🍭double baby // bubaigawara j.🍭
your local fluffy twice moments + dating headcanons bc he's everyone's comfort character
- i adore him sm omg omg
- he's the type to cry during movies
- like imagine you're watching the demon slayer movie with him in theatres; he will squeeze the living hell out of your hand while laughing and crying and probably sneezing a lot😭
- ^^to explain the sneezing: i STRONGLY hc that he has allergies
- to everything👹
- but can you imagine having allergic reactions to pollen while your face is stuck behind a mask???
- lowkey pain during spring, even tho it's his favorite season
- i can clearly envision him prancing around in a field of flowers, despite it being poison ivy-
- when he gets back, will whine to EVERYONE about his rashes
- bends in all sorts of weird yoga positions like an actual cat and everyone in the league is like??? what are you doing bro???
- explains that he's trying to lick his rashes bc that makes it feel better
- asks whether someone would like to join him
- the conclusion is quickly drawn that no one is going to lick his leg, those meanies 😣
- he also carries around elastics
- you'd think they'd be for toga's crazy hair, but NOPE, he's been carrying them around from before then
- everyone thinks there's some kind of emotional attachment to them but twice rly just likes to have them around in case he needs to fling them at someone, I mean who knows when you'll meet someone who is just BEGGING to get flinged at? 🙄
- his explanation is that they provide him with safety, given that once, he got into a bar fight with some burly dude, panicked and flinged the elastic at them, and they were so confused that he had time to run away
- yk how twice has a second voice?
- it's always making deez nuts jokes
- "hey dabi, you leavin'?"
- "wha-"
- shiggy is the only one who is immune to the jokes because he sees them coming a mile away, and toga is the type to laugh because she doesn't get it
- jin has TONS of plants in his house
- it's because the smoking habit he'd picked up was ruining the air in his house, and he'd read somewhere that plants?? purify??? the air??? woooooah, who would've known...
- it started with a cactus named ni (meaning 2 in japanese) to which he got RIDICULOUSLY ATTACHED 🌵💕
- would literally have protected this plant with his life
- he thus decided to get another one and name it san (3), then a bamboo plant and call that shi (4) and so on
- he's at about 40 something right now
- they're EVERYWHERE
- his personal favorites are his ni cactus and his mimosa pudica (yes i'm a botany nerd, sue me. just for reference, they're are also called "shy plants" because they close as soon as someone touches them)
- for this reason, twice considers them his LITERAL CHILDREN
- he's a super friendly neighbor and gives his own some tomatoes and herbs as a peace offering of sorts (he generally feels terrible that they have to hear his double voice harass them with its deez nuts jokes)
- he has a deep hatred/ fear of his quirk ever since the incident, BUT before that, he was always rly curious to see what he could double and what he couldn't
- during his teen years, he would get on the teachers' good side by making extra copies of the work on the days the copier wasn't working, which is honestly the only way he managed not to fail most of high school
- he also copied food a lot, made a hustle out of dealing chocolate bars during lunch
- spent an absurd amount of time wondering where he could multiply his farts and turn them into deadly gas bombs
- dabi laughingly added that if jin drank gasoline and then farted it out, they could literally create a gas cloud and then have it explode
- compress was like yea, and i can turn a lot of the gasoline into marbles so that twice can ingest a lot, toga was hyping them all up and things escalated WAY TOO FAST
- shiggy came back to a chalkboard with an elaborate drawing devising how twice is going to wear a fire-proof suit, chug down 20 liters of gasoline, get himself caught by the heroes, then set the entire building on fire with one large fart duplicated multiple times.
- shiggy did a 180 and left, trying to unsee what he had clearly just seen
- jin probably also has frequent food poisoning because he believes that mold is "extra probiotics!" and thinks it looks fuzzy enough, so oBviOuSLy, it couldn't possibly be dangerous, right? 😍
- he likes to wake up early in the morning and get his partner coffee, just to use it as an excuse to see them and talk to them about nothing and everything
- his biggest fears are those people who know how to whip a towel
- the moment he sees someone twirling it up into a spiral and whipping it, he'll instantly deem them a being with god-like powers and cower in fear
- the reason he's so vigilant around those was that, as a kid, he used to try to steal candies from the local store, and the lady who works there would lock onto his ass and give him the butt whooping of a lifetime with her shoe
- as he got older, he still feared old grannies 😔🙏
- he likes to pamper his partner with the tiniest, smallest and most random gifts, like a small rock that he'd drawn a smiley face onto with a sharpie and then stuck a note on it saying, "heheh rock"
- he doesn't have much money though, and that causes him to worry that he's not giving his partner what they deserves, but they assure him that's it's totally fine, they love him just the same
- small things like that, reminding him how much he's loved and matters to his partner, those things literally send this man to the moon and BACK, HE LOVES COMPLIMENTS PLS GIVE HIM ALL THE COMPLIMENTS IN THE WORLD
- the first time he split in front of his partner, he freaked out and tried to say that it was a one-time thing, he's super nervous and embarrassed about these things so give him time and space to trust you first 🥰
- one time, he was getting friendly-bullied/not-so-friendly-bullied by the League about his last name
- "bulbasaur!"
- "hubbabubba!"
- "bu-bu-bubles!"
- his partner stepped forward and went "i think it's sexy, i'd love to have my last name be bubaigawara" and MANZ JUST HAD A HUGE INTERNAL MELTDOWN LIKE HOLY SHIT??? DID HIS PARTNER RLY SAY THAT-
- won't stop thinking about it all day and can't set his mind straight for the next week or two
- he is LITTLE SPOON MATERIAL, it's more about the sense of safety he feels when his partner wraps their arms around him
- blows raspberries while he sleeps without realizing it 🤧
- his favorite thing is actually being sick, because it not only gives him an excuse to stay home all day, but his partner stays with him?? that's literal HEAVEN for him omg
- demands cuddles regardless of the fact that he's coughing and covered in snot 😕
- blows his nose SUPER LOUDLY
- sneezes like an old man
- i honestly don't know how to describe it to people who have never heard an old man sneeze, it's like someone snuck a miniature tank inside their nostrils and someone gave the command to fire, a super aggressive 👹 AAAAATCHOU 👹 followed by side effects like aggressive coughing, aggressive swearing, aggressive screaming for literally no reason, basically any loud aggressive noise you can make
- his partner took a recording of him sneezing and turned it into a remix 💀
- his hair is iconically perfect as soon as he wakes up, but he likes the idea of gelling it into a mohawk and pretending to be a rock star for a day
- doesn't know simple math
- he once paid for his dollar store undies by stolen cash, and the cashier was like "that'll be 10,42 yen" and the man struggled for half an hour trying to count out the coins needed for that extra 42
- godly at tic tac toe and rock paper scissors
- he MELTS as soon as someone gives him head pats, finds it both comforting and cute 😫💕
kjgksfjkgjsf i'm so sorry that pic is gonna give me nightmares why would i put bunny hats on that 💀💀
anyways,, requests for any characters?
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