10; Wolf's Bane
-Wolf's Bane-
(season one, episode nine)
If Joey could say 'No' to people more often, she wouldn't be in this car. But here she was... Ready to get chased by some dangerous people to save a dangerous werewolf. Derek gets back and they're already trying to save his life again.
"He's on foot. Just ran into the iron works." Chris said into his phone.
Kate furrowed her brows in confusion. "Wait, did you say he's on foot?"
"Yeah, into the iron works."
"If he's on foot, then who the hell is driving his car?" She asked hanging up.
Scott sped down the street as fast as the car could go; trying to get away. "Faster?"
"Much faster." Said the blonde leaning forwards slightly. She immediately was pushed backwards by him speeding up rapidly.
No matter how fast they went, Kate was right behind them. Swerving as she drove to keep up.
"Okay, Scott, I don't think you're grasping the concept of the car chase here." Stiles stressed.
"If I go faster, i'll kill us."
Joey rolled her eyes. "If you don't go faster, they're gonna kill us!"
He stepped on the engine even more aggressively. Making the car go even faster than before.
"They're gone." She said looking back.
"All units, suspect is on foot heading into the iron works." The radio muttered.
"Guys, over there! He's right there!"
Stiles rolled the window down and hollered, "Derek, get in!"
Soon, the wolf had joined the group in the car and they drove off.
"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott shouted.
The previous tension that was filled with fear was turning into anger as Derek hit the seat.
"Damn it, I had him!"
"Who? The alpha?"
"Yes! He was right in front of me, and the freaking police showed up."
The boy winced. "Hey, they're just doing their jobs."
"Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state."
"Speaking of, why would you even do that? You could've thought of anything else, but you chose to make him a fugitive." The blonde tensed.
Scott grabbed the wheel tighter. "Can we seriously get past that? I made a dumbass mistake. I get it."
"How did you find him?" Stiles interrupted.
He didn't respond, instead giving Joey a glare that said, 'You hang out with these idiots?'
"Can you at least trust me for half a second?" The beta asked.
The other boy scoffed. "Yeah, both of us."
Another glare was shared from Derek to Joey.
"Or just them. I'll be back here."
"The last time I saw my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris, which Jo already told me was your chem teacher."
"From now on, share your information with us at the same time as Joey. Why him?" Scott asked.
Derek scoffed. "I don't know yet."
"What's the second?"
"Some kind of symbol." He pulled out a piece of paper with a small drawing. It was a horse on what seemed to be a charm.
"What? You know what this is?" He asked Scott.
Scott took a deep breath. "I've seen it on a necklace. Allison's necklace."
"This is gonna be difficult." Scott said while walking into school.
The girl rolled her eyes. "Why don't you just ask if you can borrow it?"
"How?" He asked.
"It's easy, you just say, 'Hey, Allison can I borrow your necklace?' And see if there's anything on it or in it."
"It's not that simple."
Stiles interjected. "Why don't you just talk to her?"
"She won't talk to me. What if she only takes it off in the shower or something?"
"That's why you ease back into it, okay?" Stiles said softly.
"Yeah, get the necklace, get the alpha, get cured, get Allison back. In that order."
"How the hell did Jackson find out you're a werewolf?" Stiles asked.
"I have no idea." The boy said waving his arms around.
Joey lowered her head. "Did he say it out loud- the word?"
"What word Jo?"
She looked around. "Werewolf."
"No, but he implied it." He stressed.
"Okay, maybe it's not as bad as it seems. I mean, he doesn't any proof, right? Who would even believe him anyway?" Stiles joined.
"How about Allison's father?" Joey whispered.
"Okay, it's bad."
Every word Stiles and Joey uttered made the wolf even more terrified. "I need a cure. Right now."
"Does he know about Allison's father?" The boy asked.
"I don't know." He shrugged.
"Where's Derek?"
"Hiding, like we told him to. Why?"
Stiles met his eyes. "I have another idea. It's gonna take a little time and finesse, though."
"We have that game tonight. It's quarterfinals."
"-And it's your first game." Joey interjected.
The girls eyes met Jackson's across the hall. Had he been following them? Could he hear them?
"Look, do you have a plan for Allison yet?"
"She's in my next class." Scott sighed.
The brunette shook his head. "Get the necklace."
The group parted in different directions towards their next classes. Except Joey. She marched rather quickly towards Jackson, who stood at the end of the hall. Taunting her.
"What do want, asshole?" She scoffed.
He knew Joey would ask him. She was just easy to read.
Jackson smirked. "At first, I just wanted what Scott has. Whatever that is."
"Go on."
"Then, I took a second and realized if he has something... You do too."
Her face dropped. "What?"
"Come on. You're telling me, your new found bravery is natural? In the school, I saw your reaction. I know you heard it. Just give it up."
It was official. He definitely knew. And not just about Scott, about Joey to. The girl didn't even know what she was yet. Let alone being able to give him the same thing if he wanted it. Knowing Jackson, he did want it.
"Leave me and my friends alone or i'll get Derek to deal with you."
Now it was his face that dropped.
Gotcha asshole.
Joey sprinted next to Stiles into the cafeteria to where Scott was sitting. She sat down, making a large screeching noise with the chair.
"Did she give you the necklace?" She asked chewing her apple.
"No exactly." Scott replied.
"What happened?" Her eyebrows furrowed.
"She told me not to talk to her."
Joey looked at him in disbelief. Her eyes squinted with frustration. "What did you do? Scratch that- So she's not giving it to you?"
"No, she's not giving me the necklace." Scott huffed.
"Did you find anything else out?" The other boy asked.
"Just that, I know nothing about girls, and that they're totally psychotic."
The girl glared at him. "I'm right here."
"Both of you, shut up. I came up with a plan 'B' incase anything like this happened."
"What's plan 'B?'" Joey rolled her eyes.
"Steal the stupid thing."
Scott sighed. "Couldn't we at least try getting to Harris?"
"My dad put him on a twenty-four hour protective deal, okay? The necklace is all we got."
As the boys came up with a plan; Jackson was watching. It was obvious to. How did everyone not see it?
"He's watching us." The wolf said, glancing at Jackson.
The trio froze. Mainly Stiles.
"I'll knock his ass out." The girl mumbled.
"He's talking to me. He knows I can hear him."
"Joey, you there? You both can hear me... Can't you?"
She clenched her jaw at the question. Joey was very close to marching over to his table and punching him square in the face.
"He's talking to both of us! Nope, I'm tuning him out. You can listen to his insufferable voice, alone." Joey rambled.
"Are you trying to pretend not to hear me?"
The blonde slapped Stiles' arm. "Say anything!"
"I can't think of anything. My minds blank."
"Your minds blank? You can't think of anything to say?" The wolf replied.
"Listen, he's not even sitting there anymore."
The supernatural teens looked around quickly. Jackson was nowhere to be seen.
"Looking for me? What else can you guys do, huh? Can you see better? Are you stronger, more powerful? No, I knew there was no way you suddenly gained all this strength. Which means, you're cheating at lacrosse, McCall."
Both of them tensed up. They just couldn't tune him out.
"Can you even play? I bet the new assistant coach is gonna keep track of all of McCall's points, right? Now, this parts just for Scott, so... Joey, go ahead and stop listening. I want this to be private."
She wanted to stop listening, believe me. Joey just didn't know how. There was no supernatural guidebook. And if there was, she would be reading it... But maybe it wasn't a book. Maybe it was a person. Just like always.
The girl leaped up from her seat and darted towards the cafeteria entrance.
"Joey, where are you going?" Stiles yelled across the room.
She didn't respond. All that was shared was a thumbs up before she sprinted down the hall. Joey ran out of the double doors and out into the parking lot. The crisp, cool air hit her like a brick. A very heavy brick. It wasn't just the air that was bothering her, it was everything that had led up to these events, her being a 'Supernatural.' Everything felt off. Like it wasn't complete somehow.
Every step the girl took got her closer to her bike. She didn't even remember riding it to school. Nevertheless, she unlocked the chain and hopped on. Her breath was shallow and sharp.
Joey just tried to focus on counting. Trying to steady her breaths into a pattern.
One, two...
start over.
One, two...
And again.
One, two...
Not once, did she make it to three. Not once, all the way to Derek's abandoned house.
Her bike was leaned gently against the broken down wall as she took several steps towards Derek's door. His door was just about as beat as Joey had been the last few days. No time was wasted. He opened the door immediately, wrapping the girl in a hug.
"Jo, you stink of anxiety. I could smell it from miles away; what's wrong?"
That question was going to kill her one day. She never knew exactly, how she was feeling. All she knew was she wasn't quite right.
The night she bit Scott was just replaying in her mind. It was a blurry image. Scott hadn't brought it up, but it was bound to happen. He probably didn't want her to feel guilty. She already did though.
"Teach me how to control this. Please... I don't know what I am but, I need your help." She whispered.
Derek knew how she felt. The feeling of not being completely present in your own body, your own mind. He wanted to help the girl. After all, he felt like she was his daughter. They had an instant connection. Not one you could explain in human terms.
"We need to go to Stiles, but after- Soon I promise. I'll teach you."
Joey and Derek were sitting in the corner of Stiles' room. The green colored walls, posters spread throughout, and cluttered desk, just screamed teenage boy. Not just any boy, it screamed Stiles. Speaking of, he was sitting at his desk, in the newly bought chair; without claw marks. Oblivious to who was behind him.
"Stiles!" Sheriff Stilinski shouted from downstairs.
"Yo, D-"
Stiles turned around to face his door, glancing at the pair slightly.
The wolf pointed at the boys door abruptly. Shushing him.
Stiles ran out of room and blocked the room with a mix of his body and the door. His dad was stood right outside; squinting slightly.
"What did you say?" He asked.
"What? I said dad. That's what I said..."
Thinking nothing of it, Mr. Stilinski continued,
"Listen, I've got something i've got to take care of, but I'm gonna be there tonight. I mean, your first game."
"My first game... Great! Awesome." Stiles eyes shifted around.
His dad smiled wide. "I'm very happy for you. And proud as well."
"Thanks. Me too. I'm happy and proud... Of myself." His voice trembled.
"They're gonna let you play, right?"
"Yep. I'm first line. Believe that?"
They met in the middle for a quick hug and then his dad was off. The door opened and Stiles walked backwards into the room. He was turned around roughly; his back against the door.
"I'm sorry for skipping lunch-"
He grasped her wrist. "You left me there, alone."
"You had Scott-"
"Why's the fugitive here? I could go get my dad and his gun- which he owns by the way." He interrupted again.
"Stop interrupting me!" She shouted, letting go of him and backing away. "Sorry, my anger is hard to control. And the strength, you know?"
"I don't know, personally. Just uh, keep your new daddy away from me."
Her eyes went wide. "What? I could slam you against the door again-"
"I'm sorry! Stop!" He apologized quickly. Stiles eyes met Derek's. "Are you guys like- best buds now?"
"Shut up and sit down." Derek demanded.
Stiles walked slowly towards his chair; watching the wolf. He sat down and held his hands on his lap. "Scott doesn't have the necklace yet. But there's something else we can try."
They listened closely. "When we were trapped at the school, Scott sent a text to Allison asking her to meet him there."
"So?" Derek shrugged.
"So it wasn't Scott." He stated obviously.
"Can you find out who sent it?"
"No, not me. But I think I know somebody who can." His chair swiveled around towards his computer. Stiles' focus setting in.
"I love Danny so much, guys." Joey smiled.
Danny stood next to Stiles with a glare. "You want me to trace a text?"
He nodded.
"I came here to do lab work. That's what lab partners do."
"We can do our lab work... Once you trace the text." Joey joined in.
It was stupid really, but, the reason the girl had been in their partnership was because the class had an odd number of students. Mr. Harris was going to put her with Jackson and someone else but she simply refused to work with him.
He shrugged. "And what makes you think I know how?"
She set her hands softly on Danny's shoulders. "His dad is the sheriff, Danny. And you have arrest records."
"I was thirteen. They dropped the charges." He rambled.
The younger teens looked at each other and then met Danny's eyes.
"We're doing lab work."
The lacrosse player put his bag on the ground and sat next to the teens. His face showed nothing but frustration.
"Who's he again?" Danny whispered, pointing at Derek.
Silence filled the air as Stiles tried to find an answer. "My cousin. Miguel."
"Is that blood on his shirt?"
Joey quickly turned around, now interested in the conversation again. "He gets nose bleeds. Miguel, why don't you, uh, take one of Stiles' shirts. Yeah?"
Then, the once previously opened school book, slammed closed and got tossed to the bed. Derek walked towards the dresser with a huff and pulled his shirt off just as aggressive.
"We both know, you can trace the text, so we should-"
"Uh, Stiles." Derek muttered.
He lifted the shirt and stretched it.
"This... No fit." His voice was filled with annoyance.
The blonde chuckled. "Get something else then."
As the group turned around, Stiles met Danny's eyed once again. This time he had been struck with disbelief.
"Hey, that one looks really good, huh?" He asked, pointing at Derek's new shirt. "What do you think Danny?"
"It's not really his color."
This time, Derek threw the shirt at Joey. She caught it while almost falling off her chair.
"You swing for a different team, but you still play ball, don't you Danny?"
"You're a horrible person." His voice now lower.
"I know. It keeps me awake at night. Anyway, about that text."
"Stiles!" Derek's shouted. "None of these fit."
Looks were shared. Whispers were also shared.
"I'll need the ISP, the phone number, and the exact time of text."
Joey jumped up and flung her arms around the boy. "Thank you, Danny. Oh my gosh. I've never regretted being your friend."
"Love you too, Jo."
Everyone was gathered around the computer screen. Waiting... And waiting.
"There." Danny pointed. "The text was sent from a computer. This one."
The wolf leaned forward. "Registered with that name?"
"That can't be right." Joey frowned.
It read...
Melissa McCall.
Between then, and now. Joey, Derek, and Stiles had all gathered in the famous blue Jeep.
Scott had sent them a picture of the necklace he found in Allison's room and was waiting for confirmation.
"Did you get the picture?" He asked on the other side of the call.
Stiles held his phone tightly. "Yeah, it looks exactly like the drawing."
"Hey, is there something in the back of it? There's gotta be something." The wolf grasped Stiles' hand tightly while talking into the phone.
"Nothing. There's nothing in it, on it. Nothing. And where are you? You're suppose to be here. You're first line-"
He was cut off by Coach grabbing his arm. "Where the hell is my assistant coach and her evil twin?"
"Hey, your not gonna play if you're not here to start."
"I know. Look, if you see my dad, can you tell him i'll be there, i'll just be a little bit late, okay? Same for Joey. All right thanks."
The call ended with a click.
"You're not gonna make it." Derek said calmly.
"I know."
"And you didn't tell him about his mom either."
Joey leaned forward on the console. "We can't until we find out the truth."
"By the way, one more thing."
He turned to Derek. "Yeah?"
The wolf shoved Stiles' head down into the steering wheel harshly.
"What the hell was that for?" He mumbled.
"You know what that was for. Go."
Stiles got out of the Jeep and started walking to the hospital doors slowly.
"Faster!" Joey yelled.
After only a few minutes, Joeys phone rang.
"Stiles- What?"
"What do I do again?"
Derek took the phone and held it to his ear. "Ask for Jennifer. She's been looking after my uncle."
Yeah, well, he's not here." He sighed.
"What?" Derek asked.
"He's not here. He's gone Derek."
Tension filled the air. It was brief but it meant a big development.
"Stiles, get out of there right now! He's the alpha. It's him!" He shouted.
The wolf grabbed Joey and ran inside the hospital. It wasn't too long before they had reached Stiles.
"Oh my god, I'm gonna die." Stiles whimpered.
Derek elbowed the nurse in the face swiftly. Like it was nothing.
"That's not nice. She's my nurse." The now human alpha explained.
"She's a psychotic bitch who's helping you kill people- Get out of the way." He motioned towards Stiles.
He lowered his voice to Joey's ear. "Focus on your strength. How you feel in the moment. The adrenaline."
"You think I killed Laura on purpose? One of my own family?"
Derek whispered something before Joey's fangs grew. It definitely ticked her off.
"I can't-" Her arm flung outwards hitting the alpha in the face. Blood was escaping from his cheek.
He simply chuckled, and it was healed. Slowly, he walked towards Derek and threw him across the hall. Then, Joey.
Stiles dragged Joey away with him. Leaving only Derek to fight.
"My mind, my personality, that was literally burned out of me." The alpha had a strong grasp around Derek's throat. "I was driven by pure instinct. To bad Joey didn't get to visit me with her father like she was supposed to before, you know."
"You want forgiveness?" The younger wolf threw his hand at his attacker. Hitting him in the face.
"I want understanding." Derek's uncle kicked him right back down to the ground. "Do you have any idea... What it was like for me, during those years? Slowly healing, cell by cell. Even more slowly coming back to consciousness. Yes, becoming an alpha, taking that from Laura pushed me over a plateau in the healing process."
Joey stood and walked away from Stiles. Her steps were quiet as she approached the alpha from behind.
"I can't help that. I tried to tell you what was happening, I tried to warn you. "
He dragged Derek into a new room of the hospital. Blood being trailed behind. Joey followed.
"I was going to wait, for dramatic flair, but..."
The alpha grabbed the nearest mirror. His face was burnt on one half and it looked severely painful. His eyes glanced at Joey behind him. Quickly, his fist clenched and was thrown behind him at the girl. And to no surprise it knocked her down.
Peter turned the mirror several times and his face grew more less burned each time. Until it was completely gone.
"Derek, you have to give me a chance to explain. After all, we're family."
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