lix. captured and tortured
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"Helga's muffins." Deanna muttered under her breath before holding onto her wand tightly. She could see only the outlines of Harry, Ron and Hermione until there was a burst of white light coming from Harry's direction before she could saw a golden light coming towards her, making her feel a warm sensation. She had no idea why Hermione did that, but her eyes widened when she couldn't feel herself move. Hermione cast the Full Body-Bind Curse and the Disillusionment Charm on her.
'Bloody Merlin, Mione!' Deanna was thinking in her head as she helplessly stood there, seeing the men come in and drag Harry, Hermione and Ron away. She saw Hermione looking back in her direction with worry, and it made her feel crushed. No, she should be the one worrying about her. Why did Hermione have to do that?
Hermione was blinded by fear for Deanna in that moment. She knew that the moment Voldemort had his hands on Deanna, it would be the end. Not only for her heart but also for the Wizarding World. She only hoped Deanna would not be too angry and understand. And that she would run away when the spell would come off.
While struggling hard against the spell, Deanna heard grunts of pain and shouts from her friends before they came in and searched the tent, pushing over chairs but still not seeing Deanna. She drowned out the world around her as she tried to think of a way to take this spell off her. It didn't help that she could suddenly see an image of Nurmengard while she was trying to think of a way to get out of this.
Her situation reminded her of the pain and helplessness she felt the day her father died and it made anger and sadness rise in Deanna. No. Not again. She will never do that again. She won't let it happen again. She was the heir of the phoenixes. If she could save the world, shouldn't she first save her friends?
"NO!" Hermione sobbed and screamed all of a sudden.
And that was the catalyst for the fire to burn once more in Deanna. With her eyes raging at how they dared hurt her Mione and her heart being crushed at the thought that she couldn't even prevent that from happening, Deanna let her power run wild. The fire that was burning through her entire body, her blood that was mixed with Fawkes' and her eyes started glowing gold as a bright light emitted from her body. The same heat that radiated from her when her father died, it was back.
And finally, Deanna broke free from the enchantments and ran out with her wand in hand, but... as soon as she got out, she saw a bunch of wands pointed at her. Harry whose face was disfigured, Ron who looked bruised and Hermione who was tied up but thankfully not hurt were kneeling down on the floor all tied up. And Deanna was surprised to see Dean Thomas there with them.
Hermione felt defeated when she saw Deanna there. She knew Deanna wouldn't just stand by, but she hoped that Deanna would at least stay there until they were gone. Well, she didn't think that they would think of burning the tent down. Now, Deanna was getting closer to Voldemort's hands, and they had ideas that Harry was indeed Harry Potter. She was hoping for a miracle now to come.
"I knew there was something strange when we said to burn the tent and this bitch here shouted not to." Greyback smiled sinisterly.
"Don't you dare call her that with your filthy mouth." Deanna shot back at him, and that retort made them come closer to her, wands sticking into her throat from all directions.
"Wait a minute." Greyback's eyes widened in recognition. "It can't be... Our Lady?"
"What Lady are you talking about?" Deanna spoke in a rough tone despite the pain from her throat. "I'm a Halfblood, Suzy Wolf."
"Shut up." Greyback growled at her before he came closer to her, looking her from head to foot. He knew those eyes were just like Dumbledore's... And she looked just like Deanna Dumbledore. This was her. They got the jackpot. "You can't fool me."
Harry, Hermione, Ron and Dean's eyes widened at that. No. The one person that they should have protected from Voldemort at all costs was now an inch away from his hands.
"Well, well, well." Greyback laughed deviously. "We have Our Lady and Potter. Let's go straight to the Malfoys' place as planned, shall we?"
Deanna glared at them while trying to calm her headache and pushing Voldemort out. She did not have time for Voldemort right now.
"Come here." Greyback held Deanna tight with a grin on his face, making Deanna glare at him and how close he was to her. But she knew she shouldn't make a wrong move because that might hurt Hermione and everyone she cared about right there. She glanced at Hermione who was being held roughly by the Snatchers, and her eyes softened. She could only hope they could find an escape or find help somehow.
They Disapparated away, and Deanna could now see gates of the Malfoy Manor, a place she had never visited physically but had seen countless times already because of her visions with Voldemort. She kept her silence as Greyback and the Death Eaters were roaring about their capture of her and Harry. Deanna was thinking hard about what they could do because once they were inside, it would be difficult to get out. Yes, Voldemort wasn't here now, but it didn't mean they were safe.
Deanna was about to push Voldemort out again when she saw a familiar figure, making her eyes widen in shock. There was Gellert Grindelwald, as thin and frail as ever, facing Voldemort. That was why she saw Nurmengard Castle a while ago. No, what on earth was going on his mind? Why was he messing with Grindelwald now?
"So, you have come. I thought you would... one day. But your journey was pointless. I never had it." Grindelwald smiled toothlessly.
"You lie!" Voldemort angrily yelled. "Now, tell me. Where is the Elder Wand, Grindelwald?"
"I heard from Albus that at some point of your life, you looked up to me." Grindelwald simply answered while keeping his smile on. "Well, I'm flattered with that, dear Riddle."
"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Voldemort yelled again. "I am not a Riddle! My name is Voldemort, you disgrace, and I have never looked up to you!"
"I apologize then." Grindelwald just nodded. "But I'm afraid that I have nothing to say to you... After what you've done to the Dumbledores, I am not open to any chats with you."
"You met Deanna?" Voldemort suddenly asked in surprise before his red eyes hardened. "Lies. You need to get what you deserve, old man. CRUCIO!"
Grindelwald's scream of pain made Deanna's eyes widen as she tried to sit up, but before she could hear and see anymore, a splash of cold water on her face suddenly brought Deanna back to reality.
She blinked to clear her eyesight and regretted doing so because she saw Bellatrix Lestrange, smiling widely at her. "Awww, did the itty bitty Princess have a good sleep? A lot has happened while you slept. Shall I review everything for you? We've got a Sword, Potter and the Weasel... and of course, the main attraction, Hermione Granger."
"And you, dear Deanna." Bellatrix roughly held her face with one hand and met Deanna's glare with her bitter eyes. "Imagine the Dark Lord's happiness once he sees you."
Deanna was about to answer back when Bellatrix suddenly threw her down, and that gave the badger a chance to look around. She saw the Malfoys and Bellatrix and... Deanna's eyes widened in terror when she saw Hermione was kneeling down in the middle of the room, all tied up as she sent a weak smile at Deanna, trying to calm her down.
"Mione." Deanna helped herself up on her knees and tried to move towards Hermione, but she felt rough hands hold her back. It was Greyback judging by the furry hands, but Deanna didn't care at all, struggling against his hold. "LET ME GO! LET HERMIONE GO, YOU... YOU RUFFIANS!"
"Oh, dear me." Bellatrix giggled mockingly. "Well, we are welcoming you to the show, Dear Dumbledore. Let's call this... 'The Mudblood's Blood!' Featuring Hermione Granger as the main star."
Deanna knew that whatever they had planned was not good so she started pleading. "No! No, please. Please don't hurt her. Just hurt me instead. Am I not your enemy? Leave her alone. Please."
"You're begging! Deanna Dumbledore, begging?" Bellatrix laughed once more before coming closer to Hermione and pointing her wand at her throat. "Well, Miss Granger, let's give her a show, shouldn't we? Let me ask you, Mudblood, where did you get that sword?"
"We just found it." Hermione shakily said though she tried everything to keep her tone as steady as possible.
"Really?" Bellatrix gasped mockingly before waving her wand. "Crucio!"
Deanna's shout of terror mixed with the sound of Hermione's screams of pain. She was writhing in pain, and Deanna's entire being was being stabbed with every scream. Tears were coming out of both of their eyes, their hearts aching for this torture they had to endure.
"Bellatrix, no. Please. I beg you. Curse me instead." Deanna sobbed out and struggled but Fenrir was holding her tightly so it was all futile. "Please. Please, Bellatrix."
"You're next, don't worry." Bellatrix only grinned at her before turning back to Hermione.
"I'm going to ask you again! Where did you get this sword? Where?"
"We found it โ we found it โ PLEASE!" Hermione screamed again as Bellatrix cast another spell on her.
"Mione, no!" Deanna yelled again and glared at Bellatrix who was smiling widely at her. "You rouge... You won't get away with this. Stop this immediately while I'm asking. STOP DOING THIS TO HER!"
Then, Deanna turned to the Malfoys, looking directly at Draco who was looking down. "AND YOU, HOW COULD YOU JUST WATCH? DON'T YOU HAVE ANY SOULS?"
"Be quiet, Miss. We don't want to hurt you." Fenrir growled in her ear, but Deanna did not care for him. Not at all.
Hermione was sobbing and down on the floor, but she was trying her best to keep herself strong because she didn't want Deanna to get hurt while doing something foolish. She couldn't handle that. She could take all the pain if it meant Deanna would be alright. So, she sent a weak smile at Deanna who was flabbergasted at that. How could Hermione smile when she was in so much pain?
Bellatrix did not pay attention to Deanna's insults and just grinned, happy to see the usually calm and collected Deanna now so flustered and furious. She took out a knife from her pocket, and that shocked both Deanna and Hermione.
"No! No!" Deanna struggled again and tried everything to escape Greyback's hands, but the werewolf was too strong for her so she could only cry and plead to Bellatrix who was enjoying the show. The Malfoys were just silently watching from the side while Greyback was grinning at the scene.
Hermione, on the other hand, was extremely afraid with the sight of the knife, but she just kept silent, shaking on the floor while trying to keep face. She was only telling the truth, but of course, Bellatrix would not believe her.
"You are lying, filthy Mudblood, and I know it! You have been inside my vault at Gringotts! Tell the truth, tell the truth!" Bellatrix yelled at Hermione and casted a Crucio in silence, making Hermione's screams fill the air once more. "What else did you take? What else have you got? Tell me the truth or, I swear, I shall run you through with this knife!"
"NO! PLEASE!" Deanna yelled in desperation, not even feeling the aching of her throat from how hard she was shouting. But it was too late.
Hermione screamed, the pain she felt was worse than all the Cruciatus Curses she had taken. Bellatrix was writing something on her arm with the knife, and she could only cry and scream helplessly, hoping that someone would come to save them.
"Please, I'm begging you, stop this. Stop hurting her." Deanna was sobbing while watching in horror and helplessness how Bellatrix was writing the word "Mudblood" on Hermione's arm. No, no, no. Not Hermione. Please no. Each scream, each curse, each scar made on Hermione's body... The knife that was scarring Hermione's body right now was stabbing her heart repeatedly.
"How did you get into my vault?" they heard Bellatrix scream. "Did that dirty little goblin in the cellar help you?"
"We only met him tonight!" Hermione sobbed. "We've never been inside your vault... It isn't the real sword! It's a copy, just a copy!
"A copy?" screeched Bellatrix. "Oh, a likely story!"
"But we can find out easily!" came Lucius's voice. "Draco, fetch the goblin, he can tell us whether the sword is real or not!"
Draco nodded, his entire body shaking after seeing what happened. Deanna was right. He had no soul at all. After he left, the only sounds that filled the room were Deanna's grunts and struggles and Hermione's screams as Bellatrix was casting the Cruciatus Curse on her while they were waiting.
Both Deanna and Hermione were exhausted and tired right now, and honestly, Deanna was cursing herself for being the heir of the phoenixes? What good is being the salvation of the world if she can't even save Hermione? Trying her best to keep herself awake, Hermione was thinking that help will come soon. She had hope, and she would fight until then. So that afterwards, she could finally hold Deanna in her arms.
Suddenly then, Draco and Griphook came back, and finally, Bellatrix took the curse off Hermione, leaving the Muggleborn sprawled at Bellatrix's feet and barely conscious. The witch picked up the sword of Gryffindor and handed it to Griphook. "Check if it's the true sword, goblin."
Griphook held the sword in his hands, examining it very meticulously, but Deanna wasn't paying much attention to him since she was looking worriedly at Hermione who was barely stirring, but when Hermione opened her eyes for a moment to look at Deanna, she was at least relieved that her lion was still alive.
"Well?" Bellatrix said to Griphook. "Is it the true sword?"
"No," said Griphook. "It is a fake."
"Are you sure?" panted Bellatrix. "Quite sure?"
"Yes," said the goblin.
"Good," Bellatrix said in relief, and with a casual flick of her wand, she slashed another deep cut into the goblin's face, and he dropped with a yell before she kicked him aside. "And now, we call the Dark Lord!"
And she pushed back her sleeve and touched her forefinger to the Dark Mark, making Deanna's eyes widen when she could suddenly see Grindelwald and Voldemort again.
"Kill me, then!" demanded Grindelwald. "You will not win, you cannot win! That wand and Deanna will never, ever be yours โ"
And Voldemort's fury broke: A burst of green light filled the prison room, and the lifeless and frail body of Grindelwald fell back onto the bed, making Deanna's bruised hurt suffer once more. Even Gellert Grindelwald... Voldemort even took Grindelwald from her.
"And I think," said Bellatrix's voice that brought Deanna back to reality, "we can dispose of the Mudblood. Greyback, take her if you want her."
That was the final straw for Deanna, her anger, grief and pain from seeing Grindelwald's death and Hermione's torture had rolled all into one. The fire was raging, and it was only right for her to let it go.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Ron had burst into the drawing room.
And at that moment that Ron and Harry had sprinted into the room and disarmed Bellatrix, Deanna's eyes glowed gold and the golden fire had surrounded her once more, temporarily blinding everyone as she shot a fireball at Greyback that sent him flying away before she speedily cast another fireball in the direction of the Malfoys. That burnt the fire in Harry and Ron as they continued their work.
Deanna's glow and fire died down when she saw Bellatrix supporting the unconscious Hermione and holding a knife to her throat.
"Drop your wands," she whispered. "Drop them, or we'll see exactly how filthy her blood is!"
Deanna's head snapped to Harry and Ron who were still holding the wands, and she saw them glancing at her in conflict. She pleaded with them wordlessly to just do it. This was Hermione's life. They couldn't take any gambles now.
"I said, drop them!" Bellatrix screeched, pressing the blade into Hermione's throat:
"STOP!" Deanna yelled when saw beads of blood appear there.
"All right!" Harry shouted, and he and Ron finally dropped the wands and raised their hands. Deanna couldn't feel relieved yet though, her head aching because she knew Voldemort was coming soon. They had to go before he came.
"Good!" Bellatrix leered. "Draco, pick them up! The Dark Lord is coming, Harry Potter! Your death approaches! And you, Dumbledore, will finally be reunited with him, yes." She ended with a roll of her eyes.
"Now," said Bellatrix softly, as Draco hurried back to her with the wands, "Cissy, I think we ought to tie these little heroes up again, while Greyback takes care of Miss Mudblood. I am sure the Dark Lord will not begrudge you the girl, Greyback, after what you have done tonight."
Deanna was about to say something when there was a noise from above. They all looked up to see the chandelier tremble, and with an ominous jingling, it began to fall. Bellatrix and Hermione were directly beneath it, and Deanna rushed in immediately as Bellatrix threw herself aside to save herself with a scream. The Hufflepuff shielded Hermione and Griphook who was coincidentally beside Hermione with her back, gritting her teeth in pain. As the shards of crystals flew everywhere, Harry took the opportunity and casted a Stunning spell at Greyback.
"Deanna, are you guys okay?" Ron asked worriedly while pulling the three of them out of the wreckage. "I'm so sorry we're late."
Deanna was about to respond when Narcissa suddenly screamed. "Dobby! You! You dropped the chandelier โ ?"
The Dumbledore's eyes widened when she saw the tiny elf trotting into the room and pointing his finger at Narcissa. "You must not hurt Harry Potter and our Miss Deanna."
"Kill him, Cissy!" shrieked Bellatrix, but there was another loud crack, and Narcissa's wand too flew into the air and landed on the other side of the room.
"You dirty little monkey!" bawled Bellatrix. "How dare you take a witch's wand, how dare you defy your masters?"
"Dobby has no master!" squealed the elf. "Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Miss Deanna, Harry Potter and their friends!"
Deanna who was holding tight to Hermione felt her vision go woozy for a moment and that was a sign that Voldemort was seconds away. They had to go now.
"Come on!" Harry and Dobby moved closer to Deanna, Hermione, Ron and Griphook before they all clasped hands and spun on the spot to Disapparate. But before they Disapparated, Deanna caught sight of Bellatrix throwing her knife towards them, and she saw it going for Dobby. She couldn't handle anymore. Not another loss. Not another heartbreak.
"Dobby!" Deanna yelled out in warning before she moved them with her body so that her back would be facing Bellatrix's direction, and Deanna whimpered as pain came over her entire body. From her back, her shoulder and her head. And as they disappeared into the unknown and hit solid air, Deanna fell to the ground, clutching her shoulder in pain.
"MISS DEANNA!" Dobby squeaked out in terror, going immediately to the Dumbledore in pain. "Why did you save Dobby? You're bleeding, Miss!"
"Deanna, damn it. Stay with us." Ron pleaded with her as he ripped a part of his shirt and started pressing on Deanna's deep wound on her shoulder.
"HELP US! HELP, PLEASE!" Harry started yelling while holding on to Hermione, glancing worriedly at the two lovers who had gone through an entire ordeal in a span of a few hours.
"I'm fine." Deanna croaked out, her throat hurting from all the yelling she had done a while ago. She sat up slowly and smiled softly at Dobby. "You are my friend, Dobby, and I will always be glad to save you. But you should go back now. Thank you for all your help."
"Miss." Dobby started tearing up, happy that in a world full of people like Bellatrix and the Malfoys, there were the good ones like Deanna and Harry. "I will get going now. Please be safe."
"Thank you, Dobby." Harry thanked his friend as well. "Be safe too."
"Thanks, Dobby." Ron smiled at the elf.
"Thank you, my friend." Deanna also expressed her gratitude to Dobby who disappeared with a snap. She was about to say something when she remembered the most concerning thing, her heart beating nervously. "Ron, Harry, where's Mione? Where is she? How's she doing? Is she okay? I โ "
"Calm down, Deanna, she's here." Harry cut her off with a giggle, making Deanna relax when she saw Hermione with Harry before she shakily stood up with Ron's support. Harry and Ron exchanged smiles as they watched Deanna kneel down beside Hermione and hold her hand. "We'll excuse ourselves."
As Harry and Ron moved away a distance with Griphook, Deanna placed Hermione's head on her lap, her eyes softening at how peaceful she looked while she was sleeping. The memories of Hermione screaming and sobbing in pain were stuck in Deanna's mind, but she knew Hermione needed her now. She should control her pain first and tend to her... her love.
Deanna saw the words written on Hermione's arm, and she wiped away a tear that fell, thinking that Hermione had suffered so much and fought so bravely. She was so proud of her. It may be a scar that would never go away, but it was a scar that proved how strong Hermione was.
The badger leaned in and placed a kiss on Hermione's forehead, smiling when she saw the Granger smile. "You're safe now, Mione. I promise to be your safe place as long as I can."
And for the remaining time she had, Deanna would make sure to keep that promise.
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