iii. the descendants
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"Deanna." Dumbledore whispered before running to hug his daughter tight. Hermione sent Deanna one last smile before she went out of the room to give the father and daughter their privacy. The two Dumbledores sobbed their hearts out, reuniting after fifty years. Deanna, who Dumbledore thought to be dead, was finally back, and she wouldn't leave again, and Dumbledore, who missed Deanna so, would never let go of his little girl. Never again.
Deanna pulled away slightly and wiped away her father's tears. "You have grown old, Pops. That is one fine beard, I'd say it would rival Merlin's."
Dumbledore chuckled lightly and kissed the top of Deanna's head. "Thank Merlin you're back. I thought I lost you forever, my little phoenix."
"I'm back, Pops. I told you, I'm not going anywhere." Deanna said while hugging her father again. Suddenly, she remembered something and her eyes widened. "Pops, we have to go!"
"Where?" said Dumbledore, alarmed.
Deanna got to her feet and ran out the door with Dumbledore chasing after her. "Deanna, wait! Where are you going?"
Deanna had arrived at the Ground Floor where the people inside the Dining Room were watching the scene. She whipped around to face her father. "Myrtle. Myrtle is dead, Pops. We need to help her. Tom-"
"Myrtle is fine, Deanna," said Dumbledore gently. "She's still at Hogwarts."
"No, Pops, you don't understand," said Deanna, tears coming into her eyes. "Tom killed her. With a huge snake. A Basilisk!"
"Come here, dear," said Molly, coming out of the dining room and wrapping an arm around the distraught Deanna. "We will all explain."
Deanna's eyes widened. "Lucretia? When did you dye your hair to red?"
Molly's eyes turned sad. "I'm not Lucretia, dear."
Deanna was about to say something when Dumbledore said gently. "Listen to us, Deanna. We'll explain."
Deanna nodded shakily and went into the dining room with the support of Molly and Dumbledore. She looked around at the people watching her. "I-Ignatius, Thaddeus, Magnus, Elladora..."
"This is Sirius Black, these are Fred and George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and I'm Molly Weasley."
Deanna thought they were her old friends and she wanted to ask why they were all so different, but she remembered that there was a matter of greater concern and looked at Dumbledore. "Where's Myrtle, Pops? Did you find her? Did you catch Tom?"
"Myrtle is at Hogwarts, Deanna," said Dumbledore. "She became a ghost."
Deanna gasped and shook her head. "Oh, Myrtle. She must be so miserable. I should have chased after her right away. I shouldn't have talked to Rubeus or fought with Olive Hornby."
"It's not your fault, Deanna," said Dumbledore, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Myrtle is fine now."
"And what about Tom? Was he caught?"
Dumbledore was silent for a moment before he started speaking. "Hagrid was accused, Deanna. Tom accused him, and everyone believed him."
"But it wasn't Rubeus, Pops!" Deanna stood up and shouted. "It wasn't him. I told you-"
"Everyone but me," said Dumbledore with a hint of amusement.
Deanna blushed and sat back down. "Sorry. What happened after?"
"Hagrid was expelled, and his wand was broken, and before you speak," he added upon seeing Deanna open her mouth. "He is now the Professor of Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts."
Deanna smiled widely. "Rubeus became a Professor? I knew he had it in him. He always loved every creature he met. And did you catch Tom?"
"Tom had a diary, Deanna, and he put his 17 year old self in it. He was the heir of Slytherin."
Deanna was silent for a while and she thought hard about it then she remembered the black diary Tom was always carrying. "You mean the blank diary?"
"Yes. He bewitched it and preserved his memory in it. And during their second year, Harry, Ron and Hermione managed to kill the Basilisk and solve the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets."
Deanna turned to look at the trio and smiled gratefully at them. "So Tom's the Heir of Slytherin..." Then, she turned back to her father. "No one died this time, right? They're all safe?"
"Yes," said Dumbledore with a glance at Ginny. "Everyone was safe. A few petrified students and a student brought to the Chamber, but no one died."
Deanna let out a sigh of relief. "Godric's mushrooms, that's great." She then turned serious. "Tell me what's going on, Pops? What happened to Tom? What happened to you? Why are they making you and Harry Potter look like nutters?"
"I think I need some answers first, Deanna," said Dumbledore.
"Answer mine first," said Deanna in an unwavering voice.
Dumbledore looked hesitant before he finally gave in. "Fine, but I must tell you Deanna. He's not Tom Riddle anymore. He's-"
"Yes, Pops. I know," said Deanna. "He's Voldemort now." Deanna raised an eyebrow when the Weasleys and Hermione had flinched at his name.
"So, tell me. How did Voldemort, I never liked that name, become Voldemort?"
"But before I start, this is the only question I'll ask for now. Tell me what happened, Deanna. What happened before you disappeared?" Dumbledore asked her.
Deanna let out a sigh. "I heard that Olive Hornby made Myrtle cry and teased her about her glasses so I shouted at her." When chuckles came from everybody, Deanna blushed slightly.
"After shouting at her, I was on my way to the bathroom when I bumped into Rubeus. He was about to feed Aragog-" She stopped and looked at her father pleadingly. "I was not supposed to tell you that."
Dumbledore merely chuckled. "Just go on, love."
"After we talked, I went back on my way to the bathroom. I was about to enter when I heard his voice. To-Voldemort's voice. He was speaking in a snakelike voice that I couldn't understand, and when I came into the bathroom, I saw Myrtle on the floor. S-She wasn't moving, Pops, and To-Voldemort was standing over her with the Basilisk by his side."
Deanna clenched her fists. "I tried calling out for help, but he didn't want to. He said she deserved it and that she was a M-Muggleborn. He used that wretched word, Pops. He told me he killed her, and then, it was all dark."
Harry suddenly said. "Wait, are you the girl?"
Deanna snapped her head towards him. "What do you mean?"
"Well, when I was in the diary, Voldemort was talking about a girl. He was crying when he confronted Hagrid, saying that monster killed her."
"Professor Dumbledore. You asked us if there was a person in the Chamber, didn't you?" said Ron.
All of them looked at Dumbledore, who started his explanation. "When Myrtle died, Deanna, none of us knew where you were. There were only bloody robes beside her, and everyone assumed the worst. That you were dead."
Deanna's eyes widened. "W-What?"
"Just like with Miss Weasley, there was a message left on the walls. Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever, and everyone thought that you were in the Chamber. That was why I asked Harry and Ron if they had seen someone down there. Believe me. I spent years, looking for that Chamber, trying to find out where you could have been, but you weren't there. A-And I accepted that you were dead, Deanna."
Deanna blinked back her tears and held her father's hand. "I'm here, Pops. I'm alive and well." She cleared her throat and looked at them. "Well, I suppose you should explain now, Pops. Before I continue."
Everybody helped in explaining what happened during the past fifty years. They explained how Voldemort had rose to become the darkest wizard of all time, how Harry became The Boy Who Lived and how Sirius was an innocent man, forced into hiding. They also told her about the adventures of Harry, Ron and Hermione during the past four years, how Voldemort had returned on the night of the Third Task and how Harry witnessed it and how the Ministry under Fudge's orders were doing everything to discredit Dumbledore and Harry.
After Dumbledore finished, Deanna stood up and started pacing up and down. It was silent as everyone watched her. She started muttering to herself. "Tom let go of himself. He killed and tortured countless people. Harry Potter always defeats him, and he's now Voldemort... Philosopher's Stone then Chamber of Secrets... Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and now... Voldemort has returned..." Deanna rubbed her eyes and let out a sigh before speaking in a louder voice. "So, Voldemort is back... And what are his plans? What are we doing to keep him at bay?"
Molly, Sirius and Dumbledore exchanged glances before Dumbledore spoke in a voice of finality. "That, Deanna, is something we'll have to answer later, but not now..."
Deanna frowned at them before letting out a sigh. "All right then." She sat back down and rubbed her forehead that was aching from all the information she had just taken in.
"It's your turn, love. Tell us. How did you come back?" Dumbledore asked her.
Deanna then started explaining how she had awoken when Voldemort returned. How she witnessed his and Harry's duel from inside the tomb. How she escaped from Avery and Nott. How she had been on the run from Death Eaters for a month and how she had witnessed Moody, Tonks and Kingsley coming into the Headquarters and how she somehow figured it out.
Everybody looked horrified at what she had to go through. Dumbledore was about to say something when a silver cat came with McGonagall's voice. "Albus, they're here again."
Dumbledore let out a sigh before looking at Deanna apologetically. "I'm afraid I must go, Deanna. I'm sorry-"
"Oh, don't apologize, Pops. I know you've got your duties," said Deanna, patting his shoulder.
"If you'd like, you can come to Hogwarts during the last week of August. I could show you around," said Dumbledore.
Deanna's eyes twinkled. "I'd like that. Take care, Pops." Deanna wrapped her arms tightly around his waist.
Dumbledore bent down and kissed the top of her head. "I'll see you soon, love." Dumbledore pulled away and caressed Deanna's cheek before he Disapparated with a loud crack.
Deanna sat back down and stared at the group, who were watching her. She looked at Sirius and frowned. "You look like Walburga and Orion Black. Are you their son?"
Sirius sighed deeply. "I am. But I was disowned."
Deanna nodded and after a second, smiled at him. "I'm guessing you're not like the rest of the Blacks? I never really got along with those two. Often got into fights with them."
Sirius grinned at her. "That's good to hear. We're going to be great friends, Dumbledore Jr."
"I'm hoping that will happen, Black Jr." With one last wink at him, Deanna then turned to look at Fred and George. "And you two look just like Ignatius and Thaddeus. How are you related to him?"
"Ignatius is our great-uncle," said Fred.
"And Thaddeus is our grandfather," said George.
"But, your name is Weasley?" said Deanna, confused.
"Yes, dear," said Molly. "I am Thaddeus and Elladora's daughter. Did you know them?"
"Knew them? They were three years above me, but we were quite the trio." Deanna smirked at the memory. "They're truly close friends of mine. We once made Pops' beard disappear and grow from his ears." The group laughed at that. They didn't think that Dumbledore's daughter would be quite the prankster.
"He gave Ignatius and Thaddeus a week of detention, but I was given two only because he knew that I planned it," Deanna pouted and laughed along with them.
"How about my mum, Deanna?" said Molly, interested to hear more about her parents.
"Well, Elladora was two years older than I was, but Thaddeus was smitten with her. Did you know? He and Ignatius liked her."
"WHAT?" They said in unison.
"It was tiring. Not only for me, but for Elladora as well. And during my 2nd year, she finally made her choice. Though she would never admit it, everyone knew she was always in love with Thaddeus. And it turned out Ignatius had only pretended to like Elladora to make them admit their feelings. Magnus was the one who planned it, and it turned out Lucretia and Ignatius were already dating for a year! I wasn't as close to Lucretia as I was with the others."
Everybody laughed at the story of Ignatius, Thaddeus, Magnus, Elladora and Lucretia. Molly shook her head. "I never knew."
"Well, there's more stories and adventures we had," said Deanna before turning to Harry. "You're a Potter, eh? I wasn't that close to Fleamont and Euphemia. I was a little girl when I first met them. I met them at a Quidditch match and got a jersey signed, but I can tell you truly are his grandson."
Harry smiled at her. "How were they?"
"Well, they were very kind. The last news I heard about them was they were having troubles in making a child. I suppose sometime since I was sleeping, they had your father. And you two look a lot like Magnus and Elladora." She nodded at Ron and Ginny before turning to Hermione and pursing her lips in thought. "I'm sorry. I don't think I can match you to someone I know. I've never seen someone as beautiful as you."
Hermione's cheeks flushed. "T-Thank you. I'm a Muggle-born."
"Is that so? I've had quite a lot of friends that were Muggle-born as well. How are they all anyways? Not that I really want to know, but how are Walburga and Orion? Are they doing well?" Deanna asked with a smile. They exchanged glances. They didn't know how to tell the girl that her friends were gone and that they had passed on.
"You see," Sirius said slowly. "My parents died a long time ago. And so did Fleamont and Euphemia due to dragon pox."
Deanna's face fell slightly before she looked at him apologetically. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. And how about Ignatius, Thaddeus, Magnus, Lucretia and Elladora?"
Molly exchanged glances with Sirius before sighing. "Well-"
"Molly, I'm home!" Someone shouted and they all turned to see Arthur Weasley at the door.
Deanna's eyes lit up and she ran to Arthur and hugged him. "Septimus! I can't believe it. You've grown so old."
Arthur looked at them, bewildered at what was happening. "W-What?"
"Oh dear, Deanna. This is not Septimus. This is Arthur, his son." Molly said gently.
Deanna looked embarrassed and immediately let go of Arthur. "I'm sorry. You just looked exactly like Septimus, but you have Cedrella's eyes."
Arthur's eyes widened. "You knew my parents?"
"I went to school with them," said Deanna cheerfully. "Where are they anyway? I wasn't able to get to their wedding. I was... well, asleep."
"Oh, well, they're dead," said Arthur, and everybody but Deanna glared at his tactlessness.
Deanna's face fell. Dead? Did he just say her friends were dead when they were alive and swell in what seemed to be a month ago? "What? Even Ignatius, Thaddeus, Magnus, Elladora and Lucretia?"
"Yes, dear," said Molly, helping the girl into a chair. "They died a long time ago."
Deanna sighed shakily and screwed her eyes shut. "Oh... I'm sorry. I-I didn't know."
"It's all right," said Molly, rubbing her back. "We're sorry as well, dear."
"D-Do you know if they're still alive? Aries Solis? Lorraine Justice? Dallas River?"
"I-I'm sorry, dear," Molly said and wrapped her arms around Deanna.
Deanna just sighed deeply and gently pulled away. "Thank you, er, Molly. If it's fine, I'd like to go up now. I'll see you in the morning."
"Good night, dear," Molly said and let Deanna leave and go back to her room. When the distant sound of a door closing came, they all let out the breaths they had been holding in.
"Shouldn't someone be with her right now, Mum?" Ron said.
"She needs space, Ron," said Molly. "She just realized that everything she had and knew is now lost. And we have to give her the time she needs."
In her room, Deanna was crying silently. Everyone was gone. Myrtle, Aries, Lorraine, Dallas, Septimus, Ignatius, Thaddeus, Magnus, Elladora and Lucretia. She cried for all her friends she had not even had a chance to say goodbye to. She cried for even Walburga and Orion, who she always fought with. She missed the life she had fifty years ago when the only problem she had was trying to pull Tom out of the darkness. Even her father had aged so much when she had stayed as she was.
'Just for tonight,' Deanna thought. 'Let me cry just for tonight, and I'll pick myself up tomorrow and start again.'
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