magic bullet
Miles was greeted by Stiles loud voice when he woke up the next morning. After an eventful night of bowling he made it his mission to attempt homework, however he didn't really get far. He groaned as he sat up from his bed, his textbooks and notebooks all piled on the edge of his bed.
They would've fallen had he not caught them with his hands, Stiles stood at his doorway holding onto his backpack with a bright smirk. "I gotta document this moment, it's not everyday you sleep in! I'm so using this against you for the rest of the week".
Miles groaned in annoyance as he stood up off his bed and pushed his things into his bag. "You're annoying, it's not my fault you decided you wanted to eye stalk Lydia the entire time we were at the bowling alley. We would've left hours earlier but nope! Had to stay the entire time she was there".
Stiles huffed "you could've left at any second! I mean you had your friends sitting with you half the night too, don't act all innocent and blame it all on me".
Miles rolled his eyes as he walked towards the door "I told you like five times last night we needed to leave, but you insisted we stay and do more rounds, even if your turns consisted of me playing for you. You kept missing because Lydia would go at the same time as you and apparently that makes you drool".
Stiles leaned into the door frame "whatever, you better be outside in ten minutes or I'm leaving your sorry ass here to walk all the way to school". Miles glared at Stiles "if you do that I'll tell dad what you and Scott did the other night, wandering the woods at night searching for a dead body isn't allowed. You'd be grounded for life!".
Stiles laughed "oh yeah! Well I'll tell dad you knew about it but didn't say anything either! Then we can both be grounded for the rest of our lives".
Miles pushed past Stiles "'he'd never believe you, get your ass outside already, I'll be out there in a minute". Stiles huffed "gonna get all pretty for your girlfriend? You take ages in the bathroom ever since you asked her out, other people need to get ready".
"You're already dressed and ready, dumbass, just go to the jeep already, I'll be ten minutes max, just so your precious ego doesn't get crushed when you miss Lydia walking into her first period. Stalker much...".
He pushed the bathroom door shut and Stiles groaned "I don't do that! I'm leaving you here! You can walk to school for all I care". Miles rolled his eyes "whatever you say, if you leave me here I'll kick your ass!".
Miles did in fact walk to school, he was annoyed when he walked outside only to find Stiles was gone. He rolled his eyes as he pushed his hood over his head and trialed down the sidewalk, he'd definitely miss first period and his dad would be pissed.
Another day he's been late and it wasn't exactly his fault, Stiles left him here all alone and it's not like he could've waited like two more minutes. Miles used to ditch often, it was engraved into his shoes at this point. They had walked on this sidewalk so many times that he remembered where certain cracks and patches of grass laid.
The same tree as before was nested by a bird who chirped at him every time he would walk past. Only today felt more uncomfortable, the bird wasn't there and he couldn't remember which patch of grass was next. He stumbled over a tree branch a few times as he pushed his hands into his pockets.
He felt like he was being watched as he turned down the road towards the school. He paused as he inhaled sharply, "hello?" he looked at the creepy patch of trees beside the house he was in front of.
He grew tense when he caught sight of two red orbs, the same ones he keeps seeing all over the place. He heard a deep growl for a moment and the wind felt colder as his hand twitched nervously.
"Right because that's not terrifying at all, damn it Stiles why'd you ditch me..." he grumbled in annoyance as he kept walking forward.
He felt tense the entire time as he stopped at a crosswalk, the wind blew harshly and a few leaves smacked his face making him groan in annoyance. "Seriously, is today annoy Miles day!" he clicked on the button to walk and it kept flashing.
"Come on you stupid thing" he clicked it again but the screen glitched and turned off. He kicked at the pole as he looked both ways along the street, no car was in sight so it's not like he'd get in trouble for crossing.
It's not like his dad would punish him for this, he was already in trouble for being late. He missed his first two periods already and since time felt like it was against him, he would miss lunch soon.
He walked quickly and then screamed when someone tackled him onto the pavement. "What the fuck!" The man looked like he was on the verge of death as he inhaled sharply and pushed Miles head down.
"Hey get off me man!" he heard a loud howl before the hold on him loosened. "Stay down" the man's voice was soft and raspy as he groaned in pain.
Miles grunted as his body was pushed more into the pavement "my day just keeps getting more shitty!". He tugged at the man's arm and let out a breath of relief when the hold on him loosened.
He pushed himself back as he glared at the man, he recognized him from previous times he'd walk to school alone. He'd often see him drive past or be walking along the sidewalk across from him, he was always watching him in some creepy way.
"Not cool dude, if you wanted to rob me maybe go for my wallet and not attempt to brutally smack my face into the pavement, that hurt". He rubbed at his chin as he went to stand up "stay down!" he groaned when he was forced back down "hey! What the fuck!".
He huffed in annoyance as he pushed the man away from him "that wasn't even remotely cool at all, gosh I thought my idiot of a brother was annoying. You're really taking the cake man!".
He stood up wiping the dirt off his pants angrily "I can't miss lunch, I have friends who would actually like to see me, maybe not dead! I mean who the hell...". He grew tense as the wind around him grew more intense "I told you to stay down!".
Miles huffed in annoyance "I don't have time for this, there's no way I'm leaving my girlfriend at lunch all by herself, that's such a dick move".
He turned and the two bright red orbs from before were right in front of him. Instead they were attached to some type of animal, he gasped as he tripped and fell towards the ground. He felt the pavement scrape against his palms making him wince.
The man who for some weird reason kept insisting Miles stay down pushed him back as he stood in front of him. "He's off limits, stay the hell away from him" Miles pushed his hands against his chest.
"My day just keeps getting more and more weirder" his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he passed out. His body slumped into the pavement as the man gripped him slightly "back off! He's not a part of this".
The animal let out a weak growl before it ran off into the woods, the man looked down at Miles and sighed deeply as he picked him up and limped towards the school. His arm was burning like crazy but he'd make it if he was fast enough about moving.
Stiles sighed deeply as he pushed past the crowd in front of the door "yeah Miles never showed up, now I kinda feel bad for ditching him at the house".
Scott walked beside him and smiled weakly "he's probably just pissed and ditched, he's done it before and he's likely just trying to make you feel bad".
Stiles nodded "likely, but it's not like him though, I mean ever since he's started dating that chick he's been here everyday on time. Todays the only day he slept in, and it was technically my fault".
Stiles smacked himself slightly "god he must really hate me right now, sometimes I wish I just told him about everything so he'd think I'm not acting weird".
Stiles sighed as Scott looked at Allison who was standing across the parking lot talking to Lydia. "I think it's better he stays out of it, he doesn't need to stress about our problems, Derek said it's best not to tell anyone else about everything".
"Yeah well Derek is annoying and weird, but you're sorta right I guess... Miles needs to focus on everything and he'd never believe us anyways".
Stiles patted Scott's shoulders "anyways I better get home and apologize, good luck with Allison tonight". Scott nodded weakly before they parted ways, Stiles threw his bag into the back of his jeep as he started it.
He gasped at the sudden sight of Derek standing right in front of it, holding weakly onto a very much unconscious Miles.
"Oh my god!" Stiles pulled open his door quickly "why the hell are you holding my brother! And why is he literally unconscious, I swear if you hurt him!".
Derek collapsed to the ground and Stiles groaned "seriously, you're gotta be kidding me, you're just everywhere and you never leave us alone".
Miles groaned as he opened his eyes "what the fuck..." Scott ran forward "what is going on!" Stiles shrugged "hell if I know man, but Miles is half unconscious on the damn sidewalk and apparently Derek had something to do with it".
Derek gripped his arm "not safe" Scott looked at the man "what are you doing here? And why do you have Miles with you". Derek groaned "I was shot" Stiles cringed "oh god he's not looking so good man".
Scott looked at Miles who was fading in and out of unconsciousness "Stiles put Miles into the jeep, I'll try and figure out what is happening with Derek".
Derek glared at Stiles when he helped Miles off the ground "you two are idiots, it's not safe" Scott sighed "says the guy who's been shot, why aren't you healing? You should be healing right?".
Derek sat up weakly "I can't, it was a different kind of bullet" Stiles couldn't help but grin in excitement "a silver bullet? Oh that'd be so awesome".
"No, you idiot" Miles groaned when Stiles pushed him into the passenger seat of his jeep "sorry dude, but I need you to stay here, don't pass out".
Miles leaned back "I had the weirdest dream..." Stiles smiled weakly before running back towards Derek angrily "okay what the hell did you do to my brother".
Derek huffed as his eyes flashed a bright blue for a moment Scott sighed "stop doing that, someone could see" Derek groaned "I can't control it, you need to find out what kind of bullet they used".
Scott sighed "how the hell am I supposed to do that?" Stiles grunted as he helped Scott lift Derek off the ground. "Cause she's an Argent. She's with them" Stiles cringed as he pushed Derek into the back of his jeep "oh god I'm gonna have to use a shit ton of bleach to clean my jeep now".
Stiles pushed the door shut as he climbed into the driver's seat. Scott looked at Derek "why should I help you exactly?" Derek groaned as he pushed his head back, his arm was burning like crazy.
"I can give you two reasons" Scott rolled his eyes "they better be good reasons if you need my help this badly, I could ruin my relationship doing this".
"Because you need me and if you two idiots want Miles to survive to see another day you'll listen to me and find the damn bullet".
Stiles turned so fast it made his neck ache "what! What the hell does that mean, what did you do to my brother you asshole!".
Scott sighed "I'll try but you better give us some answers after this is done and over with". Scott looked at Stiles who was on the verge of losing it "hey, get him out of here" Stiles huffed. "I hate you for this so much, you better hope I don't punch the guy".
Stiles had been driving for what felt like ages. He glared at Derek "hey, try not to bleed out on my seats, we're almost there" Derek frowned deeply. "Almost where?" Stiles groaned in annoyance.
"Your house, you got some nerve even being in my jeep and then you went and messed with my brother and for some reason you won't tell me why".
Derek moved forward "What? No, you can't take me there and Miles isn't important right now". Stiles sighed "I can't take you to your own house? And since when was Miles even involved in all of this, I kept him uninvolved for a reason".
"I can't protect myself if you take me home, and I told you before if I survive I'll tell you whatever you wanna know. So drive and stop talking!",
Stiles rolled his eyes "what happens if Scott doesn't find your little magic bullet? Are you dying and watch the seats man". Derek huffed "not yet, I have a last resort" Stiles cringed "what do you mean? What last resort" he gagged at the sight of Derek's wound.
"Oh, my God. What is that? Is that contagious you know what, you should probably just get out because there's no way I'm having you die in my car!".
He stopped the car and Derek glared at him "start the car now! Stiles chuckled "I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look. In fact I think, if I wanted to, I could probably drag your little Werewolf ass out into the middle of the road and leave you for dead. Because I don't trust you".
Derek growls angrily "start the car, or I'm gonna rip your throat out... with my teeth". Stiles gasped as he started the car "Scott definitely owes me for this".
Miles gasped awake making Stiles jump "woah! What the fuck dude, I could've crashed" Miles rubbed at his head "you're an idiot, where the hell are we anyways?". Miles around and then cringed slightly "what is that smell? It reeks..." he turned "ewww, Stiles why is there a guy in the back with half of his arm on the verge of infection. That looks disgusting, did you pick up some homeless guy on the road!".
Stiles looked at Derek then at Miles "uh yeah? He was looking for a ride to the hospital so I Uh... picked him up?" Miles frowned "why do you sound so unsure then? Hey wait a second, how did I even get here? I was walking to school... and then..".
He turned "you were there! You pushed me into the ground and kept acting weird!" Stiles gasped "what! You attacked my brother, what the heck dude".
Miles glared at the man "why is he in the jeep Stiles! Do you just let strangers in the car now, I mean that's just..." he turned "this isn't a hospital Stiles, why are we at Scott's work". Stiles parked the jeep "uh, no comment just help me move him inside".
Miles grumbled in annoyance as he climbed out of the jeep "just when I thought my day couldn't get any worse, you got me helping you drag some guy into an animal clinic when he needs a hospital!".
Miles helped Stiles grab the man out of the back seat and huffed "this guy weighs a ton, damn you Stiles for making me help you, I'm weak!".
Miles grew tense all of a sudden when the hair on that back of his neck stuck up. The wind blew more harshly making his hold loosen for a moment.
"Hey careful, we can't afford to drop him" Miles inhaled sharply as he pushed open the clinic door "still weird we're bringing him here of all places".
All of a sudden the man who was half dead at this rate pushed upwards and attempted to push Miles into the clinic. Miles managed to catch the door while Stiles stumbled on his feet and smacked into the door.
"Derek what is your issue! We're trying to help you here!" Miles turned and saw the bright red orbs in the distance. He gripped the door more "let's just get him inside already Stiles, this is stupid and a waste of time, I should be at home already".
Derek growled slightly making Stiles frown "hey man enough with that, come on if you can walk then we're not helping your ass inside". Miles turned as he held the door open for Stiles, the boy walked inside and huffed in annoyance at Derek.
Miles shook his head "you have weird friends Stiles" he pushed the door more open for this Derek guy but then yelled when he was pushed into the ground.
"Hey what the fuck Derek! Get off my brother! That's not cool at all! I should've left you at the school to bleed out, let him go!". Miles grunted as he pushed Derek away from him, he stood up angrily.
"That's not..." he grew tense all of a sudden and turned around "cool...." Derek stood up quickly "get inside now! Miles I mean it".
Scott appeared on his bike "I got the bullet..." he stopped awkwardly at the sight of Miles. Miles huffed "you guys are weird, and seriously dude back off already, I'm not going inside, I'm taking my ass home and I'm calling my girlfriend to apologize for ditching school today and Stiles. Whatever weird stuff you've been dragged into I want no part of it".
He moved back and Derek forced himself off the ground and grabbed a hold of Miles arm tugging him towards the door. "Hey back off of him Derek! He shouldn't even be here" Derek growled at Scott angrily "you have no idea what you're messing with! You two idiots are incapable of thinking! I'm helping whether you realize it or not, I'm helping".
Miles stumbled back out of Derek's hold and the wind got more freezing as he heard soft growls behind him, he was so caught up in the moment he didn't think much of it as he sighed in annoyance.
"Stop it! You guys are all being weird and I want answers right...." He screamed as he was grabbed a hold of, he felt himself being dragged so fast his body was on the verge of snapping.
"Miles!" he heard his brothers scream of horror as he tried to escape the hold of whoever held him. He screamed loudly as he felt his eyes slam shut.
Stiles was freaking out as he looked at the spot where Miles was once standing "where the fuck is my brother! Derek what is going on!". Derek looked at the duo in front of him "I told you to keep him out of it! You two have no idea what you've just done".
authors notes:
I forgot how enjoyable it is to write for teen wolf, like idk what it is but I could write for hours. This chapter would've been way longer but I had to control myself and stop along the way so it wasn't too long. Anyways enjoy this chapter and I can't wait to continue.
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