Chapter 43
We can just ignore the fact that I'm changing the story a bit. Let's just pretend when Barry went back in time when Cisco was killed (even though it was literally a single day) it changed how Cora got her powers.
TW: mention of suicide
The night of the particle accelerator explosion
Cora sat on Cassandra's couch, her hands wrapped tightly around a gaming controller that was on the edge of breaking in her grip.
"COME ON I ALMOST HAD THAT!" She yelled into her microphone as a young boy chuckled. "You better shut your trap before I shut it for you, Jesse!"
"It's not my fault you absolutely suck at Mario Kart."Jesse retorted as Cora grumbled.
"When you turn eighteen in six years know that I will find where you live and beat you because then it will be somewhat legal." Cora snapped as she fell off of rainbow road. "DAMMIT I HATE THIS MAP!"
"Did you just threaten a minor?!" Jesse joked as Cora clicked her tongue.
"I'll do a lot more than threaten you." She promised as Jesse gasped.
Cassandra walked into the apartment as the round ended, Cora grumbling in defeat as Jesse laughed maniacally.
"Better luck next time, Cora." Jesse said, his voice cracking at her name as Cora burst out laughing.
"I have to go, Jesse. I'll talk to you later." Cora said and turned off the console as Cassandra frowned at her.
"Who the hell is Jesse?" Cassandra asked as Cora turned around, chuckling.
"He's a friend I met on COD. What's the problem with that?" Cora said as Cassandra crossed her arms.
"Nothing. I just don't want you cheating on me." She said bluntly as Cora raised her brows.
"Jesse is 12, Cass. I'm not gonna cheat on you with a damn minor. And you know I don't cheat." Cora stated as Cass rolled her eyes, going to the kitchen. "Anyways... how was work? Did you talk to your boss about quitting?"
"Nope. Because I'm not going to." She said, starting to clean the dishes as Cora walked over to the counter.
"Cass, your manager had harassed you for being a lesbian for over a year. You should have quit when he started! Or at least found a way to fire him." Cora mentioned, Cassandra sighing.
"Cora, I don't think I should quit. It's a good job and pays well. Why do you want me to quit a job that pays good money?" Cass asked accusingly as Cora scoffed.
"Maybe because I love you and I don't want you to end up like the people we see on the news all the time! Starling City is full of sick people who want the world to burn. Not to mention that the most recent murder was a gay couple! Cass I don't trust your manager. I want you to leave that damn job."
"And maybe I want you to leave this damn apartment!" Cass yelled as Cora jumped back, the feeling of her heart sink hit the floor. "I'm not quitting this job because you want me to, and certainly not because some stupid manager is homophobic. I'm done with you right now, I want space." Cass said. Cora glared at her before grabbing her coat, slipping on her shoes and walking out the door, but remembering to slam it in anger.
Cora sat in her car for a moment, tears falling down her cheeks as she looked up at Cassandra's apartment, debating going back to apologize. She decided against it.
She drove for hours, now just outside Central City, hoping to watch the accelerator go off as she got to S.T.A.R. Labs.
Turning on the radio, Cora listened to the news of the particle accelerator. She looked over at the passenger side of her car, a picture of Cass on the air conditioner. Cora mumbled something under her breath, ripping the picture off as a giant boom sounded.
Cora turned her head to see an orange gust head straight for her, her eyes widening in fear. "Oh shit." She said quietly, knowing there was no way she could escape it.
A giant bolt of lightning struck down directly in front of Cora's car as the gust of wind struck her, the heat of the lightning hitting her chest. Cora gasped in fear, her hands frantically moving across her body as she checked for damage.
Cora looked to the city, seeing the damaged the accelerator had done. Her hands tingled like lightning was zapping her, and Cora began to speed back to starling city.
Cora's phone buzzed, picking it up and answering as Cassandra's mother called. "Hello?" Cora answered as quiet cries came from the other side of the phone. Cora's heart began to race as she stepped on the brakes, moving to the side of the road. "Jacquelyn what's wrong?" Cora asked as Jacquelyn solitaries sobbing.
"Cassandra is dead. She killed herself." Jacquelyn answered as Cora stopped breathing, her hands shaking at the words.
"Wh-what?" Cora asked, voice trembling as Jacquelyn only sobbed.
"My baby girl is dead..." The world around Cora slowed down as she dropped her phone, tears rolling up into her eyes as she shook her head, a lump forming in her throat.
This is my fault...
She repeated the words over and over again in her head, hands gripping the steering wheel as the sound of the call ending echoed around her. Cora let out a sob, her head hitting the wheel, shaking her head.
"I'm so sorry, Cass... I didn't want this to happen." Cora muttered through cries, her heart wrenching at each word. Her mind trailed back to when they first met 7 years ago in their junior year of high school. When they were still kids.
Cora screamed as she felt her heart shatter. 6 years together and Cora was the last one standing. She shook her head again, wiping her tears only to have more fall.
Cora thought about what she would do with Cassandra gone, who she would be. She never thought it would end like this.
She wanted to run away from Starling City now, and never look back.
Several months later
Cora stopped thinking about Cassandra. Her death was pushing her down a dark rabbit hole that was hard to escape and she needed to find a way out. Cora applied for a job as a forensics analyst a few weeks ago, and then a job at CC Jitters that was declined. They accepted her at CCPD, so now she was going to work with someone who's name was Barry or Jerry. She didn't remember.
She packed her last item in a box labeled "storage" that had no place to go to. Her struggle to put everything in the moving van landed her into meeting the Oliver Queen, and it definitely wouldn't be their last encounter together.
Cora looked around her new empty apartment, the fresh smell of paint still lingering even after it had dried a few weeks ago. She had the help of an old friend with her move. Tony was thrilled to see his childhood friend come home. Even though the next time they would see each other wouldn't end well, he seemed happier, less of a dick this time.
"Thank you so much tony for the help. I really needed it." Cora said as Tony scoffed a smile.
"No worries, Cora. I'm always happy to help. I'll see you around." Tony said as he began to walk out, Cora stopping him before he could shut the door.
"Here. For helping me move in." Cora said and handed Tony a small stack of cash. He smiled and shook his head.
"No need. I have my own money. You're gonna need it. Have a good day, Cora." Tony finished and shut the door, leaving Cora alone in an almost silent apartment.
She sighed, slipping the money back into her wallet and turned around to look at her new place. She walked over to a box, slicing it open and opening it up.
Cora tossed the knife aside, looking down at the photo of her and Cassandra. She felt her heart tug, wondering how the photo had gotten in that box when she remembered putting it in a storage box. She sighed, picking it up and going to shove it somewhere deep in her apartment, before knocking inti something and watching the glass shatter.
"Shit!" She cursed, looking for the dust pan and broom to sweep up the mess. Cora grumbled profanities under her breath, knowing this wouldn't have happened if she had placed the photo in the right box.
She threw away the glass, picking up the picture and looking down at it. Cora shook her head, tossing the photo in the trash as well.
"Now, where did I put it.." She said to herself quietly, rummaging through everything before finding her Harrison Wells autobiography.
8:37 PM
Cora peered outside, getting a perfect view of the park. A small, thin-lipped smile crossed her face, before it quickly turned into a frown.
Down in the street, a red streak flashed around Central City.
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