day 16, 15/20 kisses
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Ginny woke up with swollen eyes the next morning. And even if she didn't want to get up yet, she did so, remembering it was Sunday and they had their weekly meetings at the Burrow. Hermione told her that Molly herself would come and get Ginny if she still didn't come.
Ginny hesitantly went out of her room, and a frown made its way onto her eyes because there was no sign of Amanda. She peeked into the older girl's room and saw that it was all cleaned up. With disappointment, she went on her way and to her surprise, there was food on the table with a note.
Eat well.
Though she was a little hurt at the shortness of the note, she knew that it was her fault in the first place as to why Amanda was acting like that, but a small smile made its way onto her face because Amanda still showed she cared even if Ginny was an arse and hurt her so much.
After eating, Ginny washed up quickly and Apparated to the Burrow. She knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds. The door swung open to reveal Molly Weasley with a big smile on her face.
"Ginevra! It's been so long." Molly hugged her daughter tight before letting her into the house. "How have you been?"
"I've been good, Mum." Ginny smiled weakly at her.
Molly frowned when she noticed the bags under Ginny's eyes, but she just smiled and patted Ginny's cheek. "Now, come in. They're all waiting for you." Ginny followed her into the living room and went on hugging everyone. Even Percy and his wife Audrey were there, but there was no sign at all of Amanda and surprisingly, Harry. Ginny went back to her mother's side after, not really in the mood to talk with the others.
"Amanda stopped by earlier." Molly said, watching Ginny's reaction. "She apologized for not being able to come because she had work, and I think Harry has work too."
"Oh." That was the only thing Ginny could say because she felt disappointment more on how her family saw Amanda and she didn't. Molly smiled at Ginny's reaction, wondering why it took her so long to realize before ushering her to her seat. Hopefully, her daughter would accept her feelings for Amanda soon before that deal of theirs would end.
"Hey, Neville?" Ginny sat down beside him.
"Yes, Gin? What is it?" Neville asked curiously.
"Does Amanda usually have work during these days?" Ginny didn't really know why the older girl seemed to have work all the time and why she didn't seem to have much days off.
"Well, she doesn't. But she chooses to work." When Ginny looked confused, Neville chuckled and started explaining. "Amanda is the type of person who would choose to work instead of resting. I mean, you would too if you want to catch all the remaining Death Eaters, wouldn't you? Ever since, being an Auror has been her dream, and she wants to give everything she has in being an Auror. It's her passion, Ginny."
Ginny just nodded in understanding. She never thought of it like that because for her, Quidditch was a passion and something she did for fun, but for Amanda, being an Auror was everything. A soft smile made its way onto her face because of the selflessness and dedication of her best friend.
Neville nudged Luna and whispered to her. "She's falling, isn't she?"
"You'd be an idiot if didn't think so." Luna whispered back.
"Who's falling?" Ron suddenly asked. Neville and Luna shared amused glances. There was a common trait in the Weasleys. Obliviousness.
"No one, love, just me." Luna kissed him on the cheek. "I'm falling more and more for you every day."
Ron grinned and pecked her on the lips. "I love you."
"I love you too."
As Luna and Ron shared another kiss, Neville grumbled under his breath. "Why does Hannah have to be in Romania?"
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"Everyone, I have an announcement to make." Ron suddenly stood up as they were eating dinner. All of them stopped eating and looked at Ron, all their attention on him. Ron glanced at his wife nervously. Luna smiled encouragingly at him and nodded, telling him it was time to tell his family about it.
"I've decided to resign from the Auror office and help out in the joke shop." Silence followed Ron's words and he looked at his wide-eyed family, nervous at their silence. Luna just smiled at him once more and squeezed his hand under the table. Ron intertwined their fingers and squeezed her hand back.
George stood up and gave him a tight hug. "Welcome to Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, Ronniekins."
"My boys!" Molly burst into tears and hugged Ron and George tight. "You'll do a very fine job, I'm sure of it. I'm so proud of you two." Soon, all the Weasleys joined into the hug while the others stood from the side with smiles on their faces. All of them were thinking of the same thing. Fred would be so happy and so proud up there, knowing that his brothers were together and doing the one thing he always dreamed of doing.
As soon as they finished dinner, Hermione, Eliza, Luna, Neville, Fleur, Angelina and Audrey went home, giving some time for the Weasleys to be together. All of the Weasleys stayed, wanting to celebrate the news.
"You've made the right decision, Ron." Arthur patted him on the back. "Fred would really be proud of you and happy too."
"He's smiling down at us up there, Dad." Ginny said softly, smiling around at all of them. "I know he's watching us and probably saying something like 'Ickle Ronniekins wants to work at the joke shop, eh?'"
Ginny's impression of Fred made them all laugh loudly. Molly looked around at her children who were joking around and wrapped an arm around Arthur, who stood beside her. "We're complete again, Arthur. The Weasleys are complete."
"And we'll never be incomplete again." Arthur kissed Molly on the top of her head before they started ushering their children to sleep. Ginny laughed loudly as she stomped on her way to her room. It was just like the old days indeed.
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"Ginevra!" The door to Ginny's room swung open and all her brothers came in, holding a pack of Exploding Snap and Treacle Tarts.
Ginny let out a groan though there was a smile on her face. "What are you four doing here?"
"Just want to talk with our little sister. Why?" George raised an eyebrow at her.
"Get in then. These gits." Ginny rolled her eyes and mumbled. Her four older brothers just chuckled before they settled down and sat in a circle.
"So, what is the latest news between you and Fleur, Bill?" Ron suddenly asked. And they started discussing their family lives with their respective partners while playing Exploding Snap. It turned out Percy and Audrey were having a daughter soon, and Bill and Fleur were having their second. Ron and Luna were trying to have a child. Ron wanted to have a daughter while Luna wanted a son. And George and Angelina were trying to have their own as well.
"And what's going on with you and Amanda, Ginny?" Percy asked. Ginny's face fell at the memory of last night. The Weasley brothers exchanged glances. Something must have happened, and they had to find out what did happen.
Bill squeezed her shoulder comfortingly. "You can tell us, Ginny. We're your brothers after all." Ginny lifted her head and saw them all smiling encouragingly at her. She told them about everything that happened though she left out a few... intimate details. They were all surprised as they listened, but that was because of two things. First, Amanda was incredibly stupid. They thought she would have thought more of herself when she offered this deal. Second, they didn't expect that their own sister would be falling for her best friend.
"Are you sure you haven't fallen for her yet?" Bill asked slowly.
Ginny hesitated before shaking her head. "I haven't, Bill. I'm sure. And I don't think I'm going to fall for her." The words left a wrong taste in her mouth that she didn't understand. Why did saying those words make her feel like she shouldn't have said them at all?
George frowned at her. "I am your brother, Gin, but I am also Ada's best friend. I just hope none of you would be hurt by the end of this deal."
"I know. I don't want to hurt her." Ginny looked down sadly. "But I already did."
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Amanda was writing another report, just having come back from her patrols. After she signed the papers last night, she felt like she needed to give everything she had to her job. She needed to dedicate herself to being an Auror, and she also needed something to distract herself from what happened the previous day. The fact that Ginny wanted to stop their deal hurt her too much that she did the thing she thought was best to do. Avoid the younger girl.
"Lewis? Are you sure you'll be fine?" Dawlish picked up his bag and looked back at the writing Auror with worry. "You haven't eaten lunch yet, and it's almost midnight."
"I'll be fine, Auror Dawlish. Thank you." Amanda looked up at him and smiled appreciatively.
"Merlin, Lewis. You work too hard." Dawlish let out a sigh and smiled back. "I'll get going now. Good night."
"Good night, Dawlish." Amanda waved back at him. When the door closed, she put down her quill and stretched. She was all alone now in the office, and she pondered on the paper she signed the last night. She thought hard about it, and the events of last night pushed her to make her decision. Amanda started thinking. Did she make the right choice? Was it really worth it? But then again, she remembered what happened with Ginny, and that made her think that she was right in what she did.
A knock on her door made her took up and to her surprise, Harry was there with cups of coffee in hand. "Good evening, Ada."
"Harry, it's good to see you." Amanda smiled at him and took the coffee he offered. "Thank you, I needed this."
"You've been working nonstop." Harry said worriedly. "Aren't you going to rest for at least a bit?"
Amanda pondered on it before nodding. "I could take a few minutes." She stretched and grinned at him. "How are you and Jason?"
"We're doing good." Harry smiled softly at the thought of the older Ravenclaw. "I was actually worried at first. That he wouldn't accept me because I knew there was some part of him that was still in love with Fred. And that part of him would always love Fred, but... he loves me too. And I'm so grateful you did introduce us, Ada. I honestly can't thank you enough."
"Just take care of each other, Harry." Amanda sipped her coffee. "That's how you can thank me. You two are perfect for each other."
Harry turned to her with his eyes lighting up. "Do you think so?"
"I know so." Amanda chuckled and ruffled his hair.
Harry grinned back at her before his eyes turned worried. "Did you really accept the offer, Ada? You know it's dangerous."
"But it's our job, Harry. We have to do what we have to." Amanda smiled reassuringly at him. "How did you know about it anyways? You guys from the other divisions aren't supposed to know."
"I may have overheard?" The two of them laughed loudly at that.
Amanda looked at him seriously. "I want you to keep this a secret between us. Don't tell anyone. Not Ron or Hermione or Eliza or the Weasleys. And especially not Ginny."
Harry looked confused at her request before nodding. "Can I tell Jace? I can't keep a secret from him."
Amanda hesitated before sighing. "Just tell him not to tell anyone."
"Tell who what?" The two Aurors jumped in surprise because Jason was there at the door with a confused expression on his face.
"Good evening, love." Harry stood up and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek. "I'll tell you about it when we get home."
"Okay?" Jason was still confused before he nodded anyways. "I just came to pick up my boyfriend. I hope you don't mind, Ada."
"Please, take him away." Amanda chuckled at the couple. "I know you two are going to have a busy night anyways." The two boys blushed at her comment. "Good night, Jace, Harry. I'll see you when I see you."
"Night, Ada." Harry and Jason waved to her before going out of the office. Amanda just chuckled and continued writing on her parchment when an owl came to her window. It was Pigwidgeon.
Our flat. Tomorrow. 8 AM.
Hermione Jean Granger
Amanda just let out a sigh before continuing to write her report. She was in for a long day tomorrow.
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