ii. the bad news
"Lily? Are you okay?" Dorcas Meadowes-McKinnon asked her best friend, setting down a cup of coffee in front of her. Marlene, Alice and Dorcas immediately Apparated to the Potter Manor after hearing about the fight. James was out with Sirius, Remus and Frank, Lily knew he was also shaken with what happened and she was glad he had them to talk to. Peter and Mary went on their honeymoon though they sent their cheers and comforting messages to Lily, reassuring her that it was alright and everything would be fine.
"Y-Yeah." Lily tapped the table mindlessly, her mind lost in thoughts about what happened and what Harry knew.
Her three friends didn't know what to say. As much as they wanted to get mad at Harry for always fighting with his mother and hurting her with his sharp words, they couldn't. He didn't know, he didn't understand. The only thing they could do was try to understand him and be there for Lily every time she was hurt by Harry.
The three of them were communicating with their eyes, telling each other to speak or just say anything to comfort her. Dorcas motioned Marlene to speak, and by the look in Dorcas's eyes, Marlene knew that she had to do it. Otherwise, she might not be able to sleep in the bedroom.
Just as Marlene was about to speak, Lily spoke up once more. "Harry knows about Jamie."
Marlene, Alice and Dorcas were shocked at that, none of them had told Harry about Jamie because none of them had the courage to reopen the wounds of the past. But they knew it must hurt Lily to know that Harry knew about her.
"Oh, Lils." Marlene set down her coffee and hugged Lily. "How did he know?"
"I-I don't know, Marls." Lily let out a sigh. She sat up straight and stared at her friends, thinking of something.
"What is it?" Alice asked her.
"I want to go there." Lily blurted out. They all knew immediately what she was talking about. That place that held promises and love for a couple who once hoped that they would end up together. The place that Lily did not visit in years for the pain and the memories it held. They also knew that Lily wanting to go there meant only one thing. She was ready.
"Do what you must, Lils." Alice smiled at her. "We'll be here for you through it all."
"Thank you, girls." Lily smiled widely and hugged them tight. "I don't know what I would do without you."
"We got you, Lils. We got you." Dorcas said softly.
It was them who had been there for each other from the beginning until now, witnessing the stories and memories that were hidden. They would always be there for Lily and support her no matter what she chose to do.
"Good evening." James Apparated inside the Manor and kissed the working Lily's cheek. "Is Harry still not home, love?"
"No, but he's with the Weasleys so I think he'll be all right." Lily muttered, still reading her papers. James nodded in response and he was about to go back when he wanted to say something that had been bugging his mind since the fight happened.
"I'm sorry, Lily." James blurted out, making Lily look up at him.
"What for?" Lily asked in confusion, not understanding what he was sorry about.
"For letting the fight between you and Harry escalate to that point." James frowned and held Lily's hand, brushing his thumb over the back of Lily's hand.
Lily smiled softly and squeezed his hand back. "You have nothing to apologize for, James. I should be the one apologizing."
"What for?"
"For making you and Harry feel like I don't love you enough." Lily smiled sadly at him, guilt bubbling in her for she never knew she made them feel like that. "I hope you can forgive me, dear."
"Oh, Lily." James pulled Lily into a tight hug, letting her know she had nothing to be sorry for. He knew how much she loved them and what she had to do just to give them that love. "You have given us all the love you have, and I am so grateful to have you in my life. I know how much you love us." He paused and looked Lily in the eyes. "Maybe... maybe, it's time we tell Harry about her, don't you think?"
Lily's face fell, her eyes filling with hurt once more as she remembered her. "I-I don't know, Jamie. Are we even ready to tell the truth about her?"
"But it's better that he hears it from us, Lils." James said softly. It was something they should have done from the very start.
Lily hesitated before nodding. "But only after I go." She stared into James' eyes, willing him to understand. "I have to go there, that place. I think I'll be ready after I go there."
"Do what you need to do, Lily." James leaned in and kissed her forehead. "I'm here all the way."
"I love you." Lily smiled in gratitude and pecked James on the lips. She squeezed his hand in gratitude before walking to their room and fixing what she needed.
"I love you too." James sighed and smiled softly as he too went to pack for his Quidditch trip. The couple who had wounded hearts from losing her... They were going to do what they needed to do and finally tell the tale. The tale of Jamie. Ready or not, it was time for them to do it. For Harry.
A Ford Anglia came flying down outside the Potter Manor. The door then opened to reveal Harry Potter with disheveled clothes and flushed cheeks after a night out with the Weasley twins and Ron. They were at the joke shop, drinking together, courtesy of the Weasley twins. Harry had a high alcohol tolerance, but he drank and drank until he was drunk because he wanted to relieve himself of stress after his fight with his mother. The drunk Harry slammed the door shut roughly.
"Hey, Harry!" Fred Weasley hissed at him. "Be careful, Dad's going to kill me."
"Okay, okay." Harry raised his hands in defeat and started his walk to the Manor.
"Harry, are you going to be okay?" Ron Weasley, the only one who didn't drink, called out from inside the car. "It's late. Your mum's going to be pissed."
"She'll be gone." Harry said drunkenly. It wasn't like he cared about what his mother thought anyway. "She'll be at St. Mungo's."
"You're lucky then." George Weasley chuckled before they all waved goodbye and started flying away. Harry waved back and made his way inside the Manor, everything was a blur after that, but it really was a good thing his parents were out. He would have gone through another chastising. The last thing he remembered was falling onto his bed and closed his eyes. Then, it was dark.
The next morning...
"HARRY!" Potty the house-elf yelled as he ran to Harry's room. "Harry! Your father just sent a letter. Why is your mother in Scotland?" He started shaking the sleeping and shirtless Harry up. "Shouldn't she be at St. Mungo's? Why?"
The telephone downstairs started ringing so Potty Apparated to it and answered the call. "Sir Sirius! Yes, I'm trying to wake him up. He came home late last night."
Harry opened his eyes slowly at the noise. He picked up his shirt and started making his way down, wearing the shirt on his way. He groaned as the sun hit his eye, his head pounding with a headache. "Why is Potty so noisy this morning?"
He was confused when he saw Moody and Fritzy, their two other house elves, running around and answering calls and whimpering and howling as if something bad just happened... Did something bad happen?
"What's –" Harry was cut off when his owl, Hedwig, came to the window. He slowly walked towards her and took the Daily Prophet from her beak, stroking her feathers. "What's this, Hedwig?"
The owl only hooted in return before flying into the Manor and going to their mini-Owlery. Harry unrolled the Daily Prophet and read the article on front while the house elves were still running around and talking to Sirius, Remus and the others.
A portkey scheduled last night to transport around 30 people to Scotland has malfunctioned and endangered those 30 people who are currently reported missing. The Aurors are currently looking around for the 30 wizards and witches and there are no news so far regarding the conditions of these wizards and witches.
"We are doing everything we can to find out what has happened to the Portkey." Percy Weasley, the head of the Department of Magical Transportation, said. "I assure you all. Updates about the conditions of those wizards and witches will be out soon."
Here is the list of the 30 wizards and witches who were on that trip.
Aries Solis
Benjamin Franklin
Charlotte Barnaby
Elle Fanning
Hector Nott
Jacob Khana
Lily Potter
Harry stopped reading after that, focused on that name he had just read. Lily Potter. His mum was missing? His entire world felt like breaking down at those moments. No, it couldn't be. It couldn't be real. Not after that fight, she couldn't be missing or worse... dead.
'I wish you would just die so you could be with your precious Jamie.' His last words to Lily rang out in his head repeatedly. Harry's voice got caught in his throat and he ran up to his room, blinking back his tears as he got ready to go. He had to find his mum. She just couldn't be dead.
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