3 | The Dark Elf
3 | The Dark Elf
A hundred years is merely a blink of an eye for an elf, though despite such a time, it does not mean that those hundred years are meant for nothing. Because for such young elves, a hundred years is the opportunity of finding one's self - to find themselves within the world.
For the young lady of the House of the Golden Flower, it was not too difficult though that doesn't mean it was easy.
And it didn't mean that Elemmire Fealassie haven't experienced the truth of growing up...
Time: 400 F.A
When Aredhel proposed for her to come with her out to Hithlum and down the southern parts of Beleriand such as Doriath and of the East where the Fëanorians resided, Elemmírë took some time to ponder about it. And in the end, she decided that she would come at another time. Maybe when she was a little older.
(Her brother at one point suggested with Ecthelion that she would be allowed when she hit her 1000 year and she almost whacked her brother with her books hadn't he dodged it.)
Curse his incredible reflexes.
In the year 316 of the First Age of the Sun, the Lady of Ondolindë left with her brother and Ecthelion along with other guards out of Tumladen, watching the specks of horses as they galloped through the fields of white flowers and forests until they disappeared within the mountains.
The decades passed rather swiftly. Ever since Aredhel's leave, she began to rise through the ranks of loremasters and loremistresses. Her determination of pursuing knowledge of all various kinds and learning the new languages of the continent had led her to be able to converse with people and read about the history of her people. Elemmírë's curiosity about the unknown also brought her to learn more about the world outside in her own way.
Her craft had begun to show through her love of stars. She began creating star charts and maps of the sky in the city, pinpointing locations of where the sun and moon moved through the sky which helped with the architecture and the agriculture of the city. Her own craft reminded her of what her friend would have loved, for he loved the sea and navigating the waters of Ulmo and Uinen and Ossë. [1][2][3]
It was not only the stars she ventured but also every map she could get her hands on, journals of what places looked like such as Hithlum, Nargothrond and Doriath; or perhaps learning about the coasts such as the Falas in which the Teleri shipwright: Círdan ruled over. However, despite her love of knowledge and learning more, it drew the eyes of those of the higher class such as her. [4][5][6][7]
Nobody expected a high elven lady of one of the great houses of Ondolindë would pursue a craft. Many of the issi were either healers, tailors or bread-makers or minstrels of their own house. Some would find the gift of crafts such as tailoring and jewel making. But other than the sister of the king, Elemmírë was the only nissë who brought her own understanding of lore to change the ways of Ondolindë. [8]
And that intrigued not only the loremasters of the city but of King Turgon himself.
King Turgon had already known of Elemmírë Fealassie through his daughter Idril, mostly known as the other half that was dragged along with Idril's tendency to wander the city. Though as whispers of a young elleth becoming a name in The Nólecoa, Turgon summoned Elemmírë along with her brother to inspect her proficiency in her craft. [9]
She wasn't sure if he was either impressed or bored by her pitch, for he spoke nothing other than mentioning if she was involved with Aredhel's leave. Both her and Glorfindel were taken back at the accusation, honestly saying that it was Turgon's sister who had persuaded Elemmírë instead.
Even the King was surprised but didn't seem to physically show it to them, only wishing for Elemmírë to be taken as one of his loremasters of the palace. Of course, she couldn't deny the request, accepting it with a simple nod but clearly suspected something else in his mind.
It was a few years later after coming into the job under the crown that she finally understood his plight for her service...and that was her gift in mind reading and telepathy. Her king knew through Idril and her brother that she had the natural ability, enabling her to read any mind despite no background tutoring. He told her the moment she realized his reasons that it took him centuries to perfect his telepathic ability, having to learn from elder Eldar as well, and was curious he had not suspected one of his hosts to hold a special magical ability.
Thus she was brought into his service through tutelage as well as the ability to gain access to the city's collection of books, scrolls and maps. Idril was ecstatic that her friend had been brought into the graces of the royal family, never having to go far into the great market just to see her friend. (Now that didn't change their antics which now was the palace household's problem of two elleths running about.)
Glorfindel was still cautious, though followed Turgon's suggestion of having Elemmírë amongst the royal loremasters. She could only see the reason for his uncertainty for just being a very protective brother. Of course, court life was an entirely different life to what she had as the lady of the Golden Flower.
One thing that changed was perhaps her everyday schedule. She was too busy translating and researching, having to attend meetings with the King to aid with keeping an eye on captains reporting and heads of other houses.
Her brother and Ecthelion agreed with her that King Turgon was a little too paranoid.
Yes, they were currently in a siege with Angband and Morgoth, but with their king's mental state believing that every person who left Ondolindë could possibly be a spy of the enemy was a little too much. They haven't met a lot of enemy spies, and those who left were often travelling to Hithlum or Dorthonion in matters of enemy sightings.
Nevertheless, she did as their king asked and kept her side of their bargain well.
Another reason why both she, Glorfindel and Ecthelion agreed with this was what occurred with Aredhel.
No word from Aredhel was announced for decades and King Turgon had become worried about the whereabouts of his sister. Elemmírë only knew that her brother and Ecthelion had escorted the White Lady along with her guards up the edge of the mountains of Crissaegrim before turning back, knowing that Lord Penlod of the House of the Pillar would assist them to Dor-lómin – the domain in which Prince Fingon held. [10]
Then letters from Dor-lómin that Aredhel never stepped foot into Hithlum brought Elemmírë and everyone in the court to worry. She knew that Aredhel wanted to visit Doriath at some point but knew years after her departure that King Thingol had banned the Noldor to enter their kingdom.
The only other option was the very secret Aredhel told her a few days before she lefts.
She wanted to visit her kin, the Fëanorians. More specifically Lord Celegorm and Lord Curufin.
Elemmírë had mixed views on the Fëanorians. She never met any of them but knew that writers posed them as kinslayers. With little hatred from Ondolindë gossip she had, Elemmírë did her best to hide it, only wishing Aredhel to stay safe. Of course, Aredhel would know more what the Fëanorians were like. And with the stories she told Elemmírë, she suspected that they were all close kin and love their time together when they were still in Aman.
It was only the turning of the fourth century of the Sun in which word of Lady Aredhel of Ondolindë's return was heard during her typical run from her house to the palace.
And it was then she was summoned along with the other parts of the palace to meet in the King's Square, where they would wait for the return of Turgon's beloved sister.
She flexed her fingers out and in, tapping the ends at the side of her hips as she stood. Idril was stood next to her, her own nerves hidden so well as she looked beyond the great fountains of the square and towards the grand staircase from the centre of the city.
The entire square was lined with neri and issi, with those of the heads of each house at the front. She was supposed to stand by her brother along with Hestondur, though due to her affiliation with the Nólecoa as an acolyte she was invited to stand beside her friend. Other faces from other houses she spotted such as Egalmoth of the House of the Heavenly Arch, who stood beside Duilin of the House of the Swallow. [11]
Lord Penlod was stood idly with Lord Salgant of the House of the Harp, so far from King Turgon's eye in case the son of Fingolfin would slice him in half.
The ones who stood by the fountains were both Ecthelion and Lord Galdor of the House of the Tree, facing the other lords as the procession of white-clothed elven princess entered their eyes.
The Lady of Ondolindë had changed, and something in which brought Elemmírë to worry. Did her face look so gaunt as before? It was as if she had seen a flower bathe in light after being deprived of it for years. The light of the trees was still in her eyes despite this, though a little dimmed by how bright the other Eldar were. She wore a cloak around herself, her hair braided simply as it flowed down her back, her eyes kept forward as each lord bowed down at the princess of Gondolin.
Elemmírë took that time to follow everyone's action, bending her head down up until she spotted a shadow come across her. When she rose her eyes back up, she had not expected another face beside Aredhel's. The ellon appeared to have the features of her friend, tall with black hair. His eyes were sharp, gazing around before they fell over the king and then to Idril.
Only after the warm welcome between siblings in which the exchange of meetings led the crowd to disperse. At least it was another reason for everyone to celebrate, knowing well how times nowadays have been tight.
They didn't enter the palace until King Turgon announced Aredhel's return and the name of who was supposed Aredhel's son – Maeglin.
Soon, Elemmírë could hear everyone's questions filling her head. Idril glanced at her with concern, and she brushed it off telling her that she just wasn't used to it again. They entered the palace, with her brother gliding away to speak with the other lords whilst she lingered around the loremasters before finding herself again with Idril.
Only during the small royal party reception in which Aredhel approached her along with her son lingering behind.
"Írissë," She nodded her head slightly, a light smile on her lips.
Her eyes lit up as Aredhel replied to her, "Elemmírë, it has been so long." She grinned as she pointed out, "Eighty-four years. How is your archery going, my friend?"
Elemmírë answered, "Poorly, I haven't had a good teacher like you around."
"You don't even like archery, Mire." Idril teased her lightly, giggling whilst Aredhel laughed softly.
Pouting at her friend, Elemmírë did not help but grin. "Shush don't tell her."
"Itarillë, you look as incredible as ever. I hope you two have been behaving," Aredhel went embraced her niece, pecking her forehead with her lips before eyeing the two of them.
King Turgon arrived by Idril's side, a solemn smile on his face as he eyed them before he looked over to Aredhel. "Not when those two are around." His tone changed, a semi-serious question coming from him. "Sister, I must speak with you. Lady Elemmírë; my daughter. Do let Lómion feel welcome."
Elemmírë bowed whilst Idril smiled to her father and replied, "Of course, Atar."
When Aredhel followed King Turgon to the throne room, the ballroom continued to bustle about with lords and ladies and the sound of minstrels playing harps, flutes and lutes. Elemmírë kept her eyes forward, though watching Idril's follow her father's as they walked away.
Elemmírë asked her through their minds, 'What do they speak of?'
Idril slowly turned, 'I am not sure.' Her eyebrow rose as she asked mentally, 'Did you try to slip into my father's mind, Mire?'
Her eyes widened slightly, mentally shaking her head. 'You know I am forbidden to do that.' Physically, she smiled politely to the son of Aredhel and spoke, "My lord, I hope you are liking the city."
Maeglin did not react as starkly as opposed to others who spoke to her. Even after just watching from afar brought Elemmírë to be questionable on his character. For what he was worth, he was like a rock that couldn't be moved, more or less the only one that looked at her with no change of emotion until Idril smiled at him and brought a flicker of change in his eyes.
Elemmírë knew Aredhel and it wasn't something she would pose to have. Perhaps it from his father's side.
However, he did answer her. "Yes, it is marvellous and breathtaking. My mother has spoken about this city and of the Noldor and it is even better in person."
"And you will come to love it, for it is splendid to see in every aspect," Idril replied to her cousin and Elemmírë watched Maeglin's eyes glimmer slightly as a smile rose to his lips.
The three kept together, with Idril keeping the conversation going whilst Elemmírë chuckled at her friend's antics. Nobody couldn't deny that anyone who meets a new member of their family won't stop talking about them all. And Maeglin didn't seem to mind it as well, nodding along as they hovered about the ball. A lot of the lords stared at them, glancing at the King's new nephew. Whispers about legitimacy and the parentage of Maeglin Lómion were already looming about whilst the elleths looked at him with pink cheeks.
(At that, she wanted to raise her eyebrows at them. The first thing women would do was to obviously ogle men.)
However, Elemmírë had a little itch in the back of her head. Not to be rude or anything, but clearly, something was bugging her about him. She wasn't sure what it was, but it seemed unresolved by her mind. And for a mind like hers which was all over the place, something like this should be suggested at an extreme.
The hours went by as one of the guards approached Princess Idril with haste.
Elemmírë looked at the guard with concern before they spoke, "My lord, Princess, my lady: you must come to the throne room."
The three of them followed the guards along with the other lords. Idril clasped her hand around hers, assuring her presence as they entered the great room. It wasn't something they were expecting; Aredhel looked distraught whereas Turgon had appeared rigid – his finger rubbing his temples as he sat on his throne.
Idril let go of her, heading up to her father whilst Maeglin approached Aredhel.
"What is wrong, mother?" He questioned, reaching to take her hands into his.
Elemmírë stood next to Ecthelion, who was confused as much as every other elf in the room.
Everyone could easily hear what Aredhel had to say. "It is said that your father has been caught by the guards." She revealed.
King Turgon rose from his spot, asking her: "And what is your plan, sister?"
In the throne room, it was only them plus the head of the houses of Ondolindë. She felt like she was intruding at this moment in time, but as a friend, she didn't want to leave Aredhel or Idril.
Taking a deep breath, Aredhel straightened herself up and replied, "I...I think you should bring him into the palace. I would like to speak with him."
Turgon narrowed his eyes and spoke sternly, "Sister, you should understand that no visitor shan't be allowed to stay or enter the city." He continued, "And those who discover it must not be allowed to leave in the knowledge of the secret passageways."
Both the children of Fingolfin stood face to face in the middle of the throne room, staring at each other whilst each of their children stood behind them. The other lords were quiet, wondering to themselves if they should intervene.
Aredhel wasn't known as the free-spirited daughter of Fingolfin for nothing, as her own light flashed before them as she stood before her brother. Just like years ago when she argued to leave Ondolindë against Turgon's wishes.
With a confident voice, she spoke, "And he is my husband no matter what." Aredhel said, "Even if after...I must ask him first."
Even after what? What occurred to Aredhel during her time outside the city?
All these questions she was forming in her head, Elemmírë was caught off by Turgon's pressing voice in her mind. Her eyes met her king's, but he kept himself looking at Aredhel.
'Elemmírë.' He called to her.
She responded quickly afterwards, 'Yes, my Ingaran.' [12]
'Please ensure that you are listening through.' He told her, 'I only ask you when it is necessary.'
There was a second that she hesitated before she nodded inwardly. 'Of course, my lord.'
The Throne Room was not only a hall dedicated to the king but for all the Lords of the Houses that made up Ondolindë. The great round hall allowed seven seats for each lord with the exception of Turgon who sat in the centre-most chair. Glorfindel stood in the outermost seat in which she stood beside whilst Idril went to sit next to her father and Aredhel went to sit on the other side. Maeglin stood by his mother, a stoic expression that masked the worry in his mind.
Not long before a figure entered the main doors, cuffed by metal as they were led towards the front of the steps of Turgon.
Elemmírë had never seen any elf that looked like them as the Avari hardly wandered up here and preferred the forests down South. He was a dark elf, the ones who did not respond to the call of the Valar when they crossed the sea to Aman. How she knew immediately was his appearance, matching similar to the Doriathian elves but different all the same.
It was, however, the aura that shook her.
Even just standing there, the ellon held a power that neither the light of the trees matched. It was deep and unique to Elemmírë and lingered like a cold wash that coated her spine.
"Eöl of Nan Elmoth." King Turgon's voice was strong as he spoke, "Father of my nephew: Lómion. Why is it you enter our city?" [13]
His dark eyes that were stark to his silver tresses rose to meet the King's, a hardened gaze from her spot. "I am only here to bring my wife and son home and that is all," Even his voice made Elemmírë's magic feel odd, powerful, and unmoving.
Would she be able to read his mind after knowing how strong he was? She would have to tread carefully with her abilities.
Turgon's eyebrows creased as he gravely answered, "You should know that it is forbidden to leave Ondolindë, for we are at war and Angband under siege." He explained, his voice never raising or lowering. "Our enemies draw closer, and we cannot risk for the word to spread to the enemy."
'I don't care for your enemies, Noldor.' Eöl thought to himself, unaware of Elemmírë hearing it.
Vocally, Eöl responded tightly to them, "I cannot. I am not of your kin and this is not my home. For I am only here to ask my wife and son if she would return to me."
From what Elemmírë could tell, there was certainly fear in Aredhel's face and yet she remained as calm as before. How could this elven man be the husband of her friend? He must have known that Aredhel was of the Noldor let alone a princess of a kingdom.
"Eöl, you know I cannot." Aredhel shook her head, gulping. "This is my home, and our son is eager to stay here."
'You corrupted my son with your words. You and your kin.' Eöl's words echoed in her head, gaining more disgust in his tone.
Eöl's face darkened as he questioned them, "And what of me? You will keep me here then for eternity in your so-called precious city."
Turgon answered, "If it means for the protection of hundreds of innocent lives then I shall." His eyes then went over to his left, nodding over to the two lords nearest to Eöl. "My Lord Galdor and Lord Egalmoth - please take Lord Eöl. We will continue this with you and the rest of the council tomorrow."
Eöl struggled in his bonds as the two lords and several guards brought him out of the room.
She must have imagined it, or perhaps not as the dark elf's eyes glanced at her on the way out before turning back to face the direction of the exit.
Did he realise what she had done?
Meanwhile, Aredhel rose and went to Turgon who already stood up – indicating for the other lords to disband.
Her brother, glanced at her, nudging his head for her to follow but she simply shook her head and told him mentally to wait for her. Glorfindel nodded, staying put beside as she walked across to where Idril, Aredhel, Maeglin and Turgon were.
Aredhel pleaded to the king, "Turukáno, you can't." Aredhel glanced across the room, watching her husband be taken away before turning back to her brother. "I cannot allow you to imprison him for his entire time!"
Shaking his head, he strode forwards towards Elemmírë as he replied, "I cannot risk it, Írissë. One word will allow the dark lord to be informed of our whereabouts." Once his eyes met the young lady of the House of the Golden Flower, Turgon asked her: 'Lady Elemmírë, did he say anything?'
Elemmírë was about to answer but was halted by Aredhel's shocked expression.
"You had Elemmírë listen to him?" She gaped back at each person and spoke, "Brother—"
For the first time in her life, Elemmírë had never seen someone look betrayed in their entire life. Her heart plummeted the moment she realised what she had done and raced to reason to her.
Elemmírë thought to her, 'Írissë, please believe me. It has been too long, and I...we were worried for you.'
King Turgon luckily defended her, adding on: 'She is right, sister. When word from Findekáno that you and Penlod did not arrive, I was struck with worry.' He continued, 'And when you spoke of where you have been and what he did to you. You must understand I was hesitant.'
"But he is still my husband." Aredhel firmly replied, her own face cold much like her voice. "I thought you were my friend. You are just like any lady of this city."
She felt a pang in her chest the moment those words lashed out to her. Aredhel turned around glancing at Maeglin.
Aredhel spoke tightly, "Brother, I shall tire for the night with my son." She added, "Lómion."
Maeglin looked over at her for a moment before following his mother out of the throne room, leaving Elemmírë standing with the lord left in the room along with Idril and Turgon.
[1] - Ulmo: A Vala known as the King of the Sea and one of the mightiest of the Ainur. He was second in the majesty of the Aratar, after Manwe and Varda.
[2] - Uinen: A Maia of Ulmo and known as the Lady of the Sea.
[3] - Osse: A Maia of the Inner Seas associated with Ulmo and formerly Melkor. Uinen and Osse are married.
[4] - Hithlum: A reigon in North Beleriand near the Helcaraxe. Governed by Fingolfin.
[5] - Nargothrond: A stronghold built by Finrod Felagund in Beleriand. Located into the banks of the river Narog.
[6] - Doriath: A forest realm held by Elu Thingol and Melian the Maia.
[7] - The Falas: An area on the west coast of Beleriand. The Falathrim, Sindarin Elves ruled by Cirdan, dwelt here.
[8] - Nisse/Issi: Nisse is woman and Issi is women in Quenya.
[9] - The Nólecoa: A fan-invented term of 'House of Lore' in Quenya.
[10] - Crissaegrim: A mountain range south of Gondolin and innaccessible from the ground. It is where the home of the great eagles were lef by Throrondor, Lord of the Eagles.
[11] - Neri: meaning 'Men' in Quenya. Referred to Elven men.
[12] - Ingaran: meaning 'king' in Quenya.
[13] - Nan Elmoth: a forest in East Beleriand and east of Doriath. This is where Melian met Thingol as well as Eol meeting Aredhel.
A/N: And we get to introduce Maeglin and Eol, who will have a key part in the story of course. I'd like to think that Elemmire and Idril liked Maeglin at the beginning and enjoy his company. But as the years pass and Maeglin begins to sort of become sadly influenced by Morgoth, it, unfortunately, is shown and both of them begin to lose their trust in him.
Maeglin here is portrayed as an antagonist, but I'd like to believe that only so few can see the darkness in him - the influences that Morgoth has on him and the effects of what would happen to his family. He's quite a tragic character and I do pity him as a character of how much happened to such a young person.
The next chapter will hopefully be out next week, depending on how busy I'll be and when I'll find that time to edit things. :)
Edited: 22/04/2022
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