Zach felt like he was gonna burst away into nothing as he looked at the photos in front of him. He would've thought he'd be used to seeing dead bodies by now, it was engraved into his eyelids.
Yet the second Officer Bailey placed the photos down onto the table. He felt like he was gonna throw up, Sam and Tara didn't even look phased by the photos, he leaned back into the metal chair.
He had zoned out so much of the conversation his mind trying to relax. "Where were you last night Zachary?" he snapped out of his daze looking at the man before him.
"I was in my dorm studying, and then my boyfriend dragged me out of bed so I could go with him to a Halloween party".
"That's where you were attacked the first time?" He nodded as he pressed his fingers together. "After the party incident I went back to the girls dorm, then when I was gonna leave that's when the second attack happened".
The door opened "we got the fbi here" Zach grew even more tense as he watched officer Bailey leave the room. "Oh fuck! Kirby's gonna be so fucking pissed at me, she's the fbi!".
He smacked his face into the table "Zach, I'm sure she's just here to help. I mean she's your sister, why would she be mad about this?".
He looked at Tara "oh you sweet innocent girl! You have no idea how wrong you are!". He stood up sighing deeply as he neared the door way.
"Why exactly am I wrong?" he let out a nervous laugh at Tara's words "cause I'm technically not suppose to be in New York. She thinks I'm with Sidney and Mark, she's gonna flip!".
He stepped out into the hallway smiling awkwardly as he waved at Kirby. "Hey uh Kirb" she put her hand on her hip "Zachary James Reed! The second I got the call about you being involved with this case. I just about lost it".
He let out a weak laugh "uh surprise?" She huffed "why are you here!" He sighed "college, I know I was suppose to stay with Sid for at least a year. But I just felt like they were suffocating me over there".
She sighed "you would've been safe there, now I gotta worry about you being killed". He smiled sadly "sorry Kirby, I honestly didn't think this would've happened again, not after last year".
Officer Bailey appeared holding onto a mask "this was found at the crime scene, dna results shows it belonged to an Charlie Walker and...".
"Jill Roberts" the man nodded "both deceased" Kirby smiled sadly. "The ghostface killers from 2011, Charlie gave me this".
She lifted her shirt showing her scar. Zach sighed as he pulled his sleeve up "Jill's parting gift to me, got me right here on my arm, hurt like shit".
"I didn't know you were attacked in 2011" he looked at Sam and Tara. "Not exactly a conversation one brings up, like I said I have a history with this shit and I want out".
"You were eight" he shrugged his shoulders "Jill didn't care, I was just another pawn in her game. It was honestly so long ago, I don't even remember it, just that I found Kirby and that Sidney took me in for a month after it happened. Just while Kirby healed and what not".
Kirby sighed "come on, I'm taking you back to my hotel for the rest of the day, from now on you're staying with me until this settles down".
"Kirby I can handle myself, besides you'll be working all day, I'd practically be an open target by myself inside a hotel". She pushed her fingers against her nose "you're lucky I don't have you taking a plane back to Sidneys".
He sighed "okay, I guess I can stay with you for a while but I'll still be seeing my friends". He walked with her outside "so am I the only reason you picked up this case?".
"Not fully, we both know I'm not fond of ghostface attacks. I mean no matter what happens it's always coming back to haunt someone. Sam and Tara are good kids, they don't deserve this. Nor do you".
He sighed "tell that to the psycho in the mask, I mean I can't even have one full year to myself without someone deciding to attack me".
The cameras in front of his face made him roll his eyes as people kept shouting questions at him. He would've thought he'd be used to the cameras being shoved in his face and the loud voices.
He ignored every single question that went his way as Kirby led him down the steps. Her arm wrapped around him to shield him from any prying eyes.
"Zach!" he pushed open the car door but paused and turned smiling. "Ethan, I thought I told you to get outta town for a few days".
The boy walked toward him shrugging his shoulders "and leave you here all alone? like you said before. Strength in numbers".
Zachary looked at Kirby and she sighed as she pulled open her door. "Get in the car before I change my mind, but I swear if he even thinks of trying anything, I'll shot him".
Ethan smiled nervously "nice meeting you too" Zachary huffed as he climbed into the back seat with Ethan. "Kirby maybe dial it back with the threats, he's my boyfriend, I doubt he's the one running around attacking me. Besides he was attacked too last night".
Kirby glared at Ethan "could be covering his tracks. Charlie Walker tricked me, this kid could just be the same story with a different motive".
She drove off and Zach sighed "sorry about her, she's not fond of strangers. Especially with our history with people betraying us".
Ethan shock his head "I get it, I'd probably be the same way, no hard feelings". Zach leaned into the window his eyes meeting Kirby's in the rear view mirror. "I'm sorry Kirby, for not staying with Sidney, she's probably pissed with me right now".
Kirby sighed "shes upset, she doesn't wanna see you get yourself killed. Last time was a last call if Tara hadn't found you... I can't even imagine losing you, not after all we've been through".
"You can say it you know, say you're disappointed in me, after... Jill and Charlie I thought that damn mask was in my past. Then it happened again last year and I kept thinking about Jill. I kept seeing her under that mask, I keep seeing that night".
"It wasn't your fault what happened Zach, you were just a scared kid, Jill used that against you". Kirby parked the car and Zach leaned toward her.
"Makes you wonder how someone can snap like that, anyone could be wearing that mask right now, and that shit terrifies me, I don't wanna go through this again, this is the last time".
His eyes darkened as he got out of the car, he was determined to destroy the motherfucker.
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