𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 4
I feel yet another pillow hit you in the head as I busy yourself deeper under myself covers. „How many pillows do you have Chuck?" I call out as another pillow hits my head. „Here is no Chuck." I heard a voice- Minho's voice, I open your eyes and see a smiling Minho. „Happy that you wake me up" I said. I turn myself to the other side and away from Minho. I heard that he comes near. „Aww you look so cute!" Minho coes while picking me up. „Minho let me go!" I yell angrily. „Only if you get dressed and meet me at the doors before I go into the maze." he smirks. „Oh fine!" I sigh and he lets me down. He get outside and I got dressed in a light purple T-shirt and shorts. Then I went down and get to the kitchen. Fry and I made breakfast for the runners and Alby and Newt. After this we mad some lunch for Minho and Ben. Frypan said I should bring it to them.
I run to the opening of the maze where Ben and Minho are waiting of me. „Here your lunch." I gave them they lunch. „Thanks Skyler have a nice day." Ben said smiling „Yeah have a good day" Minho said while looking at Ben. Then the door open with the loud cracking. The boys ran in he maze and I waited till they ran around the first corner.
Then I went back to the kitchen. Fry was there waiting of me and waiting of a idea what I want to cook for lunch. We made some meat with potato salad.
We gave all they meal and then us. I sad next to Jeff, he was really nice and I think we gonna be friends or best friend. After we eat
Fry and I made the dishes. We made jokes and laughed much. „Hey can I just make a break, I need to search Chuck I didn't see him today."
„Yes just come back for dinner" he said „And now I'm your rescues" we both laughed.
I searched Chuck everywhere but couldn't find him. I went to the gardens and asked Newt „Newt, did you see Chuck anywhere?" „No sorry Sky maybe he is in the Med-jack hut." „Okay thanks anyway." I said. Next I went to Clint and Jeff in the Med-jack hut. I walked in. I never were here, its a actually big hut with some beds for sick people and some shelf. „Hey is anyone here?" I asked loud. „Yeah Em what's wrong Sky?!" Jeff asked with a little panic „Sweet that you care so much but I'm searching for Chuck." „Oh yeah he is ill he must be in his hammock." „Thanks" and with this I got out of the hut. I nearly run to the hammocks when I found Chucks, he sat there really sad, he doesn't have so much friends I think just maybe Newt and me. He sat in his hammock so I sat next to him „Sorry that I didn't came earlier Chucky." „Its okay, because now you here." it was so sad when he said it, how could I forget about him. „So what's wrong, why are you laying here and don't have fun with me?" I asked him „I just don't feel so good, my stomach hurts badly" „Oh Chucky, if you don't feel good tomorrow I'm gonna make you a soup, okay?" „Yeah, thanks Sky." he said and then he hugged me. He was so sweet he deserves to life a happy life and not to be here. „I need to help Fry now but I'm gonna bring you your dinner and we gonna eat together, deal?" I asked, Chucks eyes widened. „Yes, Yes of course deal, Yes." he said I laughed and said „See you later Chucky." „See you Sky" he said. I walked back to Fry and saw Minho and Ben jogging out of the maze. Ben waved me and I waved back then Minho looked at Ben and stopped immediately. I'm just don't gonna asked I thought to myself. As I entered the kitchen Frypan asked „How do you thought I'm gonna life so long with out you?" „Sorry" I said laughing „So what the princess want cook today?" Fry asked my „I could get used to that name and I thought of the rest of todays breakfast and lunch" „Yeah that's a good idea princess" we both laughed. We prepared everything and I said
„I'm gonna eat with Chuck I think you can do the rest without me." „Its gonna be difficult without the princess but I think I'm gonna make it." he said laughing I get two portions and walked to Chucks hammock, he was already siting there and waiting of me. Than he saw me and smiled and I smiled back. As we eat we talked about god and the world. After we eat I went back to the kitchen and helped Fry to clean everything.
I just walked around the glade. Then I saw Newt, I walked to him and asked „Can you watch the showers for me?" „Yah sure!" „I'm just gonna get my clothes" he nodded and walkt to the shower. I walked to my room in the homestead, get my pyjamas and went down to get to the showers. He waited there I get in and put my clothes of. I shower and wash my hair too. They were some soap for the body but I didn't know what they use for they hair, so I just used the soap. I didn't know how long I showered but I think it was long because outside it become dark. I took the shorts and shirt on and dry my hair as good as possible with the towel. When I walk outside I saw a bored Newt. „Hey shank do not fall asleep." I laughed „How do you just call me?" „I..it...was em.." he slowly began to com near and Han from one moment to the other he threw me over his shoulder. „NEWT STOP" „No" this is what he said just no. „Newt let me go" I yell. He walked with me all over the glade. We got a few strange looks. At some point I just stop doing anything about it, because I knew he wouldn't stop. Than I hear Gally „You ok Newt or should I take over?" he asked laughing. „Emm.. excuse me your my brother, maybe you could help me." I said „I think its funny" he said than he just walked away, he was behind Newt so I could watch him go to his friends and start talking. Newt started walk again. „Newt stop, please let me goo" „Nope" he emphasised the p. „New let her go didn't you hear her!" an angry Minho said who gome from my right. „I just enjoy my view" he said laughing. „I don't enjoy mine, saw better one." I said. He let go of my and but me on the floor finely. „Thanks" I said more to Minho than to Newt. „I'm gonna go now" „Good Night Sky" Minho said „Next time I'll tickle you" Newt said laughing. „Next time I'm gonna kill you" I said. Then I walked to the homestead and to my room.
As I finished writing the day down in my diary I prepared to sleep...
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