lxxii. rise from the ashes
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May 1, 2003
"Hey, you two, come in." Hermione smiled at Harry Knight-Potter and Ron Weasley who came to the Mould-on-the-Wold to check in on their friend.
"Good evening, Mione."
"Hello, Hermione."
The two greeted her back and hugged her with grins on their faces before they all went into the house.
"Fawkes, hello." Harry and Ron waved at the phoenix who let out a cry before letting them pat his feathers. The phoenix flew back to his new perch that Hermione made with special features. The two boys looked around and saw the house was a little messy. They exchanged sad smiles when they saw a Hufflepuff Quidditch jersey on the couch. The traces of her were still there.
Hermione seemed to notice what they saw and fixed the mess up with a wave of her wand, the jersey flying back into the closet. She sent them a small smile, trying to convince them she was fine. "Sorry, the house is a little messy today. Why don't you sit down first and I'll fix up lunch?"
"Go on, Mione, we'll be waiting here." Harry reassured her with a smile, and Hermione smiled back at them gratefully before she went off into the kitchen. Harry and Ron sat down at the couch and sighed in unison. Who was Hermione trying to convince? They knew she wasn't fine.
There was actually a reason why they went there today of all days. It was because tomorrow marked Deanna's 5th death anniversary. A day that hurt all of them deeply but so much more for Hermione. They knew Hermione would be unreachable tomorrow, so they at least wanted to be there for her today.
Hermione had gotten a lot better. She would come to the Burrow, her parents' house or Hog's Head whenever she had free time, and she was easily rising through the ranks of the Ministry. Everyone knew that she would be the next Minister of Magic, and she was perfect for the role. She was also genuinely happy again with her achievements and her life, so Harry and Ron were happy for her.
She had her family, friends and her dreams. However, they knew there was something missing. Or rather, someone... That light in her eyes, the sparkle that only one person could bring out, was gone. They haven't seen it for 5 years. It died with Deanna, and nobody had the courage to try and help Hermione find that light again. But as her best friends, Harry and Ron knew this was their duty. It was also part of their promise to Deanna.
"Harry, should we just go through with it?" Ron asked all of a sudden. "You know, the thing we talked about."
"There is nothing we can do..." Harry let out a sigh after remembering that certain talk of theirs. Well, he couldn't deny Ron had a point, but was there anything they can do for Hermione who would always love Deanna?
"So, are we just going to let her be? After everything?" Ron asked with a frown. He didn't like his plan either. He loved Deanna like a brother, but he didn't like seeing Hermione like this either. It was time.
"You don't โ "
"Five years is enough." Ron cut him off with a shake of his head, frustration seeping in his tone. "She has suffered too much already! Isn't it time for her to finally love again?"
The two froze upon hearing Hermione's voice, and they looked behind them to see Hermione wiping her hands on the towel with a raised eyebrow. They have been friends for too long already to know what each other was thinking just with staring into each other's eyes.
By the look in Hermione's eyes, she already knew who they were talking about but she was just asking to confirm if they were talking about who she thought they were talking about. It didn't help their nerves to see Fawkes was also raising his eyebrow at them from beside Hermione. They knew they had no choice but to say the truth.
"Mione." Ron stood up and walked to Hermione, hesitating before he finally spoke thanks to Harry's encouraging pat on the shoulder from behind him. It was time for them to finally open up this topic that they had been dancing around for years. "We think it's time... for you to, er, you know..."
"We think it's time for you to try and love again." Harry continued for Ron, seeing how hard it was for him. The redhead sent him a grateful smile and when they saw Hermione's expression didn't change at all, they realized it was stupid to do this. Today of all days. They knew it was a stupid idea to try and convince Hermione to give love another try when her heart was clearly still Deanna's, but there was no harm in trying, right?
Hermione just let out a sigh and looked down, her answer and heart firm on where they stand. "Harry, Ron..."
Harry stepped forward, taking Hermione's hand in his own and giving it a reassuring squeeze. The action made Hermione look them in the eyes and she could only see genuine worry and sincerity in them. She knew they had only good intentions, and they only wanted her to be happy, but loving again? It wasn't even an option.
"Listen, Mione." Harry spoke up in a pleading voice. "We really have bad timing โ "
"Glad you know it." Hermione mumbled while Fawkes let out a cry and nodded his head profusely.
"Yeah, sorry about that." Harry's cheeks grew red as he became flustered. It was indeed bad timing since it was that day tomorrow. But he quickly composed himself, remembering the more important issue. "We promised Deanna we'd be there for you, and part of that is making sure you're happy. We're not asking you to do anything extreme like going on blind dates and the like, Mione, but we're asking you to at least open your heart."
"Deanna wanted you to love again. Can't you at least give it a try?" Ron begged her.
Hermione only smiled in response, their words making a point. But as rational as Hermione was, she was different when it came to Deanna. Only for the Dumbledore did she do things that she wouldn't do and feel the things she would never feel for anyone else again. No matter what anyone would say, Hermione's heart belonged only to one person.
So, she squeezed their hands and looked them in the eyes with a firm and slightly apologetic gaze. "Harry, Ron, I appreciate what you guys are doing, and I know you have only good intentions. But even if we say I was open to the idea or I would want to give it another try, I am still and always will be deeply in love with her. Just like how you two will only love Eleanor and Noah for the rest of your lives, I will only love Deanna in this lifetime. We will meet again one day. I don't know how or when, but we will. Until that day comes, I will continue loving Deanna Dumbledore."
"Besides, I'm happy with life now." Hermione let out a chuckle, patting Fawkes's feathers and smiling at her friends. "I got Fawkes, you guys and I'm doing well with my job. I may not have Deanna, but I still have you. I'll be fine โ no, I am fine."
Ron and Harry exchanged soft glances, realizing it was a mistake to even bring it up in the first place. It was clear to everyone Hermione would never fall in love again for her heart belonged only to Deanna Dumbledore, and they should trust her. If she said she was fine, she was. She may never get back that missing piece of her life, but she was happy. As her friends, the only thing they could do is continue being there for her.
"We're sorry, Mione."
"We just wanted you to be happy."
"I am, don't worry." Hermione reassured them with a tight hug while Fawkes cried and hugged them with his wings, making the Golden Trio laugh.
It was true. There was a void in Hermione's heart that would never be filled again. None of them would ever move on from Deanna's death. But the important thing was they were living on. As they promised, they lived their lives and became happy. It was all Deanna wanted.
Besides, Hermione didn't need a lover to become happy. Her friends, her family, Fawkes, her job and the memories of Deanna Dumbledore were enough to make her feel warm on a cold day, happy on days she'd feel sad and love in lonely times.
That was all she needed in her life.
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Hermione's eyes fluttered open, and she looked to her right to see Fawkes already awake and just staring at the wall. She was about to say something, but her eyes followed Fawkes's line of sight, feeling a pang in her heart when she saw what he was looking at. A picture of Deanna Dumbledore and Fawkes during Deanna's 5th year. She finally realized what day it was today. It was Deanna's 5th death anniversary.
Every year, there were only two days she did not hold herself back and let herself feel everything. Deanna's birthday and Deanna's death anniversary. She still missed and thought of her everyday, but on those two days, she would miss her so much more. Sure, she was still living, but the longing and grieving still lingered in her heart. She still loved Deanna Dumbledore, and she would continue loving Deanna until the day she died.
They said that the pain would be easier to bear with the passage of time. But that wasn't the case for Hermione whose time with Deanna was too short. It was supposed to be the rest of their lives together, but even in the short time they loved each other, it was a love enough to last a lifetime. Hermione loved Deanna to a point of no return, and Deanna loved Hermione to the point that she gave herself up for Hermione and the world. No matter what anyone said, it was only Deanna who held Hermione's heart. Nothing would make her fall out of love with the heir of the phoenixes.
Hermione sat up silently and hugged Fawkes, making the phoenix let out a soft cry before he too wrapped his wings around Hermione. Their tears fell before they knew it, and they started weeping for the lingering loss of Deanna Dumbledore. A loss that would remain in them until the end. For now, they could only grieve and weep so that they could get up again tomorrow and continue living. It was exhausting at times, but to know that Deanna was up there, happy to see them alive and well was enough to make Hermione go on.
"Oh, Deanna, love." Hermione inhaled the scent of Deanna's Hufflepuff jersey that she wore to her sleep and hugged Fawkes tighter, the two of them just letting themselves go. Her eyes turned to Deanna's phoenix stuffed toy on the bed and she smiled through her tears. "I miss you dearly, but you're doing well up there, right? We're doing well here, and we're happy. I know you've been staying with us all this time and maybe, that's why I got this far. Just wait a little longer, yeah? We will meet again one day. I'm holding onto that. I love you. Always."
Because for Hermione, that was the only thing she could do now. Hold on to Deanna, their promises and memories. She and Deanna could wait for another chance at their love. But when that time came, Hermione would make sure things would be different. It was a promise she made to herself and one she would keep no matter what.
When they had their second chance at love, Hermione was going to hug Deanna tight and let her know and feel the love she deserved. She was never going to let go of Deanna. Perhaps the deities could give them that, right?
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"There is nothing we can do..." One of the deities, Earth, shook his head in response to Death's plea.
"So, are we just going to let her be? After everything?" Death answered in a challenging voice. Murmurs of agreement and some in protest rose among them at his words. Up in the heavens, the twelve deities gathered to speak of a concern raised by Death. The concern being Deanna Dumbledore.
Deanna Dumbledore had always been a special case to the deities. She was meant to die in the beginning with the prophecy of the heirs. They witnessed every moment of her life. The infusion of her blood with phoenix blood, the fated romance of her and Tom Riddle, her slumber of 50 years and her destined return, the unexpected love between her and Hermione Granger, her father's death, her break-up with Hermione, her meeting with Grindelwald, the realization of her fate and ultimately, her becoming of the salvation.
It was a long journey for Deanna Dumbledore, none of them would deny that. None of them would disagree either that she didn't deserve the tragic fate that she faced. However, this was her destiny, to die and save the world, and she also declined a comfortable place in Limbo to meet her lover again one day. That was why she was in the endless snow in the first place. There was a conflict of interest between the deities regarding what would happen to Deanna.
However, Death who had met Deanna and saw the kindness in her decided to fight for her. She did not deserve it, not at all. So, for the past 5 years, he had been fighting for her freedom. Deanna only wanted to be with Hermione again one day, and for that girl, this was the least he could do.
"You don't โ "
"Five years is enough." Death cut Earth off. "She has suffered too much already! Isn't it time for her to finally love again?"
"Why are we even discussing this?" Earth let out a scoff. "There is no way she could still be standing in the snow! It's her fault in the first place why she's suffering."
"Is it her fault she was destined to save the world and wanted to meet her lover again one day? Despite what we had done to her, she still doesn't hate us. That kind girl only wants to meet her lover again! Can't we give her that?"
Before the two deities could say anything else, Sky, the supreme leader of the gods, had intervened. "Enough! The case of Deanna Dumbledore is a peculiar one, indeed, and one that has been going on for years. Five years ago, she had fulfilled her prophecy as the heir of the phoenixes but chose to remain in endless snow because of her longing to meet Hermione Granger again one day. She forewent going to Limbo where her soul would have been at peace."
"As this is a complex and major case, there is only one thing we can do. Take a vote." Sky said in a firm voice. "If majority agrees that Deanna Dumbledore should not be given a second chance at life and love, we will let her be in the land of endless snow, and this will be the last time we will be talking about this."
Death looked as if he wanted to protest, but he just let out a sigh and nodded. This was the final opportunity to give Deanna the life she deserved. He shouldn't do anything to hinder his chances of getting that for her.
"And if majority agrees that Deanna Dumbledore should be given a second chance at life and love, we will bring her back immediately and let her live the life she wants. Alright?"
Everyone nodded in response, and Death glared at Earth who smiled smugly. There was a reason why he was so smug. In the beginning, only Death and Love were in favor of Deanna's return, but that was five years ago. A lot of things changed since then. Death hoped he did enough to convince the other deities. Deanna needed to live.
"Now, those in favor of Deanna Dumbledore's return to the world?"
Death was the first to raise his hand, followed by Love. He pleaded in his mind for the others to also raise their hands, and he held in his sigh of relief when Fire, Beast and Light also raised their hands. That was five of them.
Sky merely nodded before speaking once more. "Those in favor of Deanna Dumbledore's stay in snow?"
Earth with that smug smile still on his face raised his hand right away, followed by Water, Time, Cosmos and War. Death felt his heart fall a little but then realized. The votes were equal.
"The votes are tied." Sky let out a sigh before looking at the cloaked figure, wearing a mask and sitting on the far corner. "This means that everything is in your hands, Fate."
It was as if the hope was sucked out of Death at that. Fate was the most unpredictable deity. She was the one who chose to give Deanna this fate in the first place. Everyone turned to Fate who had a blank look on her face. All of them were anticipating her answer anxiously, hoping for Fate to choose their side. Fate merely gave them a mysterious smile, her eyes looking at all of them and lingering on Death before she looked back at Sky.
"I choose..."
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Hermione and Fawkes were just lying on the bed, reminiscing their memories with Deanna and crying and laughing their hearts out together as they remembered her. It was definitely a good thing they had each other. Without each other, they had no idea where they would be now. The comfort they provided to one another helped them live again and healed their souls a little.
Suddenly, Fawkes' head snapped up and his body warmed up all of a sudden, confusing Hermione. He was also looking around as if he saw or felt something, his eyes wide in surprise. It couldn't be...
"Fawkes?" Hermione asked in worry. "Are you alright?"
Fawkes shook himself out of his daze and suddenly flew up, letting his tail fall. That confused Hermione even more. They were going out today? She was about to ask again, but Fawkes let out another cry, an impatient one at that. Hermione knew then it was something important.
"I trust this will be something urgent, Fawkes." Hermione let out a sigh, and when the phoenix cried once more, the bemused Hermione stood up, still wearing Deanna's Hufflepuff jersey and a skirt. With one last moment of hesitation, she held onto Fawkes's tail and felt warmth go over her entire body as they were transported out of the old Mould-on-the-Wold and into...
"Hogwarts?" Hermione asked in surprise. She looked around and saw they were at the Entrance Courtyard, tears filling her eyes immediately as she remembered this was the place where Deanna passed away. She saw there were students all around, looking at her in surprise, but she only smiled weakly at them, blushing when she realized she looked so disheveled. Well, Fawkes wanted to show her something. And speaking of the phoenix, where did he go?
Hermione searched for the phoenix, and her eyes softened when she saw him flying towards the pile of fire poppies at the spot where Deanna died. She went over to Fawkes and bent down. It was hard for both of them to be here. They only went here when they were needed at Hogwarts. Seeing that Fawkes wanted to be here broke and warmed Hermione's heart at the same time.
"You wanted to be here for her?" Hermione asked in a shaky voice, trying to keep her tears at bay. Fawkes did not respond and started letting his tears fall on the spot where Deanna burnt. That was the breaking point for Hermione. Did he think he could still bring Deanna back? Was he trying what they knew what was impossible?
"Oh, Fawkes." Hermione hugged him tight, and the phoenix nuzzled into her and continued to let his tears fall. "It's alright. It will be."
They all had their ways of coping, and perhaps, this was Fawkes's way. Hermione could only hug him in the hopes of comforting him and letting him know that no matter what happened, she was there. What Hermione didn't know was Fawkes sensed something he hadn't sensed in five years, and the only thing he could think of doing was crying. His tears never worked for that person, but he still cried and hoped it would work. Hermione only hugged him tighter, and in unison, their tears fell onto the space where Deanna burnt to ashes as she was destined to.
At the moment their tears fell onto the floor, a phoenix pendant resting in the limp hand of a girl lying in the endless snow warmed up all of a sudden. Her eyes squinted at the sudden warmth she felt. Was she really dead? She tried to get up, but the weight of exhaustion prevented her from doing so. Suddenly, she felt arms around her back help her sit up, and her eyes fluttered open to see Death in front of her, a kind smile on his face.
"S-Sir?" Deanna whispered in a small voice, her entire body shivering from the cold.
"You've done well, Deanna Dumbledore." Death said in a soft voice. "You have done beautifully. Now, it's time for the deities to give back to you the life that you deserve."
Deanna could barely understand what was happening. Life? Isn't this her life now? Staying in snow? "W-What?"
Death only smiled in response. "Goodbye, Deanna Dumbledore. I hope to see you after a hundred years, good lady."
With those last words, he let go of Deanna who suddenly felt the warmth from the phoenix pendant spread to her entire body as she found herself falling into oblivion. The cold that she was enduring, the exhaustion she was feeling and everything she was suffering dissipated. Then, she felt her eyes close once more.
Hermione's tears stopped all of a sudden when Fawkes's body suddenly warmed and the phoenix flew out of her arms and right above the pile of fire poppies. The phoenix confused her for the nth time that day. She stood up, and just as she was approaching Fawkes, a fire suddenly started from the place where Deanna had died and burnt all the fire poppies as it grew and grew.
Ignoring the gasps and whispers, Hermione moved back in surprise and confusion at the sudden flame, but alarm rose in her when the fire consumed Fawkes who cried. "Fawkes!"
However, she couldn't move any closer. The fire grew so bright it blinded all of them and warmed everyone up for a moment. Hermione closed her eyes and shielded them with her hands. Her eyes were squinting to adjust to the light when the fire suddenly disappeared, the warmth remaining.
The Granger opened her eyes, and nothing could ever ready her for the sight that met her eyes. Was she dreaming? What the hell was she seeing? She blinked her eyes repeatedly to check if she was seeing rightly, her heart beating hard against her chest... beating that familiar rhythm that it did not beat for five years. The entire world around her faded away except for the girl that was standing a few meters away from her, her youth and beauty retained.
Deanna Dumbledore felt her feet land on the ground after that long fall. She was surprised not to feel that biting cold she had been accustomed to in five years and that exhaustion that pushed her to the point of giving up. Then, she opened her eyes and nothing could explain the emotions she felt as soon as she saw her. The bushy hair, those brown eyes, the soft lips. Was it really...
Brown met blue, two pairs of eyes staring into each other and containing mixed emotions that could only be understood by the two girls.
The two whispered in unison and in disbelief, but the call of each other's names was all the reassurance they needed. This was them. They were here, in front of each other... keeping the promise that they would meet again one day. The longing, the suffering, the waiting... Everything led them to this moment where they would be reunited once more.
Hermione did not waste another moment and ran to Deanna, wrapping her arms around the Dumbledore so tight in the hopes that this was really the reality and not just a dream. Deanna hugged her back immediately, missing Hermione's warmth so much after feeling so cold in the past five years. Their tears fell simultaneously as their hearts were now feeling complete again.
The otter that was wandering in the dark finally found the light, it was now ready to love again. The phoenix that was walking in the endless snow finally found the warmth, it was time for her to be happy again. Now, the phoenix and the otter finally had each other once more, free to love one another without any opposition. It was everything they wanted, and they finally got it.
Hermione moved back slightly before pulling Deanna in for a kiss filled with the love and happiness they felt at this moment. Helga's cauldrons, they missed each other's lips. This was definitely different from the kiss they had last time. That was farewell, a kiss that pained them deeply. But this was hello, hello to a new beginning with each other. This kiss they shared was only the first of the many kisses they would share with each other. This was only the start of their lives together.
The two pulled away, a little out of breath, and their foreheads against each other. There were still tears falling, but the wide smiles on their faces made it evident that they were so happy and deeply in love with each other. The feelings they had been holding onto that grew even as they were apart, they could finally express.
"You waited." Deanna whispered in a tender voice.
"You came back." Hermione whispered back in a voice just as tender.
"And I'm here to stay." Deanna smiled softly at Hermione before they embraced each other once more. All the waiting and all the suffering were worth it for it meant that they could be in each other's arms for eternity.
This second chance they had, they were not going to waste a moment of it. The deities had given them a lifetime to spend with each other. It was now Deanna and Hermione's time to love and live the lives they had always longed for and fulfill the promises they had made and will make. There was no more letting go and no more burdens of fate. Just love.
It was just Deanna Dumbledore, Hermione Granger and the future with a phoenix, their dreams and perhaps... a family? Well, they always did dream of that and maybe, they could have that one day. After all, they had all the time in the world now. Everything they had never done and wanted to do, they could finally do. Thinking of that and holding onto each other, Deanna and Hermione thought with happy smiles.
The world never felt so warm before.
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