Another chapter time!!!
Serious question though; will I ever be able to write a chapter for this book that isn't 2000+ words. We'll see🤷♀️
I dug myself a grave when I started adding gifs to the story. Now, I CAN'T FREAKING FIND APPROPRIATE GIFS! It's frustrating to say the least.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter. I worked hard on it.
See you next week and stay safe😉
Back to the ball;
"Oppa, stop staring at her soo much! You'll burn holes in her," Haeun teased, watching Seonghwa just stare at Chae like she was the only one in the ballroom.
"Now Kiddo;" He clicked his tongue, playfully glaring at the shorter girl. "Weren't you the one who wanted to play matchmaker here?" "Well of course and I still do." Haeun defended, barely hiding the grin, that was rapidly taking over her lips. "But I can't play matchmaker if you keep on staring at her and burn holes in her."
Seonghwa bit his bottom lip playfully, leaning down closer. "Someone's grown smarter over the years, haven't they?" Haeun shrugged, "I have always been smart, Oppa. What are you talking about?"
Seonghwa laughed softly at the younger's cuteness. She had always been soo obliviously adorable that it was endearing to watch.
"I can't help it, Haeun-ah;" He sighed, his eyes drifting back to the gorgeous woman in the ice-blue dress. "She just looks soo beautiful when she's smiling like that. Happiness suits her the best."
Haeun glanced in the direction, her lips cracking into a smile when she saw Chae grasping onto Han's shoulder for dear life, as he danced with her; rather recklessly. "At this rate, Eunnie's gonna lose a limb." Haeun laughed watching the both of them. Seonghwa too enjoyed how freely Chae was laughing with Han.
Soon, Chae faded away from Haeun's vision. It zeroed in on him. It killed her to put the distance between but she felt like she owed it to Chae. But they'd texted at least once a week. That's why Haeun felt that the distance between her and Han wasn't too far. While Chan and Chae; that was a different story.
He had changed a lot during the past years. His cheeks were now fuller making him look cuter. The dark brown locks he fashioned right now looked fluffy and healthy. As he held Chae close, Haeun could understand that underneath the thick material of his coat, Han Jisung had bulked up. His eyes were sparkling in the lights of the chandelier and his smile was the brightest it could've been.
It wasn't until this moment that Haeun realized just how much she had missed this friend of hers. And maybe it was time to cross the distance. She had waited enough.
"As much as I would love to watch them, I think it's time to switch." Haeun looked back at Seonghwa. "You sure kiddo?" He asked, surprised. Haeun understood his surprise since she was not willing to face Han for the longest time.
"I can't avoid him forever now, can I?" Seonghwa nodded, catching Han's eye.
Giving Seonghwa one last smile, Haeun felt herself being spun as she left Seonghwa's arms. Her body softly collided with his, and for the first few seconds, she couldn't find the courage to look him in the eye. Would he be mad, that she avoided him for soo long? Would he be happy? Why was Han Jisung soo simple yet soo complicated at the same time?
"Now what do we have here?" His voice was laced with fake surprise and amusement. "Lee Haeun, you sure took your sweet time meeting me." Haeun allowed herself a sharp exhale before finally looking up at him. He was smiling, his eyes crinkled up slightly. One thing was for sure, he wasn't mad.
"Han..." Haeun softly called out to him. "Hi, Haeunie!" He smiled brightly, making Haeun crack a smile too. "Hi Han;"
His hands were on her waist, her hands on her shoulder; Haeun felt like a frenzy of emotions was going on inside her.
Han, on the other hand, was busy looking around. "Do you want to stay?" He suddenly asked, lowering her head.
"Stay where?" Haeun asked, startled. "Here, short stack!" Han clicked his tongue. "Short stack?! Yah Han Jisung-" Haeun hissed, her nostrils flaring. "Yell at me all you want but first let's get out!" With that, Han's hands dropped from her waist grabbing one of her hands. "Han-" Haeun protested gently before she felt herself being pulled away.
Sighing, she grabbed his hand tighter while the other gathered the fronts of her dress so that she didn't trip, before speed-walking behind him.
But who was she kidding?! She was Lee Haeun, she tripped on thin air. And keeping her reputation intact, she felt her foot twist at an odd angle and gravity pulling her down, just as they ran out of the ballroom, down the corridor leading to God knows where. A yelp escaped her lips as she felt herself fall forward but she should've known better than to panic.
"Still the same huh?!" Han laughed, holding her by her waist. "Where are you taking me?" Haeun asked, holding onto his shoulders. "Shush!" He silenced her, holding her tighter, before running down the corridor. Haeun, too sighing helplessly ran behind him. This guy confused her sometimes.
He led her outside the castle, down the gardens. "Han wait!" Haeun called, making him stop.
"What?!" He turned back. "My shoes you idiot!" Haeun hissed, bending down to take off her shoes, which were digging back into the grass.
"Oh, my bad-" He giggled, bending down in front of her. "What-" Haeun's words trailed off as she felt his fingers on the straps of her heels. Gently he relieved her feet from the torturous heels. "Why do you even bother wearing these?" Han rose, taking her hand again. "You're still a short stack."
"Han Jisung you-" Haeun sighed, feeling herself being dragged away. The dewy grass felt soo good under her feet. They stopped in front of a wooden gate, Han fishing a key out of his jacket. "I hoped that you would come." He said, quietly. "That's why I kept the key with myself."
Haeun watched him with large eyes, still not clearly understanding why they were here. "And look!" He turned, giving her one of his cute smiles. "You're here." Haeun inhaled sharply, at how beautiful he looked. "Do you remember this place, Haeunie?" Han asked, stepping aside from the door and allowing her to enter what seemed to be a small section of the garden, separated from everything by a wooden door and high hedges.
Haeun stepped into the garden, her dress rustling against the grass. Rose bushes of different colours caught her sight first. Then the climber rose trees that wrapped themselves around the small tress. Juliet roses, poppies, tulips, and dandelions were sprinkled all over the grass with a small flight of stairs completely wrapped up with climber plants and bluebells. This was the most beautiful garden Haeun had ever been to and she knew that it wasn't the first time she had been there. "Is it the same garden, Han?" She whipped around to look at him.
Han leant against one of the trees, his arms folded as he watched her with a small smile on his face. "The one where you used to play in as kids?" He playfully raised an eyebrow. "That's the one." He uncrossed his arms, smiling before approaching her.
"I'm kinda surprised that you still remember this. I'm surprised that you remember me at all" He admitted as they took a seat beside each other on the grass. "Never in a million years." Haeun breathed, taking in the soft breeze and sweet smell of the flower garden. "This is my childhood," Haeun said, turning to look at him. "As much as you are. I can't forget this or you."
The smile Han gave her, made Haeun feel like her heart was gonna explode and leave her wounded. How could a smile be soo pretty?!
"Have a seat!" Han plopped on the grass, patting the space beside him. And then? Then, they started talking. About absolutely anything and everything. Hours passed by without them caring. Catching up on 5 years was gonna be long.
"I wonder how much time has passed," Haeun said, suddenly. "Do I even care right now?" Han laughed, leaning back to lie flat against the grass. "I finally get to meet you again."
"You missed me that much?" Haeun laughed, looking at him with a smile. "Heck yes, short stack!" Han teased. Letting out a squeal, Haeun covered her face laughing, clearly shy.
"When will you stop calling me that?!" She sighed, glaring. "When you grow taller." Han shrugged, "You-" Haeun huffed, smiling. "Why am I even trying? Seriously though, Han, what time it is?" "You worry too much short stack," Han grumbled, reaching for his phone inside his jacket, which was on silent.
Clicking the screen to life, his eyes widened. "What!?!" Haeun asked, worried about his sudden expression change. Han pushed himself to a seating position, still watching his phone with wide eyes. "Han, what-" Haeun's eyes too widened as she tilted his phone to take a look.
15 missed calls from Lee Know!
10 missed calls from Chan!!
10 missed calls from Changbin!!
5 missed calls from Sana!!!!!!
"Han, we're in soo much trouble!" Haeun looked at him, a horrified expression all over her face. The screen lit up again, indicating a call from the Devil herself. "Pick it up!" She urged, not wanting to anger anyone. Han's fingers trembled as he swiped up and by the looks of it, he was right to be scared.
"HAN JISUNG! WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU!" Haeun and Han instantly moved away from the device, cringing at the volume of Sana's voice. "Noona..." Han squeaked like it hurt to talk. Even though the situation was not it, Haeun couldn't help but notice the fact how much he resembled a Quokka.
"GET BACK TO THE CASTLE!" The phone clicked off, making them release a breath they didn't even realize they were holding. "Why on Earth would you have your phone on silent?!" Haeun demanded as they rushed out of the garden, stopping to lock the door. "I wanted to talk to you," Han answered, pocketing the key as they ran for the castle.
"Dude, I'm going nowhere! I'm in the castle for the next several weeks." Haeun reasoned, marvelling at how absurd his reasons were. "I saw you after 5 years and you tell me to calm down!!" He picked up his pace. "Run faster, short stack!"
"Remind me, why do I like this guy again!?" Haeun grumbled, gathering her dress and rushing for the castle. "We're soo screwed."
Meanwhile, back at the castle;
"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Chan suddenly yelped, feeling something hot and liquid in his palm. The group that had huddled into safety, instantly parted. Chae's eyes widened as she realized that some of the hot wax from the candle stand she was holding fell onto Chan's hands.
"You idiot-!" She hissed, passing the candle stand to Yun Hyeok and grabbing Chan's hand. Chan's eyes widened as did Changbin's. Was this real or was this a fever dream?
"Chan what-?" Even Sana's eyes widened as she saw Chae gently swatting the hardening wax from Chan's hand. Just what happened in the past 5 minutes? "Do you need ice?" Chae asked like she wasn't speaking to him after half a decade.
"Huh?!" Chan asked, still dazed. "! It was just a moment's pain. I'm good." Chae instantly dropped his hand, sighing. Even as she looked away, Chan just kept on staring at her, like it was the first time she'd ever seen her.
Sana glanced at Yun Hyeok who was silently watching the exchange with an unreadable look on her face. What was going on in her mind?
Before anyone else could say anything, Han burst through the doors, loud enough to make everyone jump in their spots. Haeun rushed in close, panting.
"HAN JISUNG!" "LEE HAEUN!" Chan and Chae lunged for the both of them, Chae trapping Haeun's earlobes in her fingers; while Sana, Changbin and Yun Hyeok watched, dumbfounded.
Why were soo many things happening tonight!? And why were they happening soo fast?!
"Eunnie, please!" Haeun whined as Chae twisted her ear. "You almost gave me a heart attack!" Chae yelled, "You think that didn't hurt!?!"
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Haeun begged, "I forgot my phone at the castle." "You-" Chae rolled her eyes, clearly appalled at the younger's actions.
"Why on Earth do you have a phone?!" Chan asked, clearly done with the rapid rollercoaster of emotions he was feeling. "I'm sorry Hyung!" Han apologized, "I had it on silent."
"Silent-" Chan sighed, pinching the muscle between his brows. "One of these days, I'm gonna explode because of your antics, Hannie."
"Okay, enough guys!" As much as it sounded ironic, it was Sana who saved the youngers. "I think they've had a long night as it is. Get to bed all of you. You look like zombies from the lack of sleep." She joked, making them smile softly.
They sleepily started for their respective rooms but Sana gently grabbed Chae's hand. One look at the older woman and Chae knew that Sana wished to talk to her.
"Yun Eunnie," She called, making her turn. "Do you mind taking Haeun to her room? I need to do something. Thank you for tonight." Yun Hyeok smiled at the younger girl and just gave a gentle nod before taking Haeun and climbing up the stairs.
Chae turned to look at Sana and the first thing she did? Ran inside her arms. Soft giggles filled the silent room as two women stood, embracing each other.
"Girl you're not a kid anymore! You almost broke my back!" Sana laughed, holding her tighter. "And so what?!" Chae giggled, snuggling closer to her.
Ever since she was young, Chae spent a lot of time with Sana and Chan given the fact Sana and Chan were friends. Sana often joined Chan and her playdates and the three of them were quite a trio.
"5 years and look at you-" They separated, still smiling. "Have you been bulking up, Chae?" "Eunnie, with a father like mine, it's not a choice." Chae sighed, stepping back shyly.
"Well, at least you look sexy!" Sana laughed, making Chae look away, blushing softly. "Now, what was that?" Sana raised an eyebrow.
"What was what?" Chae looked away, knowing very well what was being talked about. Even she didn't know what that was. The second she saw Chan hissing in pain, all other thoughts left her mind. He was in pain, and all she could think of was relieving him of the pain.
"So you still do care about him, huh?!" Sana cocked an eyebrow up, crossing her arms. Chae looked up from the floor, straight into her eyes, "I never stopped Eunnie."
"Then why the distance Chae?" Sana stepped closer. "5 years and no sign from you. It's like you disappeared from the face of Earth. I was doubtful while sending you this letter."
"Eunnie..." Chae sighed, looking out at the moonlit window. "Have I ever not done anything that you said?" "No, but-" Sana waved her hands, "Didn't you miss Channie? That boy was missing you for soo long!"
"You think I didn't miss him?!" "Then why didn't you reach out all these years?!" The desperation was clear in the Kingmaker's voice. "Seriously Chaewon! He doesn't even know what he did wrong!?!"
"Exactly!!" Chae's voice echoed through the empty walls. "He has no idea what he did wrong and that pisses me off the most! How could he forget!? He had promised me and he forgot about it. How do you do that?! How do you forget about a promise you made to your fucking best friend?!"
Harshly wiping her tears away, Chae turned her back to the older woman, who looked utterly confused. "It is true that I still do care about him, just as much as I used to. That I missed him like crazies over the past 5 years. But if I forgive him for this one Eunnie, I will be putting myself down. And I can't do that. He means just as much to me as he did all those years ago. But he needs to figure out what he did for me to truly get past it."
With that, Chae took off, climbing up the stairs without a look back. Sana released a breath that she realized she was holding. When Chae and Chan drifted apart, Sana too was left alone. Chae was who knows where, and Chan buried himself in work as a way to cope with her sudden absence of her. She might be the kingmaker but she wasn't much older than these two.
"I will figure out what he did." Sana hissed, fisting her hands. "I've been hurt enough. He's been hurt enough and you've been suffering alone. This ends here." With that, she too retired to her room.
Emotions were some weird stuff honestly. They messed you up, they sorted you out, and they were capable of making you laugh and shed tears too. But then again, without these darned emotions, we'd be no different than mere robots made to exist and serve. These emotions were to blame as Chae gently hid her sobs in her pillow. On the other side of the room, Yukio too blamed these emotions for her state as she lay on her bottom bunk, staring into nothing.
Tossing and turning in her bed, she felt like her head was gonna explode. What was done was done. Why was she having second thoughts now? Screwing her eyes shut, her mind drifted back to the events of the ball.
The unexplainable pang on her chest as she saw Seungmin gently lead Yeseul away to the dance floor embarrassed Yukio. Embarrassed because she hoped that Seungmin would choose her.
'Maybe I should choose a brighter dress,' She thought to herself, unconsciously playing with the flowers stitched on her dress. If only she could herself with the eyes of others...
Anyone who saw the small girl dressed in a pink ombre dress, with flowers stitched on the shoulders, on the waistline and on the top edge of the thin cape that left a long train of the net as she walked. The cape was also decorated with artificial rose petals all over. The dress was pleated and form-fitting to the waist and then just a-line satin and net long enough to lightly kiss the floor. The lower the dress went, the lighter the colour became until it was soft peach at the ankles. With her hair clipped away from her face and her make-up light and shimmery; Yukio didn't know that she looked like a fairy princess, standing under the glittering chandelier.
That might have explained why the said Prince of the kingdom of Ateez headed straight for her. Kang Yeosang looked like he was sketched with the greatest care of an artist, to be their most beautiful painting ever. Soft, hooded eyes, glassy baby skin and the softest looking pair of lips; one sight of him and people sighed like they felt breathless.
And Yukio too wasn't an exception. She looked up at the gorgeous man with wide eyes, which too Yeosang was adorable. "Hi!" He softly smiled at her, making Yukio's heart go frantic. Shakily returning the greeting, she blushed as she felt Yeosang gently snake his hand around her waist.
Throughout the entire dance, Yeosang and Yukio chatted like old friends even though they'd met a while ago. Some people just make you feel at ease. But the atmosphere immediately changed when the switch happened and Yukio found herself in the arms of the man himself.
His cold eyes pursed lips and overall ambience just made her feel weird. The way he looked at her, felt soo different to her. "Are you gonna move or something?" He asked, his voice bored and irritated. "Oh yes, I apologize." Yukio panicked, hesitantly placing her hands on his shoulder. With what seemed like a tired sigh, Seungmin held her waist before swaying to the music.
He was in his world the entire, essentially boring Jiyoon out. "Can I ask you something?" Yukio squeaked out, softly. "What?" He asked, turning to look at her. "Is something bothering you?" It was pretty clear by his reaction to her question that Seungmin wasn't expecting it. But the expression soon changed as he rolled his eyes. "What's it to you? It's not like you can give me a solution."
Yukio pouted at the cockiness of this guy. What did he think of himself? And what did he think of her? "How do you know I can't?" She snapped, her anger rising rapidly. "Try your luck out, maybe I can."
Seungmin tilted his head at her instant change of attitude. Her wide-doe eyes were now squinted and it was evident that his comment offended her. Was it that convinced him to open up to her? Who knew?
"I don't want this." Seungmin sighed, already regretting opening his mouth. "This ball, this dancing, the whole set-up with you guys. Screw that, I don't want a queen. But if I want to fulfil my duties as the King of Minister then I need a Queen by my side. And now, I'm stuck!"
She abruptly dropped his hand, making Seungmin's eyes widen. Gently grabbing his sleeve, she pulled him outside the ballroom out into a balcony. "First things first-" She started, leaning against the railing as the cold night breeze instantly relaxed Seungmin's tensed body. "You shouldn't have to do what you don't want to do. But I get why the tradition exists."
"That's the problem." Seungmin hissed, also leaning against the railing. "Maybe find someone like you?" Yukio suggested making his head whip to her side. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, find someone who isn't interested in relationships like you." She explained. "Someone willing to be your Queen but not your life partner or something. After all" She let her head fall back against the railing.
"Which rule book says that the rulers of a kingdom have to be madly in love with each other? They can be partners, friends or even just acquaintances. Who cares as long as they are good rulers." Now, this; caught Seungmin's attention. But was he gonna budge that easy? No, he wasn't.
"Easier said than done." He sighed, "Where am I gonna find someone like that?"
Her next actions were the sole reason why sometimes she questioned her sanity sometimes "I could be that person," She suggested, keeping her eyes fixated on the sky. If she had allowed them to stray away, she would have seen the human version of a shocked puppy. Because that's what Seungmin looked like right now.
"You're just saying that cause you like me!" Seungmin jibed back, making Jiyoon do her best attempt at the stank face. "Dude, if you must know, I'd rather marry Prince Yeosang over you." She resumed looking at the sky, again.
"But right now, being as young as I am I don't want to get tied with something so serious just now. So..." She shrugged, giving him a knowing look.
"With that, I'll take your leave," Yukio left Seungmin confused and wondering. While Yeseul was shy and quiet, Yukio; though initially shy but instantly switched up real quick.
And the audacity of her to tell a Prince that she preferred some other Prince over Seungmin; while that bruised his ego but also surprised him. The way she talked she couldn't care less about being in her presence. It intrigued him.
Meanwhile, Yukio felt like she had just run a whole marathon. Why in the world did she say that?! She must've been high or smth!
For the rest of the ball, they didn't interact at all. But anyone could see their intense gazes when the other wasn't looking. For Seungmin, he was observing this girl. And one thing was clear. She spoke her mind, no matter who was in front of her.
As the nobles took their final leave, climbing up the stairs after the whole pink ghost, Yukio mustered all the courage to look at him one last time. Much to her surprise, he too was looking at her, with an almost smile playing on his face. And that confused her even more than she already was.
end of flashback
With a light groan, Yukio tossed around in her bed. The confidence that she had while talking to Seungmin felt like a distant memory.
'God, why on Earth did I say that?' She groaned, lightly banging her head against the pillow. Cuddling further into the pillow, she huffed a large breath before shaking her head.
'He probably won't even think too much about it.' She thought, closing her eyes. 'And I'm the one losing sleep...'
Now, who was gonna tell her a certain puppy too was losing sleep and pondering over her words?
When finding GIF are harder than writing the story: :/
Enjoy the chapter. See u next week.
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