7 | The New Century
7| The New Century
The Noldor acknowledged those with gifts, may it be the creation of something physical, the power and agility of one's self or the ability to give beauty and song to the world. And those with such gifts may be passed down in their line, parting each fire with their knowledge and wisdom.
However, it was not just simply the knowledge that fueled them but of their pride. Proud to grow and bring something to life.
And sometimes it is pride which blinds them. Pride may only be taken with a grain of sand when it comes to the Noldor. For more than a grain may devour and hide what the truth lays ahead.
Location: Ondolindë, North Beleriand, Middle Earth
Time: 500 F.A
Lord Celebrimbor was a patient tutor.
He didn't complain or grow irritated by her (but he did become worried if she hurt herself, in fear of the wrath of Glorfindel and Ecthelion) and gave her as much advice as to any craftsperson in the forge.
In the beginning, Elemmírë almost gave up. She wasn't a natural in the art of metal and couldn't even handle the tools as skilled as even a Noldorin elf could. Heck, even a Sindar elf who had been training across the forge was doing better than her.
Celebrimbor, bless his heart, was too patient with her, assuring that not everyone would show their skill until they have mastered a certain part of the craft during their time.
Even after delving into books about smithing and previous crafts of weapons didn't improve her skill, and she was on the verge of giving up hadn't Idril and Voronwë came to the forge one day and finally discovered where she had been in the past few weeks.
(She might have not told anyone, and especially her brother and Ecthelion that she was spending time at the forge and not at the library.)
That day had been a surprise for her since she found not only her two friends but also Lord Tuor being dragged along. The trio spent half an hour asking her and Celebrimbor questions before Enerdhil kindly asked them to leave (very kindly considering it was the princess of Ondolindë in their forge).
It was at this time that whilst her presence was increasing around Turgon's court, she was equally balancing life in the forge with Celebrimbor and at the library with Ingolmo. It was those years that she began to know what the Fëanorian elf was like and realised how different he was from what she perceived.
His love for crafting was what showed her how truly passionate he was. There was no hatred or arrogance in him, though there was ambition that was laced into his work to create better and bolder than the previous work.
Elemmírë slowly came to find him as an ellon to respect, someone who didn't matter in the life of politics and preferred for life to follow the passions of what someone loved to do than what someone wanted to do.
And he was right about waiting for the right moment. She realised that what she was skilled in was had been using her magic and light to create the swords themselves, bringing them to life as they were cast and moulded into the curved blades she designed.
Whilst the sun was high up in the sky, Hestondur announced that they had a visitor to greet in the atrium.
Voronwë had been there, conversing with Glorfindel about the news outside the city, when Elemmírë found Celebrimbor waiting for her. After sharing their pleasantries, the Fëanorian revealed a long and large case to her.
Giving him a quick glance up, Elemmírë stared back at the case as Celebrimbor opened the latch.
There, nestled in dark green cloth, were two identical silver blades.
Taking in a deep breath, she held the nearest one up into the light. It was the perfect weight for her, the hilt fitting well into her hand as the form was balanced. She took the other in her right hand – a perfect fit.
"They are beautiful," Voronwë commented, analyzing the blades with the same interest. Even her brother, who had only known about her crafting for several months, was impressed.
She muttered, her eyes never leaving the swords, "And perfect for me."
"Well, it took you five years to make, mellon nin," Celebrimbor spoke, a hint of pride in his voice. "A wondrous result after all the hard work you put in."
Placing them down to her side, she looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you, Lord Tyelperinquar, for teaching me."
He smiled back with a gentle nod to her, his eyes wandering back down to the swords with a gulp.
Glorfindel walked over to her, asking her: "And what shall you call them, nésa?" He grinned, "Two swords of Elemmírë Fealassie will need a name for the battlefield."
She thought for a moment, before sensing the hum and energy through her swords. Lifting her left hand, Elemmírë called out: "This one shall be Calimmacil." In her right hand, she continued: "And the other shall be named Thúlíra."
Bright Sword and Eternal Breath...two fitting names for the protection of the lady of the house of the Golden Flower.
Time: 501 F.A
They were sitting in Idril's lounge that evening.
Whilst she sat at the edge of the sofa, Idril had sat behind her: her hands busy braiding her blonde locks. It was one of those evenings, where they were both released from their duties and they could relax for once and forget propriety. They had been having their little night overs for decades, so it was usual for the royal wing household to see Elemmírë and Idril around.
And today, they had been going over several meetings over the preparations of the Midsummer festival since Idril had agreed for the past few years to arrange it. Idril had spoken to her about the plans and the little gossip she knew around the ladies of the court.
And one certain topic Elemmírë knew not to forget to mention to her.
Whilst Idril focused on her braiding, she cut through the silence and said, "You and Lord Tuor are getting rather well."
Suddenly, Idril's fingers stopped and froze. Elemmire could feel her friend's mind spiralling into a slight panic before whispering back, "You think so? I..."
Turning her head slightly, Elemmírë looked to Idril with a kind encouraging smile. On her face, there was no doubt that Idril Celebrindal had fallen in love with the Edain. "Hey, I don't need to mind read to know he loves you," She spoke.
Idril's eyes blinked, before hiding the not-so-secretive smile that lingered on her lips the entire night.
Time: 502 F.A
Elemmírë spotted the tall blonde-haired Edain walking over to her. In a couple of hours, the new Lord Tuor of the House of the Wing would marry her longtime best friend: Idril Celebrindal.
When their eyes met, she grinned up to the Edain and spoke, "Lord Tuor."
Tuor, unlike most, had grown accustomed to her sarcastic tones and quick-witted quips. He sighed, showing the truth of his state. He was extremely nervous today. "Elemmírë, we have known each other long enough," He told her.
They began walking down the corridor, heading to where Voronwë would meet and aid Tuor before the wedding. She said, "Well, Tuor, I am glad, as your friend, that you will be marrying the best person in the entirety of this city." Elemmírë then stopped and gave him a dead-piercing glare. "But if you try to break her heart, I know how to break a bone in a dozen of ways."
Tuor froze for a moment, a flash of fear in his eyes. He knew what Elemmírë could do, already known for her temper when such injustice was given. Her magic as well as her words could send any ellon scrambling away before Glorfindel could be the one to scare them off.
Voronwë appeared, retorting back as he placed a hand atop Tuor's shoulder, "Don't already terrify him, Mire."
Time: 503 F.A
She entered Idril and Tuor's new wing, her head popping into the room first. Once she noticed the familiar blonde elleth sitting on the bed, she smiled at her as she shut the door behind her.
In her arms, Idril cradled a small bundle. Her eyes only briefly left the small life as she smiled tiredly up to her friend. "Elemmírë, meet my son."
Elemmírë carefully brought herself around the bed, sitting on the chair next to it. As she leaned forward, she found herself gazing upon a small face. The baby had their eyes open, staring up at their mother with a mix of awe and unknown. When she brought her hands over to Idril's, she couldn't help but tear up at the sight.
Her friend now had a son. A son with a loving father with equally loving people around her.
She softly said, "He is beautiful." Elemmírë continued, sensing the young fëa in the child. "He has your eyes."
Idril, who glanced over at her, said to her: "We named him Eärendil."
Time: 507 F.A
Her head was pounding.
The council with all the lords of Ondolindë had been quite a show to behold that it led to herself feeling frustrated, tired and a head heavier than the rock beneath her feet. The council had commenced due to the unexpected return of Maeglin, who had been missing for over a year. Nobody knew where he had gone, for the dark elf diverted every question on his whereabouts in the past months – only to speak in riddles and that he had been wandering for most of the time.
Elemmírë was sceptical, her eyes and mind always lingering over to Maeglin as he spoke. She never stayed for too long, afraid that he would become suspicious of her. But anything Tuor suggested, Maeglin would counteract whilst Salgant would join and agree. But when his eyes did meet hers, she felt something there that wasn't there before.
He was hiding something, and she was afraid that after everything Idril spoke of her about her cousin – that it was all right.
What had angered her the most was the very topic that was led soon after by Maeglin. It had been about the security of the city, and whether or not they should continue with the increase of guards and patrol around the gates as well as the walls. Egalmoth, Galdor and Rog were amongst those who sought to increase the security of the watches, which was normal for such they were among the largest houses as well as the most equipped.
Penlod, Duilin and Tuor along with Ecthelion and Glorfindel suggested maintaining what they had, only to increase patrols during the nights.
However, it was Salgant and Maeglin (mostly Maeglin) who persuaded Turgon to reduce the patrols: saying that the city was already fortified in its own right and Tumladen will keep them safe and hidden no matter the future.
She could tell Egalmoth and Galdor didn't find it pleasing for Maeglin to speak of this, saying that it was a reckless and arrogant thought to have. Most of the lords did not speak, even when she felt that Maeglin was wrong and that there should be some sort of checks in place.
It only shocked her, and perhaps most of the lords, that Turgon agreed with Maeglin and Salgant's suggestion. Despite her conversing with the High King and suggesting to adjourn the council – Turgon had assured her that his word was his best.
That is where she was currently leaving the council and away from anyone who was there. As she rounded the corner, she noticed Celebrimbor waiting for her. She had forgotten they were going to the forge to continue creating more mining tools for Idril.
Once he met her side, he asked with concern: "Are you alright, Mire?"
She silently nodded, speaking wearily, "I'm fine, Tyelpe." Elemmírë said, "Perhaps sleep is catching up to me."
He didn't seem convinced by her answer, though remained quiet as they ambled down to head out of the palace. It was only a few moments until Elemmírë saw who she dreaded to speak to.
Maeglin was striding towards her, his dark eyes piercing down to her that she had quickly brought her mind back to its high alert.
He nodded his head, "Lady Elemmírë. Lord Tyelperinquar."
"Lord Maeglin." Thankfully, Celebrimbor was the one to ask him: "What can we do for you?"
The High King's nephew questioned, "Have you seen Princess Itarillë?"
There was a side glance between her and Celebrimbor before she faced Maeglin and answered neutrally, "She is currently tending to Prince Eärendil. Lord Tuor shall be with them already."
At the very name of Tuor, Maeglin's face darkened. His jaw clenched as he nodded his head stiffly and walked away – heading to the royal wing of the palace. When his presence was far enough, she felt her body release the breath she held the entire time.
She closed her eyes, trying to remain standing. She felt something. Something lingering in Maeglin. Something dark and dangerous. But unknown.
As she felt Celebrimbor's hand rest atop her shoulder, she fluttered her eyes and gazed up to him. He asked quietly, "What is it, Mire?"
Elemmírë took a shuddered breath and murmured, "Maeglin...something has happened to him. But I do not know what."
"Why is he seeking the Aranel?" He asked her.
Shaking her head, she replied, "I do not know." 'And I hope it will not be bad,' Elemmírë thought.
They continued their way out of the palace, with Celebrimbor asking her what occurred just minutes ago, "What happened in the meeting?"
"It was mostly focused on Maeglin's return. But the others have seen the warnings of the sites up North." Elemmírë tried to remain calm, though her voice came out with nervousness and annoyance. "The king chose to relax the number of soldiers at the gates."
His eyes widened as he said, "What?" Celebrimbor frowned. "But that's—"
"That's why I'm worried, Tyelpe." She confessed, taking another breath. "He believes that Morgoth's withdrawal and lack of spies mean he's finally admitting defeat."
Questioning her, his voice and face still showed disbelief in them, "Even with your council, he didn't even consider keeping the watch the same?"
"No. His decision was final." She said, not caring for how she was truly breaking her word as an advisor and as a friend to the High King. "And I worry that we will not be prepared for what is to come."
A/N: And so the beginning of the end of Gondolin arrives, and I honestly feel so shaky on what will happen. Writing the The Fall of Gondolin was a nightmare to try and get it as accurate as possible, all whilst having Celebrimbor and Elemmire in the mix (as it's not stated if Celebrimbor was even in there).
There are about four or five more chapters left of this book, I'm going to have to try and find a way to divide the next book soon because when I wrote it it was very much shown as a very large one shot. It's gonna be very different going back to the Marvel side of things but hopefully, it would turn out alright.
Edited: 23/05/2022
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