture of purple, yellow and green and even some white and gold flowers – compared to Daeron's obvious blue, green and white hues.
As she fiddled a little, flushed at such openness and purity whilst the ent child returned to playing, Illyria sensed Daeron speaking back to her.
"I admire what you are doing, Illyria Ettelëa," He softly spoke.
Confused, she turned to him. "Doing what?"
"Trying to save this world, at such a young age." Daeron's face calmed into a sincere gaze, composed and yet full of genuine respect for her that she was even bewildered to be given. "It is a difficult burden. A burden which I have witnessed from so many others. And many of those I have met have always shown such hope. A hope to see the light and dark in every corner of life."
She couldn't help then but smile in return, her heart tightening as she couldn't help but lower her eyes and look away.
Illyria only wished she believed in his words. But there could only be so few to trust nowadays, even if it meant having to turn such honest respect to someone she knew in words. She could only accept Daeron's statement on the outside, letting them fall into silence as they kept an eye on the children and Bilbo playing by the lake.
[1] - Harry Potter Reference: 'Or worse expelled' From Hermione Granger from The Philosopher's Stone.
[2] - Barbie & The Diamond Castle: An Iconic piece of media. Also, a bit of an exaggeration as the Khon does NOT look like the Diamond Castle. Girl just likes the fancy crystal-like material.
[3] - Daeron: A Sindarin Elf and the Loremaster and Minstrel to King Thingol and Queen Melian of Doriath. He is known for creating the alphabet Cirth. He once loved Luthien Tinuviel. Known for being one of the greatest minstrels of all the Children of Eru along with Maglor.
A/N: A simple wholesome chapter within the extreme adventure, angst and action we're going to have soon. Well to be fair after Arthorien everything is going to ramp up and it's just going to be either/all of those three.
We finally get introduced to Daeron the Loremaster and also a Minstrel. From canon he is hinted to be even greater than Maglor for the latter. Unfortunately I cut a lot of his scenes with Maglor and the rest of the Guardians but at some point, I'll post them out here.
Next chapter is going to be more Arthorien stuff, and Illyria finally training. :)
Edited: 07/03/2023
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