xvi. warmth in winter
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"Pops?" said Deanna gently the next morning, going to her father at his table.
"Yes, love?" said Dumbledore, setting down his cup. Deanna hesitated before nodding and sitting down in front of him. She stared into his eyes and remembered what he had said about Legilimency.
"He's happy," Deanna blurted out. "I don't know why, but he's-he's happy." Dumbledore was about to say something when an owl came in with its usual copies of the Daily Prophet in hand. Deanna took one and read the headlines. So, that was why Voldemort was so happy last night. His faithful Death Eaters had escaped from Azkaban.
"Fabian and Gideon Prewett?" said Deanna confusedly, reading Antonin Dolohov's crimes. "W-Who are they, Pops?"
"They're Molly's brothers, love," said Dumbledore seriously, reading the paper too. "Twins as well." Deanna just nodded and read more. There was an Augustus Rookwood, and she gasped when she saw a girl with unkempt hair and a crazy look in her eyes.
"Druella?" she said then frowned when she read that the girl's name was Bellatrix Lestrange, and she glared at the witch when she had read what she had done. "She tortured the Longbottoms to insanity? Are they Antonia's grandchildren Pops?"
"Frank is her great-grandson while Alice is his wife. Antonia and Terrence had a son named Romeo. Neville is Frank and Alice's son, love, and he lives with his grandmother." Deanna just nodded and stared down at Bellatrix Lestrange's picture. She didn't meet her yet, but Deanna thought she was probably just like her mother.
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"Neville?" said Deanna as she came into the Room of Requirement. Only the two of them were there, and Neville was staring up at the picture on the mirror. She walked over to him and looked at what he was looking at. It was the picture of the original Order of the Phoenix. Deanna saw some people who resembled her own friends, and she smiled softly when she saw them there.
Aries, Lorraine, Dallas and there was Sirius and Remus and Moody and who she thought to be Harry's parents, James and Lily. There was even her uncle and her father though they weren't side by side. She then followed Neville's line of sight and saw that he was staring at two people who looked just like him. Her heart hurt at the thought that they didn't even know they would be suffering a fate worse than death, that they weren't be able to see their son grow up.
"Fourteen years ago," said Neville softly. "A Death Eater named Bellatrix Lestrange used the Cruciatus Curse on my parents with a few more of them. She tortured them for information, but they never gave in. I'm quite proud to be their son. But I'm not sure I'm ready for all the pitying looks people have been giving me since the news broke out."
"They're proud of you too, Neville," said Deanna, patting him on the shoulder. "The fact that we're here right now and fighting for what's right. We're bringing those wretched Death Eaters back to Azkaban." Neville smiled widely at her while people started filling in.
Deanna found herself wanting to protect the boy more, watching him do his best in learning all the skills and improving considerably more than anyone else. There was a fire in Neville Longbottom, and Deanna wanted to be one of the people who'd keep the fire going.
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"Are you all right, Harry?" asked Deanna as she sat down with them and saw Harry, rubbing his scar.
"Yeah, Dee," said Harry, smiling up at her. Somehow, every time he saw Deanna, he felt his mood lighting up. He couldn't get himself to get mad at the girl. "How about you?"
"Just swell," said Deanna cheerfully. Hermione frowned though when the whole time since she had sat down, Deanna didn't even look at her. Not even a single glance. Deanna saw Hermione frown from the corner of her eye and worried about her. Was there something wrong? Why was Hermione suddenly frowning? She debated with herself to ask or not when she met eyes with Hermione and her words came flowing out of her mouth. "Are you okay, Hermione?"
Hermione looked surprised before nodding. "Yeah, just good." Deanna smiled at her while talking to Harry and Ron about Quidditch. Peeking at the girl while reading her book, Hermione grinned so wide that her cheeks were starting to hurt. That twinkle in Deanna's eyes was just so innocent and so... Deanna that Hermione just wanted to preserve it and watch it forever. It just lit up the whole room, and it was Hermione's own ray of sunshine.
The trio of Jemina, Eleanor and Noah passed by and waved to Deanna, who waved back. Harry sat up straight and started fixing his clothes and his hair. "Do I look all right?" Deanna, Ron and Hermione shared amused looks before nodding.
"Wish me luck," said Harry as he ran after them. "Noah!"
"Helga, Harry is brave, he is," said Deanna, chuckling. Then, she saw Ron staring at Eleanor, who was giggling with Jemina, with a mix of confusion and longing in his eyes. "Oh, Ron. Eleanor's going to melt with how you're staring at her."
Ron blushed as red as his hair while Hermione frowned at him. "Are you still not talking to her?"
"Nope," said Ron still staring at Eleanor, who suddenly looked towards them. She smiled at Deanna and Hermione, and her eyes hardened at the sight of Ron, but Deanna saw a hint of longing in her eyes. Deanna and Hermione exchanged glances. One was too slow and one was too stubborn.
Ron and Eleanor had fought after Ron confronted her about dating Blaise Zabini, saying he was a Slytherin and a few more reasons that sounded like nonsense. Eleanor shouted back at him, saying that just because it took him a few years to notice, it didn't mean nobody else had realized she was a girl. She was right though. Eleanor was beautiful, and a lot of people had taken a liking to her, not only Blaise Zabini. Oh, if only Ron would just realize that he liked Eleanor Edmonton all along.
"I mean, she told me not to talk to her anyways," grumbled Ron when she saw Blaise Zabini wrap his arm around Eleanor's shoulders. Harry was now walking back to them with a goofy grin on his face. Deanna glanced back to see Blaise and Eleanor going a different path while Jemina was smiling at the blushing Noah.
"He said yes," said Harry cheerfully, and Deanna and Hermione smiled at him while Ron was glaring at the backs of Eleanor and Blaise. "What's wrong with him?" whispered Harry to the two girls.
"He's just slow," said Hermione, shaking her head at the boy, who finally turned back to them with a sour look on his face.
"Go on then, it's not like I care," said Ron and muttered more to himself while they made their way up to the castle. The three behind him smiled in amusement. Harry and Ron then made their way up to Gryffindor tower and left Deanna and Hermione alone.
"Where are you going?" said Deanna after a moment of silence.
"To the library," said Hermione. "How about you?"
"Can I come with you?" asked Deanna with a smile on her face. "I just want to spend more time with you."
"I-I'd like that."
Even Deanna was surprised at her bold actions, but the blush on Hermione's cheeks and the wide smile on her face as she took Deanna's hand in hers had made Deanna feel glad she did so. Warmth spread throughout her body the moment Hermione took her hand in hers, and Deanna felt a jolt of electricity along with the fast beating of her heart. Hermione was making her feel things she felt only with Tom before, and it scared Deanna, but just like a moth drawn to flame, Deanna was drawn to Hermione.
"Let me hold that," said Deanna, taking the books from Hermione.
"Thank you, Dee," said Hermione, blushing slightly while taking some more books. The two of them sat down at one of the tables, and while Hermione scribbled on her parchment, she didn't see how Deanna was peeking at her from one of the books with admiration in her eyes. She couldn't help it. Hermione looked gorgeous with how the sunlight hit her face perfectly. It made Hermione's eyes twinkle with the focused look she had, and Deanna couldn't understand why people said her hair was bushy when it was simple perfection especially with how the sun made it a shade lighter. Deanna blushed when she met eyes with Madam Pince who smiled knowingly before hiding back behind her book.
A few hours later, Hermione finished her homework and she blushed in embarrassment when she saw Deanna was still behind her book. "I'm sorry, Deanna, I-"
"Shhh!" whispered Madam Pince. "She's sleeping, Miss Granger. She's been staring at you the whole time. Maybe, she thought you were more interesting than her favorite book." Hermione blushed while Madam Pince walked away, chuckling to herself. She quietly fixed up her stuff and looked at the book Deanna was reading, Beauty and the Beast. She smiled slightly when she saw that Deanna didn't even turn the first page. She just stood there for a few moments, watching Deanna's soft smile on her face. She looked so peaceful that Hermione didn't want to wake her up.
Hermione's heart rammed against her chest when she remembered what Madam Pince said. Was Deanna really staring at her? Did she really have a chance with the Hufflepuff? Hermione leaned down and tucked in a single strand of hair behind Deanna's ear. At that moment though, Deanna opened her eyes and her cheeks flushed when she saw Hermione so close to her and that her hand was on Deanna's cheek.
Hermione finally realized their position. She stood up and cleared her throat. "Come on, Deanna."
"Thanks, Mione," said Deanna with a yawn. They fixed up their stuff and bid Madam Pince good night. When they got out of the library, Deanna smiled apologetically at her. "Sorry for sleeping, Hermione. I was... just too focused on my book."
Hermione knew she was lying then, but she didn't say a word and just smiled at the girl. "It's all right, Deanna. I was too focused on my work as well. I didn't even realize it was already night."
They finally arrived at Gryffindor tower, and they just stared at each other for a few seconds, neither wanting to say goodbye.
"I-" "Mione-" The two of them said at the same time.
"You go-" "No-" Deanna and Hermione burst into laughter at how they kept on overlapping.
"You go first," said Deanna to her.
"Okay," said Hermione nervously. "WouldyouliketocomewithmetoHogsmeadeonthenextweekend?"
"What?" said Deanna, not understanding a word.
"I-" said Hermione more nervous than ever before she took a deep breath and held Deanna's hand in hers, which made the badger blush. "Would you like to come with me to Hogsmeade on the next weekend?" Deanna blushed even more and opened her mouth to answer, but no words came out.
"Y-You don't-"
"I'd love to," said Deanna softly, leaning in and placing a kiss on Hermione's cheek. "See you on Valentine's, Mione. Good night." She grinned at the witch before she too went back on her way on the Headmaster's office. When she was a floor up, she held a hand to her chest and grinned. Why was she so happy when all she was going to do was having a day with Hermione Granger?
Hermione stood outside Gryffindor Tower, holding a hand to her cheek, and grinning uncontrollably for three reasons. One, Deanna was going on a date with her on Valentine's, maybe it was just as friends, but a day with Deanna was all Hermione wanted. Two, Deanna kissed her on the cheek and left a lingering warmth that spread throughout her body, and three... She just liked Deanna Dumbledore, and just those three reasons were enough to make her feel happy for days to come.
"Aren't you coming in?" said the Fat Lady with a raised eyebrow. Hermione blushed before muttering the password to her, and as the door closed, she heard the Fat Lady mumble. "Never knew that Boisterous Badger had it in her."
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Deanna took in a deep breath and checked herself out in the mirror. Was she too casual with how she dressed? Or maybe, she was overdressed. She banged her head on the wall and groaned. Why was she so nervous when she was just hanging out with Hermione? And Hermione was probably not thinking much about this as she was. She looked behind her and saw Fawkes looking at her. The phoenix let out a cry.
"I know," sighed Deanna, changing her clothes again. She finally settled for a yellow sweater and a pair of jeans. She twirled around and smiled at Fawkes. "What do you think?"
Fawkes let out another cry that Deanna took as his agreement. She kissed the top of his head before she went down and greeted her father. "Hey, Pops."
"Hello, love," said Dumbledore, putting down his newspaper and smiling at her. "What's the occasion today?"
"W-Well," said Deanna, looking up at the portraits, who were feigning sleep but she knew they were listening in to their conversation. She rolled her eyes and blushed when she locked eyes with her father. "I'm going out with Hermione Granger."
"Hermione?" said Dumbledore with a curling of his lips. "On Valentine's?"
Deanna blushed even more and suddenly looked at her wrist. "Oh, would you look at the time, Pops, I have to go, see you!" She sped out of the room, and Dumbledore, the portraits and the Sorting Hat laughed when the door finally closed.
"That lass has always been one hard to sort," said the Sorting Hat. "She's a fighter, Headmaster, just like you."
"She's my little phoenix after all," said Dumbledore smiling at the phoenix that had just settled beside him.
"So she likes this girl named Hermione Granger? Never thought that your daughter would like someone again, Dumbledore," said Armando Dippet. "After what happened with that Riddle boy, that young lady deserves a second chance with someone better."
"I know, Armando," said Dumbledore, leaning back in his seat and staring at the framed picture of him and Deanna hugging. "And if that person's Hermione Granger, I'm glad it's her. Because she'll be the one to calm down Deanna's fire."
Deanna ran down the steps and groaned when she bumped into someone and fell to the ground. She looked up and saw that she had bumped into the Slytherin, who was staring at her back then. She also recognized her as one of the people who sang Weasley is Our King and frowned slightly as she got up. The Slytherin just passed by her with a roll of her eyes and flushed cheeks at the way the Hufflepuff was looking at her.
"Hey!" Deanna suddenly said, and the girl stopped in her tracks. Deanna ran back to her with a slight smile. "What's your name?"
The girl looked surprised and her cheeks flushed even more. "Pansy Parkinson."
"All right, Pansy," said Deanna, running away and waving. "Nice meeting you!" And Pansy Parkinson couldn't help smiling widely while going on her way. She didn't know why, but Deanna Dumbledore was just making her feel happy which was unusual in her life.
"What's got you smiling like that?" said Blaise Zabini later while they sat in their common room. Theodore Nott also raised an eyebrow at how Pansy was acting. Their usually cold and sarcastic friend was all giddy now. It was just strange.
"Nothing," mumbled Pansy, looking down at her book and trying to compose herself, but she was still smiling like a madman. Was it the way Deanna had been so friendly to her? Was it the way she smiled at Pansy? Or was it something else? Pansy didn't know why, but she wanted to know more about the Hufflepuff, be friends with her. That Hufflepuff that seemed to bring her light with a single smile.
Deanna finally arrived at the Great Hall. She waved at Harry and Noah, who were walking out of the Hall together, and she smiled widely when she saw Hermione at the Gryffindor table alone. She walked over silently to the girl and tapped her on the shoulder. "Boo."
Hermione yelped and glared playfully at the laughing Deanna. "Is it fun?"
"You looked like a little otter, Mione," said Deanna, calming down slightly and sitting in front of her. "You were adorable." Hermione turned red, and she looked down and ate her oats to let her hair hide her cheeks and the grin on her face.
"Deanna, can we stop by the Three Broomsticks later?"
"Sure, Mione," said Deanna though a little confused why they would be going there. The two of them finished up and went to the carriages with all of the other students. Ron and Ginny couldn't come since they had Quidditch practice while Fred and George stayed to watch them.
"So where to first?" said Deanna when they finally arrived.
"I could do with a new quill," said Hermione and the two of them started on their way to Scrivenshaft's. She frowned when she saw the several posters of the people who had escaped from Azkaban. Her dislike for the Ministry grew even more when she learned that they were putting the blame on Sirius again when he had not even done anything wrong.
As they arrived, Deanna looked around in awe. On her last trip, she, the twins and Lee did not go there, and it was a new shop so it was her first time seeing it. Hermione giggled when she saw the amazed look on Deanna's face while she picked her own quills.
"Do you like Phoenix Feather quills, Mione?" said Deanna while checking out some of them.
"Yes," said Hermione giddily. "Phoenix Feather quills are the best. Here, look at this." Deanna then leaned in close to look at the quill, but she started laughing when Hermione started tickling her with the quill. She tried running away from Hermione, but Hermione wrapped an arm around her and tickled her again.
"Mione!" said Deanna in between her giggles. Hermione finally stopped and laughed at her flushed face. Deanna glared playfully at her. "Is it fun?"
"You looked like a little phoenix, Dee," said Hermione mockingly. "You were adorable." Deanna's face turned even redder, and she pouted while mumbling incoherent words under her breath. Hermione just grinned at her reaction as she went to the counter with Deanna.
"That will be- Goodness me, D-Deanna?" said the man at the counter.
"Sullivan? Sullivan Scrivenshaft?" said Deanna with wide eyes, staring at her old friend. He might have grown and had white hair now, but Deanna could still recognize him. Sullivan Scrivenshaft was a Ravenclaw in her year and they became friends because of Deanna giving him a Phoenix Feather quill.
"B-But you should be dead," said Sullivan with tears in his eyes. "You were taken into the Chamber."
"I'm here, Sully," said Deanna gently, patting his hand. "Let's talk during my next visit, all right? I'll tell you everything then."
Sullivan wiped away his tears and nodded, smiling at the friend he had missed dearly. "I'll see you then, Deanna."
"So how much-"
"It's on the house," said Sullivan. "Now, go enjoy your date." The two witches flushed and Deanna glared playfully at the Ravenclaw, who winked at her.
"You know the owner of Scrivenshaft's?" said Hermione with surprise while they went out of Scrivenshaft's.
"He was my old friend," said Deanna with a tone of reminiscence. "He and Lorraine dated once, but they had broken up. I suppose he's one of the only ones who are still living. Anyways, where do you want to go next, Hermione?"
"Have you seen the Shrieking Shack, Deanna?" When Deanna shook her head, Hermione beamed at her. "Come on then." Hermione told her all about the Shrieking Shack and how Remus Lupin was thought to be the ghost in it. All the time Deanna listened, she was smiling at Hermione. It was because of the fire in Hermione's eyes when she talked about the Shrieking Shack. Hermione's passion was in books and knowledge and seeing the Gryffindor talk about something she loved to Deanna just made Deanna's heart feel warm.
"And- Deanna?" said Hermione, her face turning red at the way Deanna was smiling at her. "W-Why are you smiling at me like that?"
"Because this is how someone should smile at you," said Deanna, tucking a strand of hair behind Hermione's ear. "You deserved to be smiled at with all the admiration in the world."
Hermione blushed once more and started stuttering. "W-What- I-I- Look at the time! We have to go to the Three Broomsticks." And she took Deanna's hand and pulled her along. This time, it was Deanna who was flustered but she was lucky that Hermione was in front of her so she couldn't see how red Deanna was.
"Are we meeting someone?" said Deanna.
"Y-Yeah," said Hermione. They stopped in front of the Three Broomsticks. "Look, Deanna, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you a while ago, but please don't get mad."
"I won't?" said Deanna in a tone of uncertainty.
"You see... I want the truth to come out. About Voldemort, and I called someone who could help get out your and Harry's story," she paused to look at Deanna, who was thinking hard about it. "And... I was wondering if you two could tell the story again." There was silence for a few moments in which Deanna thought about it hard while Hermione was nervously watching her.
"I think it's a great idea, Mione," said Deanna finally and Hermione let out a sigh of relief. "It'll help get the truth out. Thank you. For making this possible," she finished softly.
"Anytime, Deanna," said Hermione just as soft. When they went in, Deanna saw that the Three Broomsticks had only a few changes. It seemed to have expanded, and she smiled when she remembered being here with Aries, Dallas and Lorraine. She and Hermione waved when they saw Hagrid at one of the tables.
"Go on to him, Deanna," said Hermione. "I'll get us a table. Would you like anything?"
"I'm good. Thank you, Hermione," said Deanna gratefully, walking over to Hagrid, who was looking glum at one of the tables. "Hello, Rubeus. Are you all right?"
Hagrid smiled slightly at her. "Hello, Dee. I'm fine."
"What happened to you, Ruby?" said Deanna, holding her hand to his face, checking the cuts and bruises.
"I'm fine, Deanna," said Hagrid softly. When Deanna still looked unconvinced, he let out a sigh and leaned in to whisper. "Can yeh promise not ter tell anyone?"
"I promise, Ruby," she said, high-fiving him and raising her other hand.
Hagrid smiled widely and whispered lowly. "I found my half-brother."
"Really?" whispered Deanna back. Hagrid told her about how his half-brother giant Grawp was in the Forbidden forest and how he was being bullied by the other giants so Hagrid took Grawp with him.
"I'd like to meet him one day, Rubeus," said Deanna excitedly. "You could teach him how to write one day. Imagine it, a giant writing!"
"Thank yeh, Dee," chuckled Hagrid. "I thought yeh would think I'm mad or somethin'."
"Rubeus, he's your brother. Why would I think you'd be mad for taking him with you? Maybe we could build him a house or a cave!" said Deanna, her eyes twinkling.
Hagrid laughed at her and stood up. "I'll be going now, Dee. I'll see yeh soon. It looks like they're calling you already." From across the room, Harry and Hermione were waving her over.
"See you, Rubeus," said Deanna. She went up to them and saw Luna Lovegood and a woman with unkempt blond hair, who was staring at her with surprise in her eyes.
"Harry, how was your date with Noah?" said Deanna, sitting down between him and Hermione.
"I-It was fine," said Harry grimly.
"What happened?" said Deanna worriedly. Things were going good between the two of them so what happened that made Harry so sad?
"Later, Dee," mumbled Harry, and Deanna just nodded before she looked closer at the woman.
"Mina?" said Deanna. "Or are you Mina's daughter?"
Rita Skeeter looked at Harry and Hermione with wide eyes. "This has to be a joke. She can't be Deanna Dumbledore!"
"What's your name anyways?" said Deanna.
"R-Rita Skeeter," said Rita hesitantly. "Mina's my mother."
"So Mina did marry Ralph Skeeter," chuckled Deanna lightly. "I can see the similarities. Blonde hair, eyeglasses. Your mum wrote that I was a lunatic pyromaniac once when she saw me talking with Ralph."
Rita's jaw dropped open. "W-What? How do you know that?"
"Because I'm Deanna Dumbledore?" Rita stared at her for a few moments before nodding absentmindedly. That information was one that only a few knew, and if this girl in front of her knew about it then, there was the small possibility- no, there was no doubt that she was indeed Deanna Dumbledore.
"I don't suppose I've got any choice, have I?" said Rita, her voice shaking slightly. She opened her crocodile bag once more, withdrew a piece of parchment, and raised her Quick-Quotes Quill.
"Daddy will be pleased," said Luna brightly. A muscle twitched in Rita's jaw.
"Okay, Deanna, Harry?" said Hermione, turning to them. "Ready to tell the public the truth?"
"I suppose," said Harry. Deanna nodded simply with a small smile at Harry, who smiled back.
"Fire away, then, Rita," said Hermione serenely, fishing a cherry out of the bottom of her glass.
After the interview, Deanna escorted Hermione back to Gryffindor tower with a big smile on her face. "Thank you for coming with me today. I really enjoyed it, Hermione.
"No, thank you, Deanna," said Hermione, smiling back at her. "For agreeing, for everything." The two of them just stood there, smiling at each other, none of them wanting the day to end. Suddenly, they heard someone clear their throat and they looked behind them to see the Fat Lady with a slight smile on her face.
Deanna blushed and grinned at Hermione before leaning in and placing a quick kiss on the Gryffindor's forehead. "Happy Valentine's, Hermione. Good night, Liz!" And with one last wink at the her, she started running away. Hermione stood there with her hand touching her forehead and red cheeks. Then, she grinned and said the password to the Fat Lady. It was indeed a Happy Valentine's day.
Deanna got up to the Headmaster's office and she was halfway up the stairs when someone spoke. "Why are you in such a rush, love?" Deanna stopped and turned around. Dumbledore was smiling in amusement at how his daughter had not even noticed him there. He wondered then what could have happened to make her like that?
"I- m-my heart, Pops, I just need my bed, good night," said Deanna quickly before she continued to her room. Dumbledore just shook his head and smiled while reading the papers he had.
"I don't know why anymore, Fawkes," said Deanna, pacing her room. "Why is my heart racing like a bloody phoenix? I-I mean, I did invite her as friends. We are friends! But why is it beating so fast?"
"Maybe because you've taken a liking to her." Deanna yelped and jumped. It was surprisingly the Bloody Baron who spoke.
"Alexander? What are you doing here?"
"Just wandering about."
Deanna rolled her eyes and fell back on her bed. "So why are you here?"
"I just wanted to apologize," said the Bloody Baron quietly.
"For what?" said Deanna, now sitting up.
"For the start of the year," mumbled the Baron. "I made you uncomfortable by calling you a serpent even if I knew you weren't comfortable about it."
"Oh, Alexander," said Deanna, her face softening. "Has it been bothering you this entire time?"
"No," muttered the Bloody Baron, and he glanced at Deanna, who was smiling slightly. "Yes."
"You don't have to apologize. I-"
"I wanted to," said the Baron. "You're a friend of mine, Deanna. You're the only human friend I've got, and I want it to stay that way."
"And you won't lose me," said Deanna gently, smiling up at him. "I'll always be your friend, Alexander. No matter what." And the Bloody Baron smiled back at her, grateful he had Deanna with him. It was true though. Deanna was his first and only human friend. While the others were all scared of him, Deanna had seen past his rough faรงade and became friends with him. And for that, the Bloody Baron would do everything to keep this girl by his side.
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