━━━ 𝟬𝟭𝟭. you left, violet!
𓏲 ˖ ִ 𝓓ON'T BLAME ME ⊹ ݁
⟡ a violet love story ៸៸
꒰ ❛ you left, violet! ❜ ꒱
▌MAEVE WOKE UP WITH A GROAN. her eye sight was groggy as she looked forward, seeing nothing but brick walls and smoke. suddenly, the memories of the moments before flooded her mind.
her body launched forward, her chest heavy when a certain pair of wrapped hands caught her. "no, no! we have to go back." maeve suddenly exclaimed.
"sh, sh." vi calmed, small whimpers left maeves mouth as she was placed back on the white brick wall. "shit," she mumbled to herself.
"caitlyn," she paused and nodded, "ill be right back, will you be okay?" vi asked as her hand slipped off of her cheek, with a nod, vi stood up and jogged over to the gates.
multiple enforcers running past as caitlyn leant down. "you know, caitlyn," maeve paused for a moment. "i still dislike you, but your different then what i thought you were." maeve nodded.
caitlyn chuckled slightly, "ill take it as a win."
the capsule then opened in caitlyns hand, the inside didnt have its usual blue hue the gem stone would've made. "oh! amazing, may aswell have died." maeve scoffed.
"it's gone." caitlyn told the red haired girl, who looked over her shoulder. "what?" she asked with confusion, her tone soft.
"it was all for nothing." caitlyn sighed, maeve rubbed her forehead. her nails ran through her hair as she scoffed.
vi's expression hardened. the anger mixing in with the sadness caused tears to form on her waterline, not daring to let one drop as she took a breath, rushing back over to maeve.
"okay, lets get you up." this time, vi picked up maeve bridal style as she was too weak to carry herself, "we getting married? jeez, thought you woulda done something more classy."
maeve shrugged, with a laugh, the whole situation getting to her head and causing her to become delusional, saying whatever joke or insult that came to mind.
"classy? me?" vi scoffed, "i like to get straight to the point." she smirked. "so your point or goal is getting married to me? awe, you big softie." she used her small amount of strength to sarcastically hit vi on her shoulder.
vi let out a chuckle, "i think the whole under city wants to get married to you. i guess im just the lucky girl." vi shrugged as they joked around.
"keep dreaming, sweet cheeks." she smiled, her head leaning against vi's shoulder.
"we have no where to go, cait?" vi then said, but caitlyn seemed to have already had a plan. "she can rest when we get there, otherwise just follow me."
maeves head raised, "if you think," she swallowed, "im gonna rest after patching this puppy," she pointed to her leg, "your the delusional one." maeve said, her tone so serious.
but the two girls couldn't help but let out a small laugh. throwing their heads back, enjoying the humour after something so traumatic.
vi was also glad that maeve was like this, not because she was finally showing some sort of affection towards the pink haired girl. but also because she knows how maeve was feeling after seeing everything, it brought back memories for her too.
nothing felt good on that bridge, but now with maeves touch, something feels right. it feels okay.
vi slid the window that lead to caitlyns room up with her palm. being quiet as she slipped herself inside, caitlyn following behind as they gripped eachothers hands.
then, the two grabbed ahold of maves arms. maeve lifted her leg onto the ledge, doing everything in her power not to let out a loud and large yell.
honestly, she was surprised she'd been okay after all this time. it was a deep slice on the front of her thigh, opposite to the scar that was on her waist.
the three of them grunt as they pulled her up and through the window. their footsteps heavy as they slung her over their shoulders.
"who lives here? another councilor friend of yours?" vi asked quietly.
before caitlyn could reply, the door banged open loudly, a shot gun being held towards them as the three of them stood there with wide eyes. shocked about the sudden outburst,
"caitlyn!" the woman spoke, her british accent more sophisticated then caitlyns.
"oh. we were so worried. thank goodness you're safe!" a man rounded the corner, caitlyn leaped from underneath maeve, hugging the man tightly.
"ow." maeve said quietly as she quickly lifted herself back up.
"and you found some strays." the woman, who maeve now assumed was her mother, spoke wearily. yet maeve felt to weak to genuinely introduce herself .
caitlyn pulled away from, once again as maeve assumed was her fathers, grip. looking at her mother, "this is vi." she glanced at the pink haired girl who stood there awkwardly.
"and thats maeve." she then shared a small look with the brunette as she sent a small awkward wave, still hanging off of vi's shoulder.
"they're from the undercity." caitlyn finished her sentence, "it's so nice to meet you, truly, but excuse me, i need to sit down. like now."
caitlyns mother send a small smile, then glancing down at maeves leg as she limped over to the small seat that sat on the edge of caitlyns bed.
"so i see." cait's mother finally replied to caitlyns original sentence. "could we have a word, caitlyn? in private."
caitlyns expression immediately went sour, not sharing a single glace towards the two girls before walking towards her mother. "top draw, get the first aid." caitlyn nodded.
she then walked off, leaving vi and maeve alone in caitlyns room. maeves leg was sat out infront of her, winces left her mouth as vi immediately snapped out of the small trance she was in.
she rushed over to the draw that held the first aid kit in it. then quickly making her way over to maeve, getting down onto her knees as she opened the box.
though it seemed like she was lost in thought. "whatcha' thinking about?" maeve bit her lip, immediately regretting the way she spoke.
"we need to find powder. we need to get the gem stone—" vi spoke, focusing on cleaning around the slice with rubbing alcohol. maeves face dropped.
"vi..." she tilted her head. "she's still there. i know she is." she started to argue, grabbing ahold of a thread and needle and slowly starting to stitch up the wound.
though maeve let out a few groans, she stayed strong. the pain becoming more tolerable as it started to close. a long pause sat between them. "you saw her, vi. she's gone."
vi cut the string with the small scissors. "i know, my sister." anger started to bubble up inside her tone as she refused to look at the injured girl.
"no! no you don't vi." she stood up, walking past vi. her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the girl.
"you saw her. you saw how she was, she didn't care a single bit where she shot that gun. she didn't care if she shot you, if she shot me, ekko?" maeve threw her hands out.
"its— its..." vi started to stammer over her words, trying to come up with some sort of argument. "it's been seven years, vi."
"you don't think i know that?" she suddenly exclaimed, turning around and standing up to face the girl. "i was locked in a prison cell for seven years, counting each hour, waiting to get out of the hell hole." she stepped forward, closer and closer towards the brunette as she argued.
"and now im back, and silco—" vi threw her hands up, her words blinded by sudden rage. but maeve cut her off.
"you left, violet! whether it was by choice or not. you left." maeve felt the tears start to puddle in her eyes. "you left powder to fend for herself, you left me. without even making sure i was alive."
vi stepped back slightly, "i watched it all happen. i watched how you treated powder, i watched how you sobbed and screamed for vander, i watched how you walked away with nothing but anger."
maeve was now real close to vi, "powder is now jinx. because of you." a tear fell from her eyes. "but atleast she had silco." maeve scoffed,
"you seriously think i don't regret a single part of that? you think i sit here, happy with my decision?" vi's voice was daring, chilling. her feet now stepped forward, coming even closer to maeve.
"powder having silco. thats something i wish never happened. and what did i expect when you were laying there, not a single movement coming from you?" vi shouted.
"to actually check! to actually care and make sure i was fucking alive," maeve paused. tears now falling from her eyes.
"it hurt. it hurt so bad knowing that i thought you were dead, and that powder actually had someone who cares for her. and that i was the one who grew up, digging food out of trash, learning each and every skill by myself with no support, no help."
vi had tears welling up in her eyes, "i was— am completely and utterly alone. and i'm fucking sick of it." maeve shook her head. turning her back towards vi.
vi stood there, no words being formed as she listened to how maeve genuinely felt. her heart stung, knowing she was the reason she changed so much, and why powder changed so much.
vi's hand reached for the girls shoulder, immediately pulling her in for the breath taking hug. her tattooed arms wrapped around the girls shoulders, her hand landing on the back of her head as she drew circles with her thumb.
maeve furrowed her eyebrows with confusion at first, then, she melted against her. tears immediately fell from her eyes as she sobbed. "i can't keep acting like i never missed you"
"you missed me?" vi asked confused, a small sob leaving her mouth. "how couldn't i. i loved you, your were my girl." maeve sobbed against vi's shoulder.
hearing her answer, she only wrapped her arms tighter around the girl. maeves hands were pushed up against her chest as she embraced the hug.
"i never should've left. i never should've let it all happen." vi then started to cry, tears running down her face and into the brunettes hair. her cheek shoved against the top of her head.
the two of them stayed silent for a moment. and when they pulled away, they shared a long look. finally being able to hold eachother again.
suddenly the doors opened, caitlyn walking in. "did i ruin something?" she asked cautiously.
"no, no, your okay." maeve nodded, using her hands to wipe the extra tears from underneath her eyes. looking back up at vi before going over to sit on the previous seat.
vi turned away for a moment, then walking over to caitlyns bed and laying down onto her stomach. maeve plucked multiple small wings out of her cut up leg.
"we'll present our case to the council, tonight." caitlyn nodded, walking forward. her walk confident as she sat beside vi.
the two of them spoke as maeve zoned out. finally getting all of the glass shatters out of her leg. now having the time to actually bandage the slice.
but as she did so, she shouldn't help but remember all the words she and vi spoke, and how they so easily forgave eachother. it was nice, it made her feel warm and happy.
but something felt completely off. maeve remembers her past, what she had to do to survive. how she had to inject shimmer to finally heal the damn cut that was scarred on her torso.
or how she'd lived under a bridge for months until finally finding a job at the brothel where she sold herself for a little extra cash.
the fact these secrets held heavy in her heart and vi never knew, it was almost relieving, but it wasn't. you aren't meant to keep things from the girl you love— like? admire.
she dove deeper into thought, she had absolutely no idea how she felt about the former girl. sure, maeve had been with multiple people. multiple girls. but they were clients.
while vi is her former bestfriend, the girl who would do anything and everything with the brunette, the girl who would share her weird thoughts and secrets. the girls who would flirt without any thought, not knowing how it would be in the future.
"hey, maeve?" she heard caitlyns voice, causing her to snap out of her trance. "your shirts kind of ripped, i have another one in here, if you would like it?"
maeve looked up, noticing the long sleeve, black shirt hang on the coat hanger in her dresser. "that would be so good. thank you." maeve nodded, reaching out for it.
"do you need some help putting it on?" vi smirked, staring at the girl as she got up. maeve shook her head with a small smile, "if you want." she shrugged.
maeve tried massaging her shoulder, but she struggled to move it without hurting. vi immediately got up from the bed, following after maeve.
"don't be weird in my bathroom, please!" caitlyn said with a smile. "no promises!" vi shouted back with a laugh.
the two of them walked into the bathroom. "what's the real reason you wanted to 'help me'?" maeve asked as she started to immediately slip herself out of the tight shirt she wore.
"a girl can't help her future girl?" vi said with a cocky tone. "be careful." maeve stepped forward, a smirk plastered on her face as vi immediately looped her fingers underneath the shirt.
maeve struggled to bring her arms over her head, but once she did, vi slowly brung the shirt over her head. leaving maeve in her bra.
"quit staring, perv." but she wasn't staring at the area maeve had been talking about. instead, she felt her finger tips graze over the tattoo on the side of her waist.
tracing the ink lines with a small frown. "it's okay." maeve reassured, knowing what vi was thinking or about to say.
vi's eyes moved up her body, tracing each curve until she reached the brunettes eyes. they twinkled beneath the light, their eyes saying more words than anyone could ever speak.
"i missed you y'know." maeve spoke up, starting to fiddle with the shirt that sat in her hands, trying to spin it and put it on the right way.
vi immediately reached out for it, fixing it in her hands. "i missed you, i missed you more then i could actually ever imagine." vi started to become sappy.
maeve smiled brightly, letting vi slip the shirt over her head. using her hands to bring it down to cover her stomach. the cut lower then her other shirt, revealing a lot more cleavage then she expected.
vi's eyes traced down her neck until they landed on her chest, "okay, now your staring on purpose." maeve brung her arms low, letting them sit on her hips.
"i can't help it! they're just so... pretty." she admired once more before smiling, moving her eyes to look at maeves small smirk, a light giggle leaving her mouth.
"your an idiot." maeve shook her head, "i'm your idiot, princess." vi laughed loudly.
maeve unlocked the door behind them, as she winked at vi. turning around and walking out. vi stopped for a moment to really take in what had just happened.
a smile growing on her face as she let reality hit her, finally walking out to see caitlyn and maeve talking about what was going to happen tonight.
happiness filled vi's heart, finally happy to have her girl back. even under the circumstances.
━𝓩𝑶𝑴𝑩𝑱𝑺 . . .
guys the amount of maevi moments in this chapter make my heart happy. but i dont like when things are happy actually so! cue evil laugh
erm also if the last part is weird, um im so sorry..... but i wanted to add it in for thr flirty and fun typa vibe.... sorry....
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