The wistful bliss of youth and ignorance coats a solid and hard layer of tough metal, waiting for its moment. Althea believed that. She believed in many things, but love was not one of them.
Growing up in the Red Room, Althea was stripped of her youth and ignorance and thrown to one of the harshest environments possible. Instead of learning to ride a bike, Althea was learning to throw knives at the age of five, and continued to train hard.
By the time she was 14, she had outgrown the Red Room's training staff; her will to get out much stronger than their need for her. At 18, she was sent out on her first mission. She was injected with a mind control serum that completely blocked out all other thoughts besides one: kill.
She remained in this manic state, until not longer after her 25th birthday; where she was rescued by one of the older widows: Natasha Romanoff. With her was a girl, much younger than Althea, named Sienna and a male S.H.I.E.L.D agent by the code name of Hawkeye.
Together the four escaped the Red Room and took refuge at S.H.I.E.L.D, where the three girls were given the chance to do some good. Althea was eagered to help, to save the rest of the widows from the Red Rooms clutches.
Ten years later and she was still fighting for that dream, a world with no Red Room. Althea leaned over, clutching her stomach tightly as she gasped for air. Her face was stained in blood and covered in cuts and bruises. She grunted and pushed forward, grabing her M&P pistol from the ground and sprinting towards the exit.
"Blaze, this is Siren. Status?" Althea says into her ear piece as she takes a sharp left at the fork in front of her.
"Target eliminated. Headed to extraction point."
Althea continues racing down the hall as she hears heavy foot steps from behind her, as she makes it to the doors, Red Room enforcers step in front of her. She lets out an aggravated breath before switching into her fighting stance.
"You sure you want to do this boys? It never ends well for you."
They step closer and Althea sighs.
"Alright then."
One from the left side begins to charge towards her and she dodges his punch. As he tries to regain his balance, Althea jumps on his back and swings around his neck, snapping it in the process. As the man screams put in pain, the others begin to charge at her. Althea charges towards them, before sliding between the middle ones legs.
She lets out a relieved sigh as she gains sight of the double doors and takes off running towards them.
"Siren to base. Siren to base. Location?"
"Heading to extraction now, Pinpoint 5378102."
Althea continues racing as she pushes open the double doors and takes off across the concrete slab. She lets out a light laugh as the Quinjet appears from below the run way.
Althea speeds up as she comes closer to the jet. The men behind her begin to shoot at her, but she doesn't turn around: keeping her attention on the jet. The Quinjet opens and Althea jumps and rolls onto the landing pad inside the Quinjet. The men continue to shoot at the jet as it begins to take off. As they come closer to the ending of the platform, Althea sticks up her middle finger at them as the large door closes.
Althea takes a deep breath before making her way to the front of the jet. As she reaches the lounge area, Sienna is stretched out on the floor. Her face was bandage, the white material had deep red stains across it.
Althea plops down beside her, Sienna rolls over to face her.
"That was a close one."
"There all close ones." Althea responded
Sienna let out a chuckle before sitting up.
"37 of the girls escaped. That's 12 more than last time."
"There getting stronger, Drekov's getting smarter. We need to save them all." Althea says as she pushes herself up and heads to the table.
"Althea, we can only do so much."
Althea lets out a ragged breath as she leans over the corner and begins to clean her wounds.
"I'm getting to old for this."
As the Quinjet landed, Althea and Sienna unbuckled and began to head to the pad. As it opened, Althea could see some of the Avengers standing just below them. Nat and Clint stood infront of the others, a warm smile on both of their faces.
Althea and Sienna walks towards them before Clint pulls them both into a hug.
"Welcome home."
Sienna smiles brightly, throwing her arm around Clint and they walked to greet the others. Althea made her way over to Nat, who smiled at her.
"Hey there song bird, how was the mission?"
Althea lets her face drop as she begins to speak.
"We succeeded, all the girls are long gone from the base."
Nat gives her a look, before throwing her arm around her shoulder.
"You don't sound to happy about it."
Althea doesn't speak as they walk a little further away from the others. She waits til the two of them make it to the side of the building, out of ear shot.
"What if we're not doing enough? Drekov is getting stronger, smarter. How long before he figures it out?"
Nat sighs, before turning to face her. She places her other hand on Altheas opposite shoulder, forcing Althea to look at her.
"Drekov is getting smarter, but so are we. We are so close to finding his base, Althea. Everything that Sienna has done. Everything that YOU have done. Has gotten us to where we are. Drekov won't be able to hide much longer."
Althea nods, not really not believing her encouraging words. Natasha lets out a sigh as Tony comes up from behind them.
Althea turns her attention to him, motioning for him to continue.
"I've got someone I want you too meet."
"Tony, I just got back."
"I know. I know. But trust me, this'll be worth it!"
Althea places a hand on her hip, a harden look on her face.
"You said that last time."
Tony gives her a pleading looks, to which she response with a sigh.
"Alright, where are we going?"
"He's here. In the compound."
Althea lets out a quiet relieved breath before following Tony inside, leaving Natasha shaking her head at the two.
As Tony and Althea step off the elevator, the sound of Sam and Bucky's laughter fills the halls. Althea lets out a internal groan at the sound, not wanting to deal with the two man-children. As they step into the living room of the compound, the conversation become clearer.
"Well, I got to tell you Strange, she's incredible." Bucky starts, his voice is soft and mellow
"Althea has got the voice of an angel, can can seduce practically anybody by just humming a tune." Sam says with a wip in his voice
"She also is a very skilled fighter, she can speak in 72 different languages." Sienna says as she comes into light.
"You two need to quit talking about her like she's some damn talking barbie doll." She says to them with a stern tone and a point of her finger.
Tony snickers quietly, trying not to bring attention to him and Althea. Althea observes the room, and her eyes fall on the stranger. 'Strange' was a tall, lean man. His wild blue eyes seemed to not really pay attention to the others as they bickered, rather they focused on the whiskey in front of him. His black has was neatly combed over and the sliver streak in his hair only added to his attractiveness. Althea decides to make her presence known, responding to Sienna's comment.
"Or maybe you shouldn't be talking about me at all."
Bucky and Sam snap their necks in her direction, the instant realization hitting them like a freight train. Althea makes her way over, her eyes locked on Stranges'; who looked up from his drink at the sound of her voice.
Althea's hips swayed slightly as she made her way towards him, her long brunette hair swayed in it's fish braid as she walked. Her brown eyes were filled with curiosity and passion. She felt her chest tighten and her feet get heavy as she made her way towards him. His blue eyes were practically beaconing her closer.
As she takes one last step, she is at arms length distance from him. She gives him a warm smile as he politely holds out his hand.
"You must Althea. My name is Doctor Stephen Strange."
"Althea Diamandis. Doctor's apart of your name?" She says as she shakes his hand
Dr. Strange lets out a chuckle before bringing her hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss to her knuckles.
"Alright now that we're all introduced, Althea you can go and shower, I know how tired you are." Tony says in a teasing voice as walks behind Althea, throwing his around her shoulders.
Sienna smirks as she comes up from behind Stephen, standing parallel to Althea.
"No..no..I'm fine for now. I, uh-"
"Ms. Diamandis."
Althea turns her attention back to Stephen, his voice is kind and soft as he speaks.
"You should shower, relax. From what I've gathered, you've just returned from a very heated mission."
Sienna leans closer to Tony, whispering
"He just told her she stinks in the nicest way ever."
Althea smiles at him before responding
"I wouldn't want to be rude..."
"Nonsense, it would rude of me to keep you."
Althea bites her lip slightly and smiles at him.
"I'll see you later then."
Stephen smiles at her, before grabbing her hand as she turns away. She blushes as he brings her knuckles to his lips once more.
"I look forward to it."
Althea gives him one last smile before heading off towards her bedroom. Sienna moves between Tony and Stephen a stern look on her typically playful face.
"You better not try anything, mister."
Tony lets out a chuckle before placing a hand on Sienna's shoulder.
"Alright Firestarter, he gets it."
Sienna rolls her eyes at him before following Althea down the hall. Tony turns to Stephen, a leveled look on his face.
"Be careful with Althea, Strange."
Stephen turns his attention to him, raising a brow.
"Just tread lightly."
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