17 | Questioning Elven Architecture
17 | Questioning Elven Architecture
Tauriel | Princess of Erebor
Location: Imladris, Middle Earth, Arda
Time: October 2980 T.A
Tauriel always regarded the valour and bravery that was held in the greatest elves of the First and Second Ages.
Of course, there was her king: Thranduil Oropherion, who was first brought up in the ancient kingdom of Doriath. She always wondered what it would have been like to live in one of the greatest forests of Beleriand, to be under the protection of Queen Melian and King Elu Thingol.
Then it had been the High King of the Noldor himself: Ereinion Gil-Galad. His stature mirrored the strength and valour he brought, to be the son of Orodreth in the line of Finarfin. How he was able to bring the Alliance of Elves and Men in the last years of the Second Age.
Beside him was his Noldor-Sindar wife: the radiant silver queen – Celebrían of Lothlorien. The child of both Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel of the Golden Wood. She was every bit worthy of a queen. Caring and compassionate to her people even after her husband's death. Tauriel was not born then but there was a lot of books concerning their love and their strength with the people of Rivendell and Lothlorien.
However: there were two elven women which Tauriel aspired to follow the most.
One had been King Thranduil's wife, the fair Teleri elf: Mereneth of The Greenwood. The very one who lost her life during the pillaging of dragons of the North. Despite her heritage, many of the Silvan population admired her for her love of the woods and the stars. It was said that her hair could reflect starlight itself, allowing it to flow in the wind as she ran across the great woods of what was their kingdom.
What she loved about the stories was how there was a significant friendship between the former Queen of Mirkwood to the Lady of Rivendell. How Lady Elemmírë and Queen Mereneth (who was still Lady Mereneth of Mithlond) met in Lindon just after the War of Wrath to then aid in the War of the Elves in Eregion with Queen Celebrían.
Legolas (despite not knowing his mother for a long time) remembered that Queen Mereneth, Queen Celebrían and Lady Elemmírë were inseparable.
She may not be fond of her books like the loremasters and scholars of Mirkwood, or Ori's passions in writing tales of the history of recent years – but hearing tales of elven queens and shieldmaidens brought her to remind herself who she was.
Every day it still daunted her. She was a princess, a daughter of Durin now through marriage and love. Tauriel knew of duty for she was once the Captain of the Guard of Mirkwood even before finding herself a circlet on her head. However, the duties that lay with the title felt heavier.
Sometimes she wondered how her beloved could allow the weight to appear weightless. Kili had always carried a strength that got her to push herself more, to see what was beyond the physical and mental barriers of her life and to see the truth. He was strong in heart, willing and loyal – loyalty to his family. Tauriel knew the moment he left on that boat to cross the Long Lake that after Kili gave a part of his heart to her: she too gave the same in return.
Now, they were at the place which her husband once visited.
"It has been a while since I came here. Almost forty years," Kili said as they crossed over the great arched bridge.
Undeniably, it has been almost forty years. More specifically: it had been thirty-nine years since she came across the Company of Thorin Oakenshield in the Woodland Realm of Mirkwood. (Sadly, it was still named so, and was gradually becoming more of desolate darkness ready to swallow anyone entering it.)
Thirty-nine years since she had found her life altering the moment she locked eyes on the young dwarven man that day.
Now she was here, in the famous valley of the Eldar. The Last Homely House of the East and the home of the Peredhil and the Oialëa.
The city was entirely a different perspective to describe. White buildings were decorated in greenery and flowers. Patterns of stars and the Tree of Laurelin were carved or painted everywhere.
She hummed calmly before she replied to Kili. "You speak of Rivendell very blandly, meleth nin. And I am pleased that Bilbo and Ori spoke better of it."
Walking behind her, she heard a familiar voice grumble.
"Eh, it's not the taste of something I would consider living." The red-haired dwarf said blandly as he spoke, "I would still prefer the grand cavernous halls of Erebor. Or the bustling town of Dale."
"Gimli, you hardly been anywhere other than Ered Luin, Erebor and Dale," Her husband pointed out, sending her chuckling at Gimli's soured expression.
"Aye, that is true," The ginger dwarf admitted.
Once they crossed the bridge, Tauriel, Kili, Gimli and those of Dale and Mirkwood who travelled with them were almost to the main entrance of the house. Tauriel could hear the rapid moving sound of water, the waterfalls within the architecture of the great house made it appear that the entire place was lifted upon a floating rock.
Many lamps were scattered about, bringing a warm tone despite the blue-toned light from the moon and stars above them.
If she ever stepped in Aman, this was what she imagined Eldamar to be like.
Smiling at the side, Tauriel told him: "Well, you have seen the Elvenking's halls in Mirkwood as well as Rivendell now." She continued, her voice growing quieter. "Perhaps you will see more. If the course of the future does mean war."
Kili paused and turned to her, staring with a deadpanned expression.
As she was about to retort to her husband, she thanked Gimli's quick support. "The dear lass is right, cousin. War has been here for five years now." He shook his shoulders and gruffly added, "And now a secret council is held by this elven lord about this fancy weapon of the enemy's."
Despite the feeling of warmth in her chest, Tauriel was worried. Their journey from Erebor all the way across the Misty Mountains to Rivendell was no mere visit. Fili assigned them to come here in words from Lord Elrond himself.
Her longtime friend, Legolas: must know more of this weapon. And if it was truly the very weapon the Eldar mentioned, it was correct to feel the churning in her stomach.
They arrived at the front entrance of the house, her eyes noticing a dark-haired ellon gracefully walking down the stairs. They passed the great stone arches, statues of what seemed to be elven women before they stood before him.
Kili told her before who this was, and it was evident when she saw the flicker of hesitation in Lord Lindir's eyes the moment he spotted Kili in front of the group.
Nevertheless, he greeted them politely. "Prince Kili and Princess Tauriel and companions of Erebor. Welcome to Rivendell."
Bowing accordingly, Kili nodded afterwards and answered: "We thank you for having us, my lord."
There was a quick huff and Tauriel internally smiled in amusement as she found Tallagor beside her eager to not be where they are. Thankfully, Berthol, whom Kili rode, simmered the agitated character her own possessed. [1][2]
"Your ponies and horse will be taken care of, and rooms will be settled by Lady Miriel." Lord Lindir announced, "A dinner will be served in a few hours with the heads of the house."
A slight gasp left her husband's lips as he said out loud, "Wait, Illyria's here?"
Tauriel hid her own surprise but her eyes widened the moment she heard that name slip into her ears.
But out of all of them, most particularly the delegate of Dale who asked confusedly. "Who?"
She remembered that not everyone knew who they spoke of. For her, she only knew through the tales of her friend Legolas and then with Kili, Fili, Ori and Bilbo. So it was reasonable that Aevar of Dale, delegate to King Bain, was unsure of the names of their hosts.
"Lady Illyria Ettelëa," Kili said with much enthusiasm. "She is our friend and Lord Elrond's wife."
Lord Lindir nodded. "You are correct." He then added quickly, "However, both are currently busy. They will come and greet you once all of the guests have arrived."
He continued to explain to them the plans of their stay, leading them into the great house whilst several servants took their horses and ponies from them. Tauriel carried her back over her shoulder, a little dazed at the beauty around her. She felt a little guilty for not entirely hearing what Lord Lindir spoke and was glad that she caught the last part before he left.
Another elleth dressed in dark autumn tones arrived. She bowed kindly to them, smiling more to recognize Kili before she brought them down to the Eastern side where their rooms were. Her hair was neatly braided out, with silver pins decorating her long hair.
Tauriel didn't notice halfway through their journey that she kept touching her own, her own red hair appearing duller than of Lady Miriel.
Lady Miriel finally directed them all to a corridor, pointing to each set of doors and informing of which was who's. Once she left with a kind smile, Aevar bid himself off to his own along with those of Mirkwood (which consisted of faces she once knew in court), which left the three of them standing in the open atrium.
Tauriel was about to gesture her husband to go to their room, though paused as she saw her friend look bewildered. She asked with concern, "Gimli, are you alright?"
The red-haired dwarf simply grunted, his eyes wandering all over the place – appearing as if he was in Mordor instead.
"Not used to these fancy pointy-eared places." He asked with an exasperated tone, "Why is everything so tall and open?"
Smiling slightly, Kili gestured to him: "Well, it used to be much nicer with the sun and all. But with the sun gone..." He trailed off when the phrase arose into all their minds.
Everyone was still horrified by what occurred. And for Tauriel, knowing her love of the stars, she did not find it entirely good to see the great sun of Arda burst into flames and dim into darkness. She knew what it meant – the omen. The end of the world itself.
She didn't want to sense the wallowing pit in her chest, causing her heart to rapidly pace until she swallowed.
Thankfully, Kili caught her off guard from her thoughts with a question. "Tauriel, do you want to put our belongings with me?"
Wryly, she gave him a small side, "Of course." Tauriel turned to the other dwarf and spoke, "We will see you in a bit Gimli. And please, friend. Do care for your words."
Gimli let out a strangled cough as he exclaimed, "Why do you all think I will do something bad?"
Her eyes immediately glanced over to the next dwarf in question.
"Blame Kili." Tauriel simply answered, seeing the gaping expression as she added with a scoff. "And do not give me that look! Ai, you had the right mind not to go into that fountain."
With a pleading tone, Kili said, "On second thought, please save me Gimli!"
Tauriel quirked her lips in mirth, seeing the mocking fear her husband wore.
It made her grin even more as she heard the echoing laughter from the older dwarf, causing a Silvan elf to crinkle their nose in distaste. Luckily, Gimli didn't notice it and continued to jape in return, "Nay, I will give Tauriel the moment!"
Aragorn | Lord Thorongil
"It is good to be back, is it not, mellon nin?"
Legolas sent a warm smile to him whilst they trotted across the many bridges of the elven city.
Despite having been years since he stepped into this place, Aragorn felt that he was home. Passing the barrier and sensing the protection of Vilya already made him remember the times he ventured across this valley. Its power could not comprehend anything, mayhap be the powers of the Evenstar or the Eternal herself.
Aragorn shared the same feelings, but his smile didn't entirely reach his eyes when he noticed the physical changes of the place around them. It almost felt like the very air felt changed. "If it was not these circumstances," He said grimly.
Even his horse, Mithroc, seemed to share the mutual agreement. Though, it might be in the fact that the poor equestrian was exhausted. They had traveled for a month all the way from Halifirien, taking the Great West Road along with the rest of the people of Minas Tirith before departing the large group towards the Gap of Rohan. [3]
Both he, Boromir and Legolas reminded each other that they needed to trek the Westfold and the Dunland as best as they could. Thank the Valar that Fate was to them as their journey did not have them almost caught by one of Sauron's spies or any of the Dunlanders. It didn't mean that their journey was smooth entirely. Orcs were beginning to group together, pillaging the small settlements in Eregion whilst they followed the River Hoarwell up to the River Bruinen when they split. [4]
Prince Imrahil notified that he would return to Dol Amroth to protect the south of Gondor against the Haradrim and Corsairs of Umbar, allowing to bring those who could not fight but were strong enough for the harsh journey south. The rest of Minas Tirith would continue to Edoras and perhaps gain refuge in Rohan.
Despite Aragorn's concern over the news of King Théoden's dismissal of Gondor's help, Boromir still was adamant to bring his people to safety. Even if he was not there and issued the other captains of the army to install some temporary place for them. Boromir assured them that he will return as soon as possible, and if he could not: he assured that Faramir shall be able to return along with the Rangers.
They rode over another arched bridge, the one heading to the main entrance of the great house of Elrond. His ears twitched, hearing the rather large gulp from the Gondorian Captain from behind him.
Legolas, who was at the back of their trail, answered his previous statement: "Of course." He then added, "Lord Boromir, do not worry. It is best for people the first time not to look down."
Mentally, Aragorn smiled in amusement. It was normal for those who visited Rivendell, mainly those who were not of the Eldar, to not be accustomed to the great heights and their architecture. Especially architecture inspired by a mixture of Sindar and Noldor culture.
His brothers once told him that it had been their parents' time with the Laiquendi which inspired them with such high platformed structures mixed with the Gondolinic designs.
Boromir said quietly, "I do admit it is an outstanding place, Lord Thorongil and Prince Legolas. Though the plants and flowers look rather weary."
"It is sadly due to the sun," Aragorn spoke, almost sensing a cold drift of wind pass through him. "Winter has come very early because of it."
The Star of Eärendil shone bright that night, making the valley glow before them as they finally arrived at the front entrance.
The first person they met at the steps had been the elven lord he expected. Getting off of Mithroc, Aragorn thanked the horse and calmed him before allowing him to walk over to the minstrel and steward of the great house.
He placed his hand over his chest and bowed, "Lord Lindir."
Glancing to his right, both Legolas and Boromir followed the same gesture with the latter still looking warily around. Aragorn merely brushed it as curiosity, turning his focus back to the dark-haired elf.
Lindir wore a placid expression, politely greeting them much like any other guest of the House of Elrond. "My lords, welcome to Rivendell. I will not drag too long for you seem to all need some due rest."
With a small smile, Aragorn agreed. "That would be most kind."
The right-hand elf of Lord Elrond had sent several elves to take Mithroc and their horses to the stables, knowing from there that they would be cared for amongst the stablehands of Rivendell. Afterwards, he led them inside, informing them of what was planned which included a dinner in the Hall of Fire and that the meeting would commence in several days.
They were led to the guest wing before Lindir handed both Legolas and Boromir to Lady Miriel, the other caretaker as well as assistant healer, to lead them to the rooms. Aragorn sent a knowing look to both, assuring that he would meet them somewhere soon.
Boromir had yet to know who he truly was, confused why he was apart from their trio. But with another gesture to the Gondorian, the two shared a nod before Lady Miriel used her calm character to usher them to their quarters.
Once they were gone, Lindir's demeanour relaxed, a solemn smile lingering on his lips as he began.
"I am glad that you are well, Estel." The ellon spoke kindly as he eyed him, "You have changed."
They continued to walk to the other end of the house, his eyes spotting the little changes around him. Despite the dim glow and the constant night they were forced to be in, Aragorn could have sworn the place glowed brighter. Perhaps it was just his eyes adjusting.
He hummed and replied, "I have changed every time I leave this place. But it seems everything has changed everywhere." Aragorn glanced back to the minstrel and wondered, "Is Lord Elrond here?"
The better question was had Lord Elrond returned?
He knew it may have been over a month since his last message from Arwen, though he had hopes that Lord Elrond had managed to find a way through the unknown and into the world Lady Illyria Ettelëa resided.
With a brightening look, Lindir answered: "Indeed. Many new and old faces have returned."
"Lady Illyria?" He slowed down his walk, his lips twitching as he murmured. "So, Arwen did find a way to her world." His beloved had discovered a way; years spent watching and hearing of the Evenstar's attempts to try and contact the reincarnated elf. Now, she was here.
Once they came across a corner, now standing at the larger atrium towards the family wing, Lindir stopped.
With confusion in Aragorn's mind, Lindir simply said with a light in his eyes. He hinted, "Perhaps you may ask of it to herself."
When he heard a tap against the floor, he turned around to find a face awfully familiar. Though once he saw similar features on the woman's face, he heard himself breathe in before he stopped himself from it.
Lady Illyria curtly nodded to the ellon as she spoke with a bright lilt in her voice, "Thank you Lindir, I shall have him now before my family decides to take him aside." She gave an amused look, shared toward Lindir as he bowed before her.
"Of course," He spoke, giving one last glance at Aragorn before he strode in a quickening pace – no doubt to continue more household tasks.
It was just the two at them in the open atrium where the silver-haired woman gestured her head to follow her down. Obliging, Aragorn walked beside her quietly, his eyes never laying anywhere other than her face.
The Lady of Rivendell wasn't exactly what he remembered as a child. He had only been ten or eleven at that time, a young boy. His brief memories of the blonde sorceress were now a blur in his mind, but her voice and her aura did not fade.
Despite appearing in the race of Men, he knew Illyria Ettelëa was no ordinary woman.
Much like Gandalf the Grey, she too held the air of mystery but she carried it so strongly that it was hard to miss her eyes and face constantly glowing under the dim light. In her hand, she carried a staff, a silver metal one unlike the wooden engraved one which he always saw with her. Her hair was loose much like Arwen's, a single braid down her back that contrasted the dark wavy tresses the Evenstar had.
Her staff tapped onto the marble flooring as they walked, as he began to speak to the ancient sorceress.
Aragorn spoke courteously, "Lady Illyria, it has been quite a while since I have last seen you. I was but a child back then."
She glanced back up to him, mirth in her eyes as she mused, "And now you're all grown up." Pausing, Illyria slowed down her pace as she questioned: "What name do you go by nowadays?"
He adjusted his pack on his shoulder, letting his eyes wander towards the landscape behind the columns and trees. Aragorn answered, "To Gondor and Rohan, I am Thorongil. Here I am Estel or Aragorn."
"Which one do you prefer?" She asked.
He was slightly stunned at the question. He wasn't entirely sure or didn't mind what name the sorceress called her. Answering, he went through the suggestions: "Aragorn and Thorongil for others. You may call me either Aragorn or Estel. Though, the twins call me Estel. Lord Elrond and Lady Arwen the other."
As he finished, he felt a gentle thrum of energy pass through him. Lady Illyria's eyes glowed for a moment, irking him at the abrupt change before they dulled, though leaving a comforting warmth in him.
So that was where Elladan, Elrohir and Arwen received it from. He once recalled always feeling so happy around the twins whenever they were laughing. They were not as strong as Arwen's, who almost pierced through his very soul. Lord Elrond mentioned it once, referring to how they could project their aura through emotions.
"Estel it is. If you don't mind me," She smiled up to him before she changed the matter. "Well firstly, I'm glad you're alive and well."
They stopped just before the doors to his former quarters, the sorceress in front of him – concern filled her face.
She continued, "Elrond and Arwen have filled me in on what's happened in Gondor, and I was really worried you didn't come out alive."
Aragorn's face relaxed after he was surprised once more at the direct fear for him. Despite only knowing her from now and only a glimpse of his childhood, the twins and Arwen's fierce compassion not only came from Lord Elrond. He shouldn't be surprised, either way, considering that she had been the one to bring together the friendship of dwarves and halflings to the elves. The one who miraculously brought together men, elves, and dwarves to fight side by side.
Her motherly instinct was just a branch within a tree.
Softly, he spoke in return with pure thankfulness, "Do not worry, my lady. I am here now."
"Illyria," The sorceress corrected and justified, "I'm still not used to these proper titles and all. And believe me, we're both on the same page." Her hint, along with a smirk at the end, had him chuckling out quietly.
Aragorn commented, "You are still like I remembered." He gave her a sad smile and added, "Lord Elrond and Lady Arwen were never the same when Lord Glorfindel and you left Middle Earth."
There was a moment her eyes glassed over; her mind perhaps somewhere else before she looked back to him. "It's why I wanted to come and talk to you first." Illyria reasoned, "We didn't want to scare you with all these things happening. And I wanted to speak to you about what the future entails."
"I know vaguely from what Arwen tells me." He spoke gravely, "But that is all."
Illyria let out a ragged sigh and thinned her lips. "And it's why I ask you this." She stared at him and asked directly, "If things don't turn out right. Will you protect her? Watch Arwen's back?"
Aragorn heaved internally, sensing the weight of her words gradually pulling him. He already felt the burden whenever he was ever caught with Arwen, may it be her brothers or Lord Elrond. It was evident that they doubted their choices even if the twins teased him senselessly about it. Lord Elrond, his own foster father, was of course worried. His own child had found companionship over him – a mortal.
Though now that the Illyria Strange was here, he wondered as to why she didn't seem bothered over it. Did she already know of their courting (perhaps Lord Elrond already spoke of it)? If so, Aragorn couldn't understand why she was here trusting his own person to protect her daughter.
His mind was swirling with so many questions. Though all he could muster was the first thing he could speak.
Aragorn said willingly, "I have always done it and will do so until my last breath, my lad-Illyria."
With a small hum, Illyria nodded once before she admitted, "She hasn't decided yet, and it's just something that I can assure myself that she's safe and her future's safe."
It was his turn to sense some concern over the sorceress. From how she stated it, it sounded as if something grave was to occur? Was there more than just Sauron and Mordor? Did she and Lord Elrond know the reasons as to why and how the sun exploded and fell?
Just as Aragorn was about to question it, he noticed a flicker of blonde just behind the woman.
"Illyria? I heard Estel's returned..."
He felt his breath cut short.
Coming from around the corner of the hallway was a face he hadn't seen in thirty-nine years.
A huffing breath of annoyance came from Lady Illyria as she muttered, "Great timing, háno."
However, his eyes were fixed on the Balrog Slayer.
He heard his voice break as his chest tightened.
"Uncle Glorfindel..."
The Lord of the House of the Golden Flower appeared every bit of what he last saw him. Though now without the faded ginger tones in his hair, his hair was braided neatly at the sides. His eyes filled with happiness.
Aragorn felt lost for words.
Glorfindel smiled at him as he spoke, "Estel...you have grown."
"How are you alive?" He questioned, his eyes darting across from the ancient elf and then to the sorceress. With them standing by each other, Aragorn was baffled at how they were almost identical to one another despite the different hair colouring and ears.
The Lady of Rivendell was rubbing her temple as she exhaled, "I feel that everybody in the city has been asking the same question, háno."
Aragorn rose his eyebrows. Perhaps that was why the entire valley seemed a little more relieved and lighter. Their former Captain of the Guard was reborn again.
He peered his gaze back to the blonde-haired ellon and spoke plainly, "You still have not explained."
Both Glorfindel and Illyria eyed each other before the Balrog Slayer gave him a sympathetic gaze.
"It is...complicated, Estel." He told him, eyeing down before adding: "I would gladly explain it to you once you've rested, vinyamo." [5]
Aragorn shuffled again his pack, noticing that his entire body suddenly felt waned by all of this. Seeing Illyria Ettelëa once more and now discovering Lord Glorfindel was reborn and alive once more.
Then Legolas's comment echoed in his mind and he couldn't help but internally sigh at it. He shouldn't have hoped for a peaceful return.
Just as he was going to excuse himself, he heard a gasp come from Illyria's mouth.
"Oh! That reminds me."
He warily stared at how the staff in her hand disappeared in just a second, now replaced by a smaller object in the palm of her hand.
With a grin, Illyria held out the object in her hand as she said, "I think I owe you a present."
In her hand was a cube.
Carefully, he took it from her and realised how light it was. The bright colours contrast to everything else before him.
With as much politeness, Aragorn returned his gratitude: "Thank you..." He trailed off, looking again at the present before him. "Though, what is this that I am holding?" [6]
[1] - Tallagor: Sindarin. 'Swift Foot'
[2] - Berthol: Old Eng. 'Bright Strength'
[3] - Mithroc: Sindarin 'Grey Horse'
[4] - River Hoarwell: Aka Mitheithel, was a great river of Eriador running from the Misty Mountains, flowing through the Ettenmoor and then joining the Bruinen.
[5] - Vinyamo: Exilic Quenya. 'Youngster'
[6] - The Rubik's cube: The joke present Illyria mentioned in RotM 'Sauron's Facebook Friend Request.'
A/N: Welcome back. Just as promised it has been quite almost two weeks (? maybe idk) since my last update. I've been really busy with uni and also trying to refresh on my other works from another fandom but I'm back.
Things should follow the Canon plot but with a little twist. Kili and Tauriel are invited to the Council and both Aragorn, Legolas and Boromir know one another.
We also get an Illyria, Aragorn and Glorfindel reunion and bless them.
Edited: 23/02/2022
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