5 | LARPing in Hyde Park
5 | LARPing in Hyde Park
Elrond Peredhel | Lord of Rivendell
Location: Somewhere on Earth
Time: Unknown
All of sudden, his face was met by grass.
His head was throbbing, like a dozen of wargs trampled on him at the battlefield. His entire body felt like it had waded through icy water that he could hardly feel up to the tip of his fingers. It took all his strength to roll onto his back, his hands already prepared to hold the hilt of his sword. When he did, he scrunched his eyes at the sun...or whatever light that was shining down at him at that moment.
A mixture of cries and laughter entered his ears.
Wait, why were people laughing?
Once he felt any sense in his body, he brought his hand up to cover in front of his eyes before fluttering them open. Adjusting his eyesight, he began to sit upright before feeling another wave of nausea go through him. Was this how Illyria felt when she first arrived here? If so, he was not going to enjoy their trip back to Middle Earth any time soon.
Elrond's senses quickly returned, getting up with a grunt as he adjusted his armour and patted off the grass. His hands carefully patted over to the satchel, sensing the pulse of the Silmaril in its container before checking his surroundings.
In all honesty, he didn't truly know what to expect what Illyria's world was like – though it wasn't this.
It seemed to be a large field of a sort, with several trees planted in great rows over a wide smooth path in between. Several wooden benches were littered along with the path and the appearance of a body of water in the distance. There was however something which questioned him so, and they were the large, tall metal towers in the landscape.
Elven eyesight was more adept than the eyes of men, but Elrond's eyes were not deceiving at how tall they were at this distance.
His ears then twitched once more as he then noticed the voice around him. Or rather voices.
Here he was standing in a sea full of people...and nobody batted an eye at him. They were all doing their own activities, mostly sitting down on the grass in small groups – chatting and laughing from what he could hear. Some were throwing a ball into the air, hitting it with wooden bats whilst others were throwing some bright green disc to and from one another.
Elrond began walking. Well, he didn't know where to go now and had only hoped someone or something could possibly lead him to Illyria. He knew that the moment the portal would open, somehow one of Illyria's sorcerers would notice the portal appearing and disappearing soon. He would just have to continue and not sway into the bad graces of people around here.
He remembered how Illyria mentioned people equivalent to a protective guard for cities and towns, and he didn't need to think hard that he was out of place. Not to mention his weapons and the jewel he possessed.
'I am only glad that it was not Arwen who went through the portal,' He thought before heading down the wide path where people walked up and down.
Soon, people were watching him. Most who ignored him were younger, focused on either talking to the person beside them or their eyes trained on the small objects in their hands. Other older ones, who were around what seemed to be the ages of the Rangers of the North, were eyeing him slightly before moving their children away on the other side of the path.
Some of them were even talking to themselves and that irked him, though it may be the small white objects on their ears. (He did all his best to then adjust his hair over his ears, already subconscious of them.)
The children entirely were the most curious, pointing and asking their parents what he was wearing. Even one had attempted to walk over to him that their mother had pulled them over before he could freeze at the spot.
However, the only thing on his mind was finding Illyria. And that already caused him suddenly hear the ringing of bells enter his ears.
"Out of the way, wanker!"
Elrond quickly jumped out of the side, his eyes widening as a person zoomed past him. His chest thumped in panic, surprised at how fast they were going until he noticed the moving object they were on. Several more people raced past by wearing a variety of clothing styles, matching the very small wooden boards with wheels they were on.
It took him a moment to take an internal breath and count to ten. His wife's voice lingered in his mind, advising him how to keep himself calm when it came to stressful uncertain situations such as this.
Another bold voice striding past him murmured, seeming to either not know his great sense of hearing or care not about it.
"Didn't know people still did those larping." They spoke in a sarcastic tone, "It's 2027 for Christ's sake..."
The other one snickered next, eyeing him with almost predatory eyes. To his shock (and utter blasphemy), the young woman winked at him before linking her arms to the woman beside her. They walked off as if nothing had ever occurred.
He ground his teeth, his worry growing. Perhaps he should leave this place before anyone would question him again or cause a scene.
So, he followed the large path down to where the body of water had been, realizing it had been much smaller than he expected. A small lake with a building beside it. Several ducks and geese were swimming atop the water, whilst more people were riding odd contraptions.
Soon he was met by more paths, using his ears to hear an odd sound of metal and wind, and wondered what they were. The longer he walked, the more people noticed his presence and he spotted two people holding those objects which Illyria possessed. Phones, that was what she called them and explained that they could easily create a small realistic painting with one press of a button.
He realised now what they were doing and began to quicken his pace.
He needed to hide somewhere, find something to blend in. His armour was the most obvious out of them all so he would have to find a dressmaker.
When he finally exited the field, he found himself staring at a large stone gate. Its statues were ornate in gold and black. Elrond turned his eyes and did all he could not wince at the large horn expelling from the metal boxes rolling past him.
His heart was beating so fast, sensing his panic growing.
Eru, he was thousands of years old, a lord of his very house...and yet he was belittled by being in the unknown. He would not bow down to this, especially when he had to find Illyria Strange and her father.
'But what if she is not alive...' A small voice whispered from the back of his mind and Elrond quickly ignored it.
Elrond should have been more careful again when he was met by a force in front of him.
The figure quickly fell back, their rectangular black case clattering onto the hard ground before they let out a string of curses.
On the other hand, the satchel he carried dropped onto the floor, and he sucked in a breath the moment the lid of the box opened at impact.
The Silmaril's light expelling in a bright glow out into the air.
Quickly, he snapped the box shut before placing the satchel over his shoulders before eyeing the man on the floor – their eyes never leaving the box.
Elrond's heart raced. Did the man know what it was? Did he want it?
To his relief, the man did not even react to grab it before Elrond quickly apologized (not sure if the man could even understand his tongue, but with how he understood the others, it seemed Sindarin was spoken) and reached his hand out to help him.
The man gladly took his hand, heaving himself up before gazing up to him with grey eyes.
The same grey eyes he had.
Elrond's heart stopped.
Right in front of him was the very elf he had lost two ages ago.
He remembered being by his side, sitting on a chair by his bed – having to watch his final moments in Arda before his body failed and his fëa left for the Halls of Mandos. Even at his age, he could still remember what he looked like then. It wasn't hard when the very man himself looked like him.
However, it was he who spoke first as their hands let go from each other.
Elrond gulped back the growing bile in his throat, his voice wavering. He didn't care anymore that people were eyeing him. And what shocked him was that he remembered who he was.
His twin was here right in front of him.
"How...you shouldn't be here." Elrond spluttered over his words, struggling to comprehend everything.
His brother, Elros, shared the same paled look before retorting: "You shouldn't be here." His eyes wandered across his body before raising an eyebrow. "And I'm not the one wearing gold plated armour and carrying a Silmaril."
'He remembers,' Elrond quickly noted in his head, his hand carefully pulling the satchel closer to his body. Or rather hiding the sword at his side. 'I wonder what else he remembers.'
Elros cut his thoughts off with a low voice, "People are staring." His hand grabbed his wrist before nudging his chin to him. "Come on, let's get you out of here before the police find you."
The entire time he was walking, Elrond wasn't sure where he was leading him and if this was all true.
In the end, he followed his long-dead twin brother through a winding path before coming to an open expanse of colourful metal boxes. Elros was talking to him, instructing him to use the leather straps over his body as he flicked several buttons on the odd contraption they were in.
He was not having a panic attack. Not right now when he was with his brother.
All of a sudden, the metal box roared to life: sending Elrond jumping from his seat in shock. It was there he finally got his senses back to reality, heart racing and breath almost as if he had been in battle.
Elrond may be in some odd moving contraption with his twin in a world he hardly knew at all: and yet he couldn't help but begin to fill his mind with so many questions. Illyria briefly spoke of these, calling them...cars, and that they ran with some sort of power equivalent to her own light magic.
Then his mind returned to the person controlling the car beside him and all he could do was stare again at the familiar features. Same height, sharp jaw, and eyes. How his face contorted when he thought or got annoyed at things. His hair was a different matter, the same colour but now cut short. It was even shorter than the Dunedain rangers Imladris had whenever they came to trade. Though with everything similar, only one thing he noticed that he saw in Illyria's: round ears.
He was truly human here - with a mortal life and everything.
Elrond immediately shoved that away before he could even tear up. Mentally taking another breath, he kept his eyes trained forward. When his brother began to speak with an unfamiliar accent, he was a little calmed by it.
But despite the cheeriness, Elrond knew his brother was much as nervous as he was. "I would be lying to myself that I didn't notice the portal that appeared." Elros spoke, "Nobody noticed it apart from me."
Eyes widening slightly, Elrond blinked them before turning to him briefly.
Elros saw the portal appear in the middle of the field, and yet no one else was fazed by it apart from his brother. When he had finally brought his senses to normality, he found that the portal was gone – not even any remnant of it.
He carefully asked, "How so?"
"Something was calling to me," Elros admitted, clearing his throat. "I didn't know what it was, but I just followed my instinct."
'It might be the Silmaril.' He thought, trying to piece several theories in his mind as the world whirled past him. 'I wonder who else detected it.'
They were going through so many pathways lined with buildings of matching design that he couldn't really tell where they were now. Elros, to his surprise, somehow knew it in instinct. Perhaps this was a routine he did here. Wherever this place was called.
"Well, not every day that an elf arrives through a portal in Hyde Park." His brother turned the subject in a joking tone – another thing Elros used to have a habit in. "We had that ten years ago in Greenwich, but with the Blip happening years ago—" [1][2]
"How are you alive?" Elrond still-trying-to-process-everything Peredhel was finally stumped in shock as he questioned him. "And this is Earth, correct?"
When he immediately saw Elros crease his eyebrows and then quickly raise them in surprise, Elrond realized he should have stopped at the first question. He didn't know about Illyria Strange or anything about sorcery and the portals that connected here to Arda.
And he thanked that Elros had forgotten it, his voice coming off quietly when the car stopped at the side of a building.
"How long has it been for you?" Elros turned to him, his eye boring into his. "The truth, brother."
He gulped back the bile and whispered, "Too long...almost six thousand years."
"Jesus..." Eyes widening, Elros muttered, "I'm surprised you're still alive."
For some reason: he somehow had a point and Elrond at once wanted to roll his eyes at his brother for always attempting to drive the conversation to such morbid humour. It reminded him quite a lot of how Illyria spoke – was this a common occurrence in this world?
When the metal car halted and his brother pressed the red buttons, he found the leather strap to recoil off his bodice causing him to blink at the unexpected. Elrond wasn't going to admit right then how terrified he had been during their journey. He would be having to fight a thousand orcs to admit to him he was afraid of a moving box with wheels.
As Elros instructed him, he opened the car door and got out before closing it once more. There was another click as a pair of lights flashed, perhaps that meant it had been locked. Above the car roof, Elrond asked him, "And how did you know it was me?" He continued, "And not what these people call as...actors."
His eyes continued to follow his twin around before Elros stood in front of him and answered: "Elrond, you wear armour that no other person could replicate alongside an elven sword." The corner of his mouth lifted, a finger tapping the side of his head. "Plus, I still bear some memories."
Whilst Elros took a small object from his pockets, he glanced down at the satchel he clung protectively on the way here.
'The Silmaril must have unlocked them. Like Illyria's.' He assumed, and briefly felt pained at remembering the last time that had happened. She grew unconscious the moment it appeared in front of her; her body shaking as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
But with Elros, he hadn't seen any symptoms as much as she possessed. Though then again, he and Elros didn't see the Silmarils as much as Elemmírë had. Their memories as elflings were entirely gone, only words told by Elemmírë during their time with the Sons of Fëanor.
"Well, come on." Elros cut him off from his thoughts, gesturing him to follow.
Glancing up, he was met by a brown-bricked house. It was unlike any architecture he had seen, perhaps to what the race of men might have. Around it was a patch of grass, and a hedge outlining. In front of him was a small gate, leading to a stony path up to the black wooden door.
When they entered, Elrond awkwardly stood in what seemed to be a corridor waiting for his brother to shut the door. He watched him dawdle about, taking his outer cloak (or what seemed to be a cloak for him) and hanging it to the hooks placed at the right wall. At the same time, he wondered if he should do the same, though where would someone put armour in such small hooks?
Instead, he remained silent whilst Elros trudged through the corridor before arriving at a small central hall. As he took a step, he felt something under his foot and carefully placed it back.
A small doll lay down on the ground. Its blonde hair was strewn out whilst it wore a pink dress. [3]
"I must apologize for the mess," His twin apologized, hurrying to take some of the toys he now noticed around the room.
Elrond continued to analyze, seeing the paintings hanging from the walls. Photos, that was what Illyria called them. They were printed in various sizes, showing Elros in them with two other people. One had been about Elros' age, with light brown hair and green eyes. The other was a child, a girl with dark brown hair (but not as dark as Elros') and light green eyes.
The trio was shown in different locations. One had been what seemed to be a garden, the other had been in the coast – the sea behind them as they wore dark spectacles over their eyes. And the last one appeared to be in front of a large castle.
At that moment he couldn't help but feel his heart swell. His brother had another life. Another chance. "You have your own family," Elrond quietly spoke, smiling sadly at him.
After placing the toys in a chest, Elros sighed tiredly and smiled back. "Yes. A new life. I guess this was what Eru gave us, a chance at a new life out of Arda. It's not like a palace or Númenor... but it's home." His eyes glanced low and pointed at his hip. "You might have to hide the sword. My wife saw me once buy one off Amazon and she's hidden every single elven or Tolkien bit I own." [4]
Elrond unlatched the sheath, passing his dual swords over to his brother. He trusted him to some extent that he would put it somewhere secure. Though he wondered as to why his wife would be overly concerned at a weapon. Did their people not always have weapons commonly with them?
Whilst Elros left down another doorway at the right, the sound of rummaging and wooden clanks, he suddenly felt a small force collide at his side.
He gazed down to notice a short figure beside him, their arms around his legs as he stiffened. Their face was hidden by his armour before they glanced up and pair of light green eyes stared up at him.
"Daddy! Why are you dressed as a knight?" The girl asked him, eyes sparkling with curiosity and intrigue.
It immediately reminded him of Estel when he was once a young child, always clinging onto him at some moments when the rains would come down. It even reminded him of Arwen, who loved to surprise him with jump hugs. Or his twin sons who would scramble up to him like he was a tree himself.
He softly spoke, a gentle smile on his lips. "Oh, hello."
When the words registered in her mind, Elros' child carefully loosened her grip as she responded, "Oh, you're not my dad."
Shaking his head, he looked in amusement as she turned her head at the other figure in front of them. Her eyes went back and forth before she took a step, now eager to be picked up by Elros. His daughter must be rather clever to know the distinctive differences between him and his brother to know the truth.
Elros chuckled, his hands carefully holding her tight around his hip. "Aw Maristela, did you forget?"
His daughter, Maristela, eyed him as she leaned towards Elros' ear and whispered, "That man looks like you, Papi."
He could not help but show his amusement.
Glancing at him, Elros grinned as he spoke quietly, "Well, that's my secret hermano elfo. See the ears." He looked to his daughter, asking: "You promise Papi not to tell other people?"
Pondering for a moment, Elrond smiled as Maristela nodded and grinned. "Okay."
"Esa es mi niña. Where's your mother?" Elros asked though he didn't pick up the meaning of the first part. Perhaps it was another language here. Illyria did say they spoke hundreds of languages here, all with different dialects and accents much like Sindarin. [5]
When he placed Maristela down, at that moment a voice called out from the left doorway.
It was a feminine voice, concern lingering in their accented tone as they entered.
"Querida? Who's there—" [6]
Elrond was met by a woman, her eyes staring with mouth agape at him before going lingering down his body. She then flicked over to Elros, who still had Maristela standing beside him before she sighed heavily.
She closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I'm not the only one seeing two," Glancing back up, Elros' wife pried, "Tell me you didn't find a cosplayer and bought him home."
"No! Why would I...he's just a friend from work. He was passing by and got lost." Elros appeared offended. He then awkwardly added, "He was...larping." [7]
It took him all his will not to facepalm at his brother's attempt.
His wife, on the other hand, didn't seem impressed at the response – only looking more exasperated at Elros.
Elrond shot a look, before exhaling: "Brother, you are a terrible liar." He gave his twin's wife a solemn expression and said calmly, "Apologies, my lady, for the intrusion. I am... new to this place and he found me when I was lost. I only ask if I may stay overnight before I leave tomorrow."
Elros' wife stared up at him, green eyes that were unlike the dark brown ones in which Nilûphêl once had. They were, however, were filled very much with the love Nilûphêl had for Elros. But these ones held more carefreedom than intensity in them. That was all he needed to see to know how he approved of Elros' new profound love.
Her eyes softened, and she smiled slightly at his sight. There was amusement in her voice as she said, "Well, at least you're polite. Unlike this one I've got." She threw a thumb at Elros, and he quickly made a pouting expression. Elros' wife awkwardly added before raising her voice. "There's... a guest bedroom that you may use. And Elliot, you better explain to me once you sort this out."
A sigh left Elros' lips, nudging his daughter to his wife. "I know, Adelina." He then gestured for Elrond to come to the staircase at the end of the room as he added, "Come on sweetheart, go with your mum and start with your homework."
When both wife and daughter left, Elros shot a glare back at him. "And you are a snitch."
Elrond couldn't help but chuckle, heading up the stairs to where his brother would lead him.
"Your family are lovely, Elros-Elliot." Elrond corrected himself, watching his brother sit down on the armchair facing him.
And indeed, it was true. It had been nothing but lovely after Elros had gestured him to the spare bedroom they had (which was rather minimal to his taste) and left him to change out of his armour. He then left to head down the stairs. And with all the murmuring and voices rising from the rather thin walls, Elrond could understand that he had told his wife perhaps a little too much for such a short expanse.
Therefore, as he easily navigated down the stairs, which extended too long as he couldn't help to look at every photograph and painting on the wall, he found Elros and his wife sitting in the kitchen looking rather disgruntled. His wife did perk up when he entered the room, almost asking him if it was true and that it wasn't a joke.
It was there Elrond nodded, revealing his pointed ears before speaking in Quenya to her.
Unlike Illyria, Adelina Madden did not accept it as easily as he assumed but nevertheless was kind enough to speak to him and didn't shoot him any negative thoughts. She, however, did appear upset over Elros and Elrond could understand how this was too much news for Elros.
He had to thank Maristela for swaying her parents away from the obvious tension by eagerly asking her mother to help her with some work. A lesson of some sort. Elros explained to him that like them, human children were enrolled to go to a school to be taught several subjects. And it reminded him of Illyria, and how she explained her university and how she was learning about the stars.
Dinner was an entirely different affair, where Elrond experienced a new type of cuisine he never knew. Adelina called it paella, where these small grains were called rice, and that it contained chicken and this red meat called chorizo. He was hesitant, tasting it before admitting defeat at how delicious it was. (Maristela giggled at how he had eaten more than Elros did, and the two joked on how they usually ate most in the camp.) [8]
And then afterwards it led the two brothers sitting in the room before. Elrond had sat on the soft cushioned furniture whilst Elros leaned back against his armchair – phone in hand.
Rubbing his bare arms, Elros replied. "I haven't heard that name in forty years. Seems like a lifetime ago." He raised his brows at him and asked, "Though I'm wondering as to why you got here?"
His eyes glanced over to the satchel perched beside him. Elrond had not been anywhere without the jewel ever since he arrived here. He answered, "As I said, the jewel."
"Sorry to be rude, brother but I fucking hate that piece of shit," He stated in a blunt tone.
Elrond exhaled, his shoulders slacking. "I do not think any of us love would, after all, it had done."
His brother had his eye trained over the satchel before turning to him. Elros suggested, "We have the whole night to talk about it."
Several hours had passed since he and Elros spoke about what had happened during the time he had been gone as well as what was happening now in Middle Earth.
To his surprise (and his relief too) Elros knew to some limited extent about Middle Earth due to the fictional stories this world contained. He knew about certain elves like Gil-Galad and Lady Galadriel but realised that the lore he knew was different.
From what Elladan, Elrohir and Arwen told him: Illyria spoke of how certain events and individuals were altered in some way. It was evident when Elrond revealed that he had married Elemmírë a few centuries before the Last Alliance of Men and Elves that Elros knew a different path. And he then remembered what Elrohir told him of what Illyria revealed when they were going to Dol Guldur.
It was awkward to comprehend that in another life, he would have married Celebrían. He would never imagine his life with another elleth, especially with someone who was much more in love with his friend and king: Gil-Galad.
Another thing they discussed was the Dwarven quest to Erebor and their involvement. Elros' eyes could have popped out the moment he told him that both men, elves and dwarves reunited briefly to defeat the orc army led by Azog the Defiler and the orcs of Gundabad. (And even after thirty-nine years, Elrond was still shocked how they had done it. Only knowing one thing – and that it was led by a certain sorceress.)
After that, Elrond asked his brother about his new life and what he felt about it.
Elros, now commonly known as Elliot Madden on Earth, was now in his fortieth year. He was born in another part of the country they were in called the United Kingdom and had been the only child to his parents. He spoke of his childhood, how he always felt that he should've had a brother beside him. Maybe that was the first evidence of Elros remembering his previous life.
'Maybe it was like Illyria; she had visions and memories of her past life.' Elrond thought and had come to ask Elros he experienced any – though only receiving a shake of his head. So, it would seem it was minimal for his twin to know of his previous life.
Elros then spoke of the recent ten years, hesitance in his voice that Elrond peered his eyes in concern. What had happened to his brother?
Then his twin spoke about his family, and how he had been rid of his existence for five years during what was known as the Blip. Elrond recognized the news, remembering Illyria mentioning what she called the 'Snap' or the 'Dusting' when she quickly added it in her explanations. She hardly spoke about it when she was in Imladris, a similar pained voice Elros had now.
But instead of being alive like Illyria, Elros lost five years. His wife had to care for their daughter on her own, having only the aid of his parents, for Adelina's perished as well.
Half of the world had been gone because of one evil figure seeking 'balance'.
Elrond was silent then, a pit in his stomach. He was not sure what he felt. Guilt or empathy. Whilst he had lost Illyria for years, this entire world had lost half of its population. Was this the world that people such as Illyria, Adelina and Maristela had to live in?
His twin noticed the change of atmosphere and quickly returned the topic solely on the reason he was here.
"So Elemmírë's alive...here?" He sucked in a breath.
Elrond looked at Elros and spoke softly, "Yes, she goes by Illyria Strange."
Humming, his brother stood up from his spot before heading out of the room. Once he returned, he was carrying a flat device, a similar size as a journal. Though as Elros sat down and tapped on its surface, it lit up just like his phone. A...larger phone?
Elros' eyes never left the odd device, tapping away rather quickly on the surface. "Illyria Strange...I think I heard of her." When he made a voice of realization, Elros turned the device around for him to see the screen.
What Elrond saw was an entirely unknown thing. It was as if he was seeing one of his visions. There was chaos and destruction everywhere. The muted sound of screams and cried in the distance.
Elros narrated, "There, she was in the Battle for Earth. Or that's what the BBC called it." He then turned the device around. Several taps later, he showed him another of those odd memories. Instead, it was a photograph: of several men being taken into one of those metal boxes – handcuffed. "And, that thing several weeks ago...about this train in Siberia with Wakandan weapons."
If Elros was correct: Illyria had been involved in each of those events.
"She is alive then," Elrond spoke.
He raised a brow and blinked, "What do you mean?"
Alright, perhaps he should have mentioned this part of the battle.
In a tired voice, Elrond answered: "The last time I saw her, she almost died. And her brother was killed during the battle."
There, his eyes morphed into sympathy. "I'm sorry, brother. I forget how much you love her." Elros gave him a side smile. "Apart from your books and all, but she was another thing you found that you loved more."
His eyes went down to his lap, looking down at his hands. Whilst it felt odd to not have Vilya on (and rather relieving as well), the usual golden band on his right index finger felt heavy for once. Elrond now noticed that its other half, Elemmírë's ring, was still amongst the heirlooms that were left by her.
Perhaps one day, and if that day came: he would come to see Illyria Strange wear it once more.
But first, he had to find her. "Our daughter and I have been trying to contact her through the worlds using the Silmaril," Elrond explained to him.
"Well, I can look her up and see if she's on any social media." Elros had his face trained over the device, perhaps looking for the location. He glanced up to him for a moment. "Oh, she must have mentioned the internet to you. You'll love it since you're a diehard loremaster."
"She is a scholar at a place called Oxford," He added and when he spotted his eyes widen slightly – perhaps it was some useful information.
Elros grinned back up. "The right place for her." His eyes glanced over to the clock before returning to Elrond. He assured him, "Not to worry, I'll look it up tomorrow but I'm exhausted. You must be too, and don't lie to me that you're acting all grown up. I'm technically the older brother."
They stood up, with Elrond carrying the satchel once more as they headed out of the living room and up the stairs.
Whilst his twin wasn't looking, he rolled his eyes. "Only by twelve minutes."
Looking over his shoulder, Elros made a smug expression. "Exactly." He pointed, "Oh, and don't panic when you hear a beeping sound. That's just my alarm clock."
As he led him to the room he had previously been to, Elros explained further the other necessities of the house before he bid him goodnight. Elrond didn't want to fall into his brother's trap, or perhaps he was still afraid that this was not real and that someone such as Sauron or Mordo had captured him.
But as he carefully placed the Silmaril next to the pillow, Elrond laid down his head and stared up at the ceiling.
He had fallen asleep the moment he dreamt of Imladris on fire.
[1] - Hyde Park: One of the largest parks in London, near Kensington and Buckingham Palace.
[2] - The Blip: Also known as the Dusting or the Snap. It's called the Blip because not everyone knew it was because of Thanos.
[3] - Barbie: A doll made by American brand Mattel. Distinctive of Barbie's blonde hair and unrealistic body shapes.
[4] - Amazon: A multinational technology company focusing on e-commerce and Alexa (play Despacito).
[5] - Esa es mi niña: 'That's my girl' in Spanish.
[6] - Querida: 'Darling.' in Spanish
[7] - Larping: Live Action Role Play. I've never done it, might do it if I have enough friends rip.
[8] - Paella: A Spanish dish which includes chorizo, rice and chicken and sometimes squid and prawns.
A/N: I loved this chapter. It was so amusing and so wholesome to have these twins reunite.
More coming soon. :)
Edited: 16/01/2022
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