𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 17
I opened my eyes and remembered yesterday. Minho kissed me, then we slept in his room. I looked around but couldn't find him, he must be gone. I stood up and walked to my room to change into a new shirt, but I put Minho's hoodie in my closet.
After this I walked to the kitchen where I saw Fry already cooking. „Morning Fry." I said. He turned around „Good morning." he said. We started making breakfast and as we were ready more and more boys came to get they breakfast. I walked to our table, behind me Fry. I sat next to Minho and Chuck.
Minho moved closer to me so that our legs were touching . After a couple of minutes Minho leaned closer to me and whispered in my eye „Want to go on date today?" I looked at him and nodded he started smiling.
After we all finished breakfast and Fry started making the dishes, I grabbed the lunch for the runners. „I'm going bring the runners they lunch." I said to Fry. He smirked at me and said „Have fun with Minho." I looked at him and said „When I come back I have to tell you something." his smile dropped „No, tell me now." He begged „Nope." I said then I walked outside and to the gate, where Newt, Minho and one of the boys who trained to be a runner, his name is Tyler were. I gave them they lunch and hugged Minho with the thought that we are gonna have a date today. Shortly before we pulled away I use the moment and kissed him on his cheek. He pulled away and looked smiling to me, I smirked.
The gate opened with the normal loud crack. the boys run in, I looked at Newt and his mouth were opened. I laughed at him and walked back to the kitchen. As I walked in, Fry was sitting on the table. „Sit down and tell me what you wanted me to tell." he said. I laughed and sit down across from him. „So you know when I told, I may have a crush on Minho?" I asked. He nodded smirking. „Yesterday after you gave me free, I went to read on the watch tower and then-„ I was cut of by Fry „Minho came and you two cuddled." he said „No, I felt asleep and I had a nightmare so I woke up, and because I was still on the tower, I climbed down and walked in the deadheads. Where I spot Minho. And cause he were at the lake I went into the water and pranked him by hiding behind a big stone. Then he jumped in the water and we kissed." I said. Frypans eyes lighted „Wait, so now you are a couple?" he asked „He didn't asked me to be his girlfriend, but he asked me on a date." I said „Uhh." he said I smiled and stood up to start cooking.
After we finished making lunch and gave it to the boys. Fry and me walked to the boys who sat on our table. I sat next to Newt and Chuck. We talked about everything. After we finished lunch and Fry and I walked back to the kitchen.
We were just about to finished the dishes, when someone came in the kitchen „You ready?" Minho's voice asked. Fry and I turned around to see Minho on the doorway. „Give me 10 more minutes." I said. „At the watch tower in 10 minutes." he said and walked out of the kitchen. Fry turned to me and nearly yelled „You have a date. You have a date." I quickly put a hand over his mouth. „Shuck, not the whole glade need to know." I said. I put my hand away and started to finished the dishes. Fry helped me and as we finished Fry pushed me out of the kitchen. I walked to the watch tower when I heard Fry behind me said „Use condoms!" I looked back and laughed. I continued walking to the watch tower. When I was almost there I saw Newt with a Towel over his forearm like a butler or something else. „Wha-„ I was cut of by Newt „Please climb up." I didn't questioned it, so I just climbed the ladder. As I reached the top I saw Minho sitting on a blanket, and in front of him was a picnic. I down with a smile on my face. „Do you like it?" He ask me „Yeah its beautiful." I said. „Do you want water or Gallys receipt?" Newt asked us. I laughed at Newt and said „A water for me." I looked to Minho who sat across from me „Me too." Minho said smiling at me. Newt climbed back up and brought us water and then climbed down. „So..How are you?" he asked me as we started eating some snacks. „Good. How are you?" I asked him „Now I'm good." he said, I smiled.
As the sun started to set and all the boys went to eat dinner. We sat next to each other, and he put an arm around my waist. I smiled and looked at him and he looked back at me then I lay my head on his shoulder. His grip on my waist tightened lightly. I smiled.
After the sun set and the stars came out. Minho and me lay down on the blanket. I had my head on his chest and we looked at the stars.
„Sky?" Minho asked „Yes." I said „Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked me I sat up so I could look at him. I felt the butterflies in my stomach. „Yes" I said smiling. I leaned over him. He put his hands on my cheeks and pulled my down so that we kissed.
I pulled away laughing and lay back on his chest while facing Minho.
„Come one we need to go sleep." Minho said. I stood up and Minho after me. We cleaned up and then went to the homestead. Minho walked behind me while hugging me from behind. I was on the way to walked to my room, to crab Minho's hoodie because I wanted to sleep in it.
„Where are you going?" Minho asked me „I need to find something." I said while walking in my room, I opened my closet and grabbed the hoodie and walked back out where Minho was waiting for me, he smirked at me as he saw the hoodie „Slim it." I said while walking in his room. I took my shirt of and put his hoodie on. He put his shirt and shoes off and lay down on his bed. I lay down next to him and faced him he kissed me and then my forehead. I closed my eyes and fall asleep.
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