I groan,and Astoria starts wailing.
"EMILY!ARIA!WAKE UP!"Ashley shrieks.
"It's a Saturday,go away Ash,"I groan.
"Oh shoot,"I whisper as I get out of my warm,comfortable,cosy bed and head to the bathroom.
"I'LL GET YOU SOMETHING TO EAT!"Ashley yells as she runs out the door and down the stairs.
And less then 20 minutes later,me,Aria and Ashley are stood on the pitch waiting to be summoned.
Aria leans towards me. "Haven't you noticed that we're the only girls here?"She whispers,so Ashley doesn't hear.
She's not wrong.
Just then the new 3rd year with the curly,dark hair walks up to us with Draco Malfoy.
I sigh,as Aria looks around for her brother.
"Where's Theo?"
"Why do you like him?"The curly haired boy asked.
Aria looks absolutely disgusted. "No,Theodore is my brother,"
"So you're Aria?"
Aria blushes.So he knows her name.Astoria's going to be delighted.
"That's Aria.The blonde one,who can't stay still is Ashley Pucey,Adrian's little sister."
"And the Ginger?"
"I'm not deaf."I say, "I can still hear you."
"The Ginger is a Weasley,"Draco says smugly, "Trust me Mattheo,you don't want to be caught talking to her."
"The Blonde bleaches his hair,"I say,in the same tone as Draco, "Trust me Mattheo you don't want to talk to a dick like him,"
Aria gasps.
Well now you could say that Fred and George have finally corrupted all of the Weasleys.I've never swore before.
"Well Weaslette,What would your mother say?I certainly wasn't expecting you to be here.Haven't you heard that there hasn't been a female on the Slytherin Quidditch team for Centuries?Let alone a Blood Traitor."
Ashley Pucey whips her head around pretty fast. "Centuries?Imelda Snyde was on the Slytherin Quidditch team less then 20 years ago.I have no idea what you're talking about."
"And her name is Emily,"Aria said before she pulls us away.
"That's strange,"I hear Mattheo say, "I've never heard of a Weasley being in Slytherin.They've always been a Gryffindor family,with only a few exceptions in Hufflepuff."
Maybe I should take another look at my family tree,I haven't heard of any Hufflepuffs in my family.
Aria turns to me.
"Did you hear his name?"Aria said. "And he knows my name!"She gushes.
"Ashley,"I turn to the blonde. "When do these tryouts start?"
"In about 30 minutes,why?"
"So you woke me up that early for no reason?!"Aria shrieks.
Harper decides to arrive when theres 5 minutes left before the tryouts start.
"Em?"Aria mutters.
"I'm not trying out."
"Okay,"I say turning back to where I see Marcus Flint stood on a small stage he probably summoned to make himself feel important.
"Welcome to the Slytherin Quidditch Tryouts,"He says,his voice amplified. "If you are from a different house please fuck off and if you are a first year,try out next year or watch from the stands.So get yourselves in groups with someone who's on the team.Seekers are with me,Chasers with Pucey,Beaters with Urqhart,and Keepers with Montague,"
We quickly split up after wishing good luck to each other.
"Flint!She shouldn't be here!"Malfoy shrieks,pointing at me. "Girls can't play Quidditch.And you can't replace me!"
"Malfoy,shut up,"Flint snarls. "Weasley could be better than you."
I smirk triumphantly at Malfoy.
"I want all Chasers and Seekers to fly around the pitch,"Flint bellows.
I wince,covering my ears.The voice amplifying spell was still on and being the closest to Flint wasn't helping.
I mount my broom and set off flying around the pitch.
Flint starts cutting people from the massive group,because they can't fly or aren't flying fast enough.
Ashley's still in and so am I.Harper got cut.
"Okay,now I want you all to land and spilt back into your groups."
Surprisingly,there are only 2 people left for seeker.
Me and Malfoy.
There are 8 Chasers,5 beaters left and 2 keepers.
"Reserve Keeper sorted,"Montague whispers to Flint.
Ashley makes it into the final 6 chasers and Malfoy's mate makes it into the final 3 beaters.
"Now I'm going to split you into teams and you're gonna play against each other."
Oh lovely,now I have to play against Malfoy.
If I lose,he'll be extremely sexist towards girls but if I win he'll pretend he let me win.
It's a win-win for him no matter what happens.
So if I catch the snitch and then call for a rematch,I can end the bullying from Malfoy,once and for all.
I was wrong.
I caught the snitch both times,but I got put as the Reserve Seeker. Which is alright because I got onto the team,but now Malfoy's taunting me.
"Marcus didn't let you get on the team,Weaslette. Too bad you're awful at Seeking"He jeers.
"My name is Emily,"
"And technically she did get on the team,Draco. She might even be better then you at Seeking,"Mattheo says,quietly.
"I don't need you to defend me!"I snap as Ashley pulls me inside the Great Hall.
"Emily!"Ginny calls,from the Gryffindor table.
"Ugh,see you in a bit Ash,"I mutter as I change direction and walk towards the Gryffindor table.
"Hey Emily,"Harry greets as everyone else nods their greetings.
"Hey Harry,"I greet back before taking a seat next to him. "Why have I been summoned to Gryffindor Table so early this morning?"
"Emily,promise me that you'll stay away from the new third years?"Ron asks,before he shoves a forkful of scrambled eggs into his mouth.
"I stay away from the Slytherin third years in general,Ron." I reply as I grab a slice of toast. "And why those two specific boys?"
"Do you know what their names are?"Hermione interjects.
"No-?"I play dumb. "Are they of any importance?"
"Emily,now isn't the time to be playing Pureblood!"Ginny snaps.
"Geez,calm down then," I snap back.
"Lorenzo Berkshire,"Hermione says.
"Sorry,Hermione but I don't recognize the last name?"I ask half apologetically. "Wait no- it's a French Pureblood one."
"How do you know that?"Hermione asks.
"Astoria Greengrass and her obsession with a book called The Purebloods Guide to Life,"
"And,"Harry adds on,"The second one's name is Mattheo Riddle,"
"And how is that important to me...Oh!"I said remembering I've heard the last name from somewhere.
"Exactly."Ginny whispers,"Do you remember when you heard that name last?"
I can feel the color leaving my face.
"The Diary.."I trail off. "Tom Riddle.You almost dying..."
"Exactly.And I don't want you to die,Emily,"Ginny says.
"Honestly Ginny,I don't really think any of us want Emily to die,"Fred said,appearing out of nowhere.
"I mean,who else is going to help us prank the Slytherins?"George adds.
I laugh as I get up. "Well it's been fun talking to you lot but I'm gonna have to go."
"See you soon Emily,"Fred says.
"Bye guys!"
"What was all of that about?"Harper asks me as I finally sit down at the Slytherin Table.
"Ginny needed my help with something."I say ending the conversation.
"Anyway guess who made Reserve Seeker and Chaser?"
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