Chapter Fifeteen
"I don't like how... similar they look." I said as I stared at Harrison Wells, who was currently consuming an entire full course meal of Big Belly Burger.
"That's why they are called doppelgängers." Cisco said as I frowned.
"But he's not even our Wells' doppelgänger. Because that Wells was a fake. I beg this one is even colder than the other considering his mannerisms towards us." Caitlin said quietly.
"Can we have one week where we aren't surprised by something of someone from our past?" I asked, looking up at the sky before turning to my two friends. "I need to go to CCPN. I'll probably be back within the next two hours." I said before walking out of the Cortex, where Barry was there to interrupt my thoughts.
"Cora can I talk to you?" He asked as I stopped walking, questioning the things I may have done wrong before nodding.
Pulling me aside, Barry looked around to make sure no one was listening. "Did you know that Wells broke into Mercury Labs? Before we found him?" He asked as I widened my eyes, shaking my head.
"If I'm being honest, I didn't even think he was real last night. I thought I got too hammered at a club, though I probably would have remembered going to a club." I said as Barry rose a brow.
"So Joe didn't say anything to you?" He asked as I frowned.
"Barry, if Joe told me that Harrison Wells, the man that murdered your mom is alive and walking, I don't think I would have kept that a secret from you." I said as Barry sighed and nodding in agreement with my statement. "Now, I have to get to CCPN and Caitlin drove me here so do you mind-"
In an instant, I was swept off my feet, now standing in the alleyway next to CCPN. "Thank you!" I whisper yelled as I walked out of the alley and into my day job.
"I don't care how many touchdowns tanner throws. I'm not interviewing some roided out jerk who hit his wife. Unless it's to hold him accountable for domestic violence." Linda Park said to Larkin as he sighed loudly.
"All right. Run your story Park. Cora!" He said, getting my attention as I was fixing my hair from it being blown everywhere. "Do you have the latest news on the Flash and these strange portals popping up all over Central City?"
"Uh, it's coming along. Should be done by tomorrow, chief." I said with a not-so-hopeful smile as he raised a brow before walking away as Iris walked up to us.
"She shoots." Iris said to Linda as we both imitated a swish.
"She scores." She and I said in unison as Linda chuckled.
"Larkin's the best editor I've ever worked for. It's just, every once in a while.." Iris started as I finished her sentence.
"You have to remind him it's the 21st century." I said with a smile as we all laughed.
"Took the words right out of my mouth." Iris said as Linda chuckled before being called off, just as Joe walked in.
"Iris, Cora." Joe said as we walked over to him. I already knew what he was going to talked about, so I kind of just remained silent.
I didn't hear the first half of the conversation, too busy staring outside to hear it.
"But that's not really him, is it? The Wells who Eddie took his life to stop?" Iris said as Joe shook his head.
"Apparently not." Joe said as me and Iris both sighed.
"That's life in Central City these days, isn't it?" Iris said as I nodded slowly.
I zoned out again for a moment, my head turning when I noticed Joe out his hands behind his back and take out two guns, my eyes widening as he handed them both to us.
"Woah. Hold on what?" I said as Iris just looked from the gun to her dad.
"I need to make sure that my daughter and my sons girlfriend are safe. Iris, I taught you how to use it for a reason. Cora, I'm sure you know how to use one?"
"Well I-I mean yeah when I was training to be in the task force before turning to Forensics but I-I can't! Isn't it-"
"I'm giving you this guns. Take it before I force you to." Joe said as I looked at iris, who slowly took her gun as I took mine, hiding it in my trench coat.
"And I'm praying that Barry is right and this Wells means us no harm." Joe said as I nodded slowly.
"Well. I guess if we don't have any other plans, I'll be heading back to S.T.A.R. Labs." I said as Joe and Iris nodded. Waving them goodbye, I picked up my pace as I headed off to the broken place.
Upon arriving in the Cortex, I quickly realized that, Cisco, and Barry were gone, along with literally everyone else but Harrison.
"Great. Well I guess I should just-" I started to walk out.
"JESUS CHRIST." I yelled as the monitors beeped. I ran over to my chair as I called Barry, but he flashed in and out in seconds.
"Barry there's a robbery going on at Central City Bank." I said into the com set.
"Yeah I know. Cisco told me about it." He said as I frowned.
"Cisco, what? I just got the ping how does he know?" I said as Cisco ran in.
"I-I don't know! He just does. Woah-!" Barry said as I frowned, typing away to get into the security cameras as Harrison walked over.
"That's Dr. Light." He informed us as I frowned. "Small-time thief on my earth until the exposure to the dark matter from the particle accelerator And became a meta-human with the ability To derive power from starlight." He continued as I made a face.
"Cool." He muttered quietly before his face went blank.
"Stars having a temperature of 5,300 degree kelvin And a blinding luminosity, I would say, "not very cool at all."" Harrison said as me and Cisco frowned, turning to look at him.
"You know, our Dr. Wells was evil. But you're just a dick." I said bluntly as he frowned.
"Said my thoughts once again." Cisco said to me as I turned back to the monitors as Jay and Caitlin walked in.
"What's going on?" Jay asked as I sighed quietly.
"Barry is fighting some Dr. Light girl from robbing Central City Bank." I informed the two.
"Zoom obviously brought her here to kill Barry. So what do we do?" I asked as everyone shrugged.
"We use this to our advantage." Barry said through the comms as I frowned.
"What do you mean?" Jay asked.
"We capture doctor light and use her to lure zoom here." Barry said as my mouth dropped.
"How about a joke?" I said, not waiting for anyone to answer. "Why did the speedster cross the road? TO GET HIMSELF KILLED WITH THE STUPID PLAN HE JUST SHARED." I yelled as everyone nodded to that in agreement.
"We are not luring Zoom anywhere." Caitlin said through the mic.
I frowned everything out for a moment, barely hearing Dr. Light talk about Jay as I tried to process what we could do.
Before I got far, Barry was back in the Cortex, questioning Cisco about how he knew Doctor Light was robbing the bank.
I frowned in thought, my mind racing about multiple things. Why did Caitlin and Jay come in together, maybe they were just talking. I know when Cisco is lying. How did he really know about the robbery?
There were other questions like that but not as important, and questions I didn't want an answer to.
"Cora?" Barry said, my head snapping up to look at him.
"Hm?" I said as he frowned at me.
"Are you okay?" He asked as I nodded quickly. "Well, I was just heading off to CCPD to see if there are any leads. Do you, wanna come?" He continued quietly.
"Oh. Um sure." I answered with a small smile as Barry and I waved goodbye to everyone before speeding out of S.T.A.R. Labs.
"Barry I don't really think you need to ask me out on a date. Just tell me to dress nicely and it's a good." I said as Barry just shook his head and laughed as the elevator doors opened.
As we stepped out, we were stopped by Patty, Joe's new partner who I started to assume had a thing for Barry, but I was alright with it as long as she didn't try to openly ask him out or try anything.
"Patty! Hey." I said with a small smile as she smiled back, nodding towards me.
"Hey Cora. Hey Barry. How's your science stuff going?" She asked him as I looked over at Barry, who just turned back to me and held back a smirk.
"Good. Good I finished it so.. did you get your report done?" Barry asked as I once again raised a brow.
"Uh. Yeah. It wasn't as much fun writing it by myself, but..." At that, I frowned, turning to Barry to see him merely place his hand in mine.
But instead of question everything I just laughed it off forcefully, before Patty said goodbye to us and we headed back up to the lab.
"I want to guess that Miss Spivot asked you to help her with the report on this Man-Shark we saw, am I correct?" I said a little more blatant than what I meant as Barry sighed and nodded.
"She's been throwing a few hints that she likes me every-time I see her here or at a crime scene, and then I have to remind her that I'm with you." Barry said as I made a pouting smile before his hands snaked around my waist, my arms around his neck as Barry pulled me into a kiss.
I hummed quietly as the kiss separated, walking over to my old desk and frowning at it. "I'm not gonna lie, I miss working here."
"You were barely here." Barry cut in with a small laugh as I chuckled, grabbing one of the old case files I never finished.
"I was here when I needed to be. S.T.A.R. Labs was just so much more interesting at that point back then. If I'm being honest, I still think that if I ended up working here and not STAR Labs we still probably would have ended up together, or you'd still be hooked up on Iris." I said as my eyes widened.
Did I really just say that? Shit.
"I-I- um.. what?" Barry stuttered as I just stood frozen in my place. "Hooked up on Iris?"
"Well, I know you aren't anymore. But when we first met I could tell that you had pretty hard feelings for her." Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
"O-oh. Yeah yeah. Those feelings have been gone for a.. very. Long time." Barry said as I smiled and nodded.
"Good. Because if you still had those feelings for her, I don't think the by-line on that future newspaper would say "Cora Allen." If I'm being honest, if you ended up marrying Iris and she changed her name, I think it would be "Iris West-Allen.""
"You think Iris would hyphenate her name?" Barry asked as he raised a brow.
"I don't think." I said as I tapped my head. "I know."
"Changing the subject," Barry said as I set the old report down. "We should head back to star labs. Joe hasn't gotten any leads yet." Barry said as J nodded, allowing him to speed me back to STAR Labs.
And in perfect timing too.
"The silent alarm just went off at the bank of central city." Cisco said as I turned to Barry, who sighed quietly.
"That's gotta be doctor Light." Caitlin said as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Could be a trap." I suggested, Jay turning to Barry.
"Remember, Doctor Light is not a killer. You can talk to her." He said quietly, but something told me I couldn't believe what he said.
Barry turned to me and kissed my cheek before speeding to Central City Bank.
I sat down at my chair as I hacked into the security cameras in a matter of seconds. "Okay. Now we can see what Doctor Lightbulb is doing." I said quietly to myself as Barry rushed into the vault.
"Looking for this?" He said to the thief, who snapped her attention to Barry. "I know zoom sent you here
to kill me. Good news, you don't have to do that." He said with the faintest chuckle.
"Not if I can get out of town with that cash." Dr. Light said as I frowned.
"And then what? Zoom's not gonna like that you ditched him, right? My friends and I can help you." Barry said, but everyone in the room just looked at one another hesitantly.
"Nobody can protect me from Zoom!" Dr. Light said loudly as she began to give off a bright light from her hands.
Where have I heard that voice? I asked myself as I only frowned.
"All right, why don't we take it down a lumen, have a normal conversation, All right? Thank you." Barry said as Dr. Light did just that.
But not before revealing her face to Barry, where we couldn't see.
"L-Linda? Linda Park?" Barry said as my eyes widened. Doctor Light was Linda?!
"H-how do you know my name?" She said as Barry just stared.
"I don't understand." Barry and I said in unison as Doctor light shook her head.
"This was a mistake." And with that, an even brighter and more blinding light came from her hands.
And then she was gone.
"Barry? What are you doing on the floor?" I said as I watched him slowly stand up and blink repeatedly.
"G-guys." Barry stuttered as we all frowned.
"I can't see." He said as my eyes widened again.
"What?" I asked as if I had genuinely heard him wrong.
"Guys I can't see."
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