Chapter Nine-teen
"I spent the better part of five years on an island in the North China Sea. I don't get cold, Barry." I heard Oliver say as I entered what Cisco secretly referred to as "The Arrow Cave."
"Can there be one time where I don't hear Oliver talking bluntly to Barry about his time on the island when we visit?" I said as Felicity turned around, a smile on her face as I smiled back.
"Hi Cora." Felicity said excitedly as she got up and speed walked over giving me a hug.
"Hi Felicity. I really wish I was here to just visit and not for something serious." I said with a small smile.
"Well, you did visit quite often when you moved back here, so it's alright." Felicity said as my eyes widened at her, poking her in the side roughly. "Ow!" She yelped quietly as I gestured to Barry, who looked at me with confusion.
Maybe I should have mentioned that I helped with the Arrow stuff while I lived here for those four months.
"Anyway, it's good to see you Barry." Felicity said as she brought Barry into a hug before slapping him in the arm. "Why didn't you tell me Zoom broke your back?" She said. It was a delight to watch Felicity's mood change so quickly.
Barry whispered something to Oliver, then Oliver whispered something back about DeathStroke before Cisco chirped up.
"Okay, S.T.A.R. Labs is impressive, but this... This is completely wrong! Did you guys even look at the specs I sent over? This is a tragedy. I'm mourning the death of engineering." He asked as everyone from Team Arrow frowned at him.
Felicity and I walked up to the center, which was always my favorite part of the hideout. "Copper wiring to handle the processing speed from the Palmer Satellite, or else your system is gonna overload." Cisco continued as Felicity sucked in a breath.
"Yeah, but that hasn't happened. I mean, it hasn't happened since last week. I mean it didn't... It happened yesterday." Felicity trailed off.
"It happened every time I visited." I whispered to Cisco as he huffed as Kendra and Felicity introduced one another.
"First the Flash, now the Arrow." Kendra said as she turned to Cisco chuckling. "Do you have any more surprises for me?" She asked as Cisco nervously chuckled.
"Please, no more surprises." He muttered as I turned to him, raising a brow.
"Barry said that you need our help. Somebody very dangerous is after you." Oliver said coldly as I frowned for a short moment.
While they chatted, I started to question about exactly why Cisco had said this man referred to her as a Priestess. I did research for that and found out this priestess had died at a young age from something my mind couldn't remember for the life of me.
"This picture is from 1975." Felicity said as we all frowned.
"There's no way that man can be 80 years old." I muttered as Felicity shrugged. "But then again Tom Cruise is 54 and looks 25."
Felicity huffed out, chuckling quietly. "Tom Cruise is so-" Felicity could feel Oliver's frown on her, cutting her sentence off before continuing. "So old. he is.. sooo old."
Chuckling to myself, I drowned out everyone's voices, trying to figure out where I had seen this man that was hunting Kendra before.
"Why don't we get back to our place and have some drinks, and we can talk?" I heard Felicity say as my eyes practically lit up at the thought of getting wasted, but the look on Barry's face told me that wouldn't be happening anytime soon, but I had ignored it.
"Sounds great." I said with a smile as they all nodded.
"I'm not changing my nickname. I like Speedy." Thea said as Cisco frowned, pointing to himself.
"Are you familiar with my line of work? If you are, then you know I can come up with something so much better than Speedy." Cisco said to her as I opened my bottle of beer, taking a long sip in hopes it would hit me.
"Why don't you get a haircut? Then maybe we can talk about it." Thea said as I inhaled a laugh before coughing violently, still laughing as Cisco gasped in offense.
"I think you're just mad because my conditioner game is on point." Cisco said with a flip of his hair as I coughed, clearing my throat as I gave Cisco a look.
"So the CEO of Palmer Technologies is living with Oliver Queen. It's insane how much life can change in six months, huh?" Cisco said, changing the subject as Oliver sighed quietly.
"Which you know better than anyone, considering that there's another Flash, another Dr. Wells, from another... Earth." Felicity said as it was now Barry's turn to choke on his drink.
"I-I'm sorry another Flash?" He said, not understanding that Felicity meant Zoom, as he looked to me worriedly. I frowned at him, making a Z in the air as his lips turned to the shape of an O. "Oh. You meant Zoom. Of course you did who else would you be talking about?" He said as everyone frowned at him.
"Barry, sweetie. Shut up." I whispered to him as he nodded, sipping on his drink, which also had no effect on him as mine did. Quite disappointing. Why did fast metabolism come with being a speedster?
"I wonder what Oliver's doppleganger would look like." Felicity thought as I did.
"Pot bellied, bald..." I started as Oliver's eyes widened, not understanding that I was joking.
"Alright. That's enough." He said quickly as I nudged him with my elbow, a frown being sent my way from Oliver as Felicity walked over to Barry.
"So, how are you and Felicity?" I asked Oliver with a smirk as he sighed quietly, looking over to her.
"She's great. Really... Really great." Oliver gawked as I snickered, sipping my drink as he rolled his eyes at me. "You never heard me say that."
"Oh I definitely heard you say that." I said with a wiggle of my brows. Before Oliver could threaten me, a ding sounded through the apartment, Felicity piping up.
"My pigs in a blanket!" She said before setting her drink down and grabbing her oven mit and opening said oven as Barry walked over to us, his eyes telling me I should probably back away and let them talk.
After everyone was seated, and Barry proposed a toast, Cisco leaned over to both of us, a worried look on his face. "There's something I never told either of you." He murmured as me and Barry exchanged a look. "The first time I kissed Kendra, I got a vibe." Both Barry and I grimaced before Cisco piped up again. "No not that kind of vibe. Like... I vibed vibed." Cisco went on to explain that the man with wings was actually Kendra, glancing over to her, to see her laughing with Thea.
Suddenly, she turned to look behind me, jumping up. "Look!" She yelped as we all turned around to see the man hunting Kendra.
"I will always find you, Chay-Ara." The man said as Oliver grabbed his bow and arrow will Barry and I moved to his side.
"Don't move." Oliver threatened in a deep voice as the man laughed.
"Then how will I kill you all?" In an instant. several knives were thrown my way, and for the first time, everything slowed down. I saw Barry move slowly despite him moving faster than the blink of an eye to catch all the knives.
If I didn't have my superspeed, I'd surely be dead because Barry didn't get to me in time.
I caught the knife, throwing it back at the man, who grabbed it with ease.
Kendra, Cisco and Felicity all scattered away to the kitchen where it was slightly safer while me, Barry, Oliver and Thea fought this knife-man.
Definitely not my best nickname.
I don't know how, but I managed to become the last one on their feet, ducking and dodging every hit this man tried.
Kicking the man in the gut then grabbing one of his knifes, I stabbed him in the shoulder before spinning and kicking him again. "Cora no!" Barry yelled as the man pulled out his knife.
Once again, time slowed down as the man went to stab me in the heart, grabbing his wrist and twisting it before throwing him off the balcony.
My eyes widened as I realized what I had done. Not only did I just kill the man that was after Kendra, but I just revealed to everyone in the room that I was a speedster.
Slowly turning around, Everyone but Barry had their mouth hanging open to some extent, Cisco's the most.
"Cora you- you're a... Speedster?" Cisco and Felicity said in unison as I gave them a sheepish smile.
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