𝐯𝐢. ice cream. ghostface killah.
🍨 * ◟ ❛ ICE CREAM ❜ ,
❝ Watch these rap niggas get all up in your guts. French vanilla, butter pecan, chocolate deluxe. Even caramel sundaes is getting touched. And scooped in my ice cream truck, Wu tears it up. ❞
Sweat clung onto Erica's bare torso as her body moved and flexed in different directions the average person without any training would do. Freak Like Me by Adina Howard played loudly from the dance studio's speakers causing Erica to shake her hips and ass to the music while her choreographer instructed her and the other dancers what to do. They were sent to perform at a show in a couple of days so she wanted to make sure that her moves looked good enough for the stage.
Erica was a fairly known backup dancer in the hip-hop and R&B scene having been featured in a multitude of music videos all starting from a year ago when she turned twenty-one. Now at the age of twenty-two, she sought her interests elsewhere aside from dancing becoming an also popular video girl or video vixen already becoming the eye candy for Doin It by LL Cool J, Temptations by Tupac, This Is How We Do It by Montell Jordan, Boombastic by Shaggy, Freak Like Me by Adina Howard and in November she was offered to be in Tupac's California Love music video. So it's best to say that she was thriving on her own.
When the song regained its momentum by reaching the chorus Erica moved her body to the party-like beat by gyrating a little. After a couple more minutes the choreographer Melina paused the music. Taking a sip of her water she claps "Okay! Now that is all for today! Make sure you meet me back here tomorrow so we can go over the dance a little bit more.
"Erica you killed it once again!" Melina complimented sending a smile at the younger girl's way.
Erica who was walking over to where her things sat nodded with a smile "Thanks." Bending down she grabbed her duffle bag and took a nice long sip of her water.
Letting out a sigh of relief she stood there for a moment before feeling her Motorola StarTAC vibrate within her bag. Pulling out the tiny flip-phone, she looks at the called ID before answering "Hello?"
"Hey! Yo' Um, Erica you busy right now?" The voice she knew all too well belonged to none other than Method Man or her he was simply Clifford or Cliff.
"Oh, Hey Cliff! What's up? And no I'm not busy right now, just getting off dance practice why?" Pushing through the sleek clear doors that belonged to the studio. Taking a sharp left, she soon found herself exiting the studio while heading to her car.
Clifford was standing next to a street light as he was currently engaging in what he liked to call a matter of life or death phone call with an unknowing Erica. Behind him was a very large group of women in various shades and sizes the obvious Wu-Wear T-Shirts adorning their bodies as they talked amongst themselves. Just in the far distance were Ghostface and Raekwon who was busy talking to the director.
"Good. So I was wonderin' if you could do me a favor and be a fill-in girl for the music video that Raekwon got goin' on for his album? It's called Ice Cream?" He says and it sounded as if he was in dire need of someone hell anyone at this point "Ol' shorty that was supposed to be there couldn't make it and we need somebody or else shit ain't happenin'." He explains.
Erica and Clifford became good friends after they met at the 1994 Source Awards and ever since then, they ended up becoming good friends. He was like the brother she never had while she was the little sister he'd always had.
Closing her car door behind her she listened to what he was saying and found herself nodding even if he couldn't see it "Aight cool. So where y'all at?" Turning on her car engine, she soon exits the parking lot.
Looking around Clifford answers "We right at Jamaica Colosseum Mall. Whenever you come just tell 'em that I sent for you."
Just five minutes away She thought to herself, tapping her one free hand against the steering wheel "Cool, give me like ten minutes and I'll be there. Wait—any specific look y'all want?"
"Nah, just come here looking cute aight? See ya." Hanging up the phone, Clifford smiles. Walking over to where the guys stood he couldn't help but grin widely, holding up his phone he answered "I got ya girl."
Once Erica arrived home, she placed her duffle bag on the counter before heading upstairs to where her bedroom was located. Speeding directly into her bathroom she only then stopped once she heard her best friend Jessica's voice "Well hello to you too."
Walking backward Erica turns to Jessica "Sorry I'm just really excited for today!" Giving Jessica a quick hug, Erica runs back into the kitchen.
"Okay, what happened, and why are you happy? Did something happen at practice today?" Jessica follows Erica into the kitchen paying no mind to her legs being on full display.
"Well Clifford—Method Man just hit me up and asked me to be the fill-in girl for Raekwon's music video." She shrugs almost saying that like it was the most normal thing. Well to Erica it was but for Jessica, it wasn't, Jessica didn't delve into the world of music but supported her friend's career.
"Method fuckin' Man hit you up to be in another fellow Wu-Tang Clan member's music video? That's dope!" Jessica cheered placing a hand on one hip as she listened to Erica explain what she was planning on doing "So I gotta be there in the next ten minutes."
"Okay! Well, you get ready and imma find something hot and cute for you to wear." Jessica was already turning her heel, walking into the girl's walk-in closet. Since it was still warm she needed something that wasn't too hidden but yet completely her beautiful figure.
Picking up a denim set she smirks "This is cute."
• • •
Freek'n You by Jodeci played on the radio as Erica sat in the passenger seat she tried to calm her restless nerves and simply relax. Jessica who decided to drop her off at the video shoot noticed how her leg was visibly shaking from nervousness. No matter how many music videos she's been in she'll always get nervous "Look, you are going to kill it and give it your all okay. And if anybody says otherwise just know that I'll handle 'em. Now go have fun you're in a Wu-Tang video."
Jessica managed to stop at a little curb already seeing that the roads were somewhat blocked off from those other than the crew and others to come in. After the small pep talk, Erica grabbed the little bag she had with her and exited the car.
"Wait. Do these pants make my ass fat?" Erica asks while turning around for Jessica to see. Worry was etched across her youthful features the feeling of dread soon pouring in.
"No! You look hot plus I chose it for a reason." Jessica shoos her away making her come out of the car quickly.
"Fine." Erica stepped out as her Nike Air Aces made a noise on the paved concrete. Wearing a simple blue backless halter neck with matching shorts. To cover it up just a little, she decided to wear a jacket with it (similar to what Mariah Carey wore in Fantasy but with more accessories).
Crossing the street Erica heads over to where she knew the mall would be only to get stopped by security "Sorry but you can't enter."
Erica looks at the man up and down before putting on a smile "Method Man called me to come up here."
The security guard however remains still "Like I said you still can't enter." Erica opens her mouth to refute his statement but an all too familiar voice stops that.
"Woah, woah woah what's going on? I hope you weren't denying my guest the right of entry?" Clifford questions walking over to the two once he notices Erica. Wrapping an arm around her shoulder to provide emphasis on what he meant.
The security guard visibly grows pale and shakes his head rapidly "No! I was just making sure, she can enter."
"Mmh." Saying nothing else, Clifford just leads Erica to where she is needed. Taking a small turn Erica noticed the amount of people that were there seeing the various cameras, and set crew "Glad you made it on time."
"No problem."
"So." She begins while looking around "What really happened to Ol' girl?"
Clifford smacks his lips just by the mention of her "She supposedly got food poisonin' or sum shit."
Already knowing how that felt Erica simply opted to shake her head while grimacing "Yikes."
Sooner than later he stops over to where the director Ralph McDaniels, Raekwon, and Ghostface stood. It was in front of the mall's entrance doors and they were simply waiting for Clifford to pop up with the girl he had.
"I hereby have your girl." Clifford steps back allowing Erica to take the full stage. With an appreciative smile, she walks over to the guys.
Erica recognized Ralph from Video Music Box as he was the creator of the show and who didn't know Wu-Tang nowadays? They were the hottest male rap group out right now.
"Hey Ralph, Raekwon." Pulling them into a small hug, Erica then turned to the man whose eyes never seemed to leave her figure.
"...Ghost." Erica's voice grew softer at the mention of the rapper's name becoming breathless as he took his hand into hers shaking it slowly, his eyes never leaving hers.
"Long time no see Erica." His voice seemed to drop one octave, the thick rugged Staten Island twang left a buttery feel to his words which only made her grow even more dizzy "How you been girl?"
"Livin' life," Erica answers with a small shrug, the dialect she shared which hailed from D.C coming in hot which only made him chuckle.
Let's just say that Erica knew Ghostface Killah all too well from his never-ending flirtatious attitude towards her—which she rejected multiple times. Even though she found it a little amusing and entertaining she made it her mission to never date rappers. Especially those in the same circle as her.
"Alright." Ralph clears his throat sensing the energy amongst the two. With a clipboard in his hand, he proceeds to speak "First things first thank you for coming on such short notice Erica everybody here appreciates it greatly. Secondly, the reason that you're here is to portray the love interest—the girl that Ghostface over here is trying to spit game at while you're in the mall buying whatever."
A smirk naturally appears on Ghost's face as he likes the idea of Erica playing his love interest "I'm cool wit' that."
Shaking her head Erica answered with a yes and shooting soon began once more.
• • •
Erica stood inside the Jamaica Colosseum Mall as she was going over pointers with Ralph. She figured out what she needed to do pretty quickly and got comfortable the moment she stepped inside her designated area.
With a small makeup mirror in her hand, she reapplied her lip gloss over the brown lip liner. Moving her lips together the color blended before she stopped. Looking at her reflection, she closed the lipgloss tube before playing around with the straightened strands of her hands tucking some behind her ears.
"Damn Mef, I didn't think you'd get Erica DuPont out of all people here." Ghostface said as he stood next to the taller male who was busy signing a couple of autographs "Shit, how'd you even get her number?" His eyes never seemed to leave Erica's, watching as she placed a lollipop in her mouth as an effect for the video.
"It's called talkin', you should try it Ghost and maybe she'll give yo' ass a chance." Clifford cackled loudly causing the man beside him to scoff loudly.
"I been doin' that shit nigga. It's like she enjoys rejectin' me, man." Ghostface could say had a tiny crush on Erica from the moment he'd seen her in Blackstreet's Before I Let You Go music video from then on he's been dying to meet her but when he finally does she curbs him like a motherfucker.
"This time it's gonna be different though." Ghostface says confidently while pointing in her direction, "Hell yeah it's gonna be different.." Both he and Clifford met eyes, immediately catching the drift of what he meant.
"I would love to see that." He laughs pushing the older man forward, soon after hearing the director yell in the megaphone "Go work ya magic!"
"...And action!" The sound of clappers going off followed by the music continuing caused Erica to get in position. Pretending to pay for her popcorn at the counter, next to her stood Ghostface. Turning around she was about to walk away when he grabbed her hand and stopped her.
"Yo, honey dip, summertime fine, Jheri dripping. Seen you on Pitkins with a bunch of chickens how you're cliquing. I kept shooting strong notes as we got close. She rocked rope, honey throat smelling like Impulse." Erica watched him rap to her with a small smile. For some reason, it felt as though he was talking to her, minus the acting. It was obvious that the two had chemistry it was just that she wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
Once Erica was done with the couple minutes or two she had playing his love interest, she got comfortable and found an empty staff chair to sit on. While taking a sip of her water she looks around already rolling her eyes once she sees Ghostface walking over to her "Damn, ma... you must be the Mona Lisa 'cause I'll most definitely become your Leonardo."
She tried to not laugh at his pick-up line but found herself smiling "Corny, real corny." It was a little cute but she wouldn't tell him that.
"Now you know that I got you swoonin' let's not front now. I can see that smile you got on ya face." He boasts only making her roll her eyes "Plus I personally think you look mad cute in that outfit you got on."
Erica's eyes stared back into his, not wanting to break contact. Toying with her gold chain that had the initial E in cursive she tilted her head "Thanks."
"I gotta ask you this. Why you stay givin' a nigga a hard time? Like am I not worth your time?" He questions genuinely wanting to know the truth.
Pursing her lips together she soon then answers "It's that you're not worth my time, you're a rapper, and most rappers are whores. So I gotta see if what you say is real." Erica leaned forward making sure to emphasize the word real "Cause I'm not just some 'video chick' that'll give it to men easily." Her supple lips uttered the words without hesitation "I got feelings too."
"What I gotta do to prove to you that I'm serious about this?" He'd never beg like this a day in his life, especially over a woman. He could've had anybody he wanted but was most attracted to the one person who didn't play into his words and game. Man, he was smitten.
Erica stood up, looking up to meet his gaze "Prove it to me right now." Grabbing a hold of his chain it causes him to lean forward "Ask me out on a date. If you can't especially in front of your homeboy's you're just provin' my point Ghost."
A smirk appears on Ghostface's face "I'll show you." Turning around he walked over to where the ice cream truck was parked. Climbing on top, he looked down at everyone who was wondering what he was doing up there.
"Yo' everybody! Can I get y'all's attention?" He calls out with a loud shout causing all yells to go on him.
Erica looked up at him with a shake of her head "He's crazy." She laughed.
"So I've been dyin' to get this girl to go out with me but for weeks—hell even months now she won't give a brotha' a chance." Facing Erica with a wide smile he proceeds to ask "Erica DuPont will you please make me a lucky man and go out with me?"
All eyes landed on Erica who looked away shyly. He wasn't playing about wanting to go out with her and just by him pulling that stunt made her a little impressed.
Jumping off the ice cream truck, the crowd separates as he then walks over to where Erica stands. With a smile, he asks "Will you go out wit' me?"
"Yes. I'll go out with you Ghost." Erica said fulfilling the one thing he truly wanted. Claps immediately surrounded them as wrapped his arms around her waist "Still feel that way about me?"
"Don't push it."
𝖎. Happy updating. So I've been listening to Ice Cream by Raekwon and lemme tell you Ghost was looking mad fine in that video plus my boo Mef was looking good too. Lemme know your thoughts and I'll catch you on the flip side.
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