chapter three:
opening up
After the car moment, Joe hadn't seen Luke at the shop anymore. It was like the man disappeared, of course Joe would walk by the man's apartment whenever he could. He never would see Luke outside or even speaking with his neighbors.
It was like he had just gone into hiding or something, not a single post or anything was added on Facebook. Joe checked very often, he was tempted to just knock on the man's door.
He pushed his hat over his head as he walked down the sidewalk. He'd just be going for a morning run today, and maybe see if Luke was out.
He had hoped the man was, he needed to see if he was okay or even alive at this rate. Like clockwork Susan walked out of her home putting her garbage can into the road.
Luke appeared with a cigarette dangling in his lips as he put his tin in the road as well. "Morning Susan, see you got a big load this time. John do his weekly cleaning again?". The old woman huffed "I swear that man is always trying to toss my clothes, I told him he's gone crazy, those clothes are worth a buck nowadays".
Luke smiled "that's when you try throwing away something he likes, maybe those vintage baseball cards he has. He'd freak out".
The old woman laughed "oh I just might next week, Johns gonna be so furious, jokes on him I'll make sure they don't actually get tossed".
Luke threw his cigarette onto the ground and stomped on it. "Alright Susan, I got some work to finish, I'll see you around".
The old woman smiled and Luke walked back inside his apartment. Joe walked off down the sidewalk, disappearing from any prying eyes.
Luke walked back into his home grabbing hold of his phone that rested on the counter.
Could use a coffee buddy, are you busy?
He turned his phone off before walking into his bathroom and letting out a sigh as he pulled his shirt off. He heard the ding of his phone making him look at the counter.
It would probably appear weird if he responded right away, so he'd wait until after he showered. He got into the shower letting himself just relax for a moment, but it faded when a loud knocking came from his front door.
He sighed as he turned the water off "LUKE!" his friend's voice bounced in the air and the knocking got louder as he wrapped a towel around himself in a panic. "OPEN THE DOOR!!!".
He nearly slipped as he ran towards the doorway "Jude I'm in the middle of...". He stood in the doorway, his gaze going to the man beside Jude.
"Joseph" Jude smiled "I was walking downtown when I ran into him outside that bookstore, he told me you were gonna get coffee together. So I thought why not just bring him over!".
Luke smiled weakly "suppose you could've waited a tad bit longer Judith, uh come in, just give me a second I gotta get dressed".
He walked off and Judith grinned as she walked inside "bit odd your name is Joseph". Joe frowned "I prefer Joe, but why's that odd?".
She sighed as she sat down on the couch "his ex boyfriend was named Joseph, the douchebag cheated then broke up with Luke after he got the girl pregnant, don't mention I told you by the way".
Joe nodded as he looked around the apartment, he looked over every single detail as he sat down. "He has a thing for Joseph's, I swear all his exes are either a Joe or a Joseph, there was a Joey once".
Luke stepped out of his bedroom "Judith don't go and tell all my secrets now, you'll scare him away". She stood up laughing "oh relax, I wasn't saying anything that was scary, it was boring stuff".
Joe stood up "mind if I use your restroom before we leave for coffee". Luke put his coat on "go ahead it's the first door on the left, me and Jude will be right outside in the car".
The duo walked outside and when the door closed Joe looked around. His gaze stopped on the door with the lock, he frowned deeply as he grabbed hold of it. Where on earth would Luke leave a key?
He walked into the bedroom searching for any sort of clue on where the key would be. He didn't find much making him give up. He couldn't stay inside much longer, it'd be suspicious.
He walked outside, closing the door behind him, he stopped at the sight of Luke arguing with Judith. The girl sighed loudly "you're an asshole!" she walked off down the road and Luke clenched his fist together angrily.
Joe walked forward "you alright?" Luke turned and looked at him "why don't we scratch the coffee and just get some drinks at the bar".
Joe could find out some things about Luke, if he got him drunk enough maybe the man would mention where the key was to the door. Maybe he'd tell him about his exes and why he was angry with Jude.
"That sounds like a totally better idea".
Luke had lost count of how many drinks he had, but in his mind he didn't really care much. Joe would slip drink after drink into the man's face.
Of course he'd order ones for himself, but it was mainly soda or sparkling water. Luke was too drunk to notice that Joe wasn't even drunk.
"I mean you're good company Joseph, Jude is just a party pooper! She's just pissed off her dad cut her off from his bank account! I mean honestly she's always trying to ruin my day".
Joe tapped his finger against his cup, he slid another cup towards Luke. "How long have you two been friends? She seems like the type who would get over an argument after a day".
Luke sighed deeply "we've been friends since high school, I used to date her brother, we hated each other at first, she thought I was ruining her brother's life, Joseph was in an accident, suppose it made us get closer to one another. She's practically like my sister at this point, can't get rid of her".
Joe hummed his mind slightly thinking, "you must really have a thing for Joseph's". Luke was silent for a moment "let's get outta here.. this place is depressing and boring".
He stood up off the stool rubbing at his neck as he looked at Joe. When they went outside Luke grabbed hold of Joe's arm making him pause.
His gaze darkened for a moment "stop asking questions, it won't get you anywhere".
He let Joe go and smiled "come on let's go".
not edited! (Oop, another one? Side eye)
authors notes:
my update schedule is slowly going down the drain.... I'm the worst at being consistent with things, but I'm trying my best lol, anyways enjoy.
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