iv. the ice queen
IT HAD BEEN TWO WEEKS since their encounter and Lily had not seen a trace of the brunette. During their meals, the redhead had looked around, hoping to see a glimpse of the girl but sadly she was nowhere to be found.
Of course, she had not mentioned this to her friends as she knew they were both going to pester her for details. She loved her friends, she did, but they liked to meddle in her nonexistent love life.
Not that this had anything to do with her love life. It wasn't like she actually harboured feelings.
However, she wouldn't deny her interest in the mysterious Ravenclaw. Lily thinks anyone would be intrigued by the brunette.
The redhead sighed out for the fifth time in an hour, not going unnoticed by her blonde friend. Marlene had noticed her friend's behavior for the past few weeks and had felt a twinge of annoyance as she had no idea why her friend was... well she didn't have the right word for it, but it was frustrating to watch.
So with a huff, Marlene closed her book with a loud thud, startling Lily from her thoughts. The redhead looked up at her friend with a frown, wondering why she had done that. "I wasn't done reading that, Marls."
The said girl rolled her eyes, crossing her arms across her chest. "Yeah well, comething is clearly bothering you. So spill. What has your pretty little head occupied?"
Lily sighed and stood up from her seat, packing her school supplies back into her bag as she promptly ignored her friend's interrogation. The blonde groaned in frustration at the redhead before following her friend out of the library.
The redhead could feel the blonde's stare at the side of her head, could feel the intensity of it.
"Nothing, Marls. I'm perfectly fine."
"No you're not. You've been distracted by something these past few weeks, now spill."
Well she couldn't get out of Marlene's interrogative look now could she?
And so she told her everything. From the accidental encounter with the brunette in Diagon Alley to their odd encounter at the hallway. All the while, Marlene's face morphed into suprise to confusion to excitement and lastly, to suspicion.
"So you're saying, you've encountered this brunette 3 times within a month and still don't know her name? Lily Evans, how have you not asked her?!"
"Well it's not that easy is it? She always leaves as soon as I'm about to utter a word to her, let alone question her on why she had pulled me away from that toe-rag and his little group of troublemakers."
Marlene pondered the thought, stopping mid-step as Lily continued to walk, not noticing that her friend had halted in her steps.
The redhead sighed into the autumn air, looking up to the sky with a thoughtful look as she remembered the way the Ravenclaw Prefect looked at her. The brunette's gaze was intense yet gentle, calculating yet calm. She had never seen someone as collected as her and it had only intensified her curiousity of the brunette's identity.
Platinum blonde hair caught Marlene's eyes as she and Lily made their way to the Quidditch Pitch. A scowl made it was onto the blonde's face as she glared towards the Slytherin girl, not going unnoticed by the eyes of her redhead companion.
"Marls what's wrong? Is it cold? I've told you a dozen of times to wear more appropriate-"
"Quiet Lily! The snake is there." Following where Marlene's finger was pointed, the red-haired girl saw the Slytheirn girl, or Slytherin Princess as countless of Hogwarts students have called her. The platinum blonde girl was strolling along the path, a smug grin on her face and a spark to her eyes that screamed trouble to Lily.
Lily scowled at her, ready to consult her when she noticed a figure behind the blonde, dripping wet and in the Ravenclaw Quidditch attire. The figure stood at around 5'8, looking down at the blonde infront of her. The figure was familiar to the redhead, but she couldn't quite see their face as the blonde's figure had blocked it from her view.
"You think this is funny don't you, Malfoy." The blonde in question cackled at the sight of the Ravenclaw, moving a step towards her that was a little too close to be called platonic.
"Of course I do, Doll. Seeing you dripping wet, infront of me is quite felicitous of you."
The blonde's fingers ghosted over the figure's lips, as if she was afraid to even feel its softness on her fingertips. The Ravenclaw slapped the pale hand away from her, stepping back to keep distance between them.
Lily recognized the figure now, brown hair in a messy bun and chocolate eyes that hardened as it trailed towards the Slytherin's electric eyes.
"I'm not your doll, and I won't ever be your doll again, Lee. So cut the crap and leave me alone. Just like you did last year."
The tension between the two was so thick you could feel it from miles away. Lily and Marlene didn't know if they should break it up or if they should back away slowly. But they didn't need to do anything really, just after they were about to come to a decision Leora leaned into the brunette infront of her, a smirk on her face as she whispered something into the taller girl's ear. The smug smirk never leaving her face as she strolled away from the Ravenclaw, whose jaw was clenched and her body tense.
Something clicked in Marlene's mind as she recognized the brunette standing a few feet away from them. The blonde was about to exclaim something but, as if she had heard an alarm, the brunette's head snapped up, her eyes connecting with a familiar soft emerald green. Her body slowly lost its tense posture as she saw the two Gryffindors headed her way.
Once they had been close enough to hear her, the brunette tilted her head down in a polite bow. "Marlene and Ms. Evans. What are you doing out here?"
Before Lily could even speak, her blonde friend had already moved beside her and had a calm look on her face. "We were just going to the Quidditch Stadium, hoping to watch some of the guys practice. Why are you soaking wet by the way?"
The statement caused all three of them to look at the brunette's outfit that was in fact still dripping wet. On instinct, Lily pulled her wand out mumbling a quick let me help you before casting a quick drying spell on the taller girl before any of them could even blink.
Lily blushed as red as her hair when she realized what she did. She rushed an apology but was stopped by a calloused hand being raised as if to stop her. The redhead looked up to the owner of the hand and blushed even more when she saw a small, polite smile on the Ravenclaw's face.
"It's alright Miss Evans, thank you for your help. I don't think I've introduced myself properly and I apologize. Aurora Potter." The brunette stretched a hand out formally, giving her a quick reassuring look and Lily quickly took her hand, the name Aurora stuck in the front of her thoughts now.
"I-it's nice to know your name now, Aurora."
The brunette smiled softly at her at the mention of her full name, not feeling irritated with the use of it. With a bow to them both she started to head back in the castle. "Well it was nice to meet you both but I better head back to the stadium."
With that, the brunette jogged towards the stadium leaving the two Gryffindor girls behind. They both fell into an awkward silence, both thinking about the encounter that just happened.
i know its been a while since ive updated but ive been on vacation for quite a while and school starts in about a week :(. im saying this now, but please dont expect any other updates for the following weeks. i might not update as soon as you want me to but im trying my best.
i hope everyone is doing well tho and stay safe!
- kelpbrain
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