" Pink, do you know this place?" I ask and I was surprised that the Lion let out a small roar in response which I'm guessing was yes. I've also decided to call the Lion pink because well, it just makes sense.
" Okay, I better not die because of you." I mumble as Pink flies closer to the castle ship. Pink flies to an entrance of the ship and it automatically opens up which Pink flies through.
Pink lands on the ground and all I could see was that it looked like I was in a huge room.
" Hey, Pink, is it safe for me to get out?" I ask. I look over my shoulder to see that Pink was opening her mouth and I guess that was the safe signal. I get up from my chair and hesitantly walk out and she closes her mouth once I stepped on the floor.
As I walk around Pink I look at the room in awe at how fancy it looked.
" Stop!" an unfamiliar voice yells.
" Turn around and tell us who you are, trespasser!" my heart almost stops whenever I hear that voice. That can't be him. That can't be the guy I've lost so long ago. The guy I fell in love with.
" Keith?" I ask, my voice cracking as I slowly turn around to see five uniformed figures with weapons aimed at me.
The red-uniformed guy that was on the right side of the five figures lowered his weapon the slightest bit.
" can't be her." he mumbled mostly to himself and it sounded like he didn't believe it was me.
" Keith? How does this cute girl know who you are and why does she have the Pink Lion?" the blue-uniformed guy asked as they looked over at Keith.
Keith finally looks over at me and it almost looked like his eyes were watering whenever ours locked.
" Vivian?"
I nod and smile. " Yeah. It's me, Keith."
Keith rushed forward to me, surprising us all, including me, and hugged me. I stumbled back a bit from how hard the impact was but easily regain balance and don't hesitate to wrap my arms around his waist as I rest my head on his shoulder.
" I can't believe you're actually here. I thought...I thought you were dead." Keith said and that explained why he was hugging me. Keith wasn't known for hugs or any kind of affection, they rarely happened and I treasured each moment it happens because you never know if it's going to happen again.
I smile and wrap my arms around him tighter. " Same here. I'm so glad I found you...well, it was technically Pink that found you, but it's the same thing, I guess."
He chuckles. " I missed you." I smiled and whispered, " I missed you too."
Our moment was ruined by someone clearing their throat and it was as if we realized we weren't the only ones in the room we jumped apart from each other quickly and I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, my face was probably as red as Keith's suit was.
I looked over seeing it was the blue-uniformed guy that interrupted us. " I hate to be the one to ruin your moment, but who are you?" he pointed at me.
I turn to face them with Keith standing on my right. " Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier. My name is Vivian Marshall. I was a pilot at the Galaxy Garrison and I got offered an amazing opportunity and went on the Pluto mission." I start to explain as I look at each of them. " My crew and I got attacked by the Galra so since I was the leader I decided to go off in my own small ship we had and distract them so my crew could escape."
" I manage to distract them long enough for my crew to escape back to Earth but unfortunately for me, the Galra was able to shoot at me and I crashed into an unfamiliar planet to me. I've been living on that planet for a few years. I found the Pink Lion when I fell off of a cliffside and found it hiding underneath some vines. Pink turns on when I approach her and then she takes me here." I finish explaining.
" Wow. " the green-uniformed guy said.
I tilt my head to the side. " Not to be rude or anything, but who are you guys?"
The yellow-uniformed guy looked at me with confusion. " You don't know who we are?"
" If she has been on an unknown planet for however long then she probably hasn't heard of us, Hunk." the green-uniformed guy said.
The yellow-uniformed guy, named Hunk, nods. " Makes sense."
The black-uniformed one that was standing in the middle stepped forward. " My name is Takashi Shirogane. But I go by Shiro. We are Paladins of Voltron which is the defender of the universe."
I smiled. " It's nice to meet you, Shiro, " I look at the others. " It's nice to meet you guys as well."
Shiro looks at the others as if he was saying for them to introduce themselves. The green-uniformed guy stepped forward.
" I'm Pidge. The yellow one is Hunk, the blue one is Lance and you already know Keith. And that's Corran and Allura." Pidge introduced himself and the others, pointing at each of them as he said their name.
I wave at them, noticing they all took their helmets off. " Again, it's nice to meet you all."
The white haired girl with pointy ears, named Allura, smiled at me. " It is wonderful to meet you as well.
My eyes widened as I noticed the markings on her and Corran. " Are you guys Altean?"
Corran nods. " Yes, how did you know? Do you have Altean people where you came from?"
I shake my head. " No. I only know of Altean from hearing others talk about them. I thought the Galrans had killed you all."
Allura smiled sadly. " We're the last of our kind."
" How do you have the Pink Lion?" Pidge asked as he walked towards it to take a closer look.
" I found her on the planet I was on. She was hidden underneath some large vines." I said as I glanced at the Pink Lion.
" Since you found her, that means she has chosen you to be her Paladin." Allura speaks and I look at her as she continues. " That means you are now a Paladin of Voltron."
My eyes widened. " What?!"
Lance frowned. " Do you not want to be Paladins with us? We're cool! Give us a chance!"
Keith glared at him. " Stop complaining, Lance."
Lance glared back at him. " I'm not complaining, Keith. I'm simply just wondering why she doesn't want to be apart of Voltron. You probably haven't even seen Voltron, have you?" he asked as he turned back to me.
I glanced around seeing all eyes were on me and I bit my lower lip, not liking being the center of attention. " Uh, no I haven't."
Lance grinned. " Then that means we can show you Voltron!"
" Don't we need her Lion to create Voltron?" Hunk asked.
Allura shook her head. " Not exactly. The Pink Lion was only created to help with fighting. The Pink Lion is simply a side Lion."
" So, I'm back up?" I ask.
She nods. " Yes, exactly. My father created the Pink Lion so the Paladin of it could help around the castle and be a co-pilot."
" Well, okay then! Let's go show her Voltron guys!" Lance excitedly said and rushed out of the room with Pidge and Hunk following him.
I furrow my eyebrows and turn to face Allura. " Do I have to be a Paladin? I mean, I was living on my own one minute and the next thing I know I'm up in space."
Allura sent me a small smile. " I know this must be quite a lot to take in, but it will be worth it. Being a Paladin means protecting the Universe."
I glance over at Keith, seeing if I should go along with this and he only nodded. I looked back at Allura. " Okay. I'll be a Paladin." I told her.
Shiro smiled. " Welcome to the team, Vivian."
Corran clapped his hands together. " Brilliant! Well, we better go get to the others before they wonder off!" he turned around and left the room.
" Are we going to leave Pink here or do you guys have like, a room for the Lions?" I ask. " There's a large room in the castle mainly for the Lions."
Allura said and my eyes widened in surprise. " Oh, you do have a room for them."
" We will deal with that later. Come on, we better go to the others." Shiro told me and I nodded. I walk beside Keith as we walk out of the room.
A/N I apologize if this chapter is bad but I hope you guys like it & I promise it will get better! I tried making my character different from others since I haven't read many stories where the oc isn't a part of Voltron but is still a Paladin so I decided to do that.
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