Lapis headed back down the street to the tavern, where she'd purchase a room and stay for the night. But she wasn't going to sleep. She was going to wait for her next target to arrive.
She'd been promised ample pay, so she didn't have any complaints. She'd slaughtered many targets before, how would this one be any different?
They won't be. She thought, examining the tavern, stepping through the entrance. She'd passed by this place before, and she knew it was very high brow, and she'd be watched her entire walk to the front desk. She smirked.
They stare, they die. And a few of the clever ones will know it. She said, pushing through the door.
It creaked, and a few dragons looked up from their places at the surrounding tables. Lapis walked across the room confidently, and glared at anyone who met her gaze. They'd turn with a cringe, pretending they hadn't been starring. She reached the counter.
"One room for the evening." She said, pulling out the little coin pouch Boss had leant her. The tavern keeper eyed her suspiciously, but took the money and fished a key from a drawer behind the counter. She took the key, nodded, and walked up the narrow set of stairs.
She hissed at someone who was looking at her hungrily. He blinked, smirking. He opened his mouth, probably to give some dirty comment, but she gripped her knife handle at her belt, and his jaws clamped shut again, his eyes widening. She gave him a sideways look, and headed upstairs, her tail lashing behind her.
She unlocked the door to room 307, and went inside, locking the old door behind her. The room was acceptable, but she didn't mind anyway. She sat on the bed, sighing deeply. She fingered the gem collar on her neck. The collar held her powers in check, and she smiled, knowing she wouldn't have to deal with that until later tonight.
Her dark form caused her to become a completely different being, grow black feathered wings, and afterwards, she wouldn't remember what she'd done in that state. And, the splitting headache after wasn't a joy either. She crossed the room to the bathroom, eyeing herself in the mirror. She knew her dark form would be kept in check by her collar and armbands, and it knew it's mission clearly. She'd always been horrified that someday she'd never shift back, and be stuck in an eternal killing spree.
Your a killer. And that's just how it's supposed to be, huh? She thought.
He collar pulsed suddenly, and she felt the familiar urge to take it off and unleash her dark form, but she wasn't falling for it. Not this early in the mission. She walked back to the bed, and watched out the foggy window. She felt cramped in the space, even though there was plenty of room.
She breathed in short gasps, and hurried out to the blacony, breathing in the night air. She slumped down in the tiny metal chair, and sighed in relief. She didn't know what her issue with small spaces was, but ever since she was a kid she'd been nervous when sitting indoors, and never really figured out why. But, her pride wouldn't let her admit she had a somewhat case of claustrophobia.
She looked down the street, seeing a fountain trickling peacefully. Little stone fish spit water from the sides, adding to the peaceful effect. Musicians played music a few feet from it, swaying along to their own magic.
Her collar flickered suddenly, and she looked down at it, and her mind blurred. She looked down the street before she got too dizzy. She spotted a woman standing at the end of the street, throwing coins in a fountain with what seemed to be her children.
Lapis only had a moment to react before she'd touched her collar, releasing her dark form.
She growled happily, finally being free.
"Lazy sack of useless fur...letting me go so late. Now you've forced my hand." She said, springing up and standing on the railing. She eyed the Mother and children by the fountain, her lips curling back in a snarl.
She sprang from roof to roof until she'd reached them, then crawled down the roof, hanging basically upside down. The children giggled, hanging onto their Mother's hands and watching the coins plop into the water. How weak. This would be far to easy.
She waited a few moments until the Mother sent the children off with ice cream money. The children whooped and hurried off towards the rolling cart. The Mother watched them with pure love. She contained her audible gag, and took the opportunity.
She sprang from the roof, tackling the Mother into a nearby alley. The Mother's surprised scream was cut off abruptly by Lapis' talons. She smirked, holding the woman in place.
"Ah ah ah." She said, wagging a finger at her. She let go of the woman's mouth for a second, and let her speak.
"I-I was going to pay! I only had one more week of work! I'll have my paycheck, I swear!" She wailed, crying in pure terror. Lapis breathed in the sweet scent of her fear, grinning.
"That's what you said three months ago, Miriam." She hissed. The woman eyes widened at the mention of her name.
"No...no you can't do this! My children-!" She started, and was cut off.
"Will be dealt with." Lapis hissed. The woman held back her sobs, perhaps trying to act brave in her last moments.
"The deal is the deal." Lapis said, raising a clawed talon.
The woman screamed once more before Lapis ended her. Once she'd disposed of the body, she licked her claws clean of the blue blood staining them.
After she'd finished hiding all evidence, she went out of the alley and towards the tavern. She spotted the children, holding their ice cream and standing by the fountain, looking around for their Mother.
Lapis smirked. They'd never see her again.
She reached the tavern, leapt up to the balcony. She closed her eyes. She touched the collar, and in a flash of pain she was gone.
Lapis blinked, realizing her dark form must've gone away. She hurried inside, the dizziness already setting in, and she flipped down on the bed, passing out within seconds.
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