Lapis breathed slowly, regaining consciousness slowly. She felt something cold pressing on her forehead, and water dripping down her face.
This isn't good. She thought, horrified. She knew she must've killed the target. Dark form always did. She tried to reach out to it, but it felt like that half of her had vanished. She felt extremely empty, and she hated it. Her eyes opened suddenly, and she heard a surprised gasp and something thud against wood. She sat up quickly, looking for the source of the sound. She spotted a purple form, shaking on the floor. She watched Lapis, absolutely horrified. Lapis snarled, leaping at her. But the girl didn't run, only shuffle backwards slightly. Lapis figures out why painfully quick. A sudden pinch at her wrist sent her backwards, slamming into metal. She hissed through her teeth, and tried to lash out at the girl in fury. Her wrists didn't move from where they were above her head.
"God..what is happening?!" She shrieked, thrashing against the metal cuffs around her wrists, holding her to the wall. She now leaned against a metal cot, cuffed as well to the wall. The girl sat on the floor, her arms guarding her face. Once she must've realized how helpless Lapis truly was, she lowered her claws, watching her. Lapis growled lowly, her teeth flashing at her lips.
"Let me out of here." She growled. The girl took a deep breath before speaking.
"N-no." She said. Lapis blinked, then chuckled in amusement.
"No? Did you just tell me no?" She said, pulling against her bonds, coming face to face with the girl. She winced, looking away. Lapis loved this.
Seeing others scared of me. How amusing! She thought. But then the girl's eyebrows furrowed, and a sharp sting sent Lapis' ears ringing. She gasped, and touched her face.
She just slapped me. She thought, shocked.
"Who do you think you are?" Lapis growled, ready to kill this girl. The girl smiled, as if proud of herself for fighting back for once.
"I'm Parma." She said, puffing her chest.
"Ha. You think you're tough, don't you?" Lapis purred, "I could kill you right now and not even blink." But this...Parma...smiled.
"You could. If you weren't chained to my wall." She said, crossing her arms. Lapis took the opportunity, and lashed out with her foot, to kick Parma against the wall. But she moved quickly and grabbed Lapis' leg, yanking her towards her. Lapis' wrists cracked slightly, and she yelped in surprised pain. Parma let go, and she bumped against the concrete floor. Lapis yowled, furious.
"Let me go before you regret it you little..." She cut herself off. Parma was laughing. Laughing...at an assassin like they were some little kid.
"You have no idea what your doing!" She shrieked as Parma got up and walked towards the door, going to leave her alone in the dark. Parma swiped her tail under Lapis' chin, taunting her.
"Sorry, But I'm helping you." She said, and left the room. Lapis shrieked, thrashing around angrily. Ariko would come for her soon enough, and destroy this foolish child. Or maybe he'd even send his new recruit...that Voodoo dragon. Lapis had to admit, she was jealous of the thing. She was always somewhere within Ariko's reach. His "right hand" dragon. It made Lapis want to grab the closest thing and blow it up, crush it, or tear it to shreds. Still, she wasn't about to go against her master's command or disobey orders. Then it hit her.
I've been captured. If Ariko finds out...he'll kill me himself. She thought, suddenly breathing in panic.
No no no no no! She screamed in her head, desperately thrashing against the wrist cuffs.
"Not like this!" She screamed. She sensed movement behind the walls, and knew Parma was listening to her suffering.
"Please! He'll kill me!" Lapis yelled, fighting back furious tears. She heard a little sigh, and the locks on the door click away. Parma came back in the room, sitting where she'd been a few moments before. She didn't speak, just crossed the roof to a little glass bottle. She clicked a switch, and purple fumes started spilling from it. At first Lapis thought she was trying to poison her, but quickly realized Parma was fine when breathing it in. It wafted into Lapis' nose, and her entire body calmed, her muscles relaxing.
"What...what is this?" She slurred uncontrollably, her eyelids slightly heavy. Parma smiled at her.
"It's lavender smoke. It'll calm you down." She said, and eyed Lapis. She knew it must've been working, so she approached Lapis and touched the cuffs at her wrists. They loosened slightly, and Lapis sighed with relief. She had the wiggle room to get herself onto the cot, and she sat down, breathing heavily. Parma stayed where she was on the ground, watching curiously. Lapis heaved a breath, almost completely numb.
"Why...why am I here?" She asked slowly. Parma blinked, then looked at the floor.
"You...tried to kill me." She stopped, swallowing, "But then you just...stopped." She finished abruptly. Lapis' eyebrows raised, then she chuckled.
"Yeah, right." She said, shaking her head. This girl had to be joking! She was obviously crazy, because Lapis knew Dark form would never leave a target standing. Especially one as simply dealt with as Parma. But one glance at the girl, and Lapis could tell she wasn't lying. Lapis became utterly confused, opening and closing her mouth like an idiot to try and form sentences, to no avail. She settled eventually on silence, and Parma frowned.
"What?" She asked, genuinely concerned from what Lapis could tell. That's when the lavender lost its effect.
"It's none of your business, runt!" She growled, snapping her teeth at Parma, who gasped and stumbled backwards. Then Parma bared her teeth, though she didn't look menacing. She looked like a child trying to look scary. This caused Lapis' anger to melt away, and she erupted in laughter, the chains clinking. All Parma could do was stare in confusion.
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