#6 Random Questions (with my answers!!)
1) have you ever met a Karen in real life? What was the experience like? How did you react?
[ I may have met some people under the Karen umbrella, but not really..]
2) What are some of your fav emojis / emoji combos?
[mine are: 🪐🤍🧋🪽🌑🌌🌅 ]
3) What's the worst and best teachers who's ever taught you before?
[My worst was this 60-year old woman. She was our form teacher and judged us all the time, from how we wore our uniforms to accusing us of being impolite. She scolded a classmate for "thinking before answering a multiple choice question", and often told us that "our parents would die soon and we'd be all alone". Nope, I'm not even exaggerating, that's exactly what she said.
And worst of all? SHE. KEPT. ON. TOUCHING. US. Like one time I was talking to her when she randomly slipped her hand under my outer uniform strap (luckily she didn't touch my skin) to fix my tie. There was NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING wrong with my tie. She just unconsciously (or consciously, who knows) touched it while talking.
During assembly, my friend was unlucky enough to have to sit with her. And guess what? SHE KEPT TRYING TO TOUCH HER LAP EVERY SINGLE MORNING!! My friend made it evident that she was NOT comfortable with it, from tilting her body away to putting a book on her lap, and yet she still kept on trying and trying. She also played with another friend's hair during assembly and made her, like, super uncomfortable.
Eventually we reported her to the vice principal. Unfortunately, she still hasn't been fired :(( I just really really hope she doesn't teach us this year!!
Oh yeah and I have a bunch of amazing teachers, can't name them all :>]
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