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xviii. the flight of the dumbledores

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"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember," said Harry, teaching them the Patronus charm. "Allow it to fill you up."

Deanna was anticipating this lesson the most. After seeing her father's phoenix Patronus, she too wanted to learn how to cast one, and thankfully, they had Harry here to teach them. Harry reminded them that casting a Patronus was different when being confronted by a dementor.

"Oh, don't be such a killjoy," said Cho brightly, watching her silvery swan-shaped Patronus. "They're so pretty!"

"They're not supposed to be pretty, they're supposed to protect you," said Harry patiently, staring at Noah, who was determinedly not looking at him. "What we really need is a boggart or something; that's how I learned, I had to conjure a Patronus while the boggart was pretending to be a dementor β€”"

After watching Ron's Jack Russell Terrier run circles around Eleanor's St. Bernard, Deanna closed her eyes and thought of a memory, the first time she saw Fawkes. She smiled slightly and waved her wand. "Expecto Patronum!" She opened them and frowned when there were only wisps of smoke from her wand tip.

"What memory did you think of, Dee?" said Harry.

"The first time I saw Fawkes."

"You have to think of something stronger than that, something happier," said Harry and he pat her on the shoulder. "You'll get it, Deanna."

"Thank you, Harry," said Deanna, and she looked at Hermione, whose silver otter was gamboling around her.

"They are sort of nice, aren't they?" Hermione said, looking at it fondly.

Staring at Hermione, Deanna thought of that time in front of the Shrieking Shack and remembered how happy she felt then. It was just like- no, she was the happiest in her life at that moment. The memory of Hermione Granger smiling up at her was one that Deanna knew had a huge place in her heart.

"Expecto Patronum!" A large silver phoenix rose from Deanna's wand, and everyone stopped and watched it with awe. The silver phoenix flew around the room before flying down to Hermione's silver otter and nuzzling it affectionately.

"Looks like my phoenix likes your otter, Hermione," chuckled Deanna, making her way over to the Gryffindor while the other students went back to casting their Patronuses.

"My otter likes your phoenix too," said Hermione. She smirked when Deanna's cheeks flushed and the girl was stuttering.

"W-Well, we do make a good pair, don't we?" said Deanna, smiling widely at the girl, and Hermione smiled back despite the speeding up of her heart and the nerves she felt. They just stood there, smiling at each other when the door of the Room of Requirement opened and then closed again. Deanna and Hermione walked over to where Harry was. Dobby was tugging at the bottom of his robes.

"Hi, Dobby!" Harry said. "What are you β€” what's wrong?"

"Dobby," said Deanna gently, running to him and holding his shaking shoulders. "Calm down, okay? Take a deep breath."

"Y-Yes, Miss," said Dobby. He took in a deep breath. Everybody was watching him, Deanna and Harry now. "Dobby has come to warn you... Sir, Miss, the house-elves have been warned not to tell..." He was about to bang his head on the wall, but Deanna wrapped her arms around this waist.

"Don't, Dobby," said Deanna warningly and she let go of him.

"Deanna, miss, she... she... she's coming..."

"The toad?" said Deanna with horror.

"Yes, miss!" howled Dobby. Deanna looked up at Harry and nodded.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? RUN!" Harry bellowed to the members of the D.A. They all started running for the exit. Hermione looked at Deanna worriedly.

"Go!" shouted Deanna. "I'll be fine." Hermione nodded and ran along with the others. Deanna turned back to Dobby with stern eyes. "Dobby, this is an order. Do not hurt yourself and lie if she asked you whether you warned us or not. You know I hate giving orders so you have to follow this, do you understand?"

When Dobby nodded, she smiled slightly. "Okay. Now, go on." She let him go and ran along with Harry.

"Thank you, Miss Deanna, Harry Potter!" squeaked Dobby before he too ran off.

"Go there, Harry," said Deanna, pointing to the bathroom ahead. "You could hide there. I'll hide here."

"Stay safe, Deanna."

"And you, Harry." And with that, the two of them separated. Deanna watched Harry run from behind the wall and she cursed when he suddenly fell. Deanna saw that it was Draco Malfoy who cast the jinx. She looked around for someone and grinned when she saw Pansy Parkinson walking past her. She took the girl by the wrist and pulled her into the shadows.

"Wha- Dumbledore?" said Pansy with wide eyes. "What-"

"Shh!" said Deanna, putting her finger to the Slytherin's lips, which made the girl blush. "Look, I need you to bring me to Umbridge. Take me too."

"Why?" said Pansy, bewildered as to why the girl would ask her that instead of begging to be let go.

"I can't let Harry go alone," said Deanna, chuckling lightly. She was crazy for actually asking Pansy to do this when she had a clear chance to just hex the girl and go. "I have part of the fault anyways. Please, take me with you."

"You're done if I bring you with me," said Pansy, bringing out a piece of paper. "I have the list of names here with me, and it says here Dumbledore's Army-"

"And if you don't bring me with you, I'll be even more finished," said Deanna firmly. Pansy was surprised at her determination. Instead of finding ways to save herself, here she was, sacrificing herself instead.

"Come on," said Pansy quietly, and they walked out of the shadows.

Deanna smiled widely at her. "Thank you, Pansy. You're a good person."

"Me?" said Pansy, chuckling slightly. "You must be confused."

"No, I'm not. If you were a bad person, you wouldn't have hesitated to bring me with you. Everyone has light and dark in them, Pansy. I believe in you and that you'll act on the light."

Pansy stopped walking, which made Deanna stop and look at her questioningly. Pansy's voice got caught in her throat. She did not know why this girl was so kind to her when Pansy had done so many horrible things in her life. Deanna Dumbledore still saw the light in her, and Pansy was about to say something when...

"Great job, Miss Parkinson!" said someone sweetly. Deanna turned around to see it was Umbridge with a girl, Marietta Edgecombe, with her. Deanna's eyes widened when she saw that the girl's face was decorated with purple pustules spelling the word SNEAK on her face. She smiled widely. Hermione was not someone you'd want to mess with.

"Miss Dumbledore, I did warn you," said Umbridge, grinning as if Christmas had come early. "And now, you're caught."

"Here, Professor," said Pansy, handing the paper with their names and the words Dumbledore's Army on top and pushing Deanna lightly to Umbridge.

"You will be rewarded, Miss Parkinson, you may go," said Umbridge. Pansy nodded and with one last look at Deanna, she walked away. Umbridge was still smiling at Deanna, dragging the Hufflepuff and with her. "Your race is run, Miss Dumbledore."

"Of course it is, Professor," said Deanna. "We've won it before you even passed the first lap. How could you possibly catch up with those short legs?" Umbridge turned red but she gripped Deanna's arm tighter and they went on their way to the Headmaster's office. Deanna's heart fell. She knew her father knew, and she probably supported it, but what would happen to him now? She could care less about herself, already expecting expulsion for her, but everything he had worked hard for would be taken away from him. All because of her.

Umbridge strode straight inside with her tight hold on Deanna and Marietta. Deanna saw that the office was full of people. There was a man Deanna did not know, a man who looked a lot like the Weasleys, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Cornelius Fudge, Harry, Minerva and Dumbledore. The portraits were whispering while shaking their heads at Deanna.

Harry looked at her with a frown, feeling guilty that he had brought Deanna into this mess. Minerva's eyes widened when she saw Deanna, and she subtly exchanged glances with the equally horrified Kingsley. Deanna saw that her father had sat up a little straighter now, staring at Deanna calmly and tilted his head subtly. Deanna nodded subtly, telling him that they were in dangerous waters now.

"I have the Dumbledore girl, Minister," said Umbridge victoriously as she pushed Deanna to Harry, who caught the girl, while still holding on to Marietta.

"Well, well, well," said Fudge, glaring at Deanna. "I knew you were trouble when you returned. Even bringing it to the trash of the Quibbler. Who knows how you came back anyways? Probably, dark magic, that is. Who knows what He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named taught you during his days?"

"So, you accept my return," said Deanna calmly. "And accepting my return means you accept Voldemort's return, Minister." There were flinches and gasps around the room.

"You liar..." said Fudge, his face turning red. He took a deep breath. "You must know why you are here, Dumbledore?"

"I don't, Minister. Not a clue." Deanna glanced at her father, who was smiling lightly at the carpet, and she knew that they were going on the right direction then.

"LIAR!" screeched Umbridge, now holding Marietta forward. "Don't be scared, dear, don't be frightened," said Umbridge softly, patting her on the back, "it's quite all right, now. You have done the right thing. The minister is very pleased with you. He'll be telling your mother what a good girl you've been. Marietta's mother, Minister," she added, looking up at Fudge, "is Madam Edgecombe from the Department of Magical Transportation. Floo Network office β€” she's been helping us police the Hogwarts fires, you know."

"Jolly good, jolly good!" said Fudge heartily. "Like mother, like daughter, eh? Well, come on, now, dear, look up, don't be shy, let's hear what you've got to β€” galloping gargoyles!" Deanna smiled slightly when Fudge's cloak started smoking. She didn't care who Marietta Edgecombe's mother was. She did feel a little sorry for her punishment, but that's what you get for being a sneak.

"Never mind the spots now, dear," said Umbridge impatiently, "just take your robes away from your mouth and tell the Minister β€”" Marietta shook her head frantically.

"Oh, very well, you silly girl, I'll tell him," snapped Umbridge. "Well, Minister, Miss Edgecombe here came to my office shortly after dinner this evening and told me she had something she wanted to tell me. She said that if I proceeded to a secret room on the seventh floor, sometimes known as the Room of Requirement, I would find out something to my advantage. I questioned her a little further and she admitted that there was to be some kind of meeting there. Unfortunately at that point this hex, came into operation and upon catching sight of her face in my mirror the girl became too distressed to tell me any more."

"Well, now," said Fudge, smiling gently at the girl. "It is very brave of you, my dear, coming to tell Professor Umbridge, you did exactly the right thing. Now, will you tell me what happened at this meeting? What was its purpose? Who was there?" Marietta just shook her head again.

"Haven't we got a counterjinx for this?" Fudge asked impatiently. "So she can speak freely?"

"I have not yet managed to find one," Umbridge admitted grudgingly. Deanna and Harry shared grins. Hermione's jinxing ability was something to be proud of. "But it doesn't matter if she won't speak, I can take up the story from here.

"You will remember, Minister, that I sent you a report back in October that Potter had met a number of fellow students, including Dumbledore, in the Hog's Head in Hogsmeade β€”"

"And what is your evidence for that?" cut in Minerva.

"I have testimony from Willy Widdershins, Minerva, who happened to be in the bar at the time. He was heavily bandaged, it is true, but his hearing was quite unimpaired," said Umbridge smugly. "He heard every word Potter said and hastened straight to the school to report to me β€”"

"Oh, so that's why he wasn't prosecuted for setting up all those regurgitating toilets!" said Minerva, raising her eyebrows. "What an interesting insight into our justice system!"

"Blatant corruption!" roared the portrait of Fortescue. "The Ministry did not cut deals with petty criminals in my day, no sir, they did not!"

"Thank you, Fortescue, that will do," said Dumbledore softly.

"The purpose of Potter's meeting with these students," continued Professor Umbridge, "was to persuade them to join an illegal society, whose aim was to learn spells and curses the Ministry has decided are inappropriate for school-age β€”"

"I think you'll find you're wrong there, Dolores," said Dumbledore quietly. Deanna stared at him with a slight smile. She had hopes that he would somehow find a way out of this.

"Oho!" said Fudge sarcastically. "Yes, do let's hear the latest cock-and-bull story designed to pull Potter out of trouble! Go on, then, Dumbledore, go on β€” Willy Widdershins was lying, was he? Or was it Potter's identical twin in the Hog's Head that day? Or is there the usual simple explanation involving a reversal of time, a dead man coming back to life, and a couple of invisible dementors?"

The man who looked like the Weasleys laughed. "Oh, very good, Minister, very good!"

"Cornelius, I do not deny," said Dumbledore, smiling gently, "and nor, I am sure, does Harry β€” that he was in the Hog's Head that day, nor that he was trying to recruit students to a Defense Against the Dark Arts group. I am merely pointing out that Dolores is quite wrong to suggest that such a group was, at that time, illegal. If you remember, the Ministry decree banning all student societies was not put into effect until two days after Harry's Hogsmeade meeting, so he was not breaking any rules in the Hog's Head at all."

Deanna smirked at their reactions, but her face fell when she remembered the piece of paper Umbridge had. She stared at her father, thinking about the paper, willing him to use Legilimency at her, but unfortunately, he was staring at Fudge.

"That's all very fine, Headmaster," Umbridge said, smiling sweetly. "But we are now nearly six months on from the introduction of Educational Decree Number Twenty-four. If the first meeting was not illegal, all those that have happened since most certainly are."

"Well," said Dumbledore, "they certainly would be, if they had continued after the decree came into effect. Do you have any evidence that these meetings continued?" Deanna felt a little rustle behind her and glanced at Kingsley questioningly. He shook his head slightly and pointed subtly to Marietta Edgecombe. Deanna's eyes widened when she saw Marietta's eyes looking blank.

"Evidence?" repeated Umbridge. "Have you not been listening, Dumbledore? Why do you think Miss Edgecombe is here?"

"Oh, can she tell us about six months' worth of meetings?" said Dumbledore, raising his eyebrows. "I was under the impression that she was merely reporting a meeting tonight."

"Miss Edgecombe," said Umbridge at once, "tell us how long these meetings have been going on, dear. You can simply nod or shake your head, I'm sure that won't make the spots worse. Have they been happening regularly over the last six months? Just nod or shake your head, dear. Come on, now, that won't activate the jinx further." Marietta shook her head to Deanna's relief. She smiled slightly at Kingsley, who kept himself composed but felt joy at the Hufflepuff's smile.

"I don't think you understood the question, did you, dear?" said Umbridge, her voice shaking. "I'm asking whether you've been going to these meetings for the past six months? You have, haven't you?" Again, Marietta shook her head.

"What do you mean by shaking your head, dear?" said Umbridge in a testy voice.

"I would have thought her meaning was quite clear," said Minerva harshly. "There have been no secret meetings for the past six months. Is that correct, Miss Edgecombe?" Marietta nodded.

"But there was a meeting tonight!" said Umbridge furiously. "There was a meeting, Miss Edgecombe, you told me about it, in the Room of Requirement! And Potter was the leader, was he not, Potter organized it, Potter β€” why are you shaking your head, girl?"

"Well, usually when a person shakes their head," said Minerva coldly, "they mean 'no.' So unless Miss Edgecombe is using a form of sign language as yet unknown to humans β€”" Umbridge began shaking Marietta hard. In a second, Deanna and Dumbledore had their wands raised, Kingsley started forward and Umbridge let go of Marietta.

"Deanna, wand down," said Dumbledore, looking angrily at Umbridge. "I cannot allow you to manhandle my students, Dolores."

"You want to calm yourself, Madam Umbridge," said Kingsley in his deep, slow voice. "You don't want to get yourself into trouble now."

"No," said Umbridge breathlessly, glancing at Kingsley. "I mean, yes β€” you're right, Shacklebolt β€” I β€” I forgot myself." Marietta was still looking straight ahead of her with blank eyes.

"Dolores," said Fudge, "the meeting tonight β€” the one we know definitely happened β€”" Deanna's eyes widened and she stared back at her father, thinking of the paper with their names and the words Dumbledore's Army on top. Dumbledore finally made eye contact with her. His eyes widened slightly and his face fell slightly. He nodded once at Deanna before looking back at Umbridge.

"Yes," said Umbridge, pulling herself together, "yes... well, Miss Edgecombe tipped me off and I proceeded at once to the seventh floor, accompanied by certain trustworthy students, so as to catch those in the meeting red-handed. It appears that they were forewarned of my arrival, however, because when we reached the seventh floor they were running in every direction. It does not matter, however. I have all their names here, Miss Parkinson ran into the Room of Requirement for me to see if they had left anything behind... We needed evidence and the room provided..." She took out the list of their names from her pocket and handed it to Fudge.

"The moment I saw Dumbledore and Potter's names on the list, I knew what we were dealing with," she said softly.

"Excellent," said Fudge, a smile spreading across his face. "Excellent, Dolores. And... by thunder..." He looked up at Dumbledore then at Deanna. "See what they've named themselves? Dumbledore's Army."

Dumbledore took the piece of parchment from Fudge and looked at Deanna, who smiled at him. "Well, the game is up," he said simply. "Would you like a written confession from us, Cornelius β€” or will a statement before these witnesses suffice?" Deanna saw Minerva and Kingsley look at each other with fear, and they looked at Deanna, who nodded gravely. It was the end for the Dumbledores here in Hogwarts. It was time for them to go.

"Statement?" said Fudge slowly. "What β€” I don't β€” ?"

"Dumbledore's Army, Cornelius," said Dumbledore, still smiling as he waved the list of names before Fudge's face. "Not Potter's Army. Dumbledore's Army."

"But β€” but β€”" Then, Fudge took a horrified step backward and yelped. "You?" he whispered then he looked back at Deanna. "Who is it between you two? WHO?"

"Both of us," said Deanna, smiling at the red-faced man.

"That's right," said Dumbledore pleasantly.

"You organized this?"

"I did," said Dumbledore. "And Deanna was supposed to oversee it."

"You recruited these students for β€” for your army?"

"Tonight was supposed to be the first meeting," said Dumbledore, nodding. "Merely to see whether they would be interested in joining me. I see now that it was a mistake to invite Miss Edgecombe, of course."

Marietta nodded. Fudge looked from her to Dumbledore, his chest swelling. "Then you have been plotting against me!" he yelled.

"That's right," said Dumbledore cheerfully.

"NO!" shouted Harry. Deanna glared at him, he would just make this harder if he would be like this. "No β€” Deanna! Professor Dumbledore!"

"Be quiet, Harry, or I am afraid you will have to leave my office," said Dumbledore calmly.

"Yes, shut up, Potter!" barked Fudge, who was ogling Deanna and Dumbledore with delight. "Well, well, well β€” I came here tonight expecting to expel Potter and instead β€”"

"Instead you get to arrest me and expel my daughter," said Dumbledore, smiling. "It's like losing a Knut and finding Galleons, isn't it?"

"Weasley!" cried Fudge, now positively quivering with delight, "Weasley, have you written it all down, everything they've said, their confession, have you got it?" Deanna's eyes widened. Did that mean he was Arthur and Molly's son after all?

"Yes, sir, I think so, sir!" said the Weasley eagerly.

"The bit about how he's been trying to build up an army against the Ministry, how he's been working to destabilize me? About how his daughter's his second-in-command?"

"Yes, sir, I've got it, yes!" said Weasley joyfully.

"Very well, then," said Fudge, now radiant with glee. "Duplicate your notes, Weasley, and send a copy to the Daily Prophet at once. If we send a fast owl we should make the morning edition!"

The Weasley dashed from the room, slamming the door behind him, and Fudge turned back to Deanna and Dumbledore. "An arrest would be more suitable for your daughter. You two will now be escorted back to the Ministry, where you will be formally charged and then sent to Azkaban to await trial!"

"Ah," said Dumbledore gently, "yes. Yes, I thought we might hit that little snag." He exchanged glances with Deanna, who just smiled at him. Of course, they weren't going down without a fight.

"Snag?" said Fudge, his voice still vibrating with joy. "I see no snag, Dumbledore!"

"I'm afraid we do, Minister," said Deanna apologetically.

"Oh really?"

"Well β€” it's just that you seem to be laboring under the delusion that we are going to β€” what is the phrase? 'Come quietly' I am afraid we are not going to come quietly at all, Cornelius. We have absolutely no intention of being sent to Azkaban. We could break out, of course β€” but what a waste of time, and frankly, Deanna and I can think of a whole host of things we would rather be doing."

Umbridge was turning redder by the second. Fudge looked back and forth between Deanna and Dumbledore before he looked at Kingsley and the other man. The unnamed man started moving towards Deanna and Dumbledore.

"You must be a Dawlish," said Deanna, looking the man over. He stopped and looked at her with wide eyes. "Your father looked just like you. I must tell you, he might have passed all his N.E.W.T.s, but he hasn't really healed from our fight. I wonder what he would say if he learns his son would lose to me too." Dawlish blinked before he looked back at Fudge, now with fear on his face.

"So," sneered Fudge, recovering himself, "you intend to take on Dawlish, Shacklebolt, Dolores, and myself singlehanded, do you, Dumbledores?"

"Merlin's beard, no," said Dumbledore, smiling. "Not unless you are foolish enough to force us to."

"They will not be single-handed!" said Minerva loudly.

"Oh yes they will, Minerva!" said Dumbledore sharply. "Hogwarts needs you!"

"Enough of this rubbish!" said Fudge, pulling out his own wand. "Dawlish! Shacklebolt! Take him!" Deanna and Dumbledore nodded at each other before they waved their wands, and silver lights flashed around the room. Deanna stunned Umbridge with a non-verbal spell, and the toad went flying to one of the walls.

"No!" Fudge cried when Dumbledore hit him with one of his spells.

"Ignis Rugiet!" shouted Deanna, and Dawlish's eyes widened when the fireball hit him. He fell to the ground unconscious. Some of the portraits yelled, Fawkes screeched and there was a cloud of dust from where Deanna's fireballs had hit the room.

"Are you all right, love?" said Dumbledore, running to her.

"I'm fine, Pops. You?"

"Just well," said Dumbledore, stroking her hair. "I'm proud of you, little phoenix, but we have to go. Go pack your stuff." Deanna nodded and ran up to her room. Dumbledore bought her a bag for Christmas that she could use whenever she needed to run.

"Pack." She waved her wand and her stuff immediately went to the bag. She decided to write a little note before she ran back down and saw Dumbledore talking to Harry while Fawkes soared in circles above them, singing softly.

Minerva ran over to her and hugged her tight. "Oh, Deanna, we'll miss you dearly."

"I will too, Minnie," said Deanna, smiling at her. "Take care of Hogwarts while we're gone. We'll come back."

"I know you will, dear," said Minerva, patting her cheek lightly. Deanna hugged her one more time before going to Harry and Dumbledore.

"Listen to me, Harry," Dumbledore said urgently, "you must study Occlumency as hard as you can, do you understand me? Do everything Professor Snape tells you and practice it particularly every night before sleeping so that you can close your mind to bad dreams β€” you will understand why soon enough, but you must promise me β€”"

When Dawlish stirred, Dumbledore seized Harry's wrist. "Remember β€” close your mind β€” you will understand."

Deanna's eyes widened when she saw a flash of red in Harry's eyes, but she gave him a quick hug anyways. "I'm always with you, Harry."

"And I, Deanna." Harry said and smiled slightly, understanding what she said. Even if they never talked about it, they knew they would always be walking the Department of Mystery together.

Picking up her bag, Deanna stood beside Dumbledore, who smiled at her. "We'll be fulfilling one of your wishes now, love."

Deanna's eyes twinkled at him. "Really?"

"Yes," chuckled Dumbledore. Fawkes circled the office once more. As Dumbledore wrapped an arm around Deanna's waist, he raised his other hand and grasped the phoenix's long golden tail. There was a flash of fire and the trio were gone. Just like phoenixes, the Dumbledores had taken their flight.

Deanna, Dumbledore and Fawkes appeared in a place Deanna remembered they visited often when she was a child. "We're back, Pops," she said softly. They were back in their old house at the Mould-of-the-Wold.

"Go on inside, love," said Dumbledore and he raised his wand and started casting enchantments around the place.

"Come on, Fawkes," said Deanna excitedly and she ran inside the house. She chuckled slightly when it was just as she remembered fifty years ago. It seemed that Dumbledore did not abandon the house at all.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, phoenix," said Dumbledore, coming in the house. "We had no choice."

"It's fine, Pops," said Deanna, wrapping her arms around his tall figure. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be than right beside you. I'm staying with you the whole time, Pops." Dumbledore smiled softly at his daughter and hugged her tight. Fawkes joined their hug with a cry and squeezed into the middle. Sure, they weren't at Hogwarts anymore, which they both considered their homes, but for the Dumbledores, home was not a place. It was each other.

Dumbledore excused himself to buy them some food. While he went out, Deanna stroked Fawkes' feathers and started thinking about her friends. How were they? Were they all right? She thought of the other members, hoping none of them would experience the Blood Quill. They were far too young to experience that. She thought of her Hufflepuff friends and sighed. She wouldn't want them to be punished like that. They were one of the first to tell her they believed her.

She thought of the Weasley children, apologizing in her mind to all her friends. She just hoped that their departure would be enough to protect them from Umbridge. She thought of Harry and hoped he wouldn't be get his hand scarred anymore. She hoped he wouldn't feel guilty at all because this was their choice, and it wasn't his fault. She thought of Hermione and remembered the worried look on her face. Deanna held a hand to her heart and sighed. Her heart had hurt so much when she thought of Hermione having her hand scarred. Deanna would get expelled, arrested or anything before she would let Dolores Umbridge hurt Hermione Granger or any of them.

"That's my promise, Fawkes," said Deanna, a fire in her eyes. "She won't hurt any of them."

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