chapter eighteen;
"MY SWEET YOKO!!", TOGA GUSHED, rushing over to pick the princess up and toss her in the air as she swiftly caught her and squished her with a hug.
"HIMI!! I MISSED YOU", youko giggled as she wrapped her arms around the blonde girl's neck.
"twice! come look at yoko's hair!! we're matching", toga smiled, rubbing her face against youko's.
"how cute! bleh, disgusting", twice commented, to which youko had made grabby hands towards the contradicting male.
twice begrudgingly took the princess away from toga, who immediately pouted at the loss of contact.
"I missed you too twice", youko softly mumbled as twice nearly teared up at that comment.
"quit standing there and come join us for dinner", spinner called out, to which the three villains had arrived back into their room that they shared with everyone else.
youko decided to sit between toga and twice today, since they had just gotten back. while the rest of the villains were seated at the empty table, no one spoke until little youko's stomach growled.
toga started giggling as youko shielded her face in embarrassment.
"where's the food?", shigaraki asked.
"huh? I thought you got it", dabi replied.
"why would I, the king, get the food?!", shigaraki snarled.
"well would I, the king's first commander, get the food?!", dabi retorted.
"who usually prepares the food?", spinner asked.
"I believe it's kurogiri", compress answered.
everyone then stopped bickering as they realized that kurogiri usually always had their meal ready and prepared.
"well...where's kuro?", little youko asked, squeezing her stomach with her arms so that everyone didn't have to hear that embarrassing sound again.
shigaraki paced around the room as he phoned the mist man, not getting any response, even though he usually almost always immediately picked up.
"never mind him, I'm sure he'll come back soon", shigaraki said as he shoved his phone back into his hakama.
even though shigaraki said it was fine, youko knew he was a bit on edge with kurogiri not being here, especially since he's been with him since he was a child.
"let's eat out today then", toga suggested, to which majority of the league agreed, as youko went to go get johnny.
the league then arrived at a restaurant by riding a car that they had promptly stolen, only this time, youko actually got to use a seatbelt.
"hello sir, a table for...", youko momentarily stopped speaking as she started counting the people behind her, mumbling as she held up her fingers.
"a table for seven please", youko requested, to which the server had immediately showed them their table, noticing that they were royals.
obviously news about shigaraki's downfall has gotten around, and hence, many has been trying to challenge the king's throne, much like chisaki had done.
"what drinks may I get you all today?", the male asked, raising a brow at the small nomu that was beside youko.
"sake and—"
"water, for all of us", compress interrupted, making dabi scowl.
"can you get a straw for johnny please?", youko requested, to which the male had just nodded.
"now, what to eat~", toga hummed to herself as she opened the menu, meanwhile youko got a kid one.
"papa, I want the big menu too", the little girl pouted.
"can you finish one entire dish by yourself?", shigaraki asked from across the table.
youko hummed as she fidgeted, knowing full well that she could not.
"of course!", she answered, making toga and compress laugh.
"fine. pick what you want", shigaraki said as he slid his menu over to the excited little girl.
"ooohhhh!! can I have udon noodles with tempura please? and I think johnny would like some sashimi", youko smiled.
"I thought nomus didn't need to eat", toga commented.
"they don't", dabi bluntly answered.
"by the way twice, how do you eat with your mask on?", youko asked, to which twice had promptly took off the grey and black mask that was restricting his head.
twice worried a bit since youko's stare was a bit strong. though it wouldn't be the first time someone judged the stitch above his forehead.
"can I touch your beard?", youko asked, making twice nearly choke on his water.
"it looks spiky...does it hurt?", youko wondered out loud, making a few of the members laugh.
after all, none of the league had beards except for twice—who nearly never showed his face—and magne, but she was off having a "vacation".
"um...no...and sure, I suppose you could touch it. absolutely not!", twice contradicted, immediately covering his mouth with his hand from embarrassment.
youko lightly chuckled as she stood up from her mat and hobbled over to twice, which wasn't far since he was sitting right beside her.
she stuck her little hands out towards twice's face as she rubbed the blonde male's chin. it was a little stubbly and make youko giggle at the prickly feeling.
shigaraki mentally debated whether he should grow a beard too, as he watched his daughter and twice's little interaction.
"honestly...I didn't think you'd have blonde hair...mm maybe dark like mine actually", youko commented, squishing twice's face with her small hands as she smiled.
"I wish I had blonde hair", youko slightly pouted.
"you could your highness...you could bleach it, though your hair might dye, so you'd have to cut it short", compress joked, making youko laugh, meanwhile the rest of the league looked unamused.
"princess should keep her hair dark like mine", dabi grinned, to which toga had immediately huffed.
"yoko can do whatever she wants", toga advocated.
"what if I dyed it blue like papa??", youko asked, to which everyone momentarily stopped bantering before answering in sync.
"absolutely not!"
shigaraki glared at everyone in offense as dabi just smirked in victory that everyone had agreed that shigaraki's hair was a shitty shade of blue.
"you should keep your hair color. it's very natural and soft", twice commented. "you should dye it rainbow!!"
youko laughed as she nodded in agreement with twice's first comment.
"thanks twice!"
as youko waddled back to her own mat, the waiter quickly came back to take everyone's order, and surprisingly took less then 30 minutes to serve the food.
"do you like the sashimi, johnny?", youko asked, holding her chopsticks as she didn't exactly expect an answer.
the little nomu let out a weird crowing—growling—noise, which to youko, was a satisfied "yes!"
after feeding johnny, youko started loudly slurping her noodles, making shigaraki momentarily stop eating his bento box.
"where in hell did you learn to eat like that?", the male growled.
"hm? uncle dabi of course!", the girl innocently smiled.
shigaraki glared at dabi, who in turn slurped his very own noodles, making him extremely annoyed.
"quit it", shigaraki commanded, only to continue hearing an obnoxious slurping.
"make me, you crusty fuck".
"you damn ashtray! I told you to—"
youko soon started slurping once more, as toga and twice joined it, with compress following suit. since spinner ordered rice, he slurped his miso soup instead.
"you all—"
shigaraki nearly decayed his chopsticks as he begrudgingly shut up, spending the reminder of dinner glaring at everyone except for maybe youko.
"what does he look like?", youko asked toga, who apparently was crushing on a boy that she had met only a few times.
"oh you know, green hair, cute little freckles, a precious smile, and—"
"YES!!! how'd you know?!", toga excitedly asked.
"he came over to our kingdom remember? he's really good friends with shō", youko answered.
"oh rightttt!! silly me", toga giggled. "I just love him so much!! I wish he'd give his heart to me", the girl psychotically smiled.
"and how does one do that?", youko asked, meanwhile the league had payed (not) and boarded the stolen car once more.
"remember this and remember this well yoko..."
little youko nodded her head with determination as compress started driving.
"the way to a man's heart is through the fourth and fifth rib!", toga laughed, to which youko was about to ask another question before a few objections were heard.
"what the fuc—"
"fuck no", shigaraki scowled. "don't taint my daughter with your crazy ideals".
"oh you're just jealous she's going to leave you one day, shiggy", toga teased, to which shigaraki didn't have an answer to that.
youko just chuckled. "it's alright, I'll never leave papa", the girl promised as she leaned against shigaraki's arm.
the blue-haired male softly huffed as he felt quite a bit of satisfaction, especially after the whole slurping noodles ordeal.
though soon enough, little youko had fallen asleep, as the sky outside was quite dark and the car ride was very smooth.
"suck it, you assholes", shigaraki lowly muttered, making dabi and toga shoot the male a middle finger while twice just gave thumbs ups.
✦ . . . . ────────☀️
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