27:Happily Married
Four Years Later
"Please welcome Park Jimin"
The name is being announced on the stage..now this is the time for Jimin's performance..Today he had a program..He will dance in solo..
The music started playing and a trail of light came on him as he entered the stage...The audience burst with sounds...yeah he has got more famous now...
Jimin started his choreography moving his body according to the rhythm ...the way he elegantly performing each move..The way he showcased his emotions through his dance ..it was perfect..as if one can see him dancing for the eternity..
Jimin felt a familiar pair of eyes from the audience looking at him in constant...
Yes..you are right..It's Taehyung..He is absolutely drowned into his beautiful husband's performance that his mouth was open unconsciously..
He got his sense when every one started clapping..and saw Jimin is bowing on the stage slightly smirking at him seeing his condition..Taehyung chuckled and got up from his sit to go to the green room of the backstage..
As he opened the door he found an over energetic Hoseok and a smiling Jimin in the room..
"Ohhh Jiminie..You dont know what you have done..Your dance was perfect..more that perfect.."Jimin is smiling at him getting so much praise from all the dancer but suddenly his eyes came in contact with Taehyung..He quickly ran towards him..
"How Was my dance?"
"Flawless..."..Jimin blushed and Tae pulled him by his waist..
"Just like you.."He slightly pecked his plump lips and the older hide his face in his chest..
"Ohh your husband is here now.."Hobi came smiling at both of them..
"Hyung..how are you and yoongi?" They three started talking..
Jimin is tightly holding Tae's hand..It's now the time of winner announcement..
"Ahh minnie...my hand's hurting.."
"You can't bear this slight pain fro me...hunh? Do whatever ..i am not gonna stop holding your hand.."
"But why are you worried this much? I am sure you will win.."
"How can you be so sure Tae? are you astrologer or what?"
"But I saw your dance..It was Just Fabulous.."
"Thanks..pls stop now ..I am tens.."Jimin cut off..
"The winner is .." Tae can hear Jimin's heart beat ...
"Park Jimin" Jimin jumped onto Tae's shoulder and Tae spun him around kissing his cheeks and Hoseok was jumping on the spot beside them..
"I told you Minnie..You are gonna win.."
"You are a astrologer then..."Jimin giggled and tae placed him on the floor..Jimin went to stage To take the prize..When he was getting the prize he saw a boxy smile at the dark of the backstage..
"Minniee.."Tae is trying to wake Jimin up at midnight..
"Minnie mouse.."
"Can't sleep.."
"NO..you are not fucking me now..I will die in tiredness.."Jimin rolled his eyes...
"Then at least turn your face to my side.."Jimin winced and turned to tae's side hugging his torso..
"Why can't you sleep..?"He was caressing tae's curly black bangs..
"I was thinking of something.."
"What?" Jimin asked curiously but also sleepily..
"If we bring a new member in our family.."
"Yeah we can pet another puppy or cat...Tannie will get a friend.."
Tae chuckled.."Minnie ..you are hopeless.."
"I was saying about having a child.."
"Ohh..wait..you mean adopting a child.."
"Yeahh..we are already 25 now..enough old for taking care of a child..right?"
"Hmmm..I think you are right.."
"I wanted to be a dad from my childhood...."Tae looked at the moon from the window while smiling..like he is wishing something..
"You have already told me this for almost thousand times Tae.."Jimin giggled..
"So what~.." he pouted and Jimin cooed at tae's cuteness..
"Can we adopt a child?"
"Of course Tae..What are you asking dude? I love children.."
"Thanks ..but can you stop calling me dude? as if I am your bro or something.."
"Yeahh sorry dude.."Jimin laughed and tae started tickling him..
"Tae stop..I can't breath.."Jimin is laughing and springing under Tae..
"First say sorry and say that you will not call me dude ever.."
"Okay okay..I surrender i will not call you dude ever again.." Tae stop tickling him but didn't let him go from his embrace..
"Do you want a boy or a girl.."Jimin asked
"I will love the baby no matter if he is a boy or she is a girl...."Tae answered
"Yess..I think Me too.."
Jimin smiled at the thought of having a baby in his hand while his husband, his love of life, Taehyung is hugging him from the behind..Both of them are smiling at the baby...A ray of sunlight is enlightening them..He sighed happily..
"Lets sleep ..It's getting late.."
"But I can't sleep" Tae pouted..
"Come here.."Jimin pulled him towards himself..and tae snuggled his face in Jimin's chest..
"Uhhmm..You are smelling like strawberry.."
"Hmmm..You are smelling like chocolate.."
"Cause I ate chocolates before sleeping.."
"You should gave me one.."
"I will give you one..tomorrow"Tae winked..
"Aiiishh..Nasty.."Jimin tried to pushed him away..but Tae snuggled to him more holding his waist tightly ..He pressed his face on Jimin's chest and gave butterfly kisses making the older titter."
Jimin started patting on Tae's and humming a song with his beautiful angelic voice..
And Yes that obviously helped Tae to sleep..
After few minutes he heard sound of snoring from the younger..
Now he will not be able to sleep easily cause of this loud snoring..
He was looking at Tae's sculptured face...He was looking more ethereal in the moon light which is coming from the window..
His smaller finger was tracing the features of the younger's face..Black curly hair bangs are covering the slender eyebrows..Dense eyelashes...sharp nose..sharp jawline ,pout lips..he is almost looking like a prince...
"Cute.."Jimin chuckled..
"How did I happen to be this lucky..How did this precious man fall for me ?" (A/n: Staab it chimchim!!🤧🤧🤧...)
Four years left..many thing has changed..but nothing has changed between this two..they still act like a newly married couple..they still love each other with all of their heart
Jimin pulled Tae's face into his own chest caressing the back of his head...He felt so lucky about the fact that he get to see this face before going to sleep and after waking up in the morning..he felt really lucky..and little did he knows that the man opposite to him also feels exactly same about him..
Hi Vminies..How are you ?😄😄😄
I think the end is coming gradually..🥺🥺🥺May be few more chapters are left ..idk
But i can give two good news..
1.adopting a child...happy ending obviously 😊😊
and 2. I promise a last smut...😏😏
Btw if you like this story then go , VOTE and COMMENT right now..
Stay safe and happy..Good Bye...and Yes I love you so much..🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘
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