This morning,my eyes have decided that they want to be green.
There are many differences between me and my siblings.
The most obvious one is that I'm in the rival house.
Another one is my eyes.
They change between green,grey and blue and a mix of the 3.
My siblings eyes are brown,like chocolate.
"Ari,turn the blasted thing off,"Astoria wails,"I need my beauty sleep."
I turn from my reflection in the mirror to see Aria slam something on her alarm clock.
"Morning,"Ashley chirps,from the bathroom door.Her blonde hair is wet and she is rubbing it with a towel.
"Morning Ash,"
"Do you want me to dry it?"Astoria is up now,moving through the dorm.
"No,I need to tell Adrian that I took a shower first,this year.My hair is proof,"Ashley says smiling as she admires herself in the mirror.
Ashley and her brother,Adrian, have the most competitive thing ever.
Ever since Ashley won the bet of being sorted quicker,Adrian has been trying to get her back.So far,he's been unsuccessful.
I turn back to the mirror,trying to do something to my hair,when I see Astoria and Aria shove each other in their usual daily competition to get in the bathroom first.
Astoria wins.
"Go use the one in the other dorm,"Ashley suggests.
Aria wrinkles her nose.
Nobody liked using that bathroom,but it was first come first serve.
I was almost always first,sometimes beaten by Ashley.
Aria and Astoria usually had to shove each other.
"Should we go Ash?"
She links her arm through mine and we find Harper and Anderson in the common room.
"Who lost today?"Harper asked.
"Aria,"I answer.
Anderson smiles."She's on a losing streak already,"
"Do you think Aria can tie a tie yet?"Anderson asks.
"No chance,"Ashley says,"she's been 'studying' all summer.I doubt it was in how to tie a tie,"
"Hello,boys,"Astoria greets breezing past,and plonking herself next to me on our sofa.
Aria walks through next,trying to tie her tie.
"Here,"Anderson grabs her tie and ties it for her.
"It's been a year and you still can't tie a tie?"Theodore Nott says mocking his sister.
"Shut up Theo,"
"Ready?"I ask.
"Yeah.Lets see what blasted lessons we've got for the rest of the year."Harper mutters.
"Oh,Great."Astoria snaps,"Guess who we have first?"
"Dear old Snape?"Ashley asks.
Aria snorts.
"Yes!We have that greas.... Fantastic professor first,"Astoria says,quickly correcting her sentence.
I don't have to look to see why.
"Fine day isn't it,professor?"I ask innocently.
"Careful,Miss Greengrass.Someone might think that you're up to something."Snape says in his monotone,"You too Miss Weasley,"
"What about me?"Anderson pouts."Am I not important?"
Snape rolls his eyes and walks away.
"Of course,we have that greasy slimeball first,"Astoria groaned.
I pour myself some coffee.
Which Ashley decides to snag.
"Ashley!That was supposed to be for me!"
"Tough luck!"
"So tell us,Emily,how many times did you trip over stairs,in the holidays?"Harper asks.
"None,believe it or not!"I reply,pouring another cup of coffee.
Which nobody snatches,thankfully.
"I don't believe you,"Astoria gasps.
"I'm hurt Astoria,"I say in mock hurt."You hurt my feelings,"
Astoria rolls her eyes.
"Hey,Adrian!"Ashley yells as her brother sits at Slytherin table."I beat you this year.I took a shower first,"
Adrian just slams his head on the table,groaning.
Unlike last year,Potions was with the Hufflepuffs,which was calm.
We're making a simple sleeping draught,which Ginny could use at home,instead of waking me up at 2am from a nightmare.
I won't be able to see Ginny until Transfiguration.
"Are you honestly trying to get a detention on your first day back?"I whisper as Astoria pulls out a small pink vial.
"He won't give me detention,"Astoria said,looking at the vial. "Professor Snape adores me."
"He adores you because you're a Greengrass," Anderson mutters quietly, passing me his chopped up daisy roots.
"He's gonna give you a detention if you try that again,"Harper said.
"It's no use Harper,"Ashley called,addling her daisy roots to her cauldron. "Astoria's already made up her mind."
"Professor!"Astoria called."You might want try this on your hair!It will take the grease away!"
Aria snorted as Professor Snape's lips curved into a frown.
"Well,Miss Greengrass,I shall take it into consideration,"
Anderson's,Harper's and my jaw dropped open.
"Shut your mouth,you three,"Astoria says as she adds salamander blood to her and Aria's potion."You don't want to attract flies.And I told you that he wouldn't give me detention."
"I can't believe Snape bought that,"Anderson murmured.
"Me neither,"I mutter,adding salamander blood to my and Anderson's potion.
The potion turns a lighter green so I add some mandrake leaves and stir it clockwise,before turning back to Anderson.
"She's only been trying for about a year,"I said.
"About time he accepted it,too."Anderson grins.
"Knowing him,he's probably gonna chuck it away,"Harper whispered.
"At least Astoria's happy for the time being,"Aria hissed,"Now shut it before we get detention."
I look up and see Snape glaring at our table.
Our potion is still turning transparent,so I let it boil for another 5 minutes before taking it off the heat.
Snape comes round to check our potions,and being his favourites, he grants us 5 house points each.
"Perfect!"Anderson high-fives me.
Finally we are able to leave and head to herbology.
We're looking at mandrakes.
Astoria instantly grabs the pinkest and glitteriest earmuffs.
Meaning that we have to battle it out with the Ravenclaws for decent Earmuffs.
Ashley gets dark green ones,while I get fluffy light pink ones.
Aria,Harper and Anderson are still fighting for them.
I grab a pair of pale blue ones and pass them to Aria.
Well not really.
A Ravenclaw grabs them,but Aria snatches them.
"How stupid can these lot get?"Astoria mutters,as we watch Harper,Anderson and 5 Ravenclaws fight to try to get decent eramuffs.
She's not wrong.A pair of decent earmuffs are right next to Harper's elbow but he's trying to get ones that are even worse.
"Right.Shut up!That's enough!"Professor Sprout yells,just as Anderson elbows a Ravenclaw in the face and grabs a muddy pair of red earmuffs.
"I thought Hufflepuff's were supposed to be nice,"Aria whispers.
"5 points from Slytherin,Mr Anderson,"
The Slytherin's groan.
Harper finally realises that there were earmuffs right next to him and puts them on.
In transfiguration,I sit next to Ginny.
"Did Astoria actually give the potion to Snape successfully?"
"Yeah.How did you know?"
"Of course,"I sigh as Professor McGonagall begins the lesson.
It seems that turning a matchstick into a needle,is a task that none of our class can do.
And thanks to that we were set homework;to practice the stupid spell until we got it perfect.
Now we're going to have to ask the 3rd or 4th years to help us.
We hate the 3rd years so it's probably going to be the 4th years.
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