"Shut up Percy!"Fred said.
"Nobody cares about you being head boy!"George finishes.
"That is not what I was saying!"Said Percy, indignantly.
Me and Ginny are going in our 2nd year,Ron in his 3rd,Fred and George in their 5th and Percy in his 7th.
And that prat had to get head boy too.
"Still broke are you,Weasley?"The blonde haired boy in my house says mockingly.
At least his hair doesn't look like it was dunked in troll snot this year.
"Still a bleached,blonde prat are you,Malfoy?" Harry Potter retorted.
I snort.
"He's amazing isn't he?"Ginny says dazed.
I swear my sister has the biggest crush on our brothers best mate.
Not Lee.
I meant Harry Potter.
She's even more obsessed then she was last year.
Because he saved her from the chamber of secrets.
Percy walks toward his girlfriend,Penelope Clearwater,his chest raised,showing off his red and gold Headboy badge.
Penelope smirks and walks towards Percy.
She makes him open her fist,that was closed around a bronze and blue Headgirl badge.
"I'm going to find Astoria."I say to Ginny."I'll see you in a bit?"
My sister just sighs."I don't know why you hang out with that lot,"
"Well well well.Look what we have here boys,"Draco Malfoy's sneering voice,sneers."It's the Slytherin Weaslebee,"
"Well well well.Look what we have here"A familiar voice says,"A blonde prat and his bodyguards,"
I turn around to see Ryan Harper.
With Vince Anderson behind him.
"Harper!Anderson!"I say,delighted to finally have found one (actually two) of my friends."Have you seen Tori,Aria or Ash?"
Malfoy rolled his eyes and left silently.
"Nope,we were looking for the 3 of you but we heard Malfoy talking,and came to see what poor soul was suffering,"Harper explains.
"Turns out it was you."Anderson shrugs.
I roll my eyes.
"Let's start looking then,"I say peering into compartments.
"Aha,"Harper slides a door open."Ladies and umm Ladies?I present to you,Emily!"
And of course when I was walking inside,I just had to trip and land on Astoria.
Astoria just sighs."Hello to you too,Emily,"
"What's going on?"Astoria glances up from her beauty magazine,as the train slows down."We can't be ther...Oh my Salazar- NOT AGAIN EMILY!"
"Sorry Toria,"I've landed on Astoria again.
The train screeches to a halt;a sound that's gone straight through my head.
"What's happening?"Anderson asks as the windows start to frost.
"No idea,"Harper said.
Dark shadows are floating around the windows.
"They're Dementors,"Says Ashley calmly,not even looking up from her book on Quidditch manoeuvres.
Harpers eyes bulge."Dementors?"
"Yes.Now let me read this book."
The train gets colder.
"I'm going to find someone,"I say,trying to muster all my courage.
Which isn't a lot.Kinda explains why I wasn't a Gryffindor.
As soon as I step out of the compartment,I realise how cold and dark it is.
At least the compartment was a bit warm.
I look into compartments not noticing a dementor a couple meters behind me,until someone grabs my wrist and yanks me,so I land on top of them,in the compartment.
It's the 3rd time today!
"Shut the fuck up,"He hisses.
"Malfoy.Get off me."His hand will leave bruises on my wrist and Astoria will have a fit.
His eyes are squeezed shut,and he's whimpering,and the dementor is looming over my face,feeding on good memories.
I try to remember the spell to get rid of the dementor,but before I can a silvery animal slams into the dementor,and gets rid of it.
"Malfoy,It's gone.You can get rid of my wrist now."I said.
"Tell this to anyone and I'll-"
"Let go of my wrist or I'll hex you!"
He instantly lets go off my wrist.I peer at it,not amused at all.
"You bruised my wrist!"I say mournfully.
"So what?"Malfoy sneers,the arrogance back,now the dementor is gone."Do you want me to buy you a new one?"
I glare at him as I leave the compartment.
The welcome feast was as grand as it was last year.
I'm sandwiched between Astoria and Ashley.
Neither of them shut up about beauty or Quidditch.
And it drives me and Aria crazy.
"Where even is Aria?"Ashley murmurs.
"I have no idea,"Astoria replied.
Aria Nott is always late.
"How about you turn around,and maybe you'll see her?"Harper suggests.
"What a brilliant idea!"I exclaim sarcastically."I would have never thought of that!"
"How about you lot shut up,before I behead you and serve your heads on a platter?"Maria Alpin snarls.
"How about you actually do it?"Aria said,finally getting to the table and sitting between me and Astoria.
"Wanna see me do it?"Maria said as she grabbed a blunt knife.
"Maybe some other day,Maria,"I said,as I grab the knife and set it down in the table.
"Where even were you?"I ask Aria.
"Talking to Theo,"she mumbles.
"Oi,Pottah.POTTAH,"Malfoy's mocking voice can be heard over the applause."Is it true you fainted?"
Like he can say anything.
The fourth year next to him does a dramatic imitation of someone fainting.
"I mean you actually fainted?"
"Shove off Malfoy,"My brother Ron says,his mouth full.
"How did he find out?"
"Just forget it.It could happen to anyone,"Hermione Granger says.
"Shut up Granger,nobody asked,"
"Well,Malfoy came into our compartment,when the dementor was on, and looked like he was going to wet himself,"Fred says.
I snicker even though he didn't.But his face is worth it.
Malfoy whips around and glares at me."And who gave you permission to laugh?"
"Oh my gosh,Draco's looking at me."Astoria murmurs softly.
I want to bang my head against the table.
Astoria is obsessed with Draco Malfoy,while Ginny is obsessed with Harry Potter.
"Still obsessed Astoria?"Aria asks."I thought that you hated him for sticking up for Daphne,"
"Don't,I repeat don't say that toads name in front of me,"Astoria hisses her face no longer dreamy.
"Do you think that they might let me play quidditch this year?"Ashley asks.
"Yes?"Harper says."You're a second year.Im going to try out too."
"Me too,"I say.
Ashley looks at me in surprise."You want to play?"
"Yeah?"I shrug."Quidditch is.....one of my interests?We always play at home with my brothers and sister,"
"You never mentioned it,"
"I never got time to,"
"Off to bed now,Pip pip,"Dumbledore says,his loud voice echoing.
In Slytherin,it's 2 girls per room.
But we ignore that rule.
On the day we come back we shrink our beds and move them to the other dorm.
Then we resize them.
Our clothes and study desks are in the the dorm where we move the beds from.
So non of us have ever been in pairs for dorm rooms.
It takes us about an hour to do that and then we get ready for sleep.
Me and Astoria are practically the same size.
We share clothes.Or rather she shares with me.
"These are your pyjamas,"Astoria throws me some green silk pyjamas."and those are for when your cold,"
She then throws me fluffy green pyjamas.
"I owe you,Tori,"
Astoria just smiles at me."I know,"
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