ii. his little phoenix
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Everybody was surprised that Dumbledore knew who the girl was and his reaction at seeing her. It was as if he was pained at seeing her. Dumbledore raised his wand at the girl, his hand shaking. "Rennervate."
A red light hit the girl, and her eyes fluttered open to reveal light blue orbs filled with exhaustion, and Deanna looked around in confusion before her eyes finally rested on Dumbledore. Blue eyes met blue eyes, and Deanna's eyes filled with tears while the tears that pooled in Dumbledore's eyes started falling down his face.
Looking down, Dumbledore wiped away his tears with the back of his hand and shook his head. "No, it can't be... You-You're dead, you have been for the past 50 years..."
"It's me, Pops," Deanna croaked out. "It's me, Deanna."
Dumbledore lifted his head and saw a small grin on her face. Deanna sighed and coughed, feeling all the pain she had been holding in for the past few weeks. "D-Don't you believe me, Pops? E-even when I say you still haven't taken me on a ride on Fawkes? O-Or that I really love purple socks with the cookies and milk on it?"
That was when Dumbledore knew. It was truly his little girl, and he immediately pulled her into a tight hug, not intending to let go. "It really is you, Deanna," Dumbledore sobbed, "I-I thought I lost you."
"I'm not going anywhere, Pops," whispered Deanna, her head spinning and her eyesight blurring. "Not anymore."
With those words, she fell limp in Dumbledore's arms. Dumbledore's eyes widened and he started tapping Deanna's cheek lightly. "Deanna, my little phoenix? Deanna! Stay with me."
Molly tried pulling Dumbledore back, but he stayed where he was, hugging Deanna tight while crying his heart out. "Let us take care of her, Albus." Molly said gently. "We have to heal her injuries."
That seemed to bring Dumbledore back to reality, and he nodded shakily before letting go of Deanna and moving beside Molly. He wiped his tears and pointed his wand at Deanna's bruises and cuts.
"Vulnera Sanentur," said Dumbledore in a songlike voice. Tonks knelt beside him and started doing the same.
While he did that, Molly turned to Remus. "Remus, we need some Dittany. There's some back at the Burrow."
"Right," Remus said and swiftly swept out of the room. Molly turned around and started helping Dumbledore and Tonks.
"What can we do, Molly?" Sirius said. Molly and Tonks let out gasps, and Dumbledore's lip started wavering again. They had just taken off Deanna's top and saw nasty purple welts scattered around her body.
Molly whispered to Arthur. "I think all of you should go out for a while." Arthur nodded before ushering everybody out, and Remus came running in with the Dittany in hand.
"Thank you, Remus," said Molly as she started dropping the essence on the open cuts around Deanna's body.
"Let me help," said Remus, and he too started healing the countless cuts on her body. They all focused on fixing Deanna up, none speaking with each other, the only sounds breaking the silence were the songlike incantations from their mouths.
When the bruises and cuts were gone from her body, Molly checked her again. "She's fine for now. She still has a fever so she'll need a Fever-Reducing potion. Tonks, can you please get one?" Tonks nodded and went out with Remus following after her. "I think she's exhausted so we better let her rest for now."
Dumbledore nodded and smiled at her. "Thank you, Molly. I couldn't lose my little girl. Not again." He turned back to Deanna, took her hand and kissed it.
"Who is she, Albus?" A rough voice said from the door.
Dumbledore turned around and saw that Tonks, Remus, Sirius, Alastor and Arthur had entered once more, and Tonks gave the potion to Molly. "Here you go, Molly. Kingsley was called in by Fudge so he had to leave."
"Thank you, Tonks," said Molly before opening Deanna's mouth slightly and pouring in a few drops. "And that will be fine. Let's let her rest for now. Come on, Albus."
With one last kiss to Deanna's hand, Dumbledore stood up and walked to the dining table, sitting with all of them.
"Who is she, Dumbledore?" Sirius asked the question they had all been wondering about.
"She is my daughter, Sirius. She is Deanna Ariana Dumbledore, who was thought to have been dead... until now."
They all looked at each other with wide eyes.
"D-Dead?" Remus repeated with disbelief. "But what happened?"
"I don't know, Remus," said Dumbledore in a sad tone. "Only Deanna knows, and we'll have to wait for answers."
There was silence, everyone mulling over his words. Tonks started speaking. "Professor, how did-"
"How did she come to be, Tonks?" said Dumbledore with a hint of reminiscence in his tone. "It was just one night with a friend of mine and after nine months of fights and making peace, Deanna was born. And I was happy. I never regretted that night."
The silence this time was due to surprise. They never knew that the Headmaster had stories like that underneath all the glory and power he had. He had always been so strong that none of them thought that he was holding pain in just like the rest of them.
"Dumbledore, where is that friend of yours? Deanna's mother?" Arthur asked.
Dumbledore sighed heavily. "She died. She was killed by Grindelwald just when Deanna was a baby."
"When was she born, Albus?" Moody asked, his magical eye fixed on the sleeping girl.
"November 11... 1928."
"WHAT?" They all asked simultaneously and stared at Deanna. How could a girl born in 1928 still be so young? She looked barely the age of 15.
"That's why we need to wait for Deanna to wake up," said Dumbledore quietly. "Only she can answer the questions that I myself don't know the answer to."
"Are you sure it's her, Dumbledore?" Arthur asked.
Dumbledore nodded at him. "It's her, Arthur, you heard her a while ago. Those were things only Deanna and I know. I haven't taken her on a ride on Fawkes yet, and she really loves those socks." Dumbledore chuckled lightly at the memories. "She's my little girl, and I won't let her go again."
The members of the Order looked at their leader, who stood up and knelt down beside his daughter's sleeping form, stroking her hair, with emotion in their eyes. It was the first time they had seen him out of composure and he looked like the pain could have killed him. It was still unreal to them. Albus Dumbledore had a daughter.
"I think you should go rest, Albus," said Molly, resting a hand on his shoulder.
Dumbledore shook his head. "I'll stay here, Molly, my little phoenix needs me, and I'm not letting her go, not again."
Sirius sighed and sat down beside him. "We'll stay here, Dumbledore. She'll be safe here, and we'll call you right away."
Dumbledore looked up from Deanna's body and stared at all of them. Their eyes were saying one thing. 'Trust us just as we've always trusted you.' And Dumbledore kissed Deanna on the forehead. "I'll be back, my little phoenix." He stood up and looked at them with pleading in his eyes. "Please, take care of her."
And they all nodded, knowing that Deanna was important to Dumbledore and was therefore important to them as well. They would take care of the girl with everything they were.
"Thank you." Dumbledore smiled at them before Apparating out of 12 Grimmauld Place, and the members of the Order were left in the room, staring at each other. Their questions would have to wait. They had one job for now, and that was to protect Deanna Dumbledore.
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Fred gave the Extendable Ear a tug as they all pulled out the plugs from their ears. They had been listening in from Harry and Ron's room from the second floor, and they heard every word, the adults being too distracted to check if there was an Extendable Ear under the door or not.
"So, she's not a spy," said Ginny, throwing glares at Fred and George.
"Well, Ginevra, you couldn't blame us," said Fred.
"We were just being wary, like Mad-Eye, constant vigilance and all that," said George.
"But that doesn't explain why she was hurt," said Harry. "You saw her. She had cuts and bruises all over her body."
"At least we know who she is," said Ron. "Who knew Dumbledore had a daughter? And can you believe it? She was born in 1928. She should be sixty-something or what by now."
"Sixty-seven," said Hermione. "And she looked like she had barely turned 15."
"And she's pretty," said George. "What?" He asked when they all turned to look at him. "I'm just stating facts."
"Can't deny that, Georgie," said Fred. "Well, we better get going, the Skiving Snackboxes won't make themselves, and Mum will tell us about her anyway."
"See you." With a loud CRACK!, the twins Disapparated out of the room.
"Well, I'll be turning in as well," said Ginny, letting out a yawn. "Good night."
"Good night," the three chorused back and when Ginny left the room, they huddled together and started talking.
"What if Voldemort's after her?" Harry said, and the two flinched again before mulling his words over.
Hermione started thinking. "Because she's Dumbledore's daughter?"
"Maybe, she has some special power," said Ron, and the three of them exchanged looks. It was possible. Dumbledore was powerful, and it was no surprise if Deanna too was powerful.
"Why doesn't anyone know her? Why was her identity kept?" said Hermione, pacing up and down. It had been bothering her why Deanna Dumbledore was not in any book she had come across, not in Hogwarts, A History or any other articles about Dumbledore. "And why did Dumbledore think she was dead?"
"Maybe, she came back from the dead," Ron suggested.
"That can't be, Ron," muttered Hermione. "No one can come back from the dead."
It was silent among the trio before Hermione stood up and sighed. "Well, I'm going to bed, and I suggest you two do as well. Harry had a long day with his hearing, and you need all the rest you can get. Good night."
"Good night." Harry and Ron muttered back. As Hermione left, the two bid each other good night, tucking themselves in for the night, but none of the Golden Trio were asleep. The thoughts of Deanna Dumbledore plagued their minds. Every time they would try answering a question, they would find themselves asking even more questions, and they knew none of those questions would be answered yet because the only one who could answer them was still in a peaceful slumber.
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Three days soon passed, but Deanna was still asleep. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny had volunteered to watch over her during the times when the Order had their meetings. Dumbledore too came to visit her everyday. He would usually stay for an hour. He wanted to stay longer, but he had his duties as Headmaster. He had to be careful especially since the Ministry was watching his every move.
Fred and George wanted to help watch over Deanna, but Molly immediately rejected the suggestion, not trusting them to take care of the girl. The others who were watching over Deanna were Molly, Arthur, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Kingsley and Moody, but due to their own duties for the Order, the task of watching Deanna was delegated mostly to Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny.
Hermione walked over to Deanna's room and knocked on the door before opening it. "Hey, Ron. It's my turn."
Ron let out a yawn and smiled at her gratefully. "Thank you, Hermione."
The door closed and Hermione sat down beside Deanna. She watched the sleeping girl curiously. George was right. She was beautiful. Her chest moved up and down lightly, and there was a serene expression on her face. Her long, caramel brown locks framed her face, cascading down her chest. She saw that the bruises and cuts that covered her body were gone, showing the milky-white skin underneath.
Hermione's questions about the girl had increased more and more as she stared at her. She felt an inexplicable thirst in her to find out everything she can about the puzzle that was Deanna Dumbledore.
A groan broke Hermione out of her thoughts. Deanna rustled and opened her eyes. She sat up quickly and looked around. Where was she? Where was her father? She was about to stand up when someone pushed her down.
"Please, calm down." Hermione said gently to the panicking girl, hiding her shock at how similar the blue eyes were to Dumbledore's.
"W-Where's P-Pops? Where is he?" Deanna said, looking at Hermione with wide eyes.
"Harry!" Hermione shouted before turning back to the distressed Deanna. "We'll call him, all right? Just take a deep breath."
Deanna nodded and took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, following Hermione's breathing. She felt herself calm down when the door suddenly opened. A raven-haired boy with green eyes and eyeglasses was staring at her with wide eyes.
"I'll tell Mrs. Weasley," said Harry before running back out of the room.
"W-Where am I?" Deanna said when the door closed.
"You're in 12 Grimmauld Place, the Headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix."
"The Order of the Phoenix?"
"Yes, it was an organization your father organized against You-Know-Who during the First Wizarding War."
When Hermione saw that Deanna looked confused about everything, she realized that Deanna didn't understand anything she had been saying. "Don't you know who You-Know-Who is?"
Deanna shook her head and looked down sadly. Hermione felt bad for her though she wasn't sure why. "Well, I'm sure when Professor Dumbledore comes, he'll explain everything."
"Thank you, er... What's your name?" Deanna asked curiously.
"I'm Hermione Granger," said Hermione, holding her hand out.
"Deanna. Deanna Dumbledore." Deanna said, smiling slightly and shaking Hermione's hand. The two girls smiled at each other, not letting go, when the door opened once more, and this time, it was Dumbledore who came running in.
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