18 | Together Once More
18 | Together Once More
Elrond Peredhel | Lord of Rivendell
Location: Imladris, Middle Earth, Arda
Time: October 2980 T.A
Returning to Rivendell had just been what Elrond had hoped it to be.
Many reports, plans, papers, and issues to address. Not to mention the fact that he had guests arriving the moment he returned from Earth which not only added onto the pile of things to do but increased the stress upon his very mind.
He could only thank that Erestor, Lindir and Arwen had done very well in managing the affairs of the house and city, with Arwen taking the mantle in managing the city with the aid of Erestor. Her time spent here after leaving Lothlorien had given her time to adjust once more on the valley, noted by how she carried herself well in the affairs.
However, he would give Arwen space for both him and Glorfindel to continue with the work.
His wife had felt guilty, wondering when they were still on Earth if he needed her help in taking care of the city. Elrond had looked at her then and saw the true nervousness she showed to him. He forgot sometimes that the mortal woman in front of her had memories of Elemmírë – not experience. The elves of Rivendell may see her again as their lady, though managing affairs wasn't something Illyria Strange had yet to do.
Instead, they agreed on their plans. Elrond would manage the political affairs of the valley and continue managing Rivendell as the head of the house whilst she would tend to magical affairs and the mission at hand for them. That meant teaching Arwen and practising, reading countless books in the library with Erestor and Maedhros as they tried to find possible ways to prepare for the future.
Not to mention that they had set up an entire workshop of Earth technology in Illyria's old chambers was perhaps something which they had done in such a short time.
The Healing Halls had been somewhat improved, and it all came to his decisions of the changes.
It even aided when the ever-so-young hobbit: a certain Frodo Baggins, had arrived in Glorfindel's arms and was stabbed by Morgul blade. Unfortunately, the hobbit still did not wake and it was the day when Elrond's sons, Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins and their other hobbit companions arrived.
It irked him again when he realised how young the hobbit was.
And that he would subsequently be tasked to destroy the One Ring.
The evening before they arrived (or to what he assumed it had been evening), he tended to the sleeping hobbit once more.
"That wound won't ever go away, won't it?" He heard Illyria whisper next to him.
Elrond spotted her hand placed over the hobbit's.
Frodo slept tranquilly; no pain was shown in his face. Though he assumed with Illyria's broader sensitivity, she knew what his fëa felt like.
A tear went down her cheek as she spoke, "This was always something I hated. Having to realise that someone like him. Someone so pure and good be burdened with hardship and suffering." Illyria stared up at Elrond. "I want to do something so badly to help him but..."
His heart clenched watching her so distraught. But even then, Elrond was imagining something else as well.
His vision of her and the battle.
"I know," He spoke quietly to her.
All he could do then was to watch silently, afraid to think of the future vision he saw even so close to her. Instead, he comforted Illyria quietly – letting her sleep after hours of training and research.
The following setting of the moon, indicating for it to be daytime, Elrond found himself standing at the front of the house as his sons and their companions arrived.
It had been years since he had seen both Thorin Oakenshield and Bilbo Baggins, both being once Kings of Erebor before Thorin abdicated and his nephew, Fili, took his place. They both seemed to have aged during their time, with the dwarven king having more grey hairs than the first time they met and his beard longer and wiry.
However, what surprised him was Bilbo Baggins. Illyria's dear friend seemed to have not aged a day, appearing much like himself from the time of the Battle of Unity and even years when they had passed by Rivendell on their way to The Shire.
Illyria and Maedhros spoke of how the ring had extended the longevity of those who carried it, and it was evident by how young Bilbo Baggins appeared.
He might as well be close to the age of the three other hobbits next to them. The three rather cheery bunch that were asking for food just after asking to see Frodo. Elrond assured them that Frodo was fine and was currently asleep. Until he woke up, they would be informed to visit him once that occurs.
So, whilst he had Lindir send Bilbo, Thorin and the three young hobbits to their guest rooms (and quipping that they won't be using The Fountains of Vana any time soon): Elrond was met by a strangling hug by both of his sons.
It had been quite some years since Elladan and Elrohir had returned him, and he felt at peace finding them in his arms. He embraced them both, pressing each a kiss at their forehead and having for them to lean down before they stared at him with pleading eyes.
Elrohir was the first to ask him, "Where is Naneth? Why was she not here?"
He smiled. He knew that they were begging to ask that.
"She and Arwen have been training and meditating. Come." Elrond guided them away from the front of the house and down to the family wing.
As they headed towards Illyria and Arwen's direction, he was amused at how impatient and excited the twins were, striding fast but having to stop due to his pace.
But it didn't stop them prying him with answers, asking him both through their minds and their mouths.
"How was earth like? Was it like what Naneth told us about?" Elladan questioned, pressing more.
Elrohir, who walked on the other side of him, was talking as fast as one of those planes. "Fast metal boxes that can run faster than horses? Did you witness more sorcerers there? What were the race of Men like?"
Stopping for a moment, he looked at them with a fond smile before chuckling.
Never had he witnessed the twins ever so giddy, not since the moment Illyria Strange had arrived and changed their lives again. The presence of their mother truly did bring some of the light in their eyes once more, quite a surprise to elves of those who ever witnessed the Trees of Valinor.
For Elemmírë and her children shouldn't simply glow so brightly, being born after the destruction of the Trees.
He held his hands up and gestured, "Peace, both of you. We can discuss this when we go to them."
Elladan and Elrohir kept their mouths shut and agreed to wait until they made it to their destination, which was one of the more private gardens only for their family.
They found them during their work, the familiar golden patterned circles mixed with white light hovering in the air as Illyria and Arwen concentrated on their work.
Elrond had gotten used to watching Illyria and Maedhros train with the sorcery magic, though watching Arwen doing it as well had his breath caught up in his throat.
It was a beautiful sight, frightening but beautiful.
Illyria was right, if Arwen could manipulate sorcery so quickly: she might be even more powerful than her.
They had stopped the moment Illyria stood up from her sitting position, letting the golden and white light dissipate into glitter under the dim light before she brushed her red tunic down. Arwen followed the same, her hands falling to her side before she stood up from the grass. They looked for a moment, knowing they were speaking through their minds before they turned to them.
When Illyria and Arwen brought their attention to them, his wife smiled towards them as she spoke, "I believe we have company."
Elrond watched as both their sons walked over to their mother.
Elrohir's voice cracked as he asked her, "Nana, is that really you?"
"Of course, it is," Elladan told his brother before he returned his attention again in front and smiled at Illyria. "Hello again, Nana. It has been a long time."
Watching his family reunite, he saw Illyria reach out to grasp their hands before pulling them both together into her arms.
He felt tears, happy no doubt, welling up as he watched his sons return as little elflings, embraced in their mother's arms as he grinned at them.
Her face though held guilt as she pulled away and confessed, "I know. I'm so sorry. Both of you." Illyria gazed up to them as she continued, "But I'm here now, and we're all together again. At least this time...I remember a little more about you."
"How so?" Elladan asked curiously.
Whilst they had been doing this, Elrond had walked over to them, taking a spot beside his daughter. Arwen watched with glassy eyes, her lips curling to a smile.
He glanced over to Illyria, seeing the approval in her eyes before he revealed to them: "She knows your epessë."
All their children's eyes went to them.
"Really?" Elrohir gaped and stared at Illyria.
When Illyria first told him in her garden of this, never had Elrond felt so much happiness and wonder at her. Because in fact, not many people knew of their nicknames. It was something which Elemmírë had kept specifically for their family and wasn't something known to others.
"So...names." Illyria drawled out, the odd clear pen twirling in her hand whilst she looked towards him.
Sitting across her, Elrond placed down the book on Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants before returning an answer with a perplexed expression. [1]
The silver-haired sorceress spoke, "Everyone I've met has called me Elemmírë apart from Thranduil who calls me Elanor." Illyria tilted her head slightly to the side and asked, "Is there a reason behind that?"
Slowly, he inhaled to prepare himself. At least he was rather willing to explain such things – even if it was a little harsh on her. "Unfortunately, it is to do with your relationship with the Fëanorians and your choice to keep your Quenya name," Elrond explained. "Many of the Noldorin elves have altered to their Sindarin counterpart due to the many reasons. One had been the banning of Quenya across Beleriand."
"Uhuh," Illyria responded plainly and slowly spoke, "So I was a stubborn elleth then who didn't want to change."
He couldn't help but chuckle. Clearly, she didn't see how incredibly stubborn she was, even after her first life there was still the stubbornness in both of Elemmírë and Illyria. "You always preferred Oialëa than Amarthuireb." [2]
"How the hell do you spell—" She opened her mouth before she shook her head, scratching with her pen on the blue journal. "Forget it; I'm not going to even try. Plus Elemmírë sounds so much cooler though!"
He felt his heart lighten at the brightening in Illyria's eyes, how her cheeks crinkled when she grinned.
"I love Quenya to be honest. It may be a little posh and fancy to my liking, but the Anessi system always intrigued me. I mean, Mae has like a fuck-ton of names. Even if he doesn't like all of them but tomayto tomahto..." Illyria rambled on, "Do you have an epessë that I should know about?"
Elrond shook his head. He realised then he had never truly had one. Peredhel was just a name he was associated with that he was the oldest of the half-elves living in Arda. The others being now gone or were now in Valinor, mostly those of Dior and then his birthparents: Eärendil and Elwing.
He had other titles. One that had been something a part of his time in Lindon, but he had hardly used it since then.
Illyria hummed and tapped her pen, "At some point, you should have one. And if nobody does, I'll do what people did to me and chant a name."
Making a soured expression, he replied: "Please do not, Illyria." Though by how she was always so insisting and forward at such things, Elrond shouldn't be surprised that she would give him an epessë quite quickly. "May I ask now as to why this is the topic at hand?"
"No reason really," She simply said. "I was just flicking through the diary entries I made and it just popped into my head. I'm guessing we just agreed on Sindarin names for the twins and Arwen then?"
"Glorfindel insisted before you could try and break any more of our ties with the Greenwood and Lothlorien," Explained Elrond who was remembering rather vividly the uttermost pandemonium caused between the two Gondolinic elves when discussing baby names. He did not realise then how important children's names were to the Noldor. "You were rather stubborn. You wanted to carry the same to our children."
She paused for a moment, looking down to the journal before she shrugged. "To be honest, I'm surprised Fin didn't join in. Hestondur was a big person when it came to tradition," Illyria somehow froze, her eyes almost growing blank.
Elrond looked across to her, ready to reach for her hand. However, that didn't come once she blinked away what seemed to be tears.
Shaking her head, she grinned. With the same mischievous gleam that had him remembering which of children had received this familiar trait. She whistled, "Oh Elemmírë was even better than Tolkien."
Illyria smiled up to them and answered simply, "Boys, I gave you those names." She revealed to them, "And I will treasure it again, Elrohir Quentaro and Elladan Mahtaro." [3][4]
Maedhros Fëanorion | The Red Wolf
Illyria once said to Maedhros that being in Rivendell was like straying into a dream.
And he was not disappointed. There was clearly something unnatural about it all, that the place seemed too perfect in comparison to the world he had known. Both Beleriand and Earth did not feel like this and it almost fell into par with what it felt like living in Eldamar.
Though, without the Light of the Two Trees of course.
Nevertheless, he complimented Elrond and Illyria's home well. He could clearly notice the influence of both the Noldor, Sindar and surprisingly human. The architecture fitted something that Elemmírë would have loved and what Elrond kept as a dedication to her. With the small points on it, Illyria did mention that it eerily felt like being in Gondolin sometimes, especially the gardens, fountains, and gazebos they had.
Apparently, a bunch of dwarves bathed in one of the fountains for which Illyria had decided to scold them for.
That was perhaps an even better tale than the one of Glorfindel and the goat.
Unfortunately, when it came to him and looking at what Rivendell was really like: he was a little limited.
And by little, he meant a lot.
Being a Fëanorian in the Third Age was not something you shouldn't hear or bear to know of. Maedhros was supposed to be dead according to Elemmírë – who had witnessed him jump into a volcano – and was probably on the way to the Grey Havens from Aman. Rather than that, he was here.
And he had only seen one red-haired elf (and elleth surprisingly), and it was an obvious colour to identify with him.
You could not forget his scar as well.
That was why today since the Last Homely House was practically bustling with guests, he spent most of his time near the borders of the valley. Sometimes he would scout alone, hunting animals once a day to bring back to the house. But today, Illyria joined him after her training with her children.
They were returning to the house, walking down the many paths. His hands twirled the dagger. "I am surprised people have not made a connection." Maedhros murmured, "The scar clearly shows."
Yes, he really didn't understand how people haven't caught him yet. He had wandered about the house for the past week, several times of it was when he just couldn't be bothered to put a hood up or cast a spell over him.
One day, Elrond's poor adviser found him reading in the hall of tapestries that he had frozen in his spot – cryogenic style. Maedhros was surprised as well to find the young Noldo amongst them – a face her recognized from one of his brother's followers.
Thankfully, Erestor didn't speak – only to swiftly leave the hall.
An hour later, Elrond and Glorfindel informed him during their private dinner over the encounter. They assured him, much like the rest of Elrond and Illyria's children, that Erestor would not speak of his name around the valley.
Unfortunately, the case of Elrond's other children discovering him staying in their home was quite the opposite.
It all fell into a messy mix in his head. Their telepathic powers were even stronger than Illyria's constantly bickering to and throw from one another and constantly prying into his head and asking about all sorts of things.
He still couldn't even tell apart who was one or the other. They all just eerily looked like Elrond with Illyria's incredible stamina and enthusiasm.
Maedhros couldn't help but remember his youngest brothers, who all shared the same particular bond as twins. Though there was a key difference when speaking to them – and that was the fact that they called him Uncle.
Every time he heard them call him by that title, he had to take a second just to snap himself back from his frozen state.
Illyria stopped to rummage her small satchel (mainly containing her snacks and scientific contraptions) and took out the small device. She held it out to him.
In her hand was a photostatic veil. [5]
"And that is why we brought this. It'll just mask your voice and face." She handed him the object, making him sigh as he eyed it on his bionic hand.
He loathed wearing these things.
However, he loathed being killed the moment he was spotted entering the valley.
Carefully, he placed the small device over his face, the texture touching his skin as he creased his nose in discomfort. With the small metal part, he placed it just below his ear, tucked beneath his braided hair before he checked to see if it worked.
Somehow, it eerily smelt like a packet of Haribo sweets. [6]
Though by looking back at Illyria, who was making a weird face in return, it definitely worked.
However, her face morphed into a blank expression – her mind almost reverting into her own as she stared off towards the direction they walked from.
Maedhros narrowed his gaze, turning his attention to their surroundings as he asked lowly, "What is wrong?"
In a hushed tone, she replied: "Someone's here."
All sudden: Illyria ran off.
What in Arda-
Maedhros mentally sighed.
Sometimes he wondered if the reincarnated elf he had standing next to him a second ago was even human. Though, the line between what was elven and what was not has begun to blur nowadays. His time on Earth caused this, and Maedhros treated the behaviours of beings to just be simply of their personality.
Or the fact that it was just accepting the geniuses he had lived amongst.
Even humans somehow had faster brains than the wisest and oldest of the Eldar.
He soon followed, tucking away his dagger before sheathing his sword in case.
By the time he discovered Illyria amongst the woodland and passing through bushes – Maedhros saw the thing or person she found.
There on the ground, along with a wooden staff beside them was an elderly man in tattered grey robes.
Illyria sucked in a breath before she scurried towards the fallen figure, hearing a groan and hiss whilst she cried out in relief.
"Gandalf...You're alive!" She tentatively used her gloved hands to haul him for support. "...And need medical attention. Mae, can you help me?"
He didn't need to reply, already stepping into the small clearing. Picking up the staff, he could sense the powerful weapon trying to push him away but he held it, nevertheless, now using his bionic hand to take the other side once he knelt. Before the man.
No not a man. Maedhros knew clearly who this was.
Only one person in the books could clearly match the description of an old man dressed in grey robes. And thus they carried Gandalf the Grey back to the Homely House.
They found themselves in the Healing Halls once they arrived, with Illyria teleporting them all through the moment they were in the vicinity of the valley. One of the healers, Nestoril, looked so pale the moment she saw him supported by them and ordered to place him down. [7]
With the Ithron laying down, his head propped up by a pillow and the headboard, Nestoril advised him to stay still until she went to go inform Elrond. Illyria assured the healer that they'll keep an eye on Gandalf, offering to start cleaning him before checking him up.
Whilst she moved about the empty hall, Maedhros propped the staff against the edge of the bed. He then stood back, giving Illyria the space to sit at the side of the bed with a bowl of water and a cloth. She carefully brushed away the unruly strands of hair from his face, noticing how his eyes stared off.
He couldn't tell if the Maia was asleep or not.
Even then, he was not sure what to think of this predicament. From the books, he knew that one of the Eagles of Manwë aided Gandalf's escape where he was supposed to go to Edoras and find Shadowfax, the famous horse from Rohan. At that time, Saruman's invasion of Rohan would have begun. [8]
But with no news the moment they arrived, it meant that Rohan was already gone.
What concerned him more was the state of the Maia's body. His face was bruised, multiple cuts littered him whilst he appeared that he hadn't bathed in months. What happened in Isengard was not just Gandalf being imprisoned in Orthanc.
No, something happened there.
As Illyria finished cleaning his face and arms, healing several of the bruises with her own magic, Gandalf began to blink a few times. His face then rotated – now staring straight into Maedhros' eyes.
"Not once would I ever imagine seeing a familiar face, Nelyafinwë Maitimo."
Inhaling sharply, Maedhros brought the shields in his mind before he called out. "How..."
"Ah. I assume you have a veil," The Maia spoke in a gravelly voice.
He clamped his mouth shut. In all people, he should have expected the Ainu to fool him.
'I do not go by that name. Just Maitimo is fine. Or Maedhros.' He folded his arms over his chest, peering his eyes down at him.
He heard the Ithron reply, 'If you wish for that, so be it.'
Gandalf seemed to already notice the change of his demeanour, but nevertheless remained the same as he said in a small light tone, "But you know I am no ordinary wizard."
Illyria smiled kindly to the Maia as she replied in the shared tone, "No, you are not. Elrond will be here shortly." Standing up with the bowl, she nodded curtly to Maia as she spoke, "If you would excuse me, I promised Arwen and the boys that I'll show them some things. It's good to see you again."
Returning a smile, Gandalf said, "It is pleasant to see you once more, my dear."
She turned away, eyeing up to him and sending a mental note to keep an eye on the wizard in case something was up, before putting away the cloth and bowl. Maedhros was about to snap back but was immediately given a heated gaze before he scowled.
When he heard the doors of the Healing Halls close, he mentally breathed deeply.
Illyria just left him with the worst person in the halls to be paired with him.
Well, at least it wasn't a Sinda elf from Doriath or Sirion.
That would have ended with a dagger on his neck.
Maedhros turned his attention to the old-appearing man and found him about to speak.
"Now, I believe you should be in the Halls. Though you and I both know that is not the case," Gandalf said openly.
His hard gaze lessened slightly before he questioned, "How do you know?"
Walking closer to the bed, the Maia answered him sincerely, "My dear friend, I have learnt many things and have eyes and ears of those in working of the above."
That wasn't news for him. "You work as extensions of the Valar." Maedhros pressed as he interrogated, "How could I trust you when they want my kind gone?"
He must have known what happened in the Grey Haven's because Gandalf's face had morphed into a look of pure concern.
The Ainu was genuinely worried.
Maedhros wanted to believe that, but he hid any hint of his acceptance of it and continued to listen.
"The sides you have been told are not truly fixed. The Valar have yet to decide where their allegiance is. For there is a bigger threat." It was Gandalf's turn to ask him, "I assume Bilbo and Thorin have arrived?"
Maedhros grunted, "Just a day ago." He paused before he stated bluntly back: "You knew it was the One Ring and yet you did not do anything else about it."
He was easily angered, much like every person in his family, but was those who did not act upon it. Though to hear that someone like Gandalf the Grey, one of the Ainu, simply did not act upon instinct because of the cosmic or temporal forces that bound things such as destiny and Fate made him want to growl and punch him.
This very Ainu could have prevented thousands of deaths, helped the downfall of Sauron without so many casualties. Instead, he didn't do anything. It was also something which he disagreed with Illyria when he heard that she knew it had been the Ring as well. Though considering that they were in a battle, Maedhros accepted the fact that the circumstances were too dire.
But thirty-nine years.
In those years, the Ring could have easily been destroyed.
"You must understand." It was as if Gandalf knew what he was thinking (which was not a surprise) and looked at him with a stern gaze. "All things must come in time. I could not simply force him to simply go for the sake of this. I had to find another way."
Maedhros ground his teeth together. "I might be a sorcerer in part, but I do not follow the idealism of Fate. A young hobbit will be choosing to do this quest." He stared straight into the Maia's eyes, the fire in his chest almost wanting to burn what was the Ainu's ëala. "So no matter what, one of them would still have to risk their lives for the sake of that ring."
He didn't realise how much he was clenching his arm with his vibranium hand, unclasping it from his arm. He would have to explain to Illyria what caused the bruise later.
Nevertheless, it would seem his heated words seem to trigger something in the Maia. Gandalf appeared even more shocked, the realization sinking in.
What in Arda did he expect to happen? That Illyria would be the one to carry the Ring instead? The very weapon that was owned by the evil Maia who experimented and tortured her? The same one who had haunted her entire life?
Maedhros would choose to carry that ring before allowing it in Illyria's hands if it meant stopping her from losing her sanity and her heart.
Fortunately, the sound of the doors opening got him to stop his thoughts.
Elrond entered the room, his eyes already at them. Confusion littered him when he looked at Maedhros for a moment but then understood who it was the moment he sent a quick assurance in his mind.
Again, it was interesting that the veil didn't work for the Maia. Or perhaps he detected it.
His father would probably have a full-on project in finding ways how it would be possible to fully deceive Ainur.
"Mithrandir, mellon nin." Elrond showed pure relief and content, striding towards them before he bowed his head slightly to the Maia. "I am happy that you have arrived. My daughter shall be relieved to know that you are safe."
Gandalf returned the gesture, "I can only thank you and your family, Elrond Peredhel."
Maedhros then found his foster nephew eyeing him and then towards Gandalf.
"I assume you have acquainted," Elrond coolly stated.
Darting a quick glance down at the Ithron, Maedhros quirked a brow.
Oh, they definitely got acquainted.
"In a way." He spoke frankly, "He knows that Saruman has betrayed us, considering he persuaded the Nine to go after the hobbits. Who else has he allied with?"
Gandalf coughed to clear his throat. "The men of Dunland had drawn a pack to Saruman." He said in a grave tone, "As well as the creation of a new breed of orc."
In the corner of his eye, he saw Elrond's eye widen.
"Uruk Hai," Maedhros stated.
Gandalf hummed in agreement. But with what he appeared to be, he appeared to be more worried for just an orc army. There was something he wasn't saying. Something that he was trying his best to hide. And if he had the ability to properly mind read, Maedhros would attempt to do find out.
But he needed to be on the good side of this Maia. He would be vital support when they go up against the Valar. And they need as much support from the Ainu as possible to balance their cause.
The Maia's meddling would have to be tread carefully.
"They will march here." Gandalf informed them in warning, "I believe his priority first will be to go to Imladris. For the jewel. He will do everything he can to weaken the link between the elves, dwarves and men."
He wanted to laugh at his statement. They already knew this. And even so, the Silmaril wasn't even in this world. But instead, Maedhros scoffed.
He knew exactly what the Maia was insisting.
It shouldn't have come off as a sneer, but it did somewhat as Maedhros said, "Then what shall we do? The Noldor will not willingly lay their lives for the people of Middle Earth."
Oh, it would be the opposite; they would rather watch the world of men fall before willingly putting their lives over their own. They were prideful people despite their tendency to go to war for the sake of anything. They weren't the free and open Falmari or the stuck up and pure Vanyar. Even if he had been the one to create the largest army in all Middle Earth, they had a reason to fight and that was to be free and possibly return to Aman.
But now, with Dagor Dagorath and the inevitable erasure of their existence – what was the point for them.
"Not all."
Maedhros flickered his gaze to the right and saw Elrond look at him.
He spoke, "You forget we had an alliance."
There was a glint in his eye. A hint that got him to pause.
Where was Maglor right now to see his very son produce these plans?
At that moment, some sort of switch clicked into place. The gears in Maedhros' mind began to accelerate. The possible changes in their plans were beginning to come to fruition. By the end, he hid the smirk forced out from him.
Thankfully, Gandalf caught on and said simply, "That you are correct."
[1] - Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants by Andrew Chevallier.
[2] - Amarthuireb: Sindarin. 'Eternal Fate.'
[3] - Quentaro: Quenya. 'Story Teller'
[4] - Mahtaro: Quenya 'Warrior'
[5] - Photostatic veil: A device used by SHIELD and Hydra agents. Used in CA: TWS and the TV series.
[6] - Haribo: A sweet brand.
[7] - Nestoril: Sindarin. 'Healer'
[8] - Shadowfax: A mighty horse of Rohan and the chief of the Mearas. Gandalf is carried by him throughout the course of the trilogy.
A/N: The Peredhil family finally reunites! Oh my god I've been anticipating this for so long because we haven't actually seen them all together since the end of Rules of the Multiverse and we're what: Chapter 18 of Part 1 of CotS.
Sadly this actually might be the only bit they reunite. I wish there were more scenes with them but when editing this I realised it wouldn't fit the plot as much as I hope it would.
And we also get Gandalf returning. A little later than expected (or precisely when he means to lol) but we have a lovely Wizard and Sorceress reunion. We also get a Maedhros and Gandalf meeting which was something I was a bit cheeky to put it.
Not sure when I can update. Hopefully next week but it depends on the workload.
Thank you for your patience either way. :)
Edited: 23/02/2022
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