4 | Paprikash and Letters
4 | Paprikash and Letters
Darcy Lewis | Doctor of Astrophysics
Location: New York Sanctum, New York City, USA, Earth
Time: May 2027
She shouldn't be worrying at all, but you can't blame a pregnant woman for it.
Her hormones were everywhere, left-right-front and centre, that even the littlest thing that wasn't right was going to make her cry. Especially if was to do with either her coffee (which she was pissed that she had to cut down her caffeine because that was 'doctor's orders' and that it wouldn't be good for the baby and bablablah...), that she went to begging for Jane to come back and just make her a secret cup.
Heck, she could steal a sling ring, get up to space, just to ask Monica or any of her Skrull friends to make her some snazzy alien coffee. (Wait, did they have coffee in space and their home planet? If so, Darcy could only assume that they had the equivalent of a coffee bean that was growing there.) Sadly, she couldn't do anything much, let alone walk around just to get some milk down at the store. [1]
All hell broke loose when she realised that she couldn't even wear her nice pair of 'hot scientist' shoes that she bought off from eBay, a pair of wedge boots that made her at least not look like a dwarf between her, Wong, Stephen and Illyria. Heck, it was bad enough they had the tallest elf living under their roof from time to time. [2]
Maedhros 'the Tall' really got his name earned well for being over seven-foot. She knew basketball players with similar heights as him and they would never compare how agile and deadly this elf was.
So there she was, trying to bend her arse down just to slip a pair of sneakers. When Darcy reached her hand to the shoes, she was stopped abruptly due to the big mass obviously on her stomach. She heaved as far down as she could and just didn't even try another before she sighed in frustration.
If she was going to suffer the consequences, she was going to make the person who even did this to her help her.
As if it was magic (she still isn't going to lose that joke, especially the amount of teleportation he and Illyria did nowadays) - Stephen appeared from their bedroom door. He approached her, a little wary at her which he should.
She couldn't sleep at all last night, too uncomfortable with the bump that she now had.
When he noticed her still in the room for the past hour, Stephen sighed and asked, "Darcy? Did you have to shout?" His voice changed with concern, "What did you need?"
With her arms out wide, she answered tiredly: "Please help me. I was trying to get my shoes and...yeah."
His eyes wandered a little over her stomach, before nodding carefully. A hum left his lips as he spoke, "Sit down; I'll sort it out."
Darcy thanked him, feeling more relieved that at least there was somebody in the Sanctum to help with her.
Well, in all honesty, she was hardly ever alone nowadays. He didn't say it or accept it: but Stephen Strange was a very worried man when it came to those he cared. Even so, it was borderline possessive. It wasn't that he had her caged up or anything, but he was always dotting her on food, exercise and her workload. Hell, the many times he even asked if she needed to get up the stairs from the foyer up to where her office was in the Sanctum was driving her nuts.
It didn't even help that the Sorcerer Supreme's daughter was amongst the mothering hens she now has going on.
God, she wanted to just head back to New Asgard now and just get away from all the sorcerers and enhanced nerds. At least if she were in New Asgard, Jane would be there, and she would rather focus on space science than making sure her brain chemicals were stable.
Whilst Stephen knelt, tying her laces up, his hand was met by the corner of red fabric beside her. The Cloak of Levitation (now nicknamed Levy) hovered next to her, making Stephen glare at it with annoyance. "Hey, could you stop it?"
Darcy nudged her chin upwards, a side smile over to the sentient relic. "Cloaky knows," She spoke smugly before complaining. "Also, it's your fault I can't wear half of my crap, let alone footwear."
Once he was done, he stood back up and reached out a gloved hand. Darcy took it with grace, happy for him to yank her up from sitting. He rolled his eyes, sarcastically replying: "Well apologies, Dr Lewis." His eyes changed with mirth as he asked with a lightly teasing tone, "How shall I make it up to you?"
'Not to have another kid ever again, thanks.' She thought to herself. 'Illyria's bad enough; another Illyria or Peter running about is just gonna be a death sentence.'
Instead, she returned it with a wry answer. "Possibly a foot massage." Darcy kept her hand in his, gazing up to her fiancé's face with a smile, "And some Ben and Jerry's ice cream. The Fudge Falcon one." [3]
Stephen pondered for a moment, before carefully bringing her lips to his. She giggled slightly; his beard was made it ticklish especially how sensitive her body was. When she pulled away, she grinned up at him.
He answered with a shared expression, "Deal." Stephen told her, "Now, I think we have people coming through for lunch."
And that they did. There was a reason why they were up and dressed nicely since it was their usual Sunday lunch that she always planned, ever since Illyria's elf friend turned up out of the blue (or specifically a space anomaly). Darcy had seen the fractures of what her family had come, realizing how busy they all were and that they never had time together.
Illyria and Maedhros were mostly out in Oxford or doing missions for several people; Wong and Stephen were busy protecting Earth from other dimensions and worlds, and Jane and Thor were now away.
Even Peter, who they have harboured in secret for the past two years, was now safe and returned to his aunt to live with her in Queens. He was the only constant that was around her during that time in the Sanctum, moving in after Illyria returned from Middle Earth. She was not always alone though; so many people came and went and even she went on her little trips to several places.
She was helping Illyria work on the portal machine in Oxford, and then working for Monica whenever she was back on Earth to either detect energy signals or hack into databases (mostly hacking, but we don't talk about that in public). And Jimmy, bless that man, always gave his time to meet and have a cup of coffee downtown in Central Park with her.
All in all: yes, it was a little sad that the world around her was moving. But it didn't mean she wasn't entirely behind it herself. She had her little tightly knitted multi-species superhero family that she could ever ask for.
Speaking of certain species, Darcy did have to consider one thing she hated and that was having to feed an elf food. Maedhros was a different matter when it came to picking food and then Illyria was just as fussy as any other kid who should be a woman either way. But now she understood his (or rather his and Illyria's) customs and what they eat.
Darcy could only hope from all the Sunday lunches they had that he'd like paprikash. [4]
A couple of hours later, they were waiting down by the foyer, the usual place most of the sorcerers teleported in and out.
The Cloak of Levitation rested upon her shoulders as she was easily hovered down alongside its own master. When they got down, she already saw the golden sparks dissipate in the air as two figures appeared in front of them.
Illyria was the first to greet them, a gentle yet tired smile on her face as she walked over to them. She only saw her a few days ago and she already missed the kid. Damn her hormones going everywhere.
Heading up to her father, Illyria hugged Stephen briefly before stepping back with a breath, "Hi Dad, Mom." Illyria then glanced at her, then down at her stomach, before adding: "I forget you're...that."
Darcy replied in an irritated tone, "Hey, just because you skipped having to remember this part of having children doesn't mean you can joke about this shit."
Her kid chuckled back, leaning down to embrace her arms around her. "I know Mom, you look wonderful," Illyria smiled heartedly down at her and Darcy couldn't stay mad at her.
Standing idly behind Illyria Strange was the tall elf himself. Maedhros had worn a grey jumper along with the khaki trousers and brown leather shoes, opposite to Illyria's black leather jacket, white blouse and jeans matched with the usual boots she had. His hair was tied back by a small braid, red hair curling at the ends.
(Maedhros had taught her all she could about braiding culture and even taught her some different styles she could do whenever they were here, or she was visiting them. She knew that Maedhros wasn't accustomed to such a closeness outside his own family, but eventually, he relaxed with her. He even agreed to a slumber party once that consisted of her, Illyria, Monica, and him. Darcy knew he enjoyed it when she saw him and Monica talking about braids non-stop throughout the evening.)
Darcy looked up to him, spreading her arms out wide as she spoke, "Come on big elf, give me a hug."
He had a second of pondering before gradually hugging her lightly. Glancing down to her, he softly greeted: "You look well, Darcy." Then he turned to his side, nodding politely to her fiancé, "And you as well, Stephen."
After their little pleasantries and Illyria already tugging Stephen along to discuss another book, the younger Strange asked them as they headed up the stairs.
"Is Peter coming today? Harley?" Illyria wondered, taking her phone out. She was probably going through her texts to see if she missed any.
But Darcy was quicker, answering her kid. "Peter is out with his friends and Harley is at Stark Industries." She hummed along, creasing her brows. "I think Wong's coming, not completely sure but I think that's what I got in the text. And Monica got the invite but she's off-world."
Stephen, who glanced back at her, questioned. "Your FBI friend?"
"Jimmy?" Darcy couldn't help but be grateful that Stephen remembered him...even if the last time he saw him was sorting out Westview. "Oh, he's really busy. Ever since the Hex and New York: he's been everywhere. Might even become head of the FBI soon."
She could imagine the middle-aged man looking good in that job. Might even be a good candidate for the Avengers' liaison for their political prospects.
"So just us five," Illyria quirked her lips, nudging her shoulder with her elbow. "Or perhaps six - if we include the little guy."
Rolling her eyes, Darcy began to mumble inwardly about people with the surname Strange constantly at her back for mentioning her status. She might give her a piece of her mind later, maybe show Maedhros more of her embarrassing teenager photos. Especially the one where she went to her first prom.
That'll get a laugh from him and certainly an annoyed one from Illyria.
Whilst Illyria and Stephen were setting the table, Stephen's sentient cloak already left the room, no doubt to linger up where the other relics were. Darcy stopped Maedhros seeking to help the other two, striking up a conversation about his work and what he made the past few weeks.
When the food was served, Darcy was a little upset that Wong hadn't turned up yet. (However, she was a very hungry hoe, so it's Wong's fault that he was late again.) Stephen assured him that their resident librarian was probably just sorting out some work with one of the sorcerers before he could head over to have dinner.
She could tell with her seventh sense that Illyria was holding back one of movie Gandalf's quotes, not to mention the sneaky smile she hid under her spoon.
She was already eating, not realizing how starved she was after cooking the paprikash, whilst Stephen asked aloud, "How is the research going?"
Sitting across her, Illyria paused. Her shoulders looked tense, taking a deep inhale before turning to her father. "Mom and I have been trying to do runs with Finneas on the models Shuri and I designed," Illyria explained, frustration in her tone. "Still not good enough but you know."
"Have you not tried using your magic?"
Darcy saw Illyria already ignore her food, her hand rubbing her forehead. "Yeah, still doesn't configure the right energy signals." She continued wryly, "It's also difficult to do it when an engineer is there, and I have to constantly hide all of my notes on incantations from him."
Her lips pursed tightly, staring down at her food before adjusting her glasses. Finneas Cuthbert was a rather interesting man, and no word could describe him any more than just arrogant and downright a smart ass. It almost reminded them all of Tony Stark, perhaps before the Avengers became a thing. When he was just a billionaire, playboy, genius, and philanthropist. [5]
But his work was an entirely different matter. When Illyria first got him as an advisor for her doctorate, Darcy couldn't help but admit looking him up on the internet.
The first reason was that he was hot as fuck. But also that apparently: Black Widow, out of all people, knew him. Or once knew him. She was technically dead now for almost four years.
His work was solely related to designing technology using light energy at an atomic level, looking at cosmic background radiation to design space travel itself so humanity could at least be of level with the other galaxies out there. Because of no offence to them...they were a little behind in gaining access to space travel for everyone.
Illyria was relieved to find someone on par with her ambitions to replicate the portal she discovered in the Alps, but never entirely telling the background truth of why she was doing it. She and Illyria hid it well, mentioning only Jane Foster (a.k.a Nobel Prize winner for physics) and that did the trick for persuading Finneas about the wormhole they were building in Oxford. [6]
"It's been two years, I'm sure we can trust the dude," Darcy gazed up to her daughter. "And he should already understand; you're an Avenger. Well...sort of."
Illyria snorted slightly, smirking as she returned to eating. "I think he already knows after that big fight in New York and then back in London. We were not subtle defeating Doctor Doom." She swallowed once more, exhaling. "He doesn't care what I do but I don't trust him knowing that my magic is related to any of my work." [7]
Both Darcy and Stephen had hummed in agreement, causing her to raise eyebrows to the sorcerer before he raised his in return.
Well, at least two years of being together finally got them on the same page in understanding their kid. Because despite the two years being hectic sometimes, they both equally were glad that their relationship didn't break down because of Illyria.
In fact, it was the opposite; they were handling parenting well with Peter and Illyria (also Maedhros too, but the elf clearly didn't want to explicitly admit about being their tall elven son). Soon, they'll have another living being to sort out.
God, this wasn't what she had expected ten years ago. Ten years ago, she was a graduate student going through her doctorate and now her kid was about to graduate in a month.
Darcy had to hide her nostalgic pain inside, but she knew either Maedhros or Illyria would easily detect it. And she thanked fate when she heard the hissing and sparks of the golden portal at the other end of the kitchen and dining room.
Her head turned to the left, seeing the portal expand to where the door to the corridor should be – seeing a familiar face enter the room.
Stephen was the first to rise, heading over to his friend as he grasped his hand. He smirked to him, "Wong. You're late."
Wong, ever the stern man, had longed been carved by them to finally relax around them. All due to the silver-haired sorceress sitting next to Maedhros. His eyes went to hers, a simple nod at her before his eyes quickly darted to Stephen.
Darcy knew that look. That meant that he wanted to tell them something, and she never really picked up on whether it was good news or not. Hopefully, it was a good thing.
He firmly replied, "I believe I am on time, Strange." Wong then cast his eyes back to the younger Strange, before forming a smile on his lips. "Illyria, I believe someone is here for you."
Questions were already filling through her mind when a figure entered next to Wong and Darcy could only furrow her eyebrows. Who the heck was this guy and how did this guy know Illyria?
The man had worn grey robes, his long blonde hair tied back apart from two strands hiding his ears. He was perhaps almost as tall as Maedhros, his stature tall and lean such as the elf.
Though, it was his eyes alone that Darcy immediately caught on to the similarities. How elf eyes somehow glowed naturally because of the light of the Two Trees.
His eyes were watering the moment Illyria stood in front of him, saying a phrase that finally dropped the truth like a sack of bricks.
"Hello, little sister."
There and very much alive was Glorfindel of the House of Golden Flower.
Illyria Strange | Elemmírë Oialëa
The first thing she couldn't help to do was stare.
He was here.
He was standing in front of her as if he were the Messiah reborn and Easter Sunday just passed. But this was far better than just any saviour.
God...her brother was alive. Fucking alive.
But how? Why? Where...what in the fudge factory decided for him to come back. Not only wearing sorcerer robes of a recruit, but with the biggest smile, he could muster.
Illyria didn't care that she was sobbing loudly, flinging herself onto his body – afraid that if she let go, he would simply vanish and just make her life miserable again. Her body was wracked up in a mix of happiness and grief, all that guilt from two and a half years ago for never protecting him from Mordo and his obsession to eradicate sorcerers.
Thankfully, Glorfindel had shared the same relief and pain with her, his fëa wrapping over hers like it would be their last moment. Before Illyria could never be able to sense his soul so easily but now it felt like second nature to her. His fëa still burnt so brightly but his body seemed unaccustomed to it.
'I'm sorry, I'm sorry Háno!' She cried to him with a sniff. 'I'm so sorry for all of it!' [8]
His arms wrapped around tighter, a soothing hum coming from his thoughts. 'Oh nésa, don't ever be sorry for such a thing. That was not your fault, you hear me. It was no one's fault other than fate itself.'
Her cries died down, pulling back as she wiped the snot with her sleeve. His shirt is probably ruined by her tears and snot. Illyria bit her lip, attempting to bring herself back to the ground before she could look closely at him.
He hadn't changed, apart from the clothes and the simple braid. His hair was hiding his ears and she had to take another precaution.
Illyria had undergone too many horrors for the past two years, and such things as trickery and people impersonating one another were normal for them nowadays. She couldn't trust someone now when it came to manipulating her through her family. And despite the fëa she sensed, Illyria just needed the self-assurance that she wasn't dreaming, or her brother was a Skrull.
"Fin?" She asked, "Is it really you?"
Glorfindel spoke softly, his hands perched at each of her shoulders: "Do not worry, it is me..." His eyes then darted to her right, looking behind her. His eyes then widened a little before glaring, voice tightening, "And I am confused as to why a Fëanorian is with you."
Oh crap. She forgot the elephant in the room.
Well...elf in the room.
Uncle Wong should have informed them sooner about Glorfindel, so at least Illyria could prepare this impending conversation with her brother. Because from what she could remember from her memories and the ones that began to pop up in the past two years, is that Glorfindel wasn't a fan.
Nope, her memories trying to persuade her brother that the Fëanorians weren't assholes (she hoped she never told him about being starved during the war) still didn't sway him to at least liking one of them. At least this was one thing they did not share, and that was their stubbornness to admit opinions.
Maedhros was already upon his feet, plastering either a genuine solemn look or doing well to hide his shock and obvious hostility.
Illyria really should have expected this, but really? Right now...when they're having lunch?
"I thought you were six feet under the ground, Laurefindelë," The red-haired ellon spoke plainly.
Glorfindel was already in front of the taller elf, raising his eyebrows as he questioned, "I thought you fell and burned yourself."
She mentally facepalmed at the two idiots before internally exasperating at the two.
She should have expected this if they ever met. But oh wait, she thought both of them were dead, so obviously she wasn't hoping for their reunion to be here and not at the Halls of Mandos where they can't exactly kill each other.
Now: there is a 110% chance that they could kill each other.
And Illyria wasn't going to think at all how that's going to turn out.
Thank her mother for being a goddess as she stepped right between the two elves. Despite her small frame, Darcy Lewis had bigger big dick energy than both of them combined.
Her hands immediately went in the air, palms upright as Darcy stopped Maedhros and Glorfindel from speaking.
Darcy snapped at them, "Okay, that's enough you two. I'm only one pregnant woman here and if you try anything else, I won't hesitate to hit you guys with a butter sock." Her voice silenced the room as she continued, "Now sit and have some paprikash. I'm sure you're probably hungry, Glorfindel."
Biting her lip, Illyria glanced over to her dad. He too was amused, hiding it with a cough whilst Uncle Wong only smirked over to Maedhros. Glorfindel and Maedhros were not amused, and yet Darcy gave zero fucks when she made the two face each other whilst Uncle Wong sat beside her.
And the entire time, Illyria never let out the breath she held since her brother appeared.
Darcy didn't allow any of them to talk about the obvious questions on the table (which also included mental conversations sadly). And thankfully, her warm and open personality along with her crass comments had Glorfindel eased into the conversation they could talk about. And that meant talking about how Glorfindel was easing into Earth and if he liked the food Darcy made.
Not gonna lie, her mother's cooking had improved very well.
Unfortunately, Illyria was much of the same and had yet to make any daring dishes that was worth the eyes of Master Chef or Gordon Ramsey. Maedhros didn't mind her mediocre cooking, tending to cook himself once he learnt how to get around the kitchen. [9]
Take note: never leave a Fëanorian with cutlery. The number of conversations they had on ways to kill an orc with just a butter knife was something they both agreed not to tell anyone...and definitely not MJ.
That girl had some terrifying ideas.
Creative, but terrifying.
Nevertheless, her brother was what she remembered him. Speaking politely about how he enjoyed Kamar-Taj's cuisine and told them that he loved all the ramen and rice dishes Master Hamir introduced him to. Him gushing about eating miso soup was a sight to see, and Illyria was just grinning like the Cheshire Cat at him whilst Maedhros was hiding his amusement through every spoonful of paprikash. [10]
Once they were done, Darcy finally allowed them to talk but once they got the dishes cleaned and the dining room spotless. So that was another matter of making sure both her brother and Maedhros were on their best behaviour.
Honestly, she could smell their hatred from a mile away.
Her father had them in his study, his desk neatly tidy from his notes and books whilst Darcy's computer set up and notes were placed in their respectful drawers.
As he brought Darcy to sit down at her desk, Glorfindel had asked to sit down at one of the armchairs by the fireplace. Illyria nodded back but wondered why he even asked.
Come to think of it, he seemed tired even after a couple of hours. The sense of worry brought her back to reality, and Illyria had to tell herself that her brother was really here in front of her and not looking too good even how his body seemed fine. Was it his body? He had a new body from the looks of it, so he should be fine right?
Illyria was sitting on the armrest of the other chair, her eyes darting to her brother and finally spoke, "So, you've been in Kamar-Taj for a week," She asked with a blunt tone to her father, "And you didn't even tell me?"
Standing by his desk, her father held his hands up in surrender. "Hey, don't look at me. I've been off-world too." His eyes glanced over to Uncle Wong and questioned, "Wong? Want to explain how."
When she thought she would gain answers from him, Wong replied: "I only was informed by Master Hamir." As he held his hand out, he conjured what seemed to be an envelope. "A letter to you, Illyria."
Her eyes stiffened, surprised that this unknown sorcerer (which she's already deducing for them to be) would write to her. As she walked over, thanking Wong for the thin parchment, Illyria questioned, "From whom?"
She expected Uncle Wong to answer, but instead: it was Glorfindel. "The man who brought me here." He claimed and she darted her eyes at him with curiosity.
It must have been important if they would give her a letter. Illyria handled it with care, prying the wax seal from the flap before opening it. Illyria then began to read aloud.
I know it is of short notice, but when you see this, I would have brought your brother back: Glorfindel. Do not worry, he is no Skrull or mimic. His fëa is still adjusting to the body the I re-embodied him with along with one of the Vala, and hopefully he will have his muscle memory and strength returning.
But that is not what I write about. The Song of Arda is accelerating, faster than any other reality I have discovered.
It is imperative that you return to Arda for not only your safety but for the free peoples.
I know you may not trust my word, but I must inform you to not trust any of the Maiar or Valar. A conflict has arisen, I cannot say everything. In time, we will meet, and everything will be explained.
Master Lokachari ."
'Master Lokachari—'
Illyria immediately had her eyes up, zooming straight towards Glorfindel's face. "Where did you get this?"
Glorfindel answered, "He gave it to me." It was his turn to look confused "Do you know him?"
If he meant if Illyria personally knew him as an actual person, that would be a lie.
That name...she swore she knew it somewhere, but nothing seemed to pop up in her head. She knew only that he was a sorcerer of the Mystic Arts, and one of the protectors of dimensions. Though with all of that, there was nothing to say what the man like.
Then she remembered eleven years ago when Kaecilius and Dormammu happened. How the Dark Dimension was about to swallow Earth in whole and the entirety of their group was on the verge of their knees. It was the very same day she lost the Ancient One and Mordo abandoned them.
"I saw him once when I was a child," She told them, her mind recalling the sorcerer killing Faltine so quickly. "He saved me after a sorceress tried to take my magic away. He then left and I didn't see him until during the dusting."
"You didn't tell me this," Illyria looked up to find her father frowning.
She wanted to snort but held it back. Oh, to be eighteen again and clearly still getting through her teenage phase. And clearly, the snap and him leaving for five years didn't help her.
"We weren't really getting along then. You were trying to find the Scarlet Witch after the Hex and I was just in Oxford after my interviews." Shrugging, she folded the letter back up and placed it into her dimensional pocket. "He didn't really talk, only asked if the interview went well, which scared the shit out of me but that was it."
Maybe that was a little exaggerating, but that sorcerer should consider a woman's emotions after getting lashed out by questions by a bunch of old men who continued to doubt her intelligence to this day.
Luckily (and shockingly enough), the sorcerer had somehow gotten her a Starbucks whilst they were walking through the city as a sort of gift. (But she will have to deduct points for his extremely basic taste in coffee.)
Back to the sorcerer in question, Illyria noticed that both her father and uncle were rather quiet, almost having a silent conversation between the two.
Suspicious, she cut the silence with a blunt knife and asked, "Care to explain who he is and why does he know how to get to and from Arda?"
After a simple hand gesture from her father, Uncle Wong began to speak: "Master Lokachari...he is much like the Ancient One themselves." He paused to adjust his stance before continuing.
"He is known to most magical users as the Wanderer of Worlds, having travelled in every reality and dimension during his time in the Mystic Arts. He has a past that none of us knows, for he was under the protection of the Ancient One since his initiation in Kamar-Taj...His reputation, however, is complicated."
It was then the Sorcerer Supreme continued for him, his hands folded over his chest. "Lokachari was loyal to Kamar-Taj and the Masters but did not follow the Natural Law." His eyebrows inflected slightly, "In fact, the opposite. He took his own trips into different timestreams, manipulated certain key points and almost broke our timeline himself."
A deep exhaled left Wong's lips, "And yet the Sorcerer Supreme allowed him to continue." His face looked solemn, but also a tint of worry in them. "Of what reason, we do not know. When I first entered the Mystic Arts, his presence was already sparse. He never showed his face and he spoke little on the matters of the outside world apart from the news. Some would say he was a ghost: a myth to tell new sorcerers."
She heard Maedhros and Stephen scoff mentally, making her send a warning look back to each of them. Maedhros rose an eyebrow at her before nudging his chin to listen to her father and uncle.
Illyria turned to her father and slowly spoke, "And yet you know all of this." She added: "A myth is derived from some sort of truth."
Stephen firmly stated, "He is real, Illyria." In a ragged breath, he revealed something that she had not expected once more. "He was the one who brought you to Kamar-Taj."
Okay, she might have to thank her mom for delaying this conversation after dinner or else she would be spitting paprikash after her father just spat out facts. Illyria's mouth was open as wide as a koi fish, her heart speeding fast as a dozen questions hit again the walls of her brain.
He took a deep breath, taking a small glance at Darcy before he began his tale. "I...the Ancient One told me before she left. About how you got to Kamar-Taj." Her father continued, his eyes never leaving hers. "She said Lokachari brought you to her for your safety. That your biological parents had passed away and you were left on your own. She said that he asked her to care for you. I'm not sure why but I think we all know that he must've realized what you had."
She took a deep gulp of breath, trying to calm herself.
With everything that was happening now, Illyria wasn't anticipating having her past involvement with any of this. Her entire childhood: she was always so grateful for everything the Masters of Kamar-Taj did for her. They nurtured her, fed her, clothed her and taught her the things none could imagine that was real. And it was all because this sorcerer somehow knew she had this power. This power no one possessed other than herself.
But the question was: how much did this Lokachari know about her? Did he know the truth?
Slowly, Illyria felt her anger build up. With a tight voice, she questioned them: "And...and this sorcerer, he never even bothered to turn up and tell me any of this?"
'Why didn't you tell me any of this?' That was what she wanted to ask them. She felt betrayed, hurt that both her father and Wong hadn't told her at least three years ago about Lokachari.
She wasn't sure how, but Wong seemed to understand from her expression what she was thinking, and he answered her back. "Lokachari was busy defending the other worlds. He only trusted the Ancient One that you would be cared for." Uncle Wong's voice softened with a tone of nostalgia. "I remembered seeing you for the first time, you were such a small thing. But your mind, it was already running so fast."
His voice left her throat constricted and she wallowed down the bittersweet memories that laid with what he said. Uncle Wong was hardly the one to speak with such emotion, and it surprised her (and definitely her father) at how open he had become in ten years. Her uncle in all but blood had been the one she knew the longest; perhaps not closely until Stephen Strange arrived but he had been the one that gave her some ounce of respect and trust.
It wasn't until when Thanos' snap happened, and she was entrusted to be taught under his wing for the next five years. He had done what any Master of the Mystic Arts could do to their apprentice, and that helped her grow and prosper in sorcery as well as giving her the life lessons she needed. Such as the respect of the Natural Order and the philosophy of life and death.
This man had every right to be equally responsible for her upbringing as anyone else in this room. And that was why Illyria slowly understood why he and her father hid Lokachari from her.
Illyria quirked his mouth as she responded, "Yeah. A lot of people told me that I couldn't stop talking when I first realized what speech was." She should really get back to the subject at hand. Clearing her throat, Illyria added, "So, this guy knows that I have this, and he knows how to get to and from Arda and Earth. Why haven't we contacted him?"
"Because he's a pain in the ass to contact." Her father exasperated, rubbing his forehead with a gloved hand. "I only got to contact him twice before I became Sorcerer Supreme. The first time he gave me a letter, the next time it was just before Thanos and all he asked was to make sure you were safe with Darcy and Wong."
Oh well, that is nice to know. At least Lokachari was considerate of her wellbeing even if he wasn't exactly there at all.
Illyria pried, "Did you ever see his face?" Her face rotated to the blonde elf sitting in the opposite armchair. "Glorfindel?"
"No." He answered, clearly trying to remember what happened in the past week. Glorfindel then added, "Or so I thought. When he left, I immediately forgot what he looked like."
Her father hummed, piping in: "That's a tricky spell to pull off." He continued to explain, "But then again The Ancient One and Mordo said to me he was one of the most powerful sorcerers. Almost matched the Ancient One. He's also been on this Earth for a long time so I can understand why he could get away with it."
"You forget that you're Sorcerer Supreme as well," Darcy rolled her eyes, earning a chuckle from her father.
He pointed a finger and nodded, "And me too, I guess."
Since the topic of Lokachari was somehow concluded, Maedhros was the one to question her brother. "Why did he take you from the Halls?"
Glorfindel paused for a moment and looked straight at the fireplace. And after a second, he closed his eyes and took a deep shudder of a breath – lifting his chin up to look at Illyria.
"...I do not know if it's true. But I have heard from the Valar, Námo for specifically – that they beginning to plan the second song. The remaking of Arda." There, the Balrog Slayer's face turned to Maedhros out of all people. "The Lady Nerdanel, your mother, has been informing all of the Noldor of this, speaking of how the Valar are choosing who would sing with them...and who would be sung out of existence."
Wait hold up.
Let's rewind back a bit there.
Did he just say sing them out of existence?
Her father blurted out, "Come again?"
Glorfindel's eyes blinked several times before he opened his mouth and spoke, "The Valar—"
However, her mother cut him off, "I think we know what you said, blondie. No offence, lush hair by the way." Darcy's sarcastic and cynical voice echoed in the room. "They want a race of elves to be snapped away. I don't know... but that sounds like a Thanos sort of thing."
It sounded more than a Thanos thing.
Illyria was struggling to comprehend what her brother just revealed to them. The Valar. The practical gods-but-not-gods wanted to get rid of some of the people in Arda. And from what she could deduce, a very certain group of people they wanted to go. The people Glorfindel, Maedhros and once her own: the Noldor.
She knew of Dagor Dagorath. The Battle of all battles. Whereat the end of Arda, Melkor will escape out of the Void through the Door of Night.
All of the darkest and most evil creatures would return and break the entirety of the world until he was defeated. There and then, the Valar along with Eldar and Men would sing the Second Song. A healed Arda, where no taint of Morgoth will appear in them.
And now somehow some of the Valar did not like them to be a part of the Second Song.
Illyria sucked in a breath, her fingers gracing over her pendant as a constant habit nowadays.
How and why was this? Surely Eru Ilúvatar won't allow this to happen?
She turned her head up to the red-haired elf. "...Mae?"
Despite the conversation to be with her parents and uncle, it would seem it was just her, Glorfindel and Maedhros thinking most of this carefully. Maedhros' voice was low, but Illyria could tell how his voice cracked at the end. "They have not forgiven us, haven't they, Laurefindelë?"
Glorfindel stared at Maedhros, somehow forgetting the anger he had towards him. He answered firmly, "No. Tuor is trapped from leaving Aman whilst Itarillë is forced to constantly wait for Tuor to be re-imbodied after several hundreds of years." He took another breath, "And...Eärendil and Elwing. Elrond's parents, Itarillë's son. He is stuck up on Vingilótë and cannot come back to Middle Earth." [11]
When he mentioned Eärendil and Elwing, her eyes flashed before she furrowed her eyebrows. "I thought it was because he chose to," She asked.
Glorfindel then revealed something she didn't wish to hear. "No nésa. He had no choice." He too seemed surprised as well. This must have been all recent news to him as well. "That was his choice when he crossed into the waters of Aman. He chose the side of the Eldar, and for that, he spends his years with his crew up in the sky. That is what I have learnt during my time in the Halls."
Shutting her eyes, she hung her head low and refrained from shaking. Despite her memories never entirely returning well: Illyria didn't need to go through an entire episode again to know how much she fucked up.
She remembered that memory well: watching Eärendil constantly leave his home whilst Elwing cared for her twin children. He would return after several days, only to spend some time before returning to the bay and continue his shipbuilding with Círdan. And the entire time, Elemmírë was growing to worry for her godson until she had felt lost when Elwing chose to save the Silmaril rather than her children.
And when Eärendil returned with the host of the Valar, she along with Elros and Elrond were mad. She thought Eärendil chose the damn jewel over his own children, never realizing the truth until now. It wasn't his fault either way; they never got the chance to talk to one another when they were still in Sirion.
And after the war...well Elemmírë had lost enough to feel something for Eärendil.
As she tried to edge the guilt away, she thanked that her father's hand went over her shoulder. "Illyria, what is wrong?" He softly asked with concern.
All she could muster was a whisper, her eyes dead straight down. Illyria couldn't dare to look at any of them. Not right then. "I was so mad at him. I thought he chose the Silmaril over his sons."
Maedhros had been the one to speak it a calmer tone, "Illyria, without Eärendil: Morgoth would not have been defeated during the war. You would have been dead hadn't he joined with you to destroy Ancalagon. Everything that has happened is fixed, we must not doubt those actions now. " He then hardened his gaze, asking Glorfindel: "What else has happened before you were...snuck out?"
Her brother then told them what he knew.
About the Halls and how odd and segregated certain elves and men were to each other. How the tension felt to him, how he sensed that something was going on between the Noldor and Sindar. He spoke of the souls he met, surprised that Lady Nerdanel had accepted to stay in the Halls despite being quite alive.
Come to think of it, how on earth was that possible? Did she just snuck in or did something happen in Aman that caused her to fade? She'll have to ask them again at another time.
"Fingolfin and the Noldor were preparing to leave under the aid of some of the Valar. Definitely not Námo, and I would assume Manwë would be angered by the treachery." Glorfindel explained, his tiredness already showing. "I do not know much else and how long it has been since it has only been two and a half years for you."
Illyria swallowed her breath once more.
Okay, she must have really fucked up somewhere to break the story.
[1] - Skrull: A race of extraterrestrial shapeshifters. They appear in Captain Marvel which involves the Kree and Skrull war.
[2] - eBay: An American e-commerce corporation. Facilitates sales through its websites. Founded in 1995.
[3] - Ben and Jerry's: An American brand of ice cream, frozen yoghurt and sorbet. Unfortunately, Fudge Falcon isn't a real flavour.
[4] - Paprikash: A chicken dish of Hungarian origin.
[5] - 'billionaire, playboy, genius, philanthropist': A quote by Tony Stark in Avengers: Assemble.
[6] - Nobel Prize for Physics: An award to 'those who, during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind.'
[7] - Doctor Doom: A supervillain in Marvel, a brilliant inventor and scientist.
[8] - Hano: Brother in Quenya.
[9] - Master Chef: A competitive cooking show produced in the UK by the BBC.
[10] - Cheshire Cat: a fictional character in Alice in Wonderland. Known for their distinctive grin.
[11] - Vingilótë: The ship Earendil and Elwing sailed to Aman to seek pardon and assistance from the Valar.
A/N: Eeek I haven't updated this for ages! And the reason is that I've been writing ahead considering this is cross-posted. In all honesty, how I laid out it on here is so much nicer than on ao3. Here I can actually know where certain parts stop and start compared with the mess I continued on in the other website.
But that's fine. So I think I'll post another three more chapters to try and catch up. At some point, I think I'll just update the entire part but I'm trying to spread it so there's a sort of overlap between writing Part 3 (yes I am on part 3 now) and posting part 1.
Thank you for your patience. :)
Edited: 16/01/2022
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