lxviii. the fulfillment of the prophecies
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"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort grinned at all of them, stopping at Deanna who was staring back at him with anger raging in her eyes. Oh, she couldn't loathe him no matter how hard she tried, but she had great disdain for him and all the suffering he brought to them...
"NO! NO!" Noah started sobbing again and he started to run to Harry, but Neville and Seamus held him back. He was not the only one sobbing though. Hagrid was crying as he carried Harry, and all wizards on their side were crying and shouting as well. Ron and Hermione who knew what was going to happen were also yelling for their friend. Harry who had always been brave and fought for them even at the risk of his life... he was now dead. He sacrificed himself to save them.
At least that was what they thought. Harry was just making himself seem dead so that he could have the perfect opportunity to kill Nagini and end Voldemort and regrettably, Deanna too, once and for all. His heart was breaking with every cry from Noah and his friends. He wanted to call out to them and tell his Knight he was fine and good, but he couldn't... Not yet.
"SILENCE!" Voldemort cast a spell that boomed and made all of them stop. Neville and Seamus pulled Noah back to where their friends were. Voldemort looked at every wizard there who glared at him through their tears. Even Pansy, Theo, Blaise and Daphne were standing there, making their choice to fight against him. They've had enough of him, the Death Eaters and their parents.
"Stupid boy." Voldemort continued speaking while walking closer to the grieving wizards. "He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him. We bring you his body as proof that your hero is gone. The battle is won. You have lost half of your fighters. My Death Eaters outnumber you, and the Boy Who Lived is finished."
"And you, Deanna Dumbledore..." Voldemort stared warmly at Deanna who kept her face expressionless although the look in her eyes was cold. "Come with me and save yourself. It's not yet too late. So many lives have already been sacrificed for you. Shouldn't you stop now?"
Deanna felt Hermione grasp her hand and Ron move closer towards her. Minerva, Pomona, the rest of Dumbledore's Army and the Order of the Phoenix stepped closer, not having any intention of giving Deanna up.
"I'm sorry." Deanna said in a soft voice. She felt guilty for the lives they've lost, but she wouldn't want to give herself up. She wouldn't want their deaths to be in vain. "But stopping is not an option for me."
Voldemort's eyes hardened, his heart hurt at Deanna's rejection of being safe and secure with him, before he looked towards the Death Eaters. "Harry Potter is dead!"
His Death Eaters laughed with him. Then, Voldemort turned back to them with a malicious grin. "From this day forth, you put your faith in me. And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us. Or die."
"Draco. Draco..." Lucius Malfoy suddenly called out, and everyone turned to the back of the crowd and saw Draco there. The older Malfoy held out his hand, beckoning his son to come over.
But then, Draco looked around him and his eyes met the eyes of his friends, Pansy, Theo, Daphne and Blaise... They were frowning at him, and Draco knew they already made their choices. They weren't going to stand with Voldemort anymore.
"Slytherin has their place here in Hogwarts." Pansy suddenly spoke, making all eyes turn to her. But she wasn't looking at anyone else but Draco, trying to give him courage and make him understand. "I understand that now. I hope you do too."
"Draco." Narcissa Malfoy spoke softly, pleading with her eyes for him to come.
Voldemort let out a bark of laughter at that. "There will be no more Sorting at Hogwarts School. There will be no more Houses. The emblem, shield and colors of my noble ancestor, Salazar Slytherin, will suffice everyone."
Draco's eyes then met Deanna's and he was surprised to see a soft gaze in her eyes instead of the anger she had the last time they crossed paths. Then, the Dumbledore spoke in a soft voice, staring at Draco. "Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it... to those who deserve it."
Draco got her message. Whether he deserved the help of Hogwarts or not relied on his choice now. So, he stared Voldemort straight in the eyes for the first time in his life. The Dark Lord smiled widely, knowing that Draco's coming to their side would be a huge blow to Deanna and every wizard there who still dared to oppose him.
But the smile fell off his face and Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy were in shock when Draco shook his head defiantly. "I'm standing here. With Hogwarts."
"DRACO!" Narcissa yelled out with sorrow in her voice while Lucius angrily glared at his son.
Draco knew he made the right decision judging by the smiles that the Order, Dumbledore's Army, his friends and Deanna Dumbledore gave him. They were right. Slytherin had a place here at Hogwarts. Deanna was happy that Draco finally realized that, and she immediately readied her wand because she saw the anger visible on Voldemort's face, but before they could say or do anything...
Neville suddenly moved, taking their attention. Their eyes widened to see him limping towards Voldemort while holding the Sorting Hat that he found on the ground.
When Neville stopped in the middle, Voldemort looked at him from head to foot before speaking. "Well, I must say I'd hoped for better."
The Death Eaters burst into laughter with Bellatrix laughing the loudest while Voldemort grinned at Neville, thinking he wanted to come forward and join him. Deanna, on the other hand, was keeping her guard up, knowing that Neville would never join them but unaware of what Neville was trying to do.
"And who might you be, young man?"
"Neville Longbottom." Neville answered, looking at the ground while the Death Eaters laughed once more.
"Ah, yes, the son of the Aurors, I remember." Voldemort said with a mocking smile. "But you are a pureblood, aren't you, my brave boy?"
"So what if I am?" said Neville loudly.
"You show spirit and bravery, and you come of noble stock. You will make a very valuable Death Eater. We need your kind, Neville Longbottom."
"I'd like to say something." Neville suddenly said, meeting Voldemort's eyes for the first time.
Voldemort stared at him for a moment, having an idea already of what was to happen. "Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say."
"It doesn't matter Harry's gone."
"Stand down, Neville." Seamus warned him.
"People die every day." Neville continued in a brave voice, looking back at those who survived with hurting hearts. He stared at them one by one as he spoke. "Friends, family. Yeah. We lost Harry tonight."
"But he's still with us, in here." Neville pointed to his chest. "So's Fred... and Remus and Ria. And Jemina who has endured all torture and pain just to give us hope. All of them. They didn't die in vain."
"But you will." Neville bellowed at Voldemort who was chuckling lowly. "Because you're wrong. Harry and Jem's hearts. They beat for us. For all of us."
Deanna saw Voldemort raising his wand and took Hermione and Ron's hold off her, ignoring their whispers for her as she rushed towards Neville.
"This is not over!" Neville yelled as he took the Sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat. Deanna pushed him behind her while her golden fire met Voldemort's red fire that aimed to burn Neville. Harry knew it was time. He jumped out of Hagrid's arms, shocking everyone there and even making Deanna and Voldemort's spells stop at his revival.
"Confringo!" Harry cast at Nagini, but the curse bounced off the snake and hit the Death Eaters. Cheers and smiles came from the survivors on their side while Voldemort and the Death Eaters were all thunderstruck and outraged. They failed to kill Harry once again.
Deanna suddenly remembered her vision then when Voldemort attacked them at Godric's Hollow. A final battle of Harry and Voldemort. Deanna burning with Fawkes and that place of snow? This meant the end is near... They just had to kill Nagini and Voldemort, and it would soon be done.
Harry and Deanna's eyes met for a split second, but it felt different from all the looks they shared before. Prior to that moment, they always had that unexplainable connection that was caused by their common connection to Voldemort... But now that the Horcrux in Harry was gone, what remained between the two was only the connection of their friendship. The two grinned at each other before Harry ran towards the corridor and Voldemort cast fire spells in his direction, but Harry evaded all of them, angering him even more.
The battle raged once more. This time, they had a fire that was burning brighter than it had burnt before. It wasn't just the wizards fighting now. Deanna caught sight of the Hogwarts ghosts and Peeves, coming from inside the castle while yelling, "FOR HOGWARTS!" Charlie Weasley arrived with reinforcements. Grawp and Buckbeak suddenly came and roared, seeing Hagrid tied up like that. Even Dobby, Kreacher and the other house-elves came, waving knives and cleavers. The Dumbledore grinned widely. This was the power of Hogwarts.
Some of the Death Eaters including Lucius Malfoy started Disapparating away, frustrating Voldemort more than he already was. However, the others stayed, showing their loyalty to their Master until the very end. Narcissa Malfoy rushed to her son and fought by his side. On the other hand, the wizards opposing him were going into Hogwarts while Harry managed to take advantage of Voldemort's distraction and go to Deanna, Hermione and Ron.
"I'll lure him into the castle. We have to kill the snake." Harry told them immediately while Kingsley, Sirius and Tonks stood guard in front of them, defending them from Voldemort and his Death Eaters who were advancing on them.
"Then, bring him to the Entrance Courtyard." Deanna told him all of a sudden, making Harry glance at her with a soft expression before nodding.
"You'll need this." Hermione fished the Basilisk fang out of her pocket and handed it to Harry who immediately ran into the castle after getting it.
Seeing Harry run away, Voldemort Disapparated with Nagini and chased after him. Deanna, Hermione and Ron ran inside as Harry said, looking for Voldemort who had Nagini with him. Battles were going on all around them with Aberforth, dueling with Rabastan Lestrange, and Sirius and Tonks were fighting with Rookwood and Dolohov. They saw Ginny, Neville, Luna, Noah and Eleanor, fighting the Carrows and three more Death Eaters while they went on their way.
Then... Deanna felt someone behind her and turned back around just in time to cast a nonverbal Shield Charm from Bellatrix Lestrange's dark spell. "Hermione, Ron, go find the snake."
"Go now." Deanna spoke softly to Hermione, but she still kept her spell going. She had her murderous glare on Bellatrix Lestrange. She still has a few concerns and issues that she needed to address with her. The top priority? What she had done to Hermione Granger.
"Come on, Hermione." Ron sent a smile at Deanna before he pulled the worried Hermione away to look for Nagini.
"Well, well, well... Aren't you amazing, showing off a brave face and taking me on by yourself?" Bellatrix laughed loftily, the two of them finally putting their spells down. "If it isn't clear to you yet, I am much more powerful than you, Deanna Dumbledore. You can't win over me."
"I've already won over you." Deanna chuckled lowly, knowing just how to push Bellatrix's buttons. "I mean, isn't it obvious? As much as it is unpleasant to say, Voldemort loved me over you. He will always choose me over you. With just that, I've already won."
Bellatrix let out an angry roar at that, and the duel resumed. The two of them expertly threw spells at each other. Fireball after fireball from Deanna and curse after curse from Bellatrix. Spells were deflected and the walls and pillars fell around them as they moved through the halls and back to the Entrance Courtyard. The green lights and golden fires illuminated the halls of Hogwarts so brightly that even the others who finished their battles were watching Deanna in awe. She was like Albus Dumbledore in those moments. A calm phoenix whose passion and power burned while she battled for the good.
"WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE YOU? WHAT IS IT THAT YOU HAVE THAT HE LOVES SO MUCH?" Bellatrix Lestrange yelled out and from her wand came a green acid that took the form of a snake. Deanna quickly cast a fire spell of her own that took the form of a phoenix and clashed with the snake before she and Bellatrix casts spells once more at each other, meeting at the center.
"Maybe, it's because I'm not a harridan." Deanna answered with a laugh.
"A HARRIDAN?" Bellatrix asked in a furious manner, not understanding what she meant.
Deanna looked behind her to see they were finally in the middle of the Entrance Courtyard then she let out a grin. "In other words... A bitch."
The Dumbledore raised her wand to break their spells, and then cast another spell in Bellatrix's direction as she was stupefied at Deanna's words. "Frigardor."
Bellatrix Lestrange was hit by the blue fire that paralyzed her body and she fell onto the ground, shivering at the cold fire. At the same time, the green snake disappeared after being defeated by the phoenix. Deanna stood there with a smile on her face, victorious at last. She finally got to give justice to everyone who was wronged by the Death Eater.
Deanna moved closer to her figure and kicked Bellatrix's wand to the side. She bent down so that only the two of them could hear what she was saying. "I said I won over you because he chose me... That is untrue. I won over you because I have a great Muggleborn witch who I love and who loves me. That same Muggleborn witch you tortured and put in immense pain. Even if I'd like to do the same to you, I can't. It's not worth it."
The Dumbledore looked up to see everybody but Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville watching her with a smile. Except for her uncle who stared at her sadly. Deanna sent him a meaningful smile, letting him know she would be alright. Everything would be fine.
She grinned back at everyone else and turned to Pomona. "Hey, Pommy, do you mind lending a hand and locking her up?"
"Oh, I'd love to." Pomona said cheerfully as she whisked out her wand and levitated Bellatrix Lestrange to bring her to the temporary prison they made for Death Eaters. As she went, Bellatrix glared once more at Deanna, hating the Dumbledore with her entire being. To annoy her even more, Deanna raised her hand and waved, making Bellatrix's eyes widen before her loathing for Deanna increased... Something she didn't know what possible.
Deanna was about to make her way towards them when Harry and Voldemort suddenly fell on the floor of the Entrance Courtyard. The two were a distance away from each other while Deanna was standing in the middle. Then, she recognized the scene. It was the final battle between Harry and Voldemort.
Deanna ran to the side where there was nobody in her radius. She knew it was going to be a huge fire so she needed a huge space for herself. She then made her wand stand at her feet. A barrier of fire formed around her, confusing everyone but Aberforth, Harry and Voldemort at her actions. Regardless, they let her do what she was doing. Knowing Deanna, she had her reasons for her decisions.
The Hufflepuff prepared herself and closed her eyes with a smile. It was her turn soon. Then, she opened her eyes to see Harry and Voldemort crawling towards their wands and getting up simultaneously to cast their spells at each other. Voldemort's green beam of light met Harry's red beam in the middle. The two spells were equally powerful, not one giving in to give the other leverage.
Voldemort was raging right now for various reasons. Harry Potter was alive. His Death Eaters were either imprisoned, dead or traitors. And the largest reason for his rage was seeing Deanna, isolating herself in fire. He had seen it too, back when he was 16. He saw Deanna was engulfed in a barrier of fire before she hugged her phoenix and burnt to ashes.
That was why he kept Deanna safe then and away from everyone. Maybe, if he kept her by his side, away from that old fool Dumbledore who was willing to sacrifice his daughter for the world... away from those who pretended to be good but wanted Deanna to sacrifice herself in the end. He only wanted to keep her safe and alive, but how could he do that when Deanna was being so stubborn and defiant?
That was why he was trying to fight until his final breath. He wasn't going to run away and let Deanna die just to save everyone else. He knew he was losing, but he was still going to fight for her and her life. It was not just him battling for himself. It was him battling for the both of them.
Voldemort... Tom Marvolo Riddle... Regardless of the years that passed, the things that were done and the words that were exchanged, he still cared for his badger. He still loved her. Deanna Dumbledore was his great love.
Back inside the castle, Hermione and Ron were holding onto each other's hands and running from Nagini. It was difficult to kill her despite everything they tried. They found themselves at a dead end, and as their last resort, Ron casted a Fire Spell at Nagini but it was no use.
As the snake bared its fangs and jumped towards them, Hermione and Ron hugged each other and closed their eyes but then... The slash of a sword was heard, and the two opened their eyes to see Neville beheading the snake who disappeared in black smoke.
Voldemort let go of his spell because of the pain that spread throughout his body at Nagini's death. At the same time, Deanna fell to her knees at the pain that she felt in her head. The intense pain let her know this was it.
With a shaky voice, she yelled out to Harry. "HARRY! NOW!"
Harry and Voldemort stared at each other before they cast their spells again. Red and green light met, but Voldemort was slowly being overpowered by Harry's spell. It was bound to happen. All his Death Eaters were gone, all his Horcruxes were destroyed, his love was about to die soon, and the Elder Wand never belonged to him in the first place.
Harry had tears in his eyes as he held his spell, knowing what was about to happen. What was necessary yet unwanted... He pushed his spell harder and harder even if he wanted the time to go slower. It couldn't be Deanna's time yet. She still had a lot of dreams and a lot to do. She still had a lot of love to give, especially to Hermione Granger. Dumbledore said not to pity them, but he can't do that. He just can't stop feeling sorry for Deanna and her fate. Nevertheless, for the world to be saved, he gave one final push in his spell.
Hermione, Ron and Neville arrived just in time to see the Elder Wand flying away from Voldemort's grasp and into Harry's hand. They were confused to see Deanna at the side, but maybe, they thought, she and Harry were planning something to finally defeat Voldemort.
The wizard who was once feared by everyone stood there, defenseless and staring at Deanna. He lost. He would never have won over her anyways. He should have known that the moment he fell in love with Deanna Dumbledore... that when it came to her, he would just accept defeat. Now, he was only awaiting what was to happen to him and his badger. He was waiting for them to be taken from this world, once and for all.
"I-It's done." Harry's tears started falling then, puzzling everyone at his actions and what he meant. Shouldn't he be happy that he finally beat Voldemort? Shouldn't he be doing something to Stun or take down the Dark wizard?
But then, they glanced at Deanna and saw the young girl smile sadly. She looked at everyone there who fought with everything they had. From Grawp and Buckbeak to the ghosts and Peeves to the house-elves to the wizards, the students, her friends, her professors, her uncle Aberforth, Ron, the weeping Harry, Voldemort who accepted his fate...
Finally, Hermione.
She stared at those brown eyes that were the same shade of her favorite chocolate milk. Those eyes always looked at her with love.
She stared at those pinkish lips that were softer than her phoenix plush. Those lips always comforted Deanna through words, smiles and kisses.
She stared at those golden brown tresses that shone like the phoenix necklace Hermione gave her on her 16th birthday... Those locks will always be one of Deanna's favorites parts about Hermione despite how the Gryffindor strongly disliked her hair.
Deanna stared at Hermione's face, seeing the one thing that she would always remember every time she thought of Hermione. Warmth. Hermione was always filled with so much warmth Deanna didn't need anything else but her to feel warm on a cold day. Those purple cookies and milk socks she was wearing even until now couldn't compare to the warmth of Hermione Granger.
Hermione was warmth to her who hated the cold. Hermione was warmth to her in this world of cold and darkness. Hermione was her warmth, her light, her fire... and Deanna hoped she could still bring Hermione warmth even if she was gone. She could only hope with everything she had that the memories she left with Hermione were enough for her lion to not lose that warmth.
"What are you doing, Deanna?" Hermione whispered to herself, not liking the look and smile Deanna gave her. It made her heartbeat speed up but not in a good way. She was about to move towards Deanna, but she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked back to see Aberforth who was teary-eyed.
"Don't." He choked out. It was extremely difficult for him to say that, but he knew Deanna wouldn't want Hermione to go and hurt herself by recklessly throwing herself into the battle. "Just don't."
"I'm sorry I didn't get to protect you." Voldemort suddenly said, making Deanna turn to him and see a sad yet sincere smile on his lips. "I'm sorry you have to do this for the world. I love you so deeply it pained me too."
Deanna's eyes softened at that but her decision was not changing. Not at all. Tom would always be someone special to her, but this was ending today. And they both knew it. "I did too. I loved you too back then, Tom. I'm sorry to do this to you, but I'm the only one left tying you down to this world. The time is up for us, Tom. It's time for us to go."
Hermione wasn't stupid. She always prided herself for being intelligent and quick-witted, and now, it was slowly starting to make sense. Aberforth's actions, Deanna's words and the look she gave her... How could she have been so slow? How could she not have known? How could she not have realized Deanna was going to die?
"NO! DEANNA!" Hermione's tears unknowingly escaped her eyes. She tried to run towards Deanna, but Aberforth held her back, letting himself cry as well. "Let me go, Aberforth! No, please! Please don't do this, Deanna! Don't!"
"FAWKES!" Deanna ignored Hermione's cries and shouted out for her fellow phoenix whose blood was connected to hers. Fawkes's cry was heard not even a second later, and he passed through the barrier of fire that did not affect him in any way before settling in front of Deanna. The Hufflepuff hugged him tight to her chest and he burst into flames, burning Deanna with him. The magic of the blood the two phoenixes shared was now taking effect. Deanna's eyes glowed gold and a golden aura surrounded her... It was at that moment that the pieces fell into place for everyone else. Deanna was going to...
The Dumbledore held in her yells at the pain that spread throughout her entire body, not wanting to worry Hermione and the others anymore. For the first time in her life, the fire from Fawkes burnt her. Never did the phoenix's flame hurt her... that flame was always warm and it always felt like home, but this time, it brought pain.
Voldemort was also set aflame right then, and he let out a shout in the pain and the burning fire. Although he was hurting, he had a smile on his face and a tear fell from his eye. This was the end for him and for Deanna...
Deanna could see her friends, trying to run towards her. They were crying and shouting for her to stop, but as they would reach the barrier, they would be pushed back gently by the flames but not burnt. Even the ghosts and Peeves couldn't pass through. She was hurt to see them in pain because of her, but this was for the best. This was for them. The flame from her chest spread to her limbs, making Deanna fall to her knees and unintentionally let out a cry in agony. But she still held onto Fawkes tight. She couldn't let go. She won't let go.
That cry of Deanna's seemed to light a fire in Hermione, and she got away from Aberforth's hold and rushed towards the barrier of fire. She paid no attention to the calls behind her. Hermione just ran towards Deanna, her heart and entire being feeling tortured... The torture she went through with Bellatrix was nothing to the torture she was going through now, seeing Deanna like that.
Hermione placed her hand on the barrier of fire, but unlike what she and everyone else was expecting, the flames didn't push her away. They still kept her back from Deanna, but they didn't push her away anymore. That was enough for Hermione. That was enough for her to know that Deanna would not push her away anymore. That was enough for her to know that she would at least listen to her.
If it was anyone else, Deanna would have pushed them away, not wanting them to see her like that and hurt themselves anymore. She was complicated like that. However, everything was different when it came to Hermione. Only for Hermione could Deanna do the things she would not do. It was only Hermione she did not push way, it was only Hermione who could come that close to Deanna. Deanna loved her so much she couldn't bear hurting Hermione anymore by pushing her away again.
The Granger knew that Deanna already made her decision, and nothing anyone would say would stop her. Deanna may... Deanna was going to die today, and there was nothing they could do to stop that. It devastated Hermione to do so, but she accepted the truth. She had limited time, she couldn't spend it on trying to convince herself otherwise. She wanted to stay by Deanna's side in the little time they had left. The deities up there could give her at least that, right?
Then, she got a close look at Deanna's face and her heart was in distress once more because of how she was visibly holding in her pain. Deanna didn't want to hurt them anymore with the sound of her cries. They were already in so much pain to know she was dying. She should at least hold in her cries to not hurt them any further. But Hermione wouldn't let that happen. She knelt down and placed her hands on the flames that were warm.
"D-Deanna, love..." Hermione spoke to her through her tears. "It's alright. It's okay, y-you can let go. You can shout if you're hurting and cry if the pain's too much. Don't worry, love, I am here with you. I promise. It's okay."
Deanna's tears fell at her words. She had been holding everything in. She did not want to hurt their hearts anymore, but Hermione's reassurance was all she needed for her to let go. She cried out in pain without restriction while Hermione stayed there, watching her with a weak smile on her face. Every cry that came from Deanna was like a knife that stabbed her in the heart. But she still stayed. She promised Deanna that. She would stay by Deanna's side until the very end.
"It will be alright, my love, you are doing so well. It's alright." Hermione said once more, continuing to comfort her lover. "It's okay, Deanna, just let go. It will be okay."
Deanna let out the most heart-wrenching cry at the burning fire that spread through her entire body. The fire engulfed her entire body, burning even a few parts of it, but she persisted. Hermione's words gave her strength. It will be okay. Everything will be okay. Hermione was there for her, it was going to be okay.
The fire grew and grew until only fire was seen inside the barrier, and Deanna disappeared in the flames for a moment, worrying everyone and Hermione who stood up and tapped the barrier repeatedly. "Deanna? Love? Are you there?"
The fire was slowly extinguished at that moment... It slowly disappeared and died down, revealing Deanna who lay down on the ground. Her body, half of it charred while the other half and her face were still alright although dirty and a little hot from the fire. She could not feel the burnt part of her body anymore and knew the flame that remained in her chest would soon spread and finally kill her.
Fawkes who was beside her let out a cry before letting his tears fall on the charred part of her body... even if they weren't healing her at all. He knew they wouldn't work, but it didn't mean he shouldn't try healing her. He should still try. He would remain by his master's side until her very last breath.
Deanna gently raised her right hand to pat Fawkes' head and stop him from crying. The phoenix let out a sad wail before it stopped and nuzzled Deanna. The Dumbledore coughed out before grinning. "P-Present. I am a-alright. You d-don't have to w-worry."
That made Hermione's tears fall again. What was she saying? She was obviously not fine. How could they not worry when she was practically roasted like a turkey? She knelt down once more and held in her cries, not wanting to add another burden to the weight Deanna was carrying.
Hermione closed her eyes before smiling and answering. "Of course, you're alright. You, Miss Dumbledore, are so stubborn that even the most stubborn mule in this universe would be amazed with how mulish you are."
Deanna laughed at that but coughed again due to the smoke and the embers of fire that surrounded her. She then looked at the crying Hermione who had a smile on her face and grinned once more. "I can't deny that."
Voldemort felt the heat spreading through his body, and he smiled weakly in Deanna and Hermione's direction. His red eyes turned to brown... How could he have been so blind? How could he have let it come to this? It was his fault why Deanna had to die. But regrets were useless at this point. What happened had happened, and the only thing left for him to do was go to the afterlife, leaving the Wizarding World in peace.
Tom Riddle passed on with the final thought of wanting Deanna to be happy. Though she would die soon too, he still hoped she would find happiness... It seemed like she already found it.
'I love you, my badger. Thank you for letting me experience love, and I'm sorry for letting you suffer greatly. Please be happy now that I'm gone. Goodbye.'
Deanna raised her head momentarily to see what happened with Voldemort. She smiled in a bittersweet manner when she saw Voldemort burning slowly until he started becoming a pile of ashes. The last thing she saw was his soft brown eyes that she once loved. Finally, he was gone, never to hurt another again. She loved him once too so it was still painful for her to know he had to perish for her to save the world. It was goodbye then between the two heirs who were connected in a prophecy. Goodbye to their love, to each other... For good.
"Goodbye, Tom, I forgive you." Deanna whispered out. Her mind wanted to hate him, but the little affection left in her heart decided to forgive him and hope that he would also find peace after death. With that final thought, she let her head fall back on the ground and finally letting the barrier of fire down. The exhaustion and pain were slowly catching up to her.
Hermione did not waste another moment, and she rushed to Deanna. Fawkes seemed to understand the two needed their time and space and he moved aside. She carefully wrapped her arms around the Hufflepuff's body so that she wouldn't get hurt anymore and lifted her up so that Deanna was comfortably leaning on her body.
Seeing Hermione's tears made Deanna's tears fall too, and she smiled sadly and held Hermione's hand. "I-I'm sorry..."
"Shh..." Hermione shushed her and caressed Deanna's cheek. She didn't want to make this any harder for Deanna. "Don't apologize. You've only done the right thing. I and everyone here are so proud of you and what you've done. You've done well, love."
Deanna's tears fell even more at that and she coughed once more when the fire now consumed her legs. Hermione could feel the heat radiating from the flame in Deanna's body, but it didn't burn her at all. It was just warm like Deanna's heart.
Deanna turned her head to the side to look at everyone there who was watching them from a distance. She could see them all in tears. The Hogwarts family, the Order and Dumbledore's Army who looked up to her, her friends whose hearts ached for her sacrifice, Ron who told her not to die just an hour ago, Harry who knew but was still in pain, her uncle who had to lose his remaining family... To all of them and Hermione, she had to say what she needed to say now.
"I... I don't have much time left so let me say a few words to you." Deanna stuttered out, addressing all of them. "Thank you. You've all done beautifully, fighting for our world and bravely taking up arms to battle against the adversities. You should all be proud of yourselves for the good you have done. Also... I apologize for all the pain you've gone through. I hope that you can continue to fight for what you believe in until the end. Now, you can lay down your wands and weapons. Take a break, warriors, for you have done wonderfully."
She saw them cry even harder at that and sent them a smile before turning to Harry and Ron. She still had some things to say and ask.
"Harry, Ron, please... Stay by my dear lion's side, will you?" Deanna grinned weakly at the two of them who nodded through their sobs. They would have done it even if Deanna did not tell them to, but now, it would be a more special task for them... This was their promise to Deanna, the final thing she asked of them. Hermione just chuckled and continued holding Deanna's hand, her heart aching at that. She wanted Deanna to stay with her, but she couldn't have that...
"Uncle Ab..." Deanna turned to her weeping uncle this time. Aberforth did not care of what anyone would think, he would weep with all his heart for his niece. "Always keep your head up and smile, please? The world is cold and dark, but there is also warmth and light. In people. Let people in. I assure you it is not as terrifying as it seems. Could you do that for me?"
"Y-Yes, love, I will." Aberforth sobbed out, not pushing away Neville and Kingsley who patted his back. Even in her final moments, Deanna was still worrying for him... He would do that for his niece. He would open up this wounded heart of his so that she would not worry for him anymore. "Don't worry, I will. I-I love you, Little Ari."
"I love you too, Uncle Ab." Deanna smiled at her uncle softly before she felt the flame spread to her torso, burning her body even more. She coughed out in pain while Hermione caressed her hair and held her hand to give her comfort.
Deanna ignored the pain and remembered her time limit. She smiled widely at Hermione who smiled back at her despite the tears that were streaming down their faces. It was heartbreaking to have to say goodbye, but they already accepted what was going to happen. That this was the last time they could be together, that Deanna would leave Hermione soon, that the promises and future they wanted would never be fulfilled.
"I have a lot I want to say." Deanna said in a tender voice, but it was obvious how even speaking was becoming hard for her by the way her voice wavered.
"I'll listen." Hermione responded in a voice just as tender. "Tell me everything you want to say, and I'll listen."
"I-I'm sorry. I promised you we'd have a happy family while we'd sit by the fire... I promised so many things that I won't be able to keep."
"I can see my future. We'll have three children, and we'd sit by the fire. We'd tell them about our stories when we were young, and when they'll be asleep, we'll talk about our jobs and live happily for the rest of our lives. Doesn't it sound nice?"
Hermione said she would listen, but hearing those words made her decide to speak up. She didn't want Deanna to leave with regrets, and it seemed like she had a lot of them. Even if she wanted to just tell Deanna to not let go and stay with her, she did not want to make things harder for Deanna.
So, she smiled and shook her head. "Then, let's make them happen the next time we meet."
Deanna's eyes softened at how Hermione was still smiling and keeping herself calm even if Deanna knew she was probably hurting so deeply inside. She was about to stop talking when Hermione held her hand and nodded for her to continue. "Go on. You know I can't stop myself from speaking, but I'm still listening so go on, love."
The Dumbledore let out a teary chuckle at that before she did as Hermione said. She did not want to die without telling Hermione everything she needed to tell her. "I'm sorry... for putting you through so much pain."
"I don't. There was only one person I fell in love with, and that was Tom Riddle. I only had an attraction to you that grew because I tried convincing myself that I didn't love him anymore. I look at you now, and I realize I never really had feelings for you. I don't love you, I'm sorry. I wish you safety and happiness, Hermione."
"The pain only made us stronger. It was all worth it because I got to love you."
Deanna raised her hand to caress Hermione's cheek when all of a sudden, the burning flame had reached her hand. Her hand was about to fall back to the ground due to the sudden ache, but Hermione caught it and held it to her cheek, urging her to go on with an encouraging look in her eyes.
"I-I'm sorry for being selfish. I still held on despite knowing I was going to leave."
"Don't push me away anymore. Let's just be us... Like how we were before. After this war, let's try again. Let's have that future we promised each other. I'm never giving up on you, Deanna. I hope you know that.
"I don't intend on letting you go, Mione. I hope you know that."
"Thank you for holding on and letting me know what being happy and in love feel like."
Then, coughs escaped Deanna's mouth when she felt the flame coming up to her neck. "Thank you for showing me I could fall in love again without fear. Thank you for letting me feel love that was warmer the second time it came to me. Thank you for never giving up and letting go, for staying with me even until this moment."
"Thank you for being my warmth, Hermione." Deanna said, love and longing lacing her tone. "You made me feel so loved and happy in the time we've known each other and been together. When you are cold or sad or lonely, I hope the memories we've made will be enough to make you feel warm, happy and loved. Fawkes will be there for you along with our friends. Everything will be alright in the end."
"Our memories are more than enough." Hermione smiled at her, her heart aching harder than before because she knew it was coming soon. "They are my treasures, Deanna, and I will keep them in my heart. Always. I will take care of myself, Fawkes, your family, our friends and Hogwarts for you. Everything will be alright so you don't have to worry."
"I'll plead to the deities up there for us to meet again one day." Deanna suddenly grinned in a mischievous manner. "I'll plead to them that the next time we meet, we'll be able to keep that promise. I believe Death would be interested in what I have to say."
"You better talk to him then or I'll get up there myself and tell him off." Hermione said in a teasing tone, making Deanna laugh. Oh, how Hermione loved that sound. At least, she got to make Deanna feel happy and loved before she would pass on. Knowing that, she would at least be able to let Deanna go now with a smile. She would be able to hold everything in before finally letting her emotions go.
"And the last thing I'd like to tell you." Deanna coughed out once more, her voice coming down to a whisper because of the burning flame. Just a minute... She just needed one last minute with Hermione. She desperately needed to tell her this, only for the two of them to hear. "I love you, Hermione Granger."
The Gryffindor's entire world stopped for a moment at that because it was the first time she had ever said those words. It was the first time Deanna said those words to her although Hermione knew that Deanna loved her back even back then. However, hearing those words left a bittersweet feeling in Hermione. She longed to hear those words for a long time, and she did hear it. But she heard it for the first and last time.
"I love you too." Hermione whispered back, and a sob accidentally left her at those words. How could she hold her emotions in after hearing those three words she always longed to hear? How could she not cry when Deanna was going to leave her? And so, Hermione did one thing she knew would be able to let them feel how much they loved each other. The one thing she yearned to do but couldn't due to everything that happened.
Hermione kissed Deanna who kissed back immediately, the two girls closing their eyes as their tears fell and mixed with each other. They basked in the final kiss they shared. Godric's gargoyles and Helga's mushrooms, they would miss each other so much. They didn't know how they would go on after this, pretending they were fine now when they really weren't.
They loved each other so much to the point that the future was too dark without each other. The world was too cold without each other. They would be too lonely without each other. But this was the fate they needed to suffer. It was needed to be done. The world would be saved but at the expense of Deanna and their love.
The two then pulled away and stared into each other's eyes, words unnecessary for their eyes did the speaking for them. The apologies, the thank you's, the I love you's, everything they needed to say they let each other know. Even if Deanna was dying and Hermione was losing her today, they could let go of each other with smiles and a promise of a happy ending to their story the next time.
Hermione saw Deanna's face contort in pain and nodded, plastering the smile on her face once more as she held Deanna's hand. "It will be alright in the end. Y-You can rest now, love."
'I'll see you again one day. I promise.' Deanna thought before she closed her eyes with a smile and one last tear falling out. The flame from her heart that spread to her entire body consumed her entirely, warming Hermione and everyone's bodies in those moments. It baffled them to see their wounds and injuries suddenly disappearing with the warmth that they felt.
Deanna Ariana Dumbledore started burning, and she accepted her fate. Her body slowly turned into fire embers. Like a phoenix, she burnt and burnt until all that was left was her ashes that scattered in the wind.
Fawkes let out a loud cry and suddenly soared into the air, tears endlessly coming from his eyes for the loss of Deanna. It hurt him like when Dumbledore died, both physically and emotionally. Maybe, it was because he and Deanna were actually connected by blood or maybe, it was because of his special bond with the Hufflepuff...
Deanna was just that special to him. They were more than master and pet, they were phoenixes... They were the ones who understood each other the most. But now, Fawkes didn't have Deanna anymore. He was alone. The phoenix flew away and started singing. The same lament he sang back when Dumbledore died. It seemed to ease their pain a little as the melodious song echoed over the grounds. Fawkes flew out of sight to grieve for his master, his friend, the phoenix who didn't rise from the ashes.
A sob, followed by another. Until Hermione Granger finally stopped holding everything in and let herself cry, curling in on herself. For Deanna, for their love and for the tragic destiny that was set for them. Her cries broke everyone's hearts for they knew how much Deanna and Hermione loved each other. Hermione knew she would not love another again even if she tried to. That was just how much she loved Deanna Dumbledore.
Hermione got to say what she needed to say and do some of the things she wanted to Deanna. She got to love Deanna who loved her back just as much, and she got to make memories she would treasure dearly. She stayed with her until the end. She did not have any regrets. But why did the world still feel as if every fire, every light and every source of joy was taken away? The world never felt so cold before... until now that it was without Deanna Dumbledore.
The tale of Deanna Dumbledore would be a legend they would tell their children, grandchildren and all of their descendants. They would make sure she would never be forgotten and she would still feel their love and gratitude even if she was up there. She saved them all, and she would forever be remembered for that. To the Wizarding World, Deanna may be known as the salvation, but to all of them there, she was a friend, a student, a sister, a niece, a teacher and a lover.
Minerva suddenly raised her wand through her tears, and then, fireworks burst from the tip, illuminating the sky. Pomona followed after her and casted fireworks with a cry. Soon, every wizard and witch had their wands raised while the ghosts, Peeves, Grawp, Buckbeak and the house-elves cried out or saluted in tribute to Deanna and everyone who died. Fireworks lit up the sky as dawn broke. The battle was over. They won but lost so much.
It was supposed to be a celebration because they finally won this long-fought battle... Under the fireworks, they could only cry and grieve for the people they've lost. Especially for Deanna. She gave up everything for them. She sacrificed her second chance at love for the greater good. For a better world.
Seeing what was happening, Hermione let out another sob before she too took her wand out of her pocket. She raised it shakily to also pay tribute to Deanna and everyone who died. "Pompus!"
A loud bang came, and fireworks from Hermione's wand joined the others. Her fireworks shone the brightest among all, and she hoped Deanna could see it from up there. She knew Deanna would have loved to see this. It made her smile softly, the fireworks somehow comforting her breaking soul a little.
"Look at the fireworks, Deanna. Look how they're ignited for you."
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