𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗙𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻: 𝗕𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗣𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀
"Til the end of the line."
Time: 9:30 Saturday, November 5th
Serena, April and Casey sat around a circular table. Across from them Mikey sat, eating pizza. Raph was standing gaze at everyone. He had just explained his idea to the group.
"So, you want to break into police headquarters." Serena says curiously
"Uh... Yeah. Donnie said he needs more of the purple ooze to track Bebop and Rocksteady. And you said the cops would've logged it into Evidence Control Room by now."
"Okay, and Leo is good with this plan?" April asked suspiciously
"Actually, I'm in charge on this one. Ain't that right, Mikey? -" Raph turns to Mikey as he says this
"You're right." Mikey says as he suspiciously stops eating his pizza
Raph grabs a blueprint from the side of the table and lays it across the table.
"Look. So, we can take the elevator shafts and vents. We need you three to stay on the ground." He explains
"I can't just walk right into police headquarters." Casey states
"What are you, chicken?" Raph says looking at him
Casey takes steps as a challenge and stands up. Raph walks over to him
"Hey! Who are you calling chicken, turtle?"
"Look, do you want to find Bebop and Rocksteady or not?"
After a few seconds of silence, Casey responds
"So, we're breaking into police headquarters."
"We got one last boondoggle. We need to find someone to sneak you guys' past security checkpoint. Only plan I got so far may be a tad less than appetizing."
"I could do it." Serena says
"No, I need you with them."
Serena looks to Raph confused
"Are we going somewhere?" Mikey says looking up from his pizza.
"Alright, Gear up. You'll need to bring disguises."
The others leave to get ready, but Serena stays behind with Raph.
"Okay, so I have two questions."
Raph turns to her, and motions for her to ask them
"Why can't I distract the police?"
"Because, you know how to fight. If something goes wrong, you'll be the only one equipped and trained to fight with your bare fist." Raph explains
Serena nods
"And Leo doesn't know about this, does he?"
Raph turns to her a little worried.
Serena walks over to him and puts her hand on his arm.
"No, he doesn't." He says, not meeting her eyed
Serena frowns, she could practically feel the heat radiating off him.
"What happened?" She asked him
"We had a blow out, I discovered the ooze could turn us human from Mikey. And Leo didn't want us to know."
Serena sighs and pats his arm
"It's wrong Leo tried to keep that from you, and I will help you with this."
Raph looks down at her confused
"Why? You know Leo not going to approve."
"And? Why do I need his approval? he's bossy and thinks he knows what's best all the time. Plus, I'm mad he still doesn't have the balls to tell me how he feels."
Raph smiles at her, and she continues
"But you're my best turtle friend. It's til the end of the line"
"Til the end of the line." Raph says with a smile
He throws and arm around Serena as the walk towards the weapons room.
Sometime later, Casey and Serena are waiting quietly for April to return with Vern.
"We need your help." April says as she comes into sight
"We? Who's "we"?" He asked
Suddenly Raph and Mikey jump down next to Casey and Serena
"Well, well, well, if it ain't the prince of the city." Raph says tauntingly
"You know what? Give me a break, Raph. You're the one who told me to take credit for Shredder in the first place. And now in light of the fact that he is who knows where, I am starting to have profound regrets about our arrangement."
"So, are we just going to stand around and talk or..." Casey says impatiently
"Who are those two?"
" He's Total loser, bro." Mikey says pointing to Casey
"I mean, nice enough fella, if you like guys who can't even bench press. Boom!"
"Or fill out a T-shirt." Vern adds
"She." Mikey says pointing to Serena
"Is the beautifully incredible woman, who cooks me food, and plays video games with me." Mikey says
"Aw, thanks Mikey, this is why you're my favorite."
Raph looks down at her a little offended
"Don't worry Big Red, your still number 1"
"Vern, their a part of the plan."
"What plan is that?"
"The plan to break into police headquarters." Serena says simply
"We need to find Shredder." April says turning to him
"We"? No, no, no. No, we're not doing... Listen, I'd love to help you guys out, but I can't. I got concert tickets to a lunch."
"Sweet key. Does it go to something?" Mikey asked walking over to him
"No, it's just to the city." Vern says calmly
"Vern, as the resident new guy in this band of freaky misfits, do yourself a favor, and just roll with it." Casey says
"Hey, new guy, all I do is roll with it. I've been rolling with it since you were wearing baby T-shirts because you were a baby."
Casey and Serena give him a confused dumb look
"Police headquarters. Thirty minutes."
"See you there." Serena says with a wave as she follows Raph
"See you there." Mikey repeats in a deep tone
"She just said that." Vern tells him.
30 minutes later, Serena, April and Casey walk up to Police Headquarters, after Vern gone in first.
"Hey, guys. Look who it is. Vern "The Falcon" Fenwick! Let's take a picture, huh? Come on. Yeah, I'll just take one and send it to all you guys."
Vern plants the small device, givin to him by Raph, on the back of the computer.
"Just got to....do, like, a panorama thing there... You guys look good."
As Vern distracts the Police, Mikey tries to hack the computer below him from the air vent.
Serena walks up, and hand the lady at the scanner her fake police ID badge.
"Any time now, Mikey."
"I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying. Yes!"
The machine beeps and Serena's ID is approved.
The trio walks through the glass doors and into the main part of Police HQ.
Mikey and Raph travel through the air shafts, to find the locker room. Raph holds a steady position on the wall, and allows Mikey to sit on his back while he reads the suction cup
Once their Mikey sets up his suction cup, once it's saying target his locked, Mikey shoots the cup and reels in the card. Mikey unfortunately loses balance and as he grabs the card it slips out of his hands. Thankfully Raph was able to use his tongue to catch the card before it fell to the ground.
The trio walked through the halls, and was about to turn towards the stairs case, when Casey noticed the Police Chief, he turned around and pushed April and Serena into the side hall nearby.
After she passes, they continue on their way until they make it to Evidence department.
Mikey drops the access card through the vent, and Serena catches with no problem
Before Swiping she looks up at Mikey.
Serena swipes the card, and the doors open to reveal, two-foot notes standing behind them. One holding the purple ooze.
The foot notes try to get past them, but Serena roundhouses one of them. Unfortunately, the one with the ooze got past her.
April pulled the fire alarm, before she and Casey took off after the other one as Serena fought the one in front of her.
He wasn't very skilled, he looked to only be trained in dragon kicks and quick dodges. Serena easily took out the amateur foot soldier and took off the opposite way April and Casey went.
With Raph and Mikey
"Mayday, mayday, mayday!" Mikey screams into his phone, as he and Raph zip down the elevator shaft
"What's going on?" Leo questioned from the other end of the phone
"The Foot Clan have the purple ooze! We need backup at police headquarters right now!"
"Hang tight, Mikey. We'll be right there. Donnie says, as he hangs up.
"We have to get above the exit!" Raph yes as he and Mikey get off the shaft and continue to crawl through the vents
The foot solider from before, takes of down the office section of the HQ. The foot note Serena fought had caught up to his partner. As the knocked down any policeman that were in their way, that drop sound atomic bombs that were regulating and making everything sound scratchy.
Raph notices the foot note with the ooze below him, and he goes to jump down, when Mikey stops him.
"What, are you crazy? We can't be seen!"
"That purple ooze is our only shot at being normal, and it's heading toward the front door." Raph says
"You with me or not?" Raph asked his younger brother
A paused happened, before he responded
"Let's go!"
Mikey and Raph burst out of the airways
The foot notes take off towards the front door, when Leo and Donnie burst through the window, sending the foot notes flying back.
"Raph what are you doing with that?" Leo asked his younger brother as he picked up the ooze.
"Freeze! Don't move! Don't move!" One of the officers' yell at them
"No, no, no." Raph says
"Show me your hands!"
"Hold it!"
"Freeze right there!"
"Don't move! We will shoot!"
"Get down on the ground."
"Wait! We're the good guys!" Mikey says
"Get on the ground!"
"All right, okay." Leo says
The turtles take a knee to the ground, with their hands still in the air
"What are those things?"
"They're monsters. They're monsters!"
"We're not monsters." Mikey says softly
"No! No! No! Don't shoot! Stop it! No, don't! Don't shoot, don't shoot." April and Casey yell running in front of the turtles.
One of the guys decides to cook his gun anyway towards Leo, suddenly the guy is hit over the head with a stapler.
Th everyone turns to look at the direction it came from.
Serena ran from the right side of the hall, as she made her way over, she took a solid position in front of Leo and looked over to the rest of the police.
April turned her heads towards Raph
The turtles remain still, it was Serena who spoke next.
"GO!" She yelled as she turned to face Leo, He nodded and using his sword, he knocked the gun out of the hands of the man who was pointing it at Serena.
The turtles run out of HQ.
"Get to the ground slowly. Get down!"
The three slowly get down to the ground with their hands above their head.
"Jones, you've got to be kidding me. Put these three in holding." The Chief commands
"We did not obtain to ooze." One of the foot soldiers say to Stockman
Baxter, Karai, and Verena we're standing over Stockman's techno board.
"No matter, we have everything we need right here." Stockman says turning to look at Verena
"Sir, the girl was there with the turtles."
"Oh? And what happened her?" Verena asked curiously
Karai and Stockman look at her with confusion
"She is being held in police custody along with April O'Neil and Casey Jones. The turtles escaped."
"Good. Now she can't get in our way." Verena says turning her attention to Karai and Stockman
"The scanners are going nuts; police will be everywhere." Karai says
"But they'll be looking for the turtles. My sister has provided us with the perfect cover."
She turns to walk out of the room, she stops in the doorway, turning her head slightly towards Stockman.
"Perhaps sending them what really happened at TCRI will further prove our innocence."
Baxter nods thoughtfully
"Yes, yes that could work."
But Verena did not hear him, she was already halfway down the hall. She makes a sharp left at the corner and heads straight for her father's cell. Quickly it opens to reveal him sitting on the tiny cement block bed.
"Shedder is meeting with an 'unknown species' calling itself Kraang."
Kaden looks to his daughter in shock
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because this alien guys plan is to destroy the world and I kind of like Earth, there's a lot of it I would like to see." Verena starts
Kaden nods to her as he looks down at the ground
"I don't forgive for not fighting harder to get me back, but Serena is going to need all the help she can get."
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