So this chapter will have a slight change in perspective,It will as always be Emily's pov but this will change into a 3rd person pov in this chapter.
Thank youuuu,
That's my first lesson today.My first lesson of the week.
I haven't had a lesson before with Professor Lupin but if whatever the 4th year Slytherins is true then he's a decent teacher.
Well better then my previous one,who tried to kill my brother and twin sister.
"We have DADA next,"Harper mutters. "I swear if we get another useless teacher like Lockhart I'm gonna drink a Draught of Living Death,"
"Well that's a bit harsh isn't it?"Astoria mutters,with the air of someone commenting on the weather.
"Well if we have DADA next,I have no idea why we're all sat here,seeing as class starts in 3 minutes,"Aria adds.
When we finally get to DADA we're 4 minutes late.But it clearly doesn't matter as our teacher is later then us.
"Welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts!"Professor Lupin says brightly. "Today we will not be needing the textbooks as our lesson today is on Boggarts.I have been quite lucky to find one in the staff room so that is where we are heading!The spell you need to practice is Riddikulus.It's a simple jab so I'd like you to practice both pronouncing it and practicing the wand movement."
I exchange looks with Aria.
"Boggarts?"She mouths panic etched on her face.
"So if you can please follow me."Professor Lupin says,at once eagerly followed by a group of Gryffindors.
Our small group of 6 rejoin and we follow out class but stay behind a little.
"Boggarts?"Aria whispers at once.
Harper looks confused so I quickly interrupt with an explanation.
"It's a shape shifter that can turn into whatever you fear the most,"
Ashley's eyes widen. "So if I fear failing my Qudditch team,will it turn into that?"
Harper and Anderson snort. "Of course that's what you fear,"
Aria hits them both.
"Oh don't be ridiculous,"I say with a slight grin.
"We all know that Anderson fears playing Quidditch with Ashley,"
"Which is ridiculous,Anderson,"Aria adds on.
We're getting closer to the staff room.
What am I truly afraid of?
"It's fine Em,"Ashley says, "It can't be that bad,can it?"
I swallow,nervously. "I don't know what I'm afraid of,"
"We won't be going first anyway,"Astoria speaks as we step inside the Staff Room. "The Gryffindors want to show of their bravery."
She's not wrong.
All the Gryffindors have piled to the front of the room,shoving to be first.Ginny's in the pile. Well somewhere anyway.
The queue decreases slowly.
Then it's our turn.No, correction actually.
Then it's my turn.
I turn to face my small group of 6 and Astoria offers me a small smile.
The Gryffindors are fidgeting.
I can't do this-
I'm not prepared-
"Opening the door in 3.2.1"Professor Lupin announces.
Something dark and wispy slides out of the cupboard.
Then it begins to take a shape,slowly, and every moment being watched by the class.
It takes form into....me?
But me curled up into a ball?
I can hear Harper and Anderson taking a step closer towards me,but my eyes are fixed on the scene that flashes before my eyes.
The boggart shifted into me,curled up in a no ball,screaming and a dark figure pointing their wand at me and saying the incantation that turns my vision black.
Emily Weasley collapsed on the spot.
Harper and Anderson,who had moved closer, had caught the ginger before she fell onto the ground.
Professor Lupin blinked,before addressing the two boys.
"I trust both of you can take her up to the hospital wing?"
"Of course Professor,"Harper replied.
"Professor,may we be excused to go with them?"Aria asked.
"One of you."Professor Lupin said firmly. "Only one."
"I'll go!"Astoria said and she sauntered off behind the boys.
"I suppose neither of you want to see your boggart either right?"
Both girls nodded.
"Right then,"Professor Lupin sighed. "Let's go back to the classroom then."
Aria looked at Ginny Weasley as she passed the ginger.She didn't ask to be excused because her twin had collapsed at all.Even as Aria returned to her seat,Ginny made no move to go ask Professor Lupin.
Meanwhile the 3rd year Care for Magical Creatures Class had ended rather brutally.
"Hagrid,you have to take him to the hospital wing!"Hermione Granger had shouted.
Mattheo looked up at the mudblood,from where he was checking Draco's wounds.
Hagrid had easily picked the blonde up and carried him to the hospital wing.Mattheo was following him.
His father had told him to get closer to Harry Potter,like a friend.
But if the looks that Harry Potter had sent him over the past few weeks were any indication,it was that Harry knew who he was.
And that was dangerous for him.
So he had to find another way to get information on Potter.
And that's when Emily Weasley was half carried into the hospital wing.
"What happened to her?"Mattheo asked curiously.
"Em collapsed in DADA,"Ryan Harper replied,as Madame Pomfrey ran over to them.
And that's when Mattheo saw a way to complete the task that his father had given him.
Weasleys were close to Potter.
And the girl,who was currently unconscious in a bed was a Weasley.
Mattheo grinned.Now all he needed to do was to get closer to Emily.
"I feel like we should sneak someone into Hogsmeade again!"Lee Jordan grinned as the memories of the last time they attempted to do that flew in his mind.
"Like Emily!We should sneak Emily into Hogsmeade.After all she helped us last year!"
"Where even is Emily at?"Fred Weasley asked as he looked over Slytherin Table to find his youngest sibling.
"I can't see her either,Fred"George replied, "But not all of her friends are there either."
Fred got up,George following close behind.
"Ginny!"Fred said loudly,as he approached his sister.
"Fred!"Ginny replied,just as loudly.
"Have you seen Emily?"
"Ohhhh!Emily collapsed in DADA."
"Collapsed?"Fred repeated. "Why didn't you tell any of us?"
"I forgot-?"Ginny said,before turning back to talk to Colin Creevey.
"She's probably gonna be in the hospital wing."George said.
Fred nodded and ran to find his favourite sibling.
"Where am I?"I wince,trying to swallow but my throat is as dry as sandpaper.
"Emily!"Aria jolts up from where she was sat on the bed.I sit up.
Madame Pomfrey runs over,handing me a glass of water.
I instantly reach for it.
"Drink it slo-"she sighs,refilling it.
My eyes meet Harpers and he glances away.
"What happened in DADA?"I ask,making eye contact with Aria.
"You collapsed,"Aria mutters,looking away.
"Why are you all not looking at me?"I whisper. "Did I do something wrong?"
"Emily,why was that your boggart?"Harper asks.
"Is that Draco Malfoy?"I ask as I see the patient in the bed next to me.
"Fuck off Weaslette,"Draco snarls,before turning back to Riddle.
Our eyes meet.He stares back at me and I turn back to Aria and Harper.
"Yes,but answer his question Emily."Aria snaps.
"Why was that your boggart?"Harper repeats,and I see that both Malfoy and Riddle are listening in.
"I don't kno-"
"EMILY!"I jump at the sudden outburst.
"Fred!"I greet."How are you?"
"Don't give me that bullshit.Why are you in here?"Fred asks.
The hospital wing is silent.Both Aria and Harper look taken aback.Fred almost jumps backwards and both Riddle and Malfoy stare at me.
I slide my legs out of the hospital bed and shove my feet into my shoes.
"Aria,take me back to the common room."
Aria nods and stands up.
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