【Oh, yeah I did it, me shine with flashin' lights】
Full Name— Maisie Rosie Dé Leon
Gender— Cis Female
Nicknames— Mai, Sie, Mi-Mi, Mie, Rose
Age Range— 17-21
Birthday— Mar.10 [year depends on age in the rp]
Birthplace— Barcelona, Spain
Zodiac Sign— Pisces
Pronouns— She/Her
Sexual Orientation— Pansexual
Romantic Orientation— Panromantic
【I saw the ocean, yeah, before I even opened this door】
Visage— Priscilla Hazel
Height— 5'1 [154.94cm]
Personality— Mai is that girl you would see trying to give everyone at school a hug or candy. She has a heart of gold and loves making sure that her friends and family are okay. She is a bubbly girl who wants to make people happy as best as she can. Some people tend to mistake her happiness for idiocy, but even in the face of sadness or danger, she'll give them a bright smile of hope. She is a smart girl, but she tends to let things fly over her head as a way to satisfy people's standards. She can be very easily excited by everything that anyone talks about, even if she won't fully understand it. Even with this, she's also very easily scared due to her PTSD from her ex, since it scares her to be around someone as her mind tends to trick her into thinking that whoever she gets close to, they'll hurt her and leave her alone. She tends to zone out very quickly, since it gives her a piece of mind that she can live in her own little fantasy world-which she is very aware that she won't be able to live in-as a way to escape reality. She is also very wholesome, and risque jokes tend to fly over her head, so most people have to explain the joke to her when she doesn't understand but a lot of people try to keep her innocences intact for as long as they can. She loves having fun and joking around, as it's a way to spread peace to everyone she meets-and with this comes trouble. If she does attempt to spread her positivity to someone who doesn't want/need it, she'll keep trying which tends to backfire onto her. Another thing is that she forgives very easily-but, the only time she didn't was with her ex, since she saw through the pain he put her through. She is a very upbeat girl, as shown through her positive energy towards things.
Likes [6+]— Her Family, Kpop, Mangas, Comics, Birds, Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatball, Chocolate Eggs, Vanilla Ice cream, Flowers, Coffee, Animals, Plushies, Dancing, DnD, Crystals, Hoodies, Having Fun, Gardens, Skateboarding, Honeysuckles, Nature, Jokes, Frittata, Elote, Enmoladas, Tamales, Carne Asada, Bubble Tea, Cannoli, Triamisú, Macarons, Cameo Creme, Churros, Empanadas, Blankets, Hugs, Affection
Dislikes [6+]—Her Ex-boyfriend, Loud Sounds, The Emoji Movie, Being Alone, Heights, Sudden sounds, Blueberries, Grapes
Defining Features [2+]—
•Her pudgy cheeks; most people have referred to her as a bunny, more so by her parents
•Her heart shaped mole on her righr cheek
Habits [3+]—
•Bites on her pens when she feels very panicked or overwhelmed
•Humming out of nowhere, normally to songs that she has been listening to
•Bouncing her leg out of a panic response
Fears/Phobias [3+]—
•Having to see her ex again; he's mainly put her through torment, so having to see him again under any circumstances is a major fear of hers
•Oranges; there was a small incident that happened a while where she got orange juice in her eye, so she doesn't really enjoy oranges
•Being not good enough for anyone; she has always been somewhat of an overachiever, more so to please the people around her
Hobbies [2+]—
•Skateboarding; having been doing this for about 5 years, she has always found this to be a comfort thing to do when she's stressed out
•Dancing; she has always enjoyed the stage and when she can, she'll learn new dances or even make her own to different songs [mainly kpop or musical theater]
Occupation— Tutor for Social Studies
Health [out of 10]— 6.4/10
Tattoos— N/A
Piercings— N/A
【With you, everything will be my home】
Outfit Styles—
Family— Giovanni Bianchi [Father, 57, Alive, Very Very Close]; Juana Dé Leon [Mother, 56, Alive, Very Very Close]
Health Issues— Minor Breathing issues
Mental Issues— PTSD and ADHD
Theme Song— Home: BTS
Mixtape [5.Min, 10.Max]—
•Meteor Shower: Cavetown
•Fine: Taeyeon
•Astronomy: Conan Gray
•She's In The Rain: The Rose
•Dandelions: Ruth B.
•could this be love?: saturn 17
•Softly: Clairo
•Mariposa: Peach Tree Rascals
【But even if you leave now, there is a place to come】
Introvert or Extrovert— Extrovert
Left Handed or Right Handed— Ambidextrous
Loud or Quiet— Loud
Happy or Sad— Happy
Brave or Fearful— Mixture of the two
Loyal or Disloyal— Loyal
Shy or Outgoing— Outgoing
Bookstore or Library— Bookstore
Paperback or Hardcover— Paperback
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