day 15, 15/20 kisses
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After that awkward ride, Amanda just dropped Ginny off while she returned the car to her cousin. Ginny couldn't sleep that night and it was only when she heard the sound of Amanda's door closing that she finally drifted off to sleep. She woke up at 10 in the morning and knew that Amanda was probably at work already.
Ginny yawned before going out of the room and she saw there was a note with a picture on it. She chuckled at the picture of Amanda and her cousin, Daphne. Ginny knew Daphne. She was one of the kinder Slytherins in Ron's year. She read the note that came with it.
Good morning. Daph just wanted to say hi. I love you, darling.
Ginny had a wide smile on her face as she took the picture off her door and lay down on the couch. She remembered everything that had happened the previous day. Amanda. Amanda who kept on saying she was beautiful in every dress she tried. Amanda who kept on insisting on carrying the bags even if it exhausted her so much. Amanda who looked like a monster as she ate 5 plates of steak for herself. Amanda who was so excited when they looked for a restaurant for crepes.
Then, Ginny frowned when she remembered how Amanda was laughing with the girl from the store yesterday. Was it Emmy? Or Ella? Ginny could care less, but she just knew she wanted to forget the memory of Amanda laughing with someone else, the thought of it, making Ginny's stomach drop.
Ginny looked back at the picture and laughed because Amanda was looking so done with Daphne who was grinning at the camera. "She could have smiled at least." Ginny stood up and went to the table and to her surprise, there was another picture there with a note.
Eat well, darling.
Ginny picked up the picture and felt her cheeks warm at the picture of the smiling Amanda. She looked absolutely beautiful, and she didn't know why her heart started speeding up. Amanda always smiled at her, but why was her heart reacting differently this time? And Ginny knew she had to talk to someone about it. She needed someone sensible who thought before she acted, the one who could talk to her in a straightforward manner. She needed Hermione Granger.
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"Eli, I really need to go cook." Hermione sighed because her fiancée had wrapped her arms around her and would not let go. "And you need to go to work."
"Nice try, Mione." Eliza mumbled against the taller girl's neck making Hermione shiver at the contact. "You know I'm not letting go even if we starve."
"Eliza Lois." Hermione said warningly.
Eliza grinned at her and tightened her hold on Hermione. "You can cook like this, can't you?"
Hermione sighed again before turning around and raising an eyebrow at Eliza. "And if I burn you? Will-"
She was cut off because Eliza leaned in and shut her up with a kiss. Hermione was just about to kiss back when Eliza pulled away and leaned her forehead against Hermione's with a grin. "You really talk too much sometimes."
"You should shut up." Hermione crashed her lips against Eliza's, wrapping her arms around the older girl's neck. Eliza smiled into their kiss as she walked forward, making Hermione lean against the wall. The sound of someone clearing their throat made them pull away from each other, gasping for breath.
"That was... something I never thought I'd see in my life." Ginny smirked at the two panting and flustered girls.
"Hey, Ginny. W-When did you arrive?" Eliza stuttered and looked away from the amused redhead.
"Just in time to see you two kiss." Ginny chuckled at them before turning to Hermione. "Hey, Hermione, can I talk to you?"
Eliza and Hermione looked at each other in confusion before Eliza checked the time. "I have to go. See you, Gin. I'll bring back steak, love." She kissed Hermione on the cheek and patted Ginny on the shoulder before she Apparated out of their flat.
Hermione looked back at Ginny. "Do you want coffee or something?"
"No, I'm good. Amanda cooked me breakfast before she left." Ginny smiled softly at the thought of the girl.
Hermione noticed that but she just nodded and whipped up some coffee for herself. She sat down with Ginny on the couch. "So why do you need to talk to me? Is there a problem?"
Ginny's face fell before she nodded hesitantly. "There is. There is a problem."
"Yes, you do have a problem and what is it?" Hermione asked though she had an idea on what Ginny's problems were.
"You know already, Hermione. Do I even have to tell you?" Ginny sighed out of frustration. She glanced at Hermione to see the older Gryffindor raising an eyebrow at her. She mumbled softly. "I'm having problems about Amanda."
"What was that?" Hermione said with a bit of amusement in her tone.
Ginny glared at her before letting out another sigh. "I'm having problems about Amanda." She repeated in a louder voice.
"And thank you for finally admitting it." Hermione shook her head and stood up. "I'll just cook some brunch. I know I'm going to need it for this discussion."
While Hermione ate her food, Ginny poured everything out to Hermione. All the thoughts and feelings she had never felt with Amanda that she was suddenly feeling now. She told Hermione about everything that had happened so far. Everything that Amanda was doing for her, and how patient and caring Amanda was. Even their date the previous day though Ginny didn't go deep into the details. When she finished, she glanced at Hermione for her reaction. Hermione stared at her with an expression Ginny could not read.
"What do you think?" Ginny asked Hermione.
Hermione cleared her throat and sipped her coffee once more, thinking about how Amanda was such an idiot. She looked back at Ginny. "Don't get mad at me, okay? I'm trying to help you out. Do you see Amanda as your girlfriend?"
"W-What?" Ginny started coughing, her voice getting caught in her throat. Hermione handed her a glass of water that Ginny gulped down. When she was all good, she let out a sigh, not knowing the answer to the older Gryffindor's question. She had always seen the older girl as her best friend. Before meeting Harry, she never thought she could actually fall in love. "I don't know, Hermione."
"Okay then." Hermione nodded once. "But can you imagine your life without her?"
Ginny didn't hesitate in answering. "Amanda is not the type of person who comes and goes in life, Hermione. She's the type of person who stays in your life when she comes."
"Okay." Hermione nodded once more before crossing her arms. "Why don't you just tell what you're feeling for her?"
"And what exactly am I feeling for?" Ginny raised her eyebrow.
Hermione's eyebrow twitched at the obliviousness of her friend before she took in a deep breath. "I wonder why you haven't seen it yet. You're falling for Amanda Lewis, Gin."
"That's impossible." Ginny shook her head frantically.
"Really?" Hermione sighed and frowned at the standing girl. "Why can't you accept it? Why can't you accept that you're falling for her?"
"Because we both know it isn't true." Ginny scoffed and sat back down. "I think I'm only feeling like this because I was confused about my feelings for Harry and thought there was something I've been feeling for Ada. Yeah, that's probably it."
Hermione wanted nothing more than to smack the girl in front of her, feeling frustrated at how she was in denial, but she knew she couldn't because she couldn't just force Ginny to face her growing feelings for Amanda.
"Why won't you stop your deal then?" Hermione simply said. "If you really are still in love with Harry, Ada will get hurt. She would be broken if you don't continue."
Ginny looked down. "She won't listen when I bring it up."
"Does she even listen?" Hermione frowned and sipped her coffee once more.
"Talk to her, Hermione. Please." Ginny pleaded to her. "I don't want to her more than I already did. I don't want to lose my best friend."
Hermione's eyes widened slightly at how sad Ginny looked and thought the pair of roommates were such idiots. "You know she's stubborn, but I'll do what I can."
"Thank you." Ginny smiled weakly. "She's a little scared of you anyways." The two of them chuckled slightly. Ginny started reading one of the books on their table while Hermione washed the plates. She glanced at the reading Ginny and shook her head slightly. She knew someone would get hurt because of this deal. It was stupid, but none of them would be able to talk Amanda out of it. Amanda was too in love with Ginny to even care about the consequences.
Hermione turned off the water before walking back to Ginny. "How was Quidditch practice anyways?" The two of them talked about their respective works and the meeting at the Burrow tomorrow. Ginny remembered that Harry was coming and he would probably bring Jason but she quickly shook that thought out of her mind, continuing her conversation with Hermione. She would probably be fine... right?
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Ginny Apparated just outside their flat. It was already 11 in the evening when she and Hermione finished. Eliza had a night shift so Hermione was happy to have Ginny to talk. She entered their flat and was surprised when she felt hands on her waist and lips on hers.
Amanda pulled back and smiled softly at her roommate. "Good evening, darling. I missed you." She gave Ginny a tight hug and lifted her off the ground. Amanda put Ginny down before sitting back down at the couch. Ginny simply stared at the girl, still taken aback by Amanda's sudden welcome.
"How was your day? Was it good?" Amanda asked while still watching the movie.
"Yeah, I spent with Hermione." Ginny sat down beside Amanda. "What was with that anyways?"
"With what?" Amanda looked at her in confusion as she set down her popcorn.
"You know. That." Ginny said, staring into Amanda's eyes.
Amanda's mouth opened in realization before a mischievous smile made its way onto her face. "Did you like it? I can do it every time."
Ginny sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Please, Ada. I'm serious about this."
Amanda's face fell slightly before she turned back to her movie. "I just wanted to do something new." She glanced at Ginny before mumbling her next words. "And I wanted to try it. Just once." Understanding the Auror's mumbles, Ginny stared at her with her heart speeding up once more. She just hoped Amanda wouldn't move closer towards her or she could hear Ginny's loud heart. But a frown made its way onto Ginny's face when she remembered Hermione's words. She had to stop the deal at that moment. She had to stop the incoming heartbreak for her best friend.
Ginny cleared her throat. "Ada." Amanda just hummed in response, her eyes still on the movie. Ginny called her name again. "Amanda."
When Amanda did not reply, Ginny sighed and cupped Amanda's face, making Amanda's eyes stare into hers. "You need to listen to me."
Amanda got worried at how serious she was, wondering if she did something or if something happened earlier with Hermione. "Are you all right? Did I –"
"Let's stop our deal, Amanda." Ginny's words made Amanda freeze. "We need to stop it." Amanda just continued staring at her.
Ginny took in a deep breath, trying to think of the words to say. It was so much harder to do especially when she saw how Amanda looked so down right now. "Amanda, you have to listen to me. I should never have accepted this deal from the beginning. Both of us know you're going to get your heart broken. I know you're hurting, and I don't want to hurt you even more."
When Amanda started turning her head away, Ginny cupped her face once more and looked at her with pleading in her eyes. "Ada, please. Can't you think about yourself this time? I can't lose you. And I don't want to hurt you–"
"Do you hate the thought of falling in love with me that much?" Amanda asked quietly and looked down at the floor, shrugging Ginny's hold off her gently.
Ginny frowned and reached out a hand to hold her shoulder. "Amanda, it isn't like that, I–"
"But that's exactly what it is." Amanda raised her voice and stood up. She couldn't hold everything in anymore. Ginny's eyes widened at her reaction. Amanda was the calm one out of the two of them, and no matter what, she tried to do everything to understand Ginny even if the younger girl was so unreasonable. Ginny could not help but cast her eyes down, not knowing what to do.
Amanda took in a deep breath and turned off the television, not in the mood to watch the movie anymore. She was such a git for losing control of her emotions like that. She blinked her eyes rapidly to hold in the tears that were about to fall. Amanda sat back down beside Ginny.
"Ginny? Please look at me." Amanda said softly. She cupped the Chaser's face and smiled forcibly though she did her best to make it convincing. "I made a promise to you. I'll stop pursuing you after our deal. I won't bother you anymore." She pulled Ginny into a tight hug and wiped away a tear that managed to escape her eye. Ginny hesitantly hugged her roommate back, not knowing what to do.
"Let me have these moments." Amanda's voice cracked. "That's all I ask." Ginny didn't have it in her to reply to Amanda. She heard how broken Amanda was and felt her own heart breaking at the sound. She hated hearing Amanda like that, and knowing she was the cause made her heart break even more. She knew that Amanda would put up a fight, but she hoped that Amanda would at least listen to her. That she would at least think about herself, but she fought for the deal they had with everything she had.
Amanda kissed Ginny's forehead softly. "I love you, Ginevra. Good night." She pulled away from their hug and went to her own room. Ginny watched her go and saw another tear fell down from Amanda's eye. Ginny glanced at the popcorn on the table before sighing and going to her own room.
Ginny fell back on her bed and remembered Amanda's words. "Do you hate the thought of falling in love with me that much?" She started crying at the broken tone in Amanda's voice. It wasn't that she hated the thought of falling in love with Amanda. If she could, she would choose to fall in love with her best friend instead. Ginny just didn't want to lose Amanda.
As soon as she closed the door, Amanda let her tears fall and hugged herself while sliding down the door. She knew that Ginny wanted to stop the deal and would eventually bring it up. Just like the first time, she didn't want to hear it. And she finally did hear what the younger girl had to say, and it hurt so bad.
It was stupid for her to think that there was a possibility that Ginny would fall for her just because of their deal. Even if Ginny wasn't in love with Harry, she would still not fall in love with Amanda, but she did it to herself. It was her fault that she was hurting right now.
Amanda stood up shakily and went over to her desk, her eyes scanning the papers that had been given to her by Williamson a few hours ago. The only thing that was missing on them was Amanda's signature. She picked up her quill and dipped it in ink, almost tipping the bottle over due to the trembling of her hands. She managed to keep herself stable as she signed at the bottom.
Just as there were 5 minutes before midnight, there was an owl at her window, waiting for her answer. Amanda took out her wand and sealed the papers. She tied it to the leg of the owl and patted him on the back. She watched the owl fly away before sitting back down and looking out the window.
All Amanda needed at that moment was comfort. She was breaking along with her already fragile heart, and the pain was getting too much for her to handle. All she needed was a few moments of peace, just a few moments to go bask into her fantasies.
"I love you, Gin." Amanda whispered before she surrendered herself to the darkness.
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