𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 2
„Yeah, lets go" Chuck said. When he finally stopped walking, you see a big pile of wooden around it and lots of guys with torches. Then Alby shouted „3...2...1" and all the boys threw their torches in it and they all were happy.
I looked at Chuck and he had the biggest smile on his face, wich made me smile too. As we walk to the others I remember a name, „Sky..skyler"I whistle.
„What?" Chuck asked." My name..my name is Skyler" I said and a feeling of happiness overcame me. „That's a beautiful name" Chuck said. Chuck and I sat next to Newt, Alby and Clint. I didn't say anyone my name. I didn't know why but at first just Chuck knew my name. When Chuck told us he's going to bed, I asked „Where am I going to sleep?"
Newt looked at Alby and said „You're going to sleep in a room in the homestead, we have one room left and there a some think that came with the boxes for you too" I nodded.
After a litte while I went to the side and sat down on a fallen tree. After another little while, Minho came to me and just said „hi" „Hey" I responded as he handed me a cup with something black in it. „Drink" he said. I laughed sarcastically, before saying „Yeah I'm just gonna drink something that you give me."
„It's a drink from Gally." Minho said and pointed at a guy with unnormal eyebrows. He was fighting with another boy in a circle, followed by the rest cheering an clapping. „First you're gonna drink, if I'm gonna die of this you're gonna too." I said to Minho. He lifted the glass and said „If you're gonna die I'm gonna die." He took a sip and cramped his face. I looked at him and laughed as I took a sip. It wasn't that bad it just burn a little bit. The sudden shocked expression on Minho's face, made me think that I did something wrong. „why..what..do you like it" I drank the whole cup at once and Minho looked more shocked than before. My eyes wandered to Newt and he looked shocked too.
„It burns a little bit" I said. Then I got up and walked up to Newt „hey, em can you show me my room?" I asked him. „Yeah, come on." Newt said while standing up. We walked to a house what Newt called the homestead. We walked a ladder up. „What do you talked about with Minho?" Newt asked me „Nothing important we just talked about.." „Skyler" a boy behind us ask. „That's me" I said while turning around.
Gally stood there with something in his hand . „What do you want from her?" Newt asked angrily. Newt started pushing me behind him but I walked for to Gally „Where do you know my name from?" I asked him. He handed me a picture. Newt came behind me and looked over my shoulder at the picture. It was a picture that showed me and Gally, with two adults, and we were smiling.
„I think we are brother and sister." „I think I remember you, but just your name." „I know I had the same." I looked behind me to Newt he had shocked look. In the next moment I felt a strong arm hugging me. First I stood there, confused with the situation before giving in and hugging back.
„I have a sister" he whispered, so that I was the only one hearing it. „And I have a brother'' I said, I didn't know how to feel. I got here without memories and 50 boys and one of them is my brother. „Okay so Skyler, there is your room." Newt broke the embarrassing silence and I broke way from Gally and gave him a smile before I went into my room. It wasn't so big but it has a bed a wardrobe, a dresser and a writing desk. I smiled it was very pretty I looked at Newt who also laughed. I opened the wardrobe, there where crop tops, T-shirts and some other things. I threw myself on my bed and started laughing „Good night" Newt said laughing „Good night Newt" he went out and closed the door.
I covered myself with a blanket before my eyes closed and soon I fell asleep.
„Sky..Sky wake up" Chuck said as he shake me awake. „Let me sleep" I sad annoyed. Now that I was already awake, I wasn't able to sleep anymore, so I stood up. „Wait how did you call me?" I asked Chuck. „Sky your nickname, do you like it?" „Yeah I like it." I said.
He waited outside in front of the door. I dressed in a black sweatpants and a white crop top. I brush my hair with a comp, before going outside as I saw Chuck still waiting „Ready for breakfast?" he asked as I nodded.
We went downstairs and then to Frypan „Good Morning sky..you know that it isn't a name either then my."
„My name is Skyler and Sky is just my nickname" we both laughed. After he gave me and Chuck our breakfast we went to a table, at which Newt, Jeff, Clint and Alby were sitting. „Before you ask Skyler, Minho is in the maze with Ben." all of the boys laughed but I didn't. Instead I responded: „Thanks for the unnecessary information, anyways do you have anything against headaches?" I ask. „We have something in the med-jackhut, you can come with me after breakfast and after this you try today the job builder." I nodded.
After breakfast I went with Clint and Jeff to the med-jackhut, where Jeff gave me a pill, that he said came with me in the box and gave me other pills with a note „Hello Skyler, if you don't want to get your period around boys take these pills and if you don't, we give you things for your period."
„Oh thanks" I said nervously. He smiled. I went to my room and but the things on my bed, I went to seach my new brother I still don't know how I'm supposed to react. After a little while of walking and some boys which looked at me I saw Gally and walk to him. „Morning, ready for your as a builder?" „Yeah, I think I'm ready" I said while we were laughing.
I just needed to carry wood from one side of the glade to the other. Alt lunch I sat with Gally and his friends. After we eat, I had to sawing wood while, I was doing it Gally was talking to me and told me story's about the glade. We laughed much. Shortly before we vent to dinner Newt came to use because he want to talk under 4 eyes.
„How was your day?" „It was okay, I had fun with Gally, but I don't think builder is the right job for me." Newt started to walk to the tables. „Okay tomorrow you gonna try slicers the keeper is Winston." „Yeah ok." „One more question, is Gally nice to you?"
„Yes he is nice maybe because I'm his sister but I can get used to it." as we were at the tables Newt and I sit to the other but now Minho sit there too. Newt sat next to Alby and the only free place were next to Minho, I just sit down and he whispered „ Fell my shirt know what it's made of? Boyfriend material." in my ear, I was drinking when he say that and I spat out everything. Everyone at our table looked at me and I said. "Know what my shirt made of , girlfriend material just not yours." the boys on ur table and from other table just said „ohhhh" or „she's good" before I stood up and went to the leader to the rooms up and open the door of my room, I sat on my bed and laughed about what I said.
I looked in the drawers of my desk and found a notebook. I looked inside and it was empty then saw a pen I started to write abou my day and informations about other people I learned today. Then I heard a knock „It's open" I said, the door open and it was Minho „You know it was very embarrassing what you did?" he said „I know and what do you wanna do about it." I answer. He just looked at me. „Go away Minho I wanna talk with sky." a boy said, who I think was Gally.
„I was here first an I'm still talking with Skyler." „Get away from my sister or im gonna hit your face so you can never talk again with her." Gally said to Minho. „Want to try Gally" said Minho prompt. „Okay stop if you act like this I don't wanna talk with both of you." I nearly screamed before slamming the door. Then I just get to bed. I closed my eyes and without spending one single thought of any of the boys, I fell asleep.
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