day 19, 19/20 kisses
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As she woke up, Ginny opened her eyes slowly and sat up with a yawn. Her face fell though when she remembered what happened the previous night, all the feelings coming back to her. She needed Hermione or Luna. She needed to talk to them. She stood up, wondering if she should send an owl or if she should Apparate, but she just shook her head and sighed. It was too early. She would just talk to them later.
Ginny checked the time and realized she had a few hours before Quidditch practice. She stretched and went out of her room, and to her surprise, there was no sight of Amanda or any sign of her. It was just 6 in the morning, and she was already out? She hoped to see the older girl before she went out to work.
Ginny started looking around for her. Maybe, she was still here. She looked in the kitchen and in the bathroom, but she wasn't there. She knocked on Amanda's door, hoping she was still there, but no one answered. She turned the knob, and to her surprise, the door wasn't locked. Ginny peeked inside and saw that Amanda's room was completely clean. That was odd because Amanda was too lazy to clean her room most of the time.
Ginny just sighed and closed the door before she made her way to the kitchen to cook breakfast, but as she arrived, she was welcomed by a cloche covering something. She took off the cloche and saw a plate of sausages and pancakes with a note beside it.
Had to go to work early. Eat well, Princess. Enjoy your day!
Ginny smiled widely at Amanda's thoughtfulness before she started eating the delicious breakfast Amanda cooked for her. She finished quick and washed the dishes. Ginny put the note in her phone and she was surprised when she was met by an owl at the window. She took the letter from him and to her surprise, the letter was for Amanda. Though she was a little confused about why Williamson did not give it to Amanda herself, Ginny smiled and wrote a quick note for the owl to send to Amanda.
Thank you for the breakfast!
"This is for Amanda Lewis. The two letters." The owl hooted before flying away. Ginny sighed before she got up and started to get ready for the day. She wondered why she asked the owl to bring the note when she could have done it herself, but she just sighed before finishing up. Ginny stayed at their flat for a few moments waiting for a sign of the owl. Whenever she and Amanda would exchange notes, it would only take a few moments before one replied, but 5 minutes turned into 30, and Ginny decided that it was time to go. Before she went to Quidditch practice, she Apparated to the Ministry for hope to see if Amanda was there since she still had an hour to spare before practice would start.
Ginny saw that there were only a few people in the Ministry, but it was still 7 in the morning so that was expected. She started walking around though she did not know exactly where she was going. She hoped that she could bump into Hermione or Luna too since those two came to work early as well.
Ginny was surprised though when she saw from a distance Amanda was sitting down at one of the benches. She may have had her back turned on Ginny, but Ginny knew that shade of brown hair was her best friend's. She approached Amanda slowly and to her surprise, the older girl was busy reading a book. Amanda said she went to the Ministry early to work.
As she arrived behind the older girl, Ginny cleared her throat to take her attention, but Amanda seemed too busy with reading her book. She frowned when she saw her note and Williamson's letter was at her side. Why didn't she reply? Ginny sat down beside her, waiting for her to finish her book while reading her own papers. After a few minutes passed by, Ginny turned to see Amanda sighing deeply, and she saw that she was already finished with her book.
"Had a good book?" Ginny's question made Amanda jump in her seat.
"Merlin's beard! You–" Amanda stopped talking because she saw that Ginny was sitting right beside her. "Ginny! You're going to cause me death if you sneak up on me like that."
"It seems like you were too busy with your book." Ginny shrugged before mumbling to herself. "You didn't even send a note back."
"What are you doing here anyways?" Amanda checked the clock on the wall. "It's 7:30, and your practice starts at 8."
"And I thought you were working early?" Ginny raised an eyebrow at her.
Amanda just looked away from her. "And I'm busy."
Ginny scoffed at the answer. "With reading?"
Amanda clenched her fists because the only reason why she went to the Ministry early was because she wanted to avoid Ginny. Their deal was about to end, and avoiding Ginny was the best thing to do for the both of them. Out of all the days, Ginny just had to come to the Ministry now. Amanda stood up quickly which surprised Ginny. Ginny was about to say something when Amanda cut her off.
"I have to go! Er, I need to go help with the Magical Creatures." Amanda waved at her before running off somewhere. Ginny just sat there with wide eyes, wondering what just happened. She sighed before making her way out of the Ministry. There was a reason why Amanda never took Care of Magical Creatures. It was because she hated it.
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Ginny may have been an idiot, but even her idiocy has its limits. She knew that Amanda had been acting unusual ever since she said she had to help with Magical Creatures when Ginny knew she wouldn't have anything to do with them as long as she could. Luckily, their Quidditch practice finished early so she had time to go to the Ministry.
"Ada?" Ginny tapped the older girl on the shoulder.
Amanda's eyes widened. "Gin? W-Why are you here again? Don't you have practice?"
"We finished early. Can I come with you?" Ginny said hopefully.
Amanda hesitated before nodding. "Come on then." The two of them walked silently to Amanda's office, and Ginny hated how quiet it was. Amanda was a quiet person, but not with Ginny. She wouldn't miss an opportunity to annoy Ginny, but she was just too quiet right now.
As they sat inside Amanda's empty office, Ginny knew then there was something wrong with Amanda. She looked so lost in thought as if thinking of something bad, and Ginny wanted to know what it was. It made Ginny feel awkward that it was too quiet. And Amanda was not even doing her work. She kept on reading some letters that did not look like they were from the Ministry.
'I thought of the possibility of him being with another person, and damn, just the thought of it broke my heart.' Ginny remembered Harry's words and she felt her stomach drop. Was it possible? Did she possibly like someone else? Ginny had to know so she tapped Amanda on the shoulder.
"Ada, is everything all right?" Ginny asked worriedly.
Amanda's eyes softened at the worry before she smiled reassuringly at her roommate. She turned back to her papers when someone suddenly knocked on the door. Both of them looked up to see that Williamson was at the door.
"Good afternoon, Sir." Amanda stood up and shook his hand.
"Please, Lewis. I told you to call me Roland." Williamson chuckled before turning to Ginny. "I see you have a visitor. Roland Williamson, pleasure to meet you."
"Ginny Weasley. It's a pleasure as well." Ginny shook his hand.
"Oh, the famous Ginny Weasley?" Williamson smirked when the two girls blushed. "Do you mind if I take Lewis for a bit? I need to talk to her about a few things."
"S-Sure." Ginny said, still blushing at the thought that Amanda talked about her to her workmates. Amanda glanced at her with a soft smile before following Williamson out of the room. Ginny wondered why Williamson sent her a letter then talked to her once more. Was it because Amanda was a good Auror? She just shook her head and turned back to the Quidditch magazine in front of her.
After 20 minutes, Ginny got tired of the magazine and to her surprise, Amanda was still outside. She was about to stand up to look for her best friend when the door suddenly opened and Amanda came in without Williamson with mixed emotions on her face. She did not even glance at Ginny, sitting down beside the Chaser without a word. As Amanda looked into the space blankly, Ginny's worry for her rose. Was she having problems with work? Was that why Williamson kept on contacting her?
"Ada? Are you really all right?" Ginny reached out and touched her hand softly.
Amanda shook herself out of her thoughts and stared back into Ginny's gaze of concern. She smiled softly, hoping Ginny would be convinced she was fine. "I'm hungry, Gin. Let's eat at Alicia's?"
Ginny checked the time on the wall before nodding. It was lunchtime after all. She fixed up her stuff and just as she was about to ask if Amanda was good, she saw Amanda looking at the letters again.
"Ada?" Ginny called out again.
Amanda stuffed the letters into her bag and smiled at Ginny. "Yeah, I'm good. Just hungry. Let's go?"
"Sure." Ginny watched Amanda with concern before she just sighed and Apparated out of the Ministry with the Auror. Maybe, she was just hungry?
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Sure, Amanda would act unusual just because she was hungry. Ginny honestly felt like a fool for thinking that hunger was the reason for Amanda's behavior. They arrived at Alicia's diner where they were greeted by Lee and surprisingly George. Amanda's eyes widened when she saw her best friend there, thinking he would be in the joke shop by that time.
"Why so surprised?" George asked teasingly, wrapping an arm around Amanda. "My dear sister didn't even flinch and you go on looking like a eagle caught in the headlights."
Amanda rolled her eyes and pushed him away. "I don't even know why. You slacker." Ginny laughed at the banter between the two.
"Dear Lee. I knew our dear Ada missed us." George laughed and ruffled the smaller girl's hair.
"Of course, the dear eagle can't last a week without seeing us, dear George." Lee played along with him.
"That's enough, Georgie."
"Lee Jordan."
Amanda and Ginny saw that Alicia and Angelina were behind the two all along. The two boys exchanged glances before shutting up. They knew that they could be sleeping on the couches if they didn't do as they said. Amanda laughed loudly at the smitten boys.
Lee led them to a table and ordered for them, saying that they had the special lunch meals up for the day. Ginny was happy that Amanda was talking to her, but she noticed that the older girl didn't have her heart in the conversation unlike the previous times. It worried Ginny so much and she was just about to ask her what was wrong when the food arrived.
It had been 10 minutes since they started eating, and usually, Amanda would have finished her food by now, but she wasn't even taking huge spoons like she usually would. She was just looking out the window and moving food around with her fork. Ginny thought it was time to ask what was wrong.
"Ada." But Amanda did not respond, she was still looking out the window, drowning in her thoughts.
"Amanda." Ginny called out a little louder, but still no response.
"Amanda Faye." Ginny reached out for Amanda's hands. At the contact, she was brought back to reality, but it made Amanda jump in her seat and knock the drink on her right. The juice spilled on Ginny.
"Bloody hell. I'm so sorry, Gin." Amanda stood up and looked at the mess. Ginny stood up and held in her curses. Her white pants were stained with the red juice. Of all the days...
"I'm so sorry, Gin. I really didn't mean to." Amanda repeated her apologies, feeling guilty at ruining Ginny's pants.
Ginny smiled reassuringly at Amanda. "I'm fine, Ada. I don't have practice after this. Don't worry about me."
When Amanda still looked guilty, Ginny sighed and stood up. "I'll just go to the comfort room."
Amanda could only nod and watch her go. She looked at the mess in front of her, still standing up.
"Ada, are you okay? You don't look well." Amanda turned around and saw Lee there behind her. Lee smiled softly. "Just take a seat, will you? I can clean this up."
"Thank you, Lee." Amanda mumbled before sitting down with a sigh. She just had too much on her mind. The deal with Ginny, her duties as an Auror, everything was on her mind. She couldn't be herself with all those thoughts running through her mind no matter how much she tried to.
"Amanda, pull yourself together." George sat down beside her with a frown.
Amanda's eyes widened at him. "What do you mean?"
"Did you think you could hide it from us?" George scoffed.
"W-What?" Amanda's heart dropped. She understood immediately what he was talking about. "How did you–"
"We heard it from Percy." George cut her off. He felt sorry for his best friend. She did not deserve all the pain she had been going through, and whatever she was about to face, George just hoped she could take it.
"Who knows?" Amanda asked immediately. It was fine as long as Ginny didn't know.
"Just Percy, Lee and I." George said softly. "I told them to keep it from everyone, and Percy seemed to understand why."
"Thank you, you two. And thank Percy too for me." Amanda said quietly. Lee finished up cleaning the mess with a gentle smile at Amanda. He too heard from Percy about it, and he knew Amanda was the type of person who hated being scolded and such so he did not say a word and let his two friends speak.
George glanced at Lee before giving Amanda a tight hug, knowing she wanted some time to herself. "Please, Ada. I hope you made the right choice for your sake, and not for anyone else's."
Amanda just nodded and felt George squeeze her hand before he and Lee walked away from her. She did hope too, they didn't know how much she hoped that she made the right decision as well. No one ever forced her to make that decision, but it was something she needed to do.
Amanda sighed once more before she decided to go to the comfort room to check on Ginny. She knocked on the door before entering and locking it. She was met by the sight of Ginny, trying to fix the mess on her pants.
"Gin." Amanda mumbled with a tone of guilt.
"Hey, Ada." Ginny smiled at her before trying to fix her pants again. Amanda sighed before taking out her wand and helping out with cleaning Ginny's pants. It was the whole glass of juice so it was quite the mess. Ginny watched Amanda help her and saw the guilt on the older girl's face, but Ginny knew there was something else to it. Ginny wanted to know what was happening to her best friend.
"Ada." Ginny said softly, but Amanda didn't look at her and continued cleaning the stain on the pants. "Amanda Faye, look at me." Amanda gave no sign that she heard, and she just continued on doing her job.
"Amanda, look at me." Ginny said firmly and held Amanda's wrist. "What's happening to you?"
Amanda looked at Ginny and saw the worry on her roommate's face. Amanda just sighed and shook her head, gently removing Ginny's hold on her wrist. "It's nothing. Just let me clean this, okay?" Ginny felt her face going red from anger from the older girl's reply. Did Amanda think she was blind? She took a step back and pocketed her wand.
"What do you mean nothing?" Ginny raised her voice. "Do you think I haven't noticed? You haven't been yourself the whole day!"
"I'm just stressed with work. It's nothing to worry about." Amanda said calmly. Ginny glared at her, making Amanda slap herself in her mind. She really made Ginny mad this time for her to glare at Amanda like that.
"That's a bloody lie. You weren't yourself even at work a while ago!" Ginny let out a scoff. "And we both know it. It's not just stress with work."
Amanda stared at the ground for a few moments before simply shrugging her shoulders. "I don't know. Look, let me clean it up. Just one last spell will clean it." She started forward, pointing her wand to Ginny's pants.
"Amanda, please. Look at me." Ginny whispered softly, pleading with everything she had. At the sound, Amanda couldn't stop herself from looking up, and when she met Ginny's gaze and saw the confusion and worry in them, she couldn't hold it in anymore.
"Ada... Are you okay?" Ginny said, all the worry she had seeping into her voice. As her eyes locked with Amanda's, she could see just how much pain her best friend was in. It was like the pain could have killed her, and Ginny felt like Amanda was asking her for help. For something, but she didn't know what she needed. Ginny didn't even know why she asked that question when she knew the older girl wasn't okay, but maybe what she needed was for Amanda to admit it.
"Can I kiss you?" Amanda whispered softly, but Ginny wasn't even able to answer because Amanda had already taken one last step towards her and crashed her lips on Ginny's. Amanda moved closer, making Ginny take a step back and feel the sink against her back.
Due to her surprise, Ginny just stood there for a moment before responding to Amanda's kiss and holding the Auror's shoulders for support. It was a harsh and sloppy kiss, and Ginny felt a hint of anger in it. It was so unlike their kiss the previous night, so unlike Amanda, and Ginny had no doubt then that Amanda had a problem.
Amanda stopped and pulled away suddenly, both of them panting for air. She looked down when she realized what she had done. Ginny frowned at that and squeezed Amanda's shoulders.
"Ada. Are you okay?" Ginny asked softly. She was surprised when Amanda shook her head to answer her. Amanda wrapped her arms around Ginny's waist and hugged her tight.
"Ada-" Ginny cut herself off because she heard a heartbreaking sob come from Amanda. As Amanda's body shook with the sobs she tried to hold in, Ginny reached out and wrapped her own arms around Amanda's neck, rubbing the older girl's back to comfort her. She did not know why Amanda was crying, and she didn't know what to do, but Amanda needed her, and Ginny would be there.
"You've got me, Ada." Ginny said gently. "We're going to be fine." Amanda sobbed even harder at her words, and she tightened her hold on Ginny. Ginny just noticed that she herself was crying and quickly wiped her tears away, wanting to be strong for Amanda.
Ginny hugged Amanda tighter and whispered softly. "Everything's going to be fine." She kissed Amanda's jaw gently and did that repeatedly for the next 10 minutes. Ginny tried to comfort the Ravenclaw, and Amanda held on tight to the Gryffindor, knowing what was about to happen. No matter how much Ginny wanted to know what was bothering Amanda, she wouldn't ask. Asking would push Amanda away, and so, she just let Amanda cry. She just whispered sweet nothings into Amanda's ear, not knowing how much they actually meant to Amanda.
Amanda finally calmed down and pulled away from Ginny. She looked at Ginny's shoulder. "I'm–"
"If you apologize, I'm going to hex you." Ginny said warningly.
Amanda chuckled at that before she let out a sigh. "Thank you."
"You look like a messy eagle." Ginny said teasingly. Amanda shook her head in amusement before looking at herself in the mirror. She indeed looked like a mother eagle who went through the trees. She washed herself up quickly, and when she was good, she glanced behind her and saw Ginny waiting for her. Amanda smiled at her roommate before opening the door and letting Ginny go first.
As they arrived at their table, they saw their unfinished meals and left it there since none of them were hungry anymore. Amanda took her wallet out to pay when Lee shook his head. "It's on the house, and you can take this out." He handed a plastic bag to Ginny.
Amanda sighed at him. "What do you–"
"No protests, Amanda." Alicia called out from behind the counter.
Amanda saw her four friends glaring at her. She glared back at them before she sighed. "Thank you." Ginny watched them with an amused smile. They got ready to leave and thanked the two couples.
While Amanda was talking with Lee, Alicia and Angelina, George suddenly went to Ginny and hugged her quickly. He whispered. "Take care of her." Ginny was about to ask what he meant when he pulled away. Just as they were about to go, someone grabbed Amanda's wrist.
Amanda turned around to see George with a frown on his face. "It's not too late, Ada." Ginny watched them with curiosity. Did her brother know what the problem was with Amanda? Is that why he asked her to take care of Ada? She was about to ask George about it when Amanda clasped her hand around Ginny's wrist, and they Apparated out of the diner.
Ginny glanced at Amanda who walked to her room immediately as they arrived at their flat. She sighed before pointing her wand at her pants and cleaning up the last stain, leaving them good as new. She put the food in the refrigerator before she went to the living room with a sigh.
It was too quiet, and she did want to check on Amanda but she realized that Amanda might be too tired so she just turned on the television. But when there wasn't anything good to watch, she realized there was someone she could ask if Amanda was all right. Ginny took a coat and Apparated to Eliza and Hermione's flat. To her glee, Eliza was there on the counter with her back to Ginny.
Eliza jumped and fell out of her seat and looked back to see Ginny there. "Ginny? What are you doing here?"
"Sorry about that." Ginny said apologetically, helping the girl out. "I just wanted to ask something."
Eliza nodded. "Ask away."
"Does Amanda have a problem?"
Hearing Ginny's question, Eliza froze for a few seconds before she quickly composed herself and shrugged. "Why?"
"She wasn't herself the whole day." Ginny let out a sigh. "She was spacing out, and she couldn't even do her work well."
Eliza's eyes widened at that. Amanda was the type of person to continue working despite feeling stressed or exhausted. "Maybe she's just thinking about something? Stress with work, perhaps?"
"But she cried today." Ginny frowned at her. "I'm worried about her, Eliza." She saw how Eliza's face fell then, and she knew it wasn't just stress.
Eliza stared at Ginny for a few moments before sighing. "It's not my place to tell you, Gin. All we can do is to be there for her and wait for her."
Ginny frowned at her answer before nodding in defeat. "Thank you, Eli. I'll do what I can."
"I know you will, Gin." Eliza hugged her tight and smiled sadly as Ginny Apparated out of the flat. What was wrong with Amanda?
Ginny sighed when she arrived and turned the television back on. Eliza's response didn't help answer her question. It just confused Ginny even more. So, George knew, Eliza knew, and maybe, even Jason knew. Ginny felt even more confused by this than all the O.W.L.s she had taken, but her worry for Amanda pushed her to do everything she could to help.
Suddenly, Ginny heard loud voices from Amanda's room.
"Look, I said, I'll do it, sir." It was Amanda's voice. Who was she talking to?
"I just want to make sure, Lewis." Ginny's eyes widened. She recognized that voice from the morning. It was Williamson.
"But I am sure, sir." Amanda let out a sigh. "I'm not backing out of it. No matter what."
"I'm just concerned, Amanda," said Williamson with worry. "You – "
"You don't have to worry, Head Auror Williamson. Just let me do this." Amanda said with pleading.
Ginny wondered what that was about. There was silence for a few moments before Williamson sighed. "Okay, Lewis. Thank you."
"Thank you too, sir." Amanda said apologetically. "And I'm sorry for the tone of my voice."
"It's fine. I'll see you tonight, Amanda."
Ginny was confused about what she heard. Why would Williamson come to their flat for Amanda? Then, she heard the pop of Apparition and looked back at the television when she heard the sound of Amanda's door opening. She hoped her roommate wouldn't notice that she heard some part of their conversation. Amanda went to the kitchen for a glass of water, and Ginny heard her muttering to herself. She turned around to look at Amanda who was frowning.
"Ada, do you want to play Cluedo?" Ginny asked her.
Amanda looked at Ginny before motioning to the television with her head. "Aren't you going to watch? Notting Hill's on."
"Notting Hill can wait. I just want to play Cluedo." Ginny simply said.
Amanda hesitated at the suddenness before asking Ginny once more. "Do you really want to? That's your favorite."
"I think someone's too scared to lose again." Ginny said teasingly. Amanda rolled her eyes and laughed before setting up their game and handing Ginny a notepad.
"You'll be buying dinner." Amanda said teasingly.
Ginny rolled her eyes. "Ready your wallet, Ada, because you're losing again today." But the truth was Ginny was playing because she wanted to help Amanda loosen up a bit, and she knew Cluedo was what the older girl enjoyed the most.
After a few hours, Ginny found herself enjoying the game especially when she defeated the frowning Amanda for more than 10 times though the older girl wouldn't admit it if you asked her. They teased each other and playful punches were thrown, courtesy of Ginny.
Amanda smiled softly at Ginny who was focused on her notepad because some of the stress she had been feeling the entire day had been relieved from her, and Amanda knew that the reason why Ginny wanted to play was because she was worried for Amanda, and she knew that Ginny wanted to know what was bothering Amanda, but Amanda couldn't tell her because Ginny was part of the reason why she wasn't herself.
"Thank you," said Amanda softly as she put down the notepad and Ginny won once more.
Ginny just smiled and bumped shoulders with her. "What is the problem, Ada?" She hoped this time, Amanda would finally tell her.
"Just..." Amanda sighed before sitting up and looking at Ginny straight in the eyes. "Gin, I want you to tell me the truth."
Ginny was surprised at the seriousness of the Auror before she sat up. "What is it?"
"Is there a possibility..." Amanda started softly. "Any possibility at all that we could be something more than best friends?"
Ginny's eyes widened at the question. She didn't know what to say. And she was hoping to get an answer, but this question... This question messed her mind up even more. Was that Amanda's problem all along? Her relationship with Ginny? And she may have discovered some feelings she never knew she had, but she still wasn't sure. She didn't know if she and Amanda could be more than best friends. And she didn't want to answer, but she saw Amanda sitting in front of her with a smile on her face.
"I-I'm so sorry," said Ginny softly. "I don't know, Ada. I-I'm sorry." She looked down to avoid Amanda's gaze. Amanda did her best to keep the smile on her face though she was breaking inside. She didn't even know why she hoped for a different answer. She didn't know why she even asked when she knew that was the answer all along.
Amanda chuckled and leaned in close and cupped Ginny's face, making the younger girl look into her eyes. Amanda smiled softly before she mumbled. "I'm going to kiss you, Gin."
Ginny's heart was beating so hard and fast, but her heart broke a little at the hint of hurt in Amanda's voice. And Amanda leaned in closer, and they kissed. And everything faded away. Everything but her and Amanda.
Every kiss she and Amanda shared was different. The first they shared was full of longing and excitement like the fulfillment of a dream after years of waiting, and their kiss the previous night was Amanda herself. Soft and gentle, a hint of intensity. The kiss they shared in the bathroom was harsh, and it had a hint of anger. It was like that kiss of theirs was the last they would have.
And every kiss they shared conveyed the feelings the Ravenclaw had been feeling at the moment yet this kiss was different. It was complicated just like how Ginny's feelings were. Amanda was kissing her softly, but she was hugging Ginny tight. She was caressing Ginny's face with gentleness, but her other hand clenched Ginny's shirt.
And Amanda pulled away gently like she always was with Ginny. It was a different kiss. It was short, but there was something in the way Amanda looked at her that struck Ginny's heart. Her eyes held something to them, something that Ginny needed to know, but the fact that she didn't know what it was frustrated Ginny so much. Amanda was telling her right now what was bothering her, but Ginny just couldn't understand.
Amanda sat up and smiled softly. Ginny was still staring at Amanda when the Ravenclaw went down to the floor. Amanda fixed the board game and turned the volume up a bit.
Amanda glanced at Ginny. "I have to go to work in a few minutes. I'll get ready." And as she stood up, she looked back at the quiet Ginny.
"Gin?" Ginny looked up at the call of her name. "Forget what I asked, will you?" Amanda smiled before entering her room and leaving Ginny in the living room. Ginny was silent because everything was running through her mind. Their deal, their kiss, the look in Amanda's eyes, Amanda's sudden question... It couldn't be about the deal. Their deal couldn't have stressed her that much. And George knew something.
Amanda's door opened, making Ginny look up at her. Amanda smiled softly at Ginny. "I'll be up late so do not wait up. I love you, Gin." Amanda Apparated out of the flat with that.
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"Auror Dawlish," said Amanda in surprise when the door opened to reveal the senior Auror.
Dawlish smiled before coming in. He looked at Amanda seriously. "Are you sure about the offer, Lewis?"
"I am, Auror Dawlish." Amanda said with a smile. "I have to."
"You're really brave, Lewis." Dawlish said softly. "I could never compare to half the Auror you are."
"Don't say that." Amanda frowned. "You are a great Auror."
"Thank you... Amanda," said Dawlish, grinning at her. "Do your friends know about it?"
"Just some." Amanda looked down at her papers. Dawlish sighed before holding his hand out. Amanda was surprised before shaking his hand.
"It was nice working with you, Amanda Lewis."
"It's been a pleasure, Barnaby Dawlish." Amanda smiled widely at him. Dawlish chuckled and he was about to go out when he remembered something.
"Oh, right." Dawlish turned back and placed a coffee on Amanda's table. "Here, coffee. It could be the last one you'll ever get for me."
Amanda's eyes widened before she chuckled. "Thank you, Dawlish." Dawlish waved before he went out and closed the door. Amanda looked up at the wall with a sad smile. It was 11:59 PM. One more day, one more kiss.
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We're down to the last day of the deal! It has been an incredible 20 days for Ginny and Ada, feelings have bloomed and lines have been blurred. However, will the two ever be together with Ginny's continuous denial and Amanda's mysterious offer? I hope you are all excited to see what happens next! Thank you for reading and for all the comments, votes and support. I appreciate you all :)
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