A/N: It's the introduction to Jenji and Daggeron! Enjoy!
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I WAS READING A BOOK about my headaches. "Hmm, visions? Says it comes along with my ice powers." I think to myself. "Guys! Rangers! Help!" Clare said. We all rushed over to her. "Come quickly. You've got to see this." She said.
"Uh, I don't—" Nick started to say. That's when the egg started to move as we all gasped. "What does it mean?" Chip asked. We all looked at him. "It means it's gonna hatch." Vida replied. "So, does anyone know how to hatch a dragon egg?" Madison asked. "Udonna will know." Chip answered.
Clare grabbed him. "Udonna's not here!" Clare shouted. "I know where we can find info." Madison informed as she grabbed a book. ""1001 things you want to know about dragons."" She said as she opened a book. "Ah, here we are — "Hatching dragons." "To hatch a dragon egg, set the egg upright and proceed to bludgeon it with a sledgehammer until open."" Madison read.
"Excellent. I'll get the hammer." Vida said. "Oh, no, you don't." Clare said. That's when we heard knocking. "Do we have a door?" Nick asked as he headed over. The dragon head opened as Nick, Vida, and I headed out to see.
"Its only Phineas." Nick said. Phineas was groaning in pain. "You all right?" Nick asked. "Do I look like I'm all right? Do I ever come and knock on your dragon-nose thing? Do I ever wear a rather unflattering bandage around my head? Do I ever have a throbbing, pulsating, excruciating pain echoing throughout my mouth? Do I ever ask four questions in a row?" Phineas asked.
"Well, five if you count this one." He added. "You have a toothache?" I asked. "Aha, bingo. Can someone please help me before my head explodes?" Phineas replied.
"Wait, wait, wait. Let me see that? Say, "Ahhh"" Nick said. "Ahhh. Ahh." Phineas said as Nick looked into his mouth. "Aren't there dentists in the woods?" Nick asked. "Yes, no, uh... what's a dentist?" Phineas asked. "Who you go to when your tooth hurts." Vida replied.
"Well, uh, ooh! There's the boulder roller. Yeah, he's this little gnome, and he ties one end of a vine to your bad tooth and then the other to a 500-pound boulder. Hence the title "Boulder roller." He then rolls the boulder over a cliff. Voila! Bad tooth removed. Or, you know, you go over the cliff with the boulder. Either way, the pain is gone." Phineas stated as he chuckled. He groaned once more as tooth pain struck him.
We ended up walking in town with the others walking Phineas to the dentist. With Phineas in disguise of course. "It's all so tall and shiny." Phineas commented as a horn blared and Madison pulled Phineas to stop him from going into the street.
"You can't just go stepping off the curb in front of cars." Xander informed. Phineas hugged him. "Oh, thank you. I — I didn't know. New in town and all." Phineas said. "Yeah." Vida said.
Phineas imitated a car engine as he chuckled. "Wow. Lot of these car things. Ooh! Ooh! Can you eat them?" He asked. "No, wait." We all shouted. "Help me! Got to find a Power Ranger! Monsters!" We heard Leelee shout. We quickly hid Phineas from her sight. "What?" Madison asked. "Beach cave!" Leelee continued to shout.
"Hey, Leelee, Leelee. We don't know where the Power Rangers are. Why don't you look on the other side of town, and we'll look around here?" Nick told her. The rest of us nodded. "You can never find those costumed freaks when you need them." Leelee said as she pushed us out of the way. "Who's she calling a costumed freak?" Vida asked as she put her hand into her palm.
"Sounds like there's trouble at the beach cave. Wonder why the crystal ball didn't pick it up?" Chip wondered out loud. "False information? It's possible. Somehow, I have a really bad feeling about it." I thought.
"Hi, uh, over here. Remember me? Yeah, the one with the tooth." Phineas said. "Oh, right. Someone should stay behind and take him to the dentist. Any volunteers?" Madison asked. Everyone went silent. "No, don't all jump at once. I'm sure I'll be fine." Phineas said. "Oh, Phineas." Vida said.
"Come on, one of us has to stay." Xander said as Vida looked at him. "Hey, guys." Toby headed up towards us. "Then again, maybe not." Xander stated. We all arrived at the beach cave. "There it is." Nick said. "There's a few Hideaks." Xander said. "Hardly what I'd call a global alert." Chip added. We began fighting the Hideaks.
"Good job. Let's check out that cave." Nick stated as we all went through the force field without any problems. We were inside the cave. "Hey, everybody, stop." Nick said as we all bumped into one another. "I can't see where I'm going." Nick informed. "Will this help? Magic Staff!" Chip said as his staff lit up.
"Chip, you are a—" Madison started off. That's when she saw the frog in her hand and started freaking out. She ended up running into Nick and Xander as all three of them fell to the ground. "You can't be afraid of a little frog." Nick stated.
"I'm not afraid. I'm petrified. Ugly, slimy frogs." Madison told him. "Speaking of ugly, what's that?" I asked. "What? It looks like a mummy." Xander said, crawling over to it. "Hey, hey, over here. There's something else." Nick said.
"What is it?" Madison asked. "It's a lamp with the Mystic Force crest on it. A lost treasure, and now it's ours." Nick replied. That's when the lamp lit up when Nick touched it. The ground started moving. "Everybody hang on!" Nick said. "Not another earthquake." Madison stated.
Outside, the force field broke. "The shaking stopped." Vida said. "Yeah, that was really weird." Nick added. "And what was that large bang?" Nick asked. "I know the answer to your question." Necrolai said. We all got in a fighting stance. "That was you destroying the force field that kept me out of here. Now give me what I came for!" Necrolai exclaimed.
"No, you're not getting this lamp." Nick informed. "I'm not?" Necrolai asked as she raced passed us towards Nick. "You can keep your lamp." Necrolai said as she shoved Nick aside. "I want this." Necrolai said as she picked up the mummy and disappeared.
"Where is she?" Nick asked. "She's gone." Chip said. "And she took the mummy." Madison added. "I got a bad feeling we'll see that thing again." Vida informed. "You and me both, V. She took that mummy for a reason. And the reasons are never good." I agreed.
"Yeah, maybe, but at least she didn't get the lamp." Nick said. We were all back at Rootcore. "Yep, it's definitely the Mystic symbol on it." Madison informed. "Maybe there's more writing." Nick said as he began to clean off the dust once more and blew on it. That's when the lamp started moving as we all gasped.
A large cat came out. "I'm the great genie, Jenji! I grant you one wish." Jenji said. "Genie?" Xander questioned. "Got a problem with that?" Jenji asked. "Well, no, no." Xander replied. "Good. I hate violence. Now, here's the rules. You're the master. I'm the genie. You get one wish, can't hurt anyone with it — blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." Jenji explained. "A real, live genie. Always wanted one of those." Chip said.
"One wish. Don't take all day. Got a lot of other things to do, like sit in a cave for another 19 years." Jenji stated. "Are you blaming us?" Vida asked. "Oh, so now it's blame the big cat." Jenji stated. "So one wish, right?" Xander asked.
"Airplanes, ballons, cash, DVDs — not pirated, elephants, ferns, gold, houses, igloos, jade, kites, limes, moats, necklaces, opals, polo ponies, quills — who put the steps? — roast beef, six silver saddles, Texas, underwear, vases, whales, xylophones, yaks, and zippers." Jenji named off things that we could wish for as he took a deep breath.
""A" to "Z" — anything your heart desires." Jenji said. "I know. With just one wish, I wish... for 10 wishes for each of us." Chip said. "Granted!" Jenji said. We all cheered. "Like nobody's ever asked for the that before." Jenji stated. Xander went next. "I wish for 100 diamonds." Xander said.
I rolled my eyes at my best friend. "You haven't washed your hands lately, have you?" Jenji asked. "Nothing happened." Xander said. "Of course not. You only had one wish. Carrot top wished for 10 wishes for each of you. I granted that, thereby and henceforth nullifying any further wishes. Hey, it's in the genie contract. Did I not show that to you?" Jenji asked.
That's when Clare walked out with the dragon egg. "Ooh! Is that a dragon's egg? 'Cause I'm hungry." Jenji stated. "Yes, it is." Clare replied. "Can someone say omelette?" Jenji asked. "Does you-know-who know that you brought home a stray cat?" Clare asked us.
"Don't worry. I don't think we're gonna keep it." Nick replied. "It's about to hatch. Better keep it warm. Someone sit on it. It's uncomfortable, But it's the only way." Jenji said. Clare sighed. "Oh, boy." She said. Clare was sitting on the egg.
"Good, good. Now, the important thing is you can't get off the egg until it hatches, okay?" Jenji informed. "How long will that take?" Clare asked. "Well, a few minutes, a couple of days, sometimes a month. Anything up to 30 or 40 years." Jenji replied. We all laughed. "Just kidding. Ooh, more eggs." Jenji said as the crystal ball lit up.
"Evil doesn't sleep. We have to go." Nick stated as all of us headed out. "Okay, well, have fun, play safe. I'll be gone by the time you get back." Jenji said. "Unh-unh. No way. You owe us wishes." Nick said as he picked up the lamp. "What about the contract?" Jenji asked. "Back in the lamp. You're coming with us." Nick said. "Fine, but you should know that when it comes to fighting..." Jenji started off as Nick opened the top and Jenji went in.
We arrived at the place. "Over there!" Xander said. "Whoa, look at that." Vida said. "I've never seen anything like it." She added. "Okay, well, this was fun. What's say we run home, grab a pillow, get under the covers, and hide?" Jenji suggested.
"At last, the Power Rangers. Let me introduce myself. I am the destroyer of your world. I am Imperious, dark wizard of the underworld." Imperious said. We all got into a fighting stance.
"Are you a wizard or a traffic light?" I asked as Xander chuckled next to me. "Don't call yourself a wizard. Wizards use their magic to help people." Nick informed. "Your witch, Udonna, has mislead you, Red wizard. Magic is for fulfilling all your own desires. Come to my world and learn what real power is." Imperious said. "Already been there, it's nothing special." I commented.
"Thanks for the invite, but not a chance!" Nick said as Imperious attacked us. He laughed evilly as we fell to the ground. "I just remembered. We've got a genie in here who owes us some wishes. I'll rub it and get Jenji to help us." Nick said as Jenji popped up. "Sorry, I've just granted my own wish — to leave." Jenji said as he left Nick's hands. "Some genie you are." Nick stated. "Fine. I'll do it myself."
"Magic Staff! Hyah!" Nick said as he headed towards Imperious. He disappeared. Imperious attacked Nick as he fell to the ground. "Now you're gonna have to deal with Xander! Magic Staff! Vine Power!" Xander shouted. Vines tied Imperious up.
"You got me. Help me!" Imperious said. But he ended up breaking the lines and tied Xander with vines and attacked him. "Next." Imperious said. Vida jumped up next. "Let's see how you handle tornado power." Vida said. She turned into a tornado but Imperious did the same thing and knocked her down.
"Hey, you better cool it." Madison said as water came out of her staff. "Or freeze it!" I added as ice came out of mine. "Entoa!" Imperious shouted as wind came and attacked both Madison and I. "Try and stop this. Hyah!" Chip said as he got out his staff and lightning came. Imperious blocked it and attacked Chip.
"That's it! Power of the Phoenix!" Nick shouted as he went into the air but Imperious blocked that too and sent him back. "I really would like to help. It's just this huge fear thing that's stopping me." Jenji informed. "I was mislead into thinking that you would be a more powerful adversary. Udonna has not chosen wisely. But now I will show you real power." Imperious said as he grew giant size. That's when my head started hurting.
I saw images of someone wearing gold. They had a cape and everything. "Another Ranger?" I thought. "Well, that's just unfair." Jenji commented. "Oh, yeah? Well, we've got a few tricks, too." Nick said. We all spinned around as we formed our Megazord. "Pathetic." Imperious said as he kicked us.
We grabbed our saber and flew up into the sky. "Oh, look — a flea." Imperious said as he swat us aside and we fell to the ground. "I am growing bored with this annoyance. Mutrafento!" Imperious shouted as he attacked us once more.
"We're not down yet." Nick said. "Titan Megazord — Full Power!" We all yelled. We flew into the air. "It is time to end this." Imperious said. That's when Jenji appeared. "Who's a big cat now?" Jenji said. "Jenji!" Nick exclaimed. "What's this?" Imperious asked. "All right, who's your daddy now, mummy." Jenji asked.
"Look at this. Look at this. What's in my hands?" Jenji asked. "Foolish cat." Imperious replied. "Wrong. Power Rangers!" Jenji said as he opened up his hands and we appeared. We attacked Imperious. "Oh, being big is good." Jenji stated. "You were lucky. Take this." Imperious said. He tried to attack us but lightning surrounded him.
"Take what?" Jenji asked. "My magic is still weak from my time in the cave. I need to recharge. My apologies for not destroying you as promised, but I will." Imperious informed as he disappeared. We were demorphed as we held Jenji's lamp and cheered.
We all walked into the Rock Porium. "Toby, we are so glad you're here. We were looking all over the city for you and Phin— Uncle Phineas." Xander corrected himself. "Oh, he's fine. We had a good day today. Just look at him." Toby slurred. We all saw Phineas air guitaring.
"No." Madison said. "It's like he's never listened to Rock 'N' Roll before." Toby stated. "What have we done?" Madison asked as Phineas continued singing. We were all outside of Root Core. "Can't you just tell me the surprise?" Udonna asked with her eyes closed as Vida and Chip guided her out. "No. Now, keep your eyes closed until we say you can open them." Vida replied. We guided Jenji over to her.
"All right, we hope you like pets because we have a new cat. Open your eyes." Madison said. Udonna opened her eyes as she saw Jenji. "It's me. I'm the cat." Jenji said. "Jenji." Udonna exclaimed as she rushed over to hug him. "Udonna, you haven't aged a day." Jenji said. "I think we can keep him." Xander stated as Vida agreed. "I've missed you so much. Where have you been?" Udonna asked.
"Well, let me t—" Jenji started off. "Daggeron... Bowen... Do you know where Bowen is?" Udonna asked. "No, you see—" Jenji tried again. "Somebody help me!" Clare shouted from inside Root Core. We all rushed inside. "It's gonna hatch!" Clare yelled.
We caught her before she fell. "What's going on? Huh? What's happening?" Jenji asked. We all watched as Fire Heart came out of the egg. "Waste of a perfectly good omelette." Jenji commented. Fire Heart cooed. "Mama." Fire Heart said as it looked at Clare. "Hmm?" Clare said. We all laughed. As we laughed, I couldn't help but think of the Ranger I saw in my vision.
"Could we have a new ally coming?"
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A/N: And I'm finally done with this chapter! Hope you enjoyed the introduction to Jenji!
Word Count: 2761 words.
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